Is he right? Is Doom 2016 as based as he makes it out to be?
Is he right? Is Doom 2016 as based as he makes it out to be?
Literally, figuratively, and metaphorically
There's some things you just shouldn't spell out. This is pure cringe, but it's also true.
Reminder Twitter OP images should be a bannable offense.
Its just a game of shooting demons, unapologetic and completely apolitical. Its not a release of pent up frustration neither a "counter" to the current trends. It simple is. It simply exists.
By that logic, any game that puts gameplay over transvestites is the same.
how do these people take themselves seriously?
Doom Guy is comprehensively anti-demonic and everyone who dabbles in anything demonic becomes corrupted.
no, new doom is fucking shit garbage
it's bethesda necroing a franchise they have no right to fuck with and making it worse than anyone could have imagined
How is it anti-christian when you're fighting against the demons?
Portray of satanic imagery at all, even if demonized, is still looked down upon by christianity.
Didn't you hear? Being apolitical is inherently rightwing.
Does that mean the Bible should be censored? It is THE original source of satanic lore, after all.
*Take that Soccer Moms
Those were the same idiots who thought Night Trap was about LETTING the girls be kidnapped
If DOOM16 is supposed to be your ace in the hole then the sargonites are really in dire straights. It's published by Bethesda for fuck sakes. Skeptic types will get a day of the rope right after Anita and the other irrelevant retards they prop up.
Boomers would probably say that trivializing demons by making them enemies in a video game is profane or something. Thankfully the christkikes are dying off en masse.
Gays are never right.
Gamers are fucking stupid.
I'm also glad people with morals are dying off so people like desmond is amazing can take their place!
It hasn't really had much of an effect either way, most big companies still dumped their studios into the Live Studios hole, most indies peddled unfinished shit since the roguelikes craze died, "AA" studios are still few and far between.
>twitter screencap thread
Guy is totally wrong. Its christian to kill demons and jews. This guy is an idiot. Jack Thompson? Fucken nostalgia goggles broski. Anita? More like Get Destroyed ANTIFA. Fuck this guy sucks
>Jack Thompson
Am I in 2005 or something?
>Blood and gore uncensored? Deal with it you jewish scum and p.s. the holocaust never happened but it should have
Wow fucking based
>Got tired of endless cutscenes?
Boomers unironically have no morals, not even saying zoomers do either.
Western europeans dont have morals besides what christianity teaches yes, only taboos.
>pent up frustration of gamers and the gaming community from being attacked over the years.
Then how about leaving us the fuck alone?
>a generation so degenerate they sold their country to the corporations, brought AIDs into existence, and let their alphabet agencies trash entire civilizations for literally no gain
You're confusing them with the people who actually fought for a better world. That was the previous generation.
The worst i remember is degenerate faggots becoming priests and touching boys. Never encountered kids in drag coached by drug addicted faggots.
I'm mainly replying to the christkikes part as if telling to tell blacks to become enlightened by atheism was great idea, they were somewhat controlled when lil (insert nigger moniker here) had to attend church.
What did they mean by this?
he does realize the point is to murder demons right? demons that only exist in his plane of existence because science went too far? If anything Doom2016 is the most Christian game published since Super Noahs Ark.
How is he going to explain slaughtering angels?
You mean it's Christian to worship Jews.
Please read the Bible and pay attention to our dear leader Trump.