Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?

Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Because I'm not GAY

Because Legend of Grimrock is not japanese

I'm so fucking thirsty for that HD collection.

But I am.
Final Fantasy IX, fucker. 10 hours in, this game is objectively better than the overhyped FFVII, and not as many people have played this game.

9 is the best Final Fantasy and only get's better as you go on. Have fun with it.

Because they are almost always painfully boring number simulators that typically have no challenge or strategy involved. The only thing they tend to have going for them is good music (which stands in jarring contrast to how laughably bland the games actually are) and a shallow anime plot, at which point you're far better served playing a VN or reading a manga or something.

Started up Knight of Lodis today. It's super slow. I like the idea of medals though.

playing ffta grinding out levels to get steal weapon

I'am. im replaying Persona 3 FES since i never played The Answer.

JRPGS usually have better combat, but terrible plots and characters. WRPGs tend to have weaker combat but are redeemed with their immersion and free gameplay. Even if it boils down to pressing left click to wave a sword at something until its defeated.

Fuck the roulette ability

Does Dragon’s Dogma count? Been playing it for the first time and having a blast. Currently going for a Mystic Knight vocation. Been also replaying TWEWY on my DS and really getting into the postgame as well.

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Shut the fuck up fat fag and take your ginger ass somewhere else

>genre has "role playing" in title
>you can't make choices or roleplay
>gameplay is simplistic turnbased clicking dogshit where positioning or any fucking strategy don't matter
>requires a lot of level grinding and gacha luck
>also includes VN part where you have to read countless meaningless dialogs and click "next" after every line, which is objectively worse than interactive cutscenes because in those you at least entertained by action

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I am though.

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last i check Caocom where still chinks and DD was an RPG so yes.


not a JRPG
>JRPGS usually have better combat
shut the fuck up you dumb underage niggerfaggot


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Do I HAVE to play one user? Why wouldn't I be playing anything else instead?

I am and it's fucking shit
Why is everything about this game so awful
Why do I keep playing it regardless
Why can't Level-5 just make Dark Cloud 3

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How is it not a JRPG?

yea that and the lvl ones are going be a bitch

based and POWERpilled

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the fact that it was made by japanese developer doesn't mean it's JRPG you fucking nigger.

been on the backlog for well over 2 decades now. The Xenoblade games are great. If anyone here has a Switch doesn't have Xenoblade 2 and you like JRPGs you owe it to yourself to play it.

By definition, it is a Japanese RPG. But it doesn't possess any of the staples of the genre, and most of the staples of WRPGs.
If someone asked you for a JRPG recommendation, they would probably not be very pleased by DD.

I'm playing this game for the first time right now and got genuinely aroused when i read this line. why did they make his mom so hot

But I am, user.

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It’s an RPG developed in Japan, though.

I just reached disc 4 of Final Fantasy IX and I'm hoping to finish it tomorrow. After that, I'm having trouble deciding between playing through The World Ends With You, since I hear it's supposed to be pretty short, or putting RPGs off for 2 weeks until Fire Emblem: Three Houses releases.

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The only people who complain about jrpgs are utter fucking casuals that haven't played anything outside of final fantasy and pokemon

>witcher 3 is PRPG, Poland Roleplaying Game
>baldur's gate is NACARPG North American-Canadian Roleplaying Game

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Xenogears is a good experience albeit pretty long but there's a lot of ambition and lore behind it. Give it a try when you can since the story is great.

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Currently playing Atelier Ayesha.

Pretty fun. Good music and cute girls.

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The thing that honestly annoys me the most, personally, is their insistence that every JRPG is turn-based and what not.

Name Three good JRPGs for the Switch.

use fucking google and read what this abbreviation means you dumb faggot.

That still doesn’t change the fact that DD was developed in Japan, user.

it's a genre you fucking mor

>you're far better served playing a VN or reading a manga
People point this out often but I don't think there's an anime/manga equivalent to Final Fantasy plots. It's closer to japs trying to emulate dnd with hollywood or love operas or some shit.

>JRPG = Japanese Role-Playing Game
So, by definition, Dragon’s Dogma is a JRPG.

>WRPGs tend to have weaker combat
I don't know how you could possibly argue that. WRPG combat almost always has more depth than JRPG combat, if just for the fact that most of them tend to factor positioning and movement into their combat system. Furthermore, they tend to more closely derive their combat systems from actual tabletop rulesets. This is contrast to most JRPGs, where combat generally is generally quite mindless, unexciting, and rote, and only has a chance at being -somewhat- interesting during boss battles. I mean, for fuck's sake, shit like ATB was created explicitly because JRPG combat was so mind numbing that they needed to spice it up a bit.

>witcher 3
lads. my normie friends clam it has combat that is just as good as Dark Souls. i think they are full of shit. They also thing the story is mature and gripping since there are nipples, and its kinda dark subject matter wise. Im i the odd one out in thinking that the combat and story where meh to ok?

Playing Octopath. Gameplay is great but story is dogshit. I’m 5/8 complete and only like Primrose.

im playing breath of fire 4 on my phone. its pretty fun.

>The only people who complain about jrpgs are the ones who played classic JRPG games

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Please tell me you’re not one of those dumbasses who think JRPGs have to be turn-based to qualify as such.

At this point I think you're baiting so fuck off faggot

Been stuck on deciding to start Persona 2, Cyber Sleuth or replay a Dragon Quest game on my DS. I've been like this for a week now.

I bet you wouldn't be able to beat Lost Odyssey's first boss without at least 5 retries.

Xenoblade 2
Octopath Traveler
Do you count Zelda as a RPG?
Battlechasers Nightwar while not made by the japs is turn based.

If the gaming gods are good Panzer Dragoon and Panzer Dragoon Zwei's remakes will do well and they will remake Panzer Dragoon Saga.

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first, go read up what word "genre" means.
second, go read up what JRPG means.
And finally third - kill yourself.

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Please tell me how Dragon’s Dogma doesn’t qualify as a JRPG. Seriously, I’m just dying to hear about what you have to say.

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I'm playing Atelier Rorona right now, I always love a fantasy jrpg where one of the characters just pulls out a gun

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too bad it looks like shit

>"look how stupid I am, am I stupid enough already? I can do worse"
yep, definitely a bait

yeah but it's on Switch so who cares

What makes Lost Odyssey different? I'm more than willing to try something that challenges my perceptions.

Are all the Xeno games worth playing?


>genre- a category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject
>JRPG = Japanese Role-Playing Game
And your argument here is...?

Any news on Grandia 1 remaster?

no fun games where you can play as a cute boy

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>still can’t come up with a decent argument whatsoever
I’m still waiting, user.

Mary skelter

already got my plat in it

>Grandia mother.jpg
Golly I wonder what game it could be

>Playing Octopath. Gameplay is great but story is dogshit. I’m 5/8 complete and only like Primrose.
The story is such ass. The game could have been GOTY if there was an over all story and the party members interacted more.

>breath of fire 4
The sprite work in that game is fucking elder god tier. It will never not be a beautiful game to look at.

>Grandia mother
i read it as "Grandmother" im just retarded. Thanks for the reply anyways.

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shit bait try better fag
>followed steps 1 and 2
>can't comprehend the definitions
lol nigger
Third step next? please

Yeah. They can be pretty long though but they're enjoyable.
Only game out of the entire Xeno series I didn't like was Xenosaga 2.

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user, i..

Still waiting on that argument, fag. Either come up with one and actually explain what you mean or keep posting like an autist. Your choice.

Because I hate nips

Xenogears is a visual novel with some game play and a story that could have been one of the most ambitions of all time if it was finished.

The Xenosaga games are very story and cut scene heavy. I dont like the game play but OST is great and the plot is ok to good. Its just teh act of playing the fucking thing that kills me every time.

Xenoblade 1 and 2 are also story and cutscene heavy but have a lot more gameplay and some really unique plots and worlds. I recommended starting with these. Emulate XB1 since its a wii game and it still goes for 60 buck easy. XBX is also an emulate since its the black sheep and only on the Wii U. XB2 (very minor plot relation to XB1) is on the Switch.

I already said everything, I can't help that you are unable to understand such a simple concepts.
I don't know If you're baiting or just genially a fucking retard, but enjoy your last (You)

Gameplay isn't really anything to talk about until maybe Xenoblade 1 onwards.
Storywise they all have their merits and are great to discuss.

IX is a shit game for literal babies, no wonder you like it so much.

friendship with JRPG has ended, now DRPG is user's friend

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>I already said everything, I can't help that you are unable to understand such a simple concepts
You haven’t said anything of substance whatsoever and frankly, you sound like a complete autist. Get fucked, faggot and actually come up with an argument instead of acting like a little bitch.

I LITERALLY just finished Dragon Quest V fuck off

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if only it had more than 5 fucking games in the entire genre

How do I into EO?

Next soon.


I'd love to see a remake or remaster of Gears with a finished Disc 2 though it'll never happen because of Square and since Takahashi has pretty much reused a lot of elements of Gears' story in every other Xeno game.

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My guess is Dungeon RPG.

xenogears is different gameplay wise from the blade games. Story wise it's like xenoblade 2 except a lot better, and that's saying something because I really enjoyed blade 2's story

Is Epic Battle Fantasy 5 close enough?

only play TWEWY if you playing it on a DS or 3DS. Otherwise you are getting a shitty butchered experience, this includes emulators

Is there any JRPG villain more kino than Grahf?

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they are all worth playing, even xenosaga 2 which isn't good because it builds up to 3

Grandia wasn't as grand as I remembered it to be while replaying it
How does the sequel hold up?

7 was better

This guy gets it. TWEWY is best experienced on its original platform due to how much it uses the DS hardware.

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Yeah out of all the Xeno games Blade 2 definitely had the most elements of Gears incorporated into it.
Hell Zeke is pretty identical to Bart and one of his DLC costumes references that.

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I sure hope you built a bunny harem otherwise you're getting beaned
Bangaa chads are Ok too

Can't find one that rly sticks for me, also beaten tons of the good ones like:
>Chrono Trigger
>Tales of Phantasia
>Final Fantasy 4-7
>Grandia 1-2
>Breath Of Fire 1-4
>Shin Megami Tensei 1-3
>Persona 3-5
>Lufia 1-2

play in release order if you're hard as hell
or start with 3 if you're a wimp

The first two games are broken as hell though.

No they aren't, unless you're a little bitch.

>>Shin Megami Tensei 1-3
>>Persona 3-5
Take Xenoblade 1 or 2 a spin, If you haven't Played Shin Megami Tensei Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2 they are good. same with Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner Raidou Kuzunoha vs. the Soulless Army.

i wont my team will be small i have 1 my assassin will be making blue mage and a beastmaster/morpher

yeah he's not even the best in his own game. krelian is better

Does The World Ends With You count? Finally got an actual DSi to go with my DSi-compatible flash cart and checking off some games I never got around to back in the day. This soundtrack is fucking nuts.

Is Star ocean 5 worth 10 bucks?

>Cool a JRPG thread
>search "Shadow Hearts"
>no results.
what has this place become? you all disappoint me.

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Yeah, it's a lightning in a bottle that I'm surprised was released by late 2000s Square of all things. The gameplay is fun and the soundtrack is still one of my favorites.

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Fun fact. When developing TWEWY and being given the choice between either putting in more music or cutscenes, the devs chose to put more music in instead to the point that it takes up a quarter of the game’s files. They even used algorithm usually reserved for voice-over work to compress the soundtrack and squeeze even more songs into the game.

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>Is Star ocean 5 worth 10 bucks?
its not worth the plastic it was printed on. its somehow worse that 4 in every way possible. (even graphically in some places.)



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TWEWY was the last "excellent" game square made before shadowbringers


Yeah the gameplay has taken a little while to get the hang of but I'm liking it. Also super glad that I didn't just pick up the Switch/mobile port. Mobile seems like it'd be awkward fat-fingering it and Switch seems like it'd be even worse with the choice of that or gyro pointer controls, not to mention the questionable price. Plus both versions ditch the dual screen thing, which the game uses really well. The DS wasn't well suited to a lot of games but man, when games made use of the dual screens properly it was something else.


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As much I would love to start singing Three Minutes Clapping, we should probably save that for an actual TWEWY thread. When one gets made, that is.

I find Lacan himself a more compelling character for how he holds a mirror up to Fei. I fucking love stories about the current generation of heroes having to pick up the pieces of a previous generation's failure.

You might like Lost Odyssey then

Playing The Legend of Legacy.
I'm still hunting this deathsaur from a few days ago but have been taking a break every time I find a wrathsaur.

The gameeplay takes a while to get used to but it's definitely an excellent use of the DS. As much as I'd love to play the newer rereleases with enhanced visuals, better audio quality, and new remixes, I think TWEWY is the most enjoyable on the DS because it took full advantage of the system.
Also it sounds like you haven't played through the entire game yet so have fun with the story. It's a wild ride from start to finish.

The battle system in this was great.One of the few jrpgs I've finished.

I’m finishing up DQ 3 right now actually. Does anyone know a good level to fight Zoma at?

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>tfw I still listen to the soundtrack even to this day
>tfw I still jam out to Deja Vu and Someday
>tfw Lullaby for You
Remember when Square used to be cool?

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*saves square enix*

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Haven’t played it yet since I’m not that big of an MMO guy. Is it still good to get into?


if you're willing to put up with a slow start yeah. Join a guild or find friends to make it better

On my second four job fiesta in ff5. Triple crown'd with knight/time/ninja/dancer pretty easily but omega was tedious. Now chaos/natural run with blue/blue/beastmaster/bard.

>Lullaby for You
Thanks for reminding me, user.
Unironically got misty-eyed when this song popped up.

Been playing this. Real fun stuff, it's just a shame that it's stuck on the Wii forever.
Emulation is good enough but not without its own hiccups

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I have the Switch version, but I've never been interested in controller/hardware gimmicks in games, so I imagine I'll be alright.

I've heard great things about 14 but every time I've tried to get into I just can't get past how slow everything feels and never make it past the trial. I've heard it's shit until the MSQ is over too which takes hours and hours. That and I'm not really hooked on the story either.
Is there any advice you have to endure the MSQ user?
I just want to get to the good stuff and raiding against Kefka and Exdeath sounds cool as fuck.

if you have the time it's worth investing. Otherwise you can play other shit. the base game has some cool stuff around the max level but the really good stuff doesn't start till the first expansion heavensward IMO

>Been playing this. Real fun stuff, it's just a shame that it's stuck on the Wii forever.
to bad Sakaguchi and friends only make phone game snow. Lost Odyssey is the real tragedy here. Sure you can play it on the X1 but who owns an Xbone? Let alone is willing to play last gen JRPGs. At least Last Story can be emulated.

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I am. I'm playing Bravely Second.

Has anyone played The Alliance Alive? I'm wondering if I should pick the remaster up.

I have an Xbox 360 I keep around for JSRF, Ninja Gaiden Black, Bayonetta, and other games. Is it worth checking out?

personally I think LO has some good ideas but a lot of the execution is meh. Game has a cult following who consider it an underrated masterpiece though, go for it if you have nothing else you want to play

>spend hours digging around for my old fat PS3
>go through the process of setting up a CFW
>dig around for a download for Lost Odyssey, surprisingly hard to find
>mfw i remember it was 360 exclusive

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If you want to play Xenogears then stop browsing Yea Forums and play it, faggot.

But I am finishing trails in the sky SC.
Pretty good game much better than the first one.
Should I skip the 3rd one? I read that Stelle isn't the MC and I don't really care about kevin.

I am playing The Last Remnant.

I have a question, assuming you guys know. I used spears on Rush since the beginning of the game, mainly because they are good and I had a feeling I'll never get materials for the strongest weapon (Sword of Seven). But now, I finished 5th Base and got Frostblade, which kicks ass. Is it too late now? Can I still learn good skills with it?
My BR is 49 atm, if that's saying anything. And I did every side quest so far, I think.

Also, is it bad idea to use 4 unions with 5/5/4/4 members?

Kevin is a fantastic MC and the game is essentially an epilogue that gives tons of info about the characters.

if you like Final Fantasy its pretty much what FF 13 should have been. its by Sakaguchi the OG creator of the FF games and much of the original FF team that left Square along with the Guchman. Its very good. the plot is about immortals that all have memory loss and slowly piece together why they have no memories and why they are immortal. All the characters besides Cook and Mac are some of teh best ive seen in JRPG history IMO. with honors going to Jensen who goes from a ladys man/wizard/con man/. to finding true love and semi changing his ways.

here is the TV trailer (one of the best for any game next to Halo Believe ad.)


the song is White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane (a famous song) it was inspired by Alice in Wonderland and Lost Odyssey takes some really neat low key inspiration from it. The game is probably the best JRPG from its generation. But you HAVE to read the "Thousand years of Dreams short stories. they take what is a good jrpg with fun characters and plot and turns it into an unflinching look at humans across thousands of years, and how we are stuck in an never ending cycle of violence. Capable of great feats of kindness and absolute horror/

This song actually fits incredibly well, holy shit.

Well, gameplay-wise it doesn't do anything different, it's pretty much just better Final Fantasy 9 with legitimately challenging boss fights, if you aren't prepared you will get your ass handed to you. At the time Lost Odyssey's gameplay was actually criticized for being straight up archaic, but I think if anything sticking to JRPG roots made Lost Odyssey a timeless classic. But the story and world are definitely something to look out for, plus it's amazing how good character designs by Takehiko Inoue look. Novel chapters by Kiyoshi Shigematsu are also a stand out, you legitimately just have a very good novel to read inside the game. It's not directly related to the plot, but it deeply explores its themes.

So, on top of having just a really well crafted, incredibly long JRPG on the surface, there are lots of things hidden beneath it that game doesn't particularly force you to enjoy, it's just there.

Its ok. I didnt think it was great but it had some interesting ideas.

the xbo has a small amount of great JRPGs that are forever stranded on it. Last Remenat and Tales of Vesperia managed to escape but, Lost Odyssy, Blue Dragon, and Infinite Undiscovery are still stuck on there.

Enchanted Arms. What is Enchanted Arms you ask? Ever wonder what From Soft did before soulsborne and in between Armored Core games and ignoring Tenchu? Meet Enchanted Arms. (Metal wolf chaos is a secret summon but ONLY in the 360 version.)

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Just got a hacked Wii the other day and since I dropped Baten Kaitos, was wondering what Wii/GC RPG's I should get (if there are any).

Already played Skies of Arcadia, Both Fire Emblems, Tales of Symphonia, and Xenoblade Chronicles.

Replaying Vesperia, not digging the ps3 additional content desu

Lost Odyssey has, without a doubt, one of the worst combat I've ever seen in a JRPG. And this comes from a person who loves turn based combat.



Fuuuuck this reminds me that I'm at the final boss of EO1, the big tree man

My party is fucked and I'm halfway through grinding up a new party member, but holy shit I just want to finish it. Wiping on that boss at 50% fucking sucks though.

Paper Mario TTYD (seriously)
Arc Rise Fantasia
Phantasy Star Online

I am, currently nuzlocking Pokemon Ultra Moon. Right before Totem Togedemaru

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Great game, too bad there are no other modern like it and it's sequel

Because I hate video games.

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Because I'm a cuck.

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Wow that screenshot looks terrible.
Either play the game on a CRT or slap a shader on Retroarch, i recommend CRT.Geom.
For added effect increase your monitors contrast and take the brightness down to around 25 if you use it at 50 normally.

seems like standard FF turn based stuff, bad but not the worst. What sets it apart? Never played but curious

>Great game, too bad there are no other modern like it and it's sequel
preach i picked up Grimoire Heralds of the Winged Exemplar on steam during the sale. It was a mistake. I have never played a game in my entire life that goes out of its way to be a chore to play and not explain anything to the player. Like i know its supposed to be like old dungeon crawlers but cmon. i dont remember them being this obtuse.


I was in a similar position except for stratum 6 boss, leveled a Ronin to 50 but then I lost my patience and simply defeated the fucker with levels all over the place. That's the beauty of EO that levels are ultimately insignificant compared to timing, proper buffs, counter skills and so on.

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You've picked up a literal meme game. Its only value was in following the batshit insane creator posting on RPG codex.

>he doesn't know

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Based and clevepilled

Literally nothing, that user seems just like a shitposter. Sure Lost Odyssey's combat isn't original, but it was a deliberate design choice.

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no, sape.

Oh but I am.

Can you get PSO online still? Obviously would need to be a work around/server but id be down to try that.
Arc Rise Fantasia is the game with the terrible voice work right? Might give it a go if i can find an undub.
Forgot about Paper Mario, ill get that now.
I thought that as an action game, not a JRPG. Ill look into it.

I'm sorry for your losses user. Whats your kill count?

Any good ecchi JRPGs worth trying?

Forgot pic

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How ecchi are we talking here? like nukige levels or like soft ecchi like Neptunia?

Finish ToCS 1&2 earlier this year. Just finished TitS 1 and start playing Tokyo Xanadu ex+ for a change of pace before going back to the 2nd Tits

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>You've picked up a literal meme game. Its only value was in following the batshit insane creator posting on RPG codex.
i found that out already. it was almost worth the 5$ i spent on the fucking thing just so i could discovery this autistic man and his shenanigans

i take it im missing something?

"playing" this made me realize from soft has been making the same game for decades

7, but 3 being fodder in totem battles so I can get a free switch in

>nukige levels
not but i'd like some Nukige recs. im a lonely man.

lurk more

Fuck Tokyo Xanadu. It's not a Xanadu game. What we need is for a modern sucessor to Xanadu Next.

Ouch, good luck to you user.

Supposedly Utawarerumono is suppose to be good.
But I'm not sure because I haven't actually played it.

>there's another stratum
What the fuck, I thought there was only 5. I'm at Lost Shinjuku or w/e it's called.

Honestly, the main issue I have is that my party comp is completely fucked
>originally had two buffers
>get all the way to the fourth stratum with this somehow
>literally no damage until I leveled an alchemist because I had a landsnekcht and protector, alongside a medic as my party
>get to big tree man, realized i needed some kind of way to debuff, so I leveled a hexer up to 35 and just lost any real drive to go further
God fuck

I dunno, I would say this is the first of its kind. Different enough from the Kings Field series and not as refined as the Souls. I like seeing a games company make the same game with minor improvements over the years. Like DMC.

Started with this one yesterday.
Screenshot courtesy of some steamuser.

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Play the meme games Rance and kamidori

To be honest, I've never played it online, just offline. Yes, there is a story. The game is not strictly online, as you may think from its name.
Apart from the terrible UI, the combat is slow, animations are too long and let's not ignore the Final Fantasy 9 syndrome - aka camera dance around the characters at the beginning if battle for no reason. Combine that with random encounters and you get Lost Odyssey. But ignore me and get the game. After a few hours you'll be quite annoyed.

I'm Here's my movesets, I've got a lot of coverage and know what I'm doing.
Leech life, bubble beam, frost breath, aqua ring
Aqua jet, bounce, aqua ring, rain dance
Revenge, fire punch, bulldoze, focus energy
Foul play, psychic, reflect, topsy-turvy
Giga drain, ancient power, brine, confuse ray
Flame burst, hidden power (electric), nasty plot, toxic

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Sape stuff is from a developer who spent 20 years developing an underwhelming dungeon crawler because he spent too much of his time shitposting.

I always reccomnend Aselia the Eternal and Seinarukana but they only have lewdness towards the end. Top tier wroldbuilding and gameplay. Not so much JRPG as SRPG though.

Well for translated games there's the Obvious Evenicle and Kamidori Alchemy Meister.

If your not against NTR, there is Leanne of the Legitmiate Crown, though its only translated with a hook.

Is FFIX worth €20? I beat 1 to 8 before, thinking of picking this one up as I have some free time.

If you liked the others yes

I went through all of EO1 without ever bothering with hexers. A Troubadour can also remove buffs, outright debuffs aren't needed at any point. IIRC the only troublesome aspects of etreant are getting past that annoying barrier move and watching out for your buffs to not get cycloned.
Unless you're talking Untold cause I'm not knowledgeable about that one.

>Enchanted Arms.
That's the one with the bad english dub?

I love jrpgs and loved Xenoblade, but if it weren't for KH3, Xenoblade 2 would be the most disappointing jrpg this decade.

>Is FFIX worth €20?
For pc, sure, looks even better with the AI graphics mod.

thanks my penis will be happy

>That's the one with the bad english dub?
the worst. its so bad its good.

>I love jrpgs and loved Xenoblade, but if it weren't for KH3, Xenoblade 2 would be the most disappointing jrpg this decade.
I didnt think XB2 was a let down. i know a lot of people feel this way. Why is that? KH3 was just soulless

Nah, original. It's more making things easier for myself. My original party comp was something like

But I swapped the ranger out for an alchemist quite early on, since I realized that I was doing no damage at all. I then swapped my troubadour out for my hexer. The main issue I had was my buffs/debuffs being cycloned, and I think the party wide stuff that came right after. At least, I think, it's been ages.

Everyone likes to hate on Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter but personally it has been one of my favourite JRPG's. Perhaps because I didn't have any expectations of what a Breath of Fire game was before I played Dragon Quarter. There are a tonne of reasons as to why people got turned off the game but generally it deviated too far from the formula and it was panned for it.

It was a roguelite before roguelites were even popular, had pretty good replayability and difficulty stayed consistently suspenseful throughout.

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>Everyone likes to hate on Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter
No. There's vocal hatebase but a lot of people loved the game too.
I consider it better than 1 or 2 at least.

I'm playing Trails of Cold Steel 2 right now. Supposedly it's one of the worst Cold Steel games, but I'm still enjoying it thus far.

Shit writing. Not "a simple shounen adventure that's more lighthearted than previous entries" but actually shit writing. A focus on letting random artists draw cute girls and then stuffing then into the game and creating a gacha system which completely ruined the gameplay. The game was okay, but not nearly good enough to be worth the 150+ hours like its predecessor was.

>Nah, original. It's more making things easier for myself. My original party comp was something like
>But I swapped the ranger out for an alchemist quite early on, since I realized that I was doing no damage at all.
Big, BIG mistake. Survivalist is by FAR the best class in EO1, both by being support king and damage king. What did you skill? Maxed out Multishot and Apollon deal ridiculous single target damage (though using element chasers on landshark is more convenient on normal mobs).
>I then swapped my troubadour out for my hexer.
Another mistake imo, boosted bravery and relaxation are fantastic for bosses.
The main issue I had was my buffs/debuffs being cycloned, and I think the party wide stuff that came right after. At least, I think, it's been ages.
resolve is the buff removal spell, cyclone is the neutral-element attack. That's why Survivalist is also great for support, he can use 1st turn after resolve hits to quickly re-apply a defense buff or heal.

The Last Story is an ARPG I guess but the combat is closer to the RPG side than the Action side, if that makes sense.
There's also no wagglin which is a plus to any Wii game in my book

Actually finished mine about an hour ago. Was mid 30's but I started with a Jester so had 2 Sages which helped a lot. Last time I think I was around either high 30's or low 40's. But honestly it really based on luck based on how often Zoma takes away the buff/debuffs. The main 3 are just Barrier, Sap, and Bikill on the Hero which would have your Hero do over 300 damage which is kind of needed.

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Honestly Kamidori doesnt have porn til youre around 15-20 hours in and what's in Rance isn't that good, but they're both great games. Kichikuou Rance and Toushin Toshi 2 might probably be my two favorite JRPG stories.

Xenoblade 2’s glaring flaws make it massively divisive. I ended up really enjoying it but not many people will love the good stuff enough to end up looking past its issues.

>Survivalist is by FAR the best class in EO1, both by being support king and damage king. What did you skill?
I have no clue. I went into this blind and had no clue about classes, what was best etc. I learnt through a friend later that I made a huge mistake. I think I was level 10 or so when I swapped it all out, so it wasn't that bad of a swap at the time.

I think I had leveled some DPS skill and not much else.

>Another mistake imo, boosted bravery and relaxation are fantastic for bosses.
That's why I kept the troubadour for so long - those two were super good for all the fights up to that point. I swapped them out since I was using Protector for it's buff and I figured that debuffs would be a good substitute since I was getting hit for so much.

>That's why Survivalist is also great for support, he can use 1st turn after resolve hits to quickly re-apply a defense buff or heal.
Well - should I look into releveling stuff? Otherwise I'll probably take another crack at it with troubador and see if I'll fare better.

Any jrpg worth playing exclusive to PS4? Seems everything ends up on Steam nowadays, feel like I should sell it and get a switch

No it doesn't.

PS3 and PS4 are terrible when it comes to JRPGs. I don't think you can play anything exclusive outside of Persona 5 and Bloodborne. Maybe Tales of Xillia on PS3 if you are into that sort of thing. With Ni No Kuni getting a PC release and Switch release it makes PS3 obsolete as a JRPG machine.


There's really nothing good about the Blade system which because it's completely tied to the battle system makes it literally the worse Xeno game in the "series" for me.

The Cyber Sleuth games are pretty good.

It's getting ported on Switch and PC

Because I am still waiting for Grandia HD faggot.

enjoy your 20fps cinematic experience

So other than Person 5 and Dragon Quest, is there any other triple A turn-based JRPG for me to play?

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Nope, you get AA only.
Enjoy your Octopath

Try a bunch of things and different builds (keeping in mind that resting costs TEN FUCKING LEVELS), but in my opinion you should always include a survivalist because they're so fucking good, you're shooting (heh) yourself in the foot and making the game harder without one.
My noob way of leveling in EO1 and 2 was
>kill bosses with 2 people: strongest attacker and guy you're leveling - add members if it's too hard
>rest 14 days with a level 1 character

my god killing party by the way, as you can see Medic was the only one who never rested.

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I dunno if Skies of Arcadia counted as a triple a but it sure blew me away back when it released

That and they're far from pretty good

Because I’m making a video in which I talk about one

>no new Etrian Odyssey games
>no EO3U to finish Arianna/Fafnir storyline
>no new good japanese blobbers in general
>no indie faggot has tried to rip off Etrian Odyssey and make a mod-friendly PC game out of it so we could make the fucking EO3U on our own

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I'll do that - thanks a ton, user. EO is fun but christ it's frustrating sometimes.

Sorry. Too moe waifu anime tropey for me. I love XC and XCX though!

alright Etrian fags report your progress

EO1 - all clear
EO2 - all clear
EO3 - all clear
EO4 - all clear
EOU1 - s2 (

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>Japanese "humor"

>All this EO discussion
>Too dumb to get through the first few floors of Millennium Girl

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Anyone pick up Dragon Star Varnir? Was it any good? Bored as fuck and looking for my next hit until Three Houses comes out.

Main series is good. I guess. But Etrian Mystery Dungeon--THAT is my kind of game. I just wish there wasn't any of that retarded fort-building shit.

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EO1 - Never played
EO2 - 2nd Stratum I think, been a long time.
EO3 - Finished Human Path
EO4 - Finished
EO5 - Got to 3rd Stratum
EO1U - Never Played
EO2U - Finished
EON - Got up to Narmer (dont remember name of area)

>want to play JRPG
>can't justify playing the translation to myself
>too lazy to play it in Japanese
>find another game and repeat forever

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>want to play jrpg
>buy the superior jp only release of the game and play it in its undiluted form
It's nice.

Because I'm going to start a new game in Beyond the Sword.

Should I play Persona 3 FES or SMT Nocturne, fellas?

>SMT Nocturne
This one, then when you finish it play Strange Journey.

Did she say the same thing in the japanese version?

What is Strange Journey? Is it related to 4 or is it a separate story entirely?

>separate story entirely?
This one.

It's Doomguy's origin story.

I play CRPGs now.

>levels are ultimately insignificant
well scratch what I said earlier, I was just reminded that levels in the original EO in fact DO matter since there's an awful damage penalty of 50% (!) when fighting things 20 levels above you, like my ronin did against stratum 6 boss. I don't know if the later games in the series made this mechanic more lenient or removed it.
lparchive.org/Etrian-Odyssey/Update 42/

I'm going to sleep but I was playing Digital Devil Saga earlier and I'm gonna play it when I wake up.

If I could be bothered to hook up my PS2 I would too user.

I recently got a PS2 again so I've been playing it a lot. You could try emulating DDS but I had problems with terrible fps in battles.

I wish I had the patience for persona 2's gameplay. Everything else seems great.

I'm playing Soul Hackers on and off but Caves of Qud has drawn me in so I might be away from it for a while.


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The developer believes he is of neanderthal decent, neanderthals who spent hours carving intricate stone art, and that is why he was able to create the greatest game ever, and able start the incline of the dungeon crawler genre (which had been in decline). Sape is a derogatory term for Homosapians.

not sure where interest in xenogears came from in Yea Forums but i approve

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Xb2 got me to finally play it

I just woke up and I am watching an anime because the next episode airs today

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But I am

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Is dragon quest builders 2 a JRPG? If so I'm having lots of fun with it.

Sweet, at least something good came out of that game.

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it was a good game

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Because I'm too busy drawing porn.

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>casually browse /v
>xenogears everywhere

today is a good day

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Should I pick up DQ11 now or wait for the switch port?

Played too many in the last 2 years. Random battles and turn based have been ingrained in my brain too much. The only games I might visit are finishing Vagrant Story which is somewhere past 9 hours in and I am lost as fuck and maybe Terranigma but the beginning was beyond slow.

>confess to my mom
>she says we can't do anything
>instantly regreat telling her

>play 40 hours into a 60~ hour JRPG
>feel like a need a break for a little while so I don't burn out
>start playing another JRPG
>get 2/3rds of the way through that
I just can't escape the cycle

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Last beat Final Fantasy XV, Ys Origin and The Ark of Napishtim.
Trying to catch up on Borderlands. I can't wait for the Grandia remasters despite the changes. Looking forward to starting over Dragon Quest XI on the Switch when it releases.

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It was not.

It was because I had fun

I generally stop when just playing the side quests and main quests isn't enough to stay up to level with the game wants me to be.

Fun is genuinely a buzzword that's meaningless when people are trying to talk about whether a game is good or not, because all you're doing is saying "I liked it" without being able to articulate what was good and bad about the game and why the good outweighed the bad.

And Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a democracy as per their name says as well, right?

In that case the burden of proof isn’t on me. Not that I wanted an argument either way.

>Should I skip the 3rd one?
Don't do this disservice to yourself, user.

>In that case the burden of proof isn’t on me
Stop talking like an idiot redditor. You said it was good. Someone said it was bad. Then you said "It was good because..." which is the part where you're supposed to form a coherent thought to explain what the game did good. "It's good because I liked it" is stupid. Don't be stupid.

I wasn’t the first to make a statement about its quality, and I don’t see why I should care to elaborate when I am just saying that I disagree because I personally got something out of it.

>stop being an idiot
>i'm not the idiot you're the idiot, stupid
>fuck you i'm stupid you idiot moron, asshole
>nuh uh i'm not a moron you're the moron, assblaster

Was a comfy JRPG thread lads. I'm off to bed. Have a nice weekend. Again thanks for the thread, good to see some people on Yea Forums can still post and hangout while talking about games.

Also play Lost Odyssey if you haven't

>I wasn’t the first to make a statement about its quality
No, but you were the first one to try to explain why it was either good or bad, and the reason you gave was "it's good because I like it." That's fucking stupid.

>Also play Lost Odyssey if you haven't

It's a good game but it sucks it's locked to the 360

Idiot hipster. 9 is easily the worst of the PS1 FF games. Lazy budget bullshit that wasn't even meant to be a mainline FF game.

The first two Shadow Hearts are such amazingly underrated games. To this day I've never played anything quite like them again.

Wish there were more JRPGs where you play as grizzled old men.
Bishounen MCs are great and all but when you've been playing as them for decades straight you start to want something different, ya know?

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I'm playing Dark Souls.

I am

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So? It was an extended "I disagree". There was no reason to provide an actual argument until he did. I dont see why you’re so mad about it.

good taste, V is the greatest.

>and much of the original FF team that left Square along with the Guchman.
Stop talking about shit you don't even know, fucking Sakaguchi cultist, the original FF team disbanded after FF2, there has never been a stable FF team after that and most of the actual people who did work more or less often on the series are either at Cygames or still at Squenix.

There is one on the snes like that.

It's one of my favorites, I'm not sure how the remaster will end up but it's a great game.

Not same user but:
Director and story writer Hironobu Sakaguchi, designer Hiromichi Tanaka, character designer Yoshitaka Amano, scenario writer Kenji Terada, and music composer Nobuo Uematsu returned from the two previous Final Fantasy games to contribute to the development of Final Fantasy III.

I guess Octopath Traveler counts?


>Naming Bartz Locke
Fuck You.

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>Can you get PSO online still?
Technically yes, but literally nobody plays the console version servers. If you want to play it with others it has to be the PC version, which has a living private server.

Just play a wrpg then

I could do that, but then I have to play a WRPG

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You could play the EOP version of Nier.

His name is Butz and there's nothing wrong with renaming characters in final fantasy games unless maybe your first FF was XII.
I've done 3 ff5 games this summer with the fourjobfiesta, and I've gotten starting thief each time and I go with different names each time. 2nd: Zidane, 3rd: Locke.

Already ahead of you pal. Though I say will say, a lot of the time you can clearly see the influence of BrotherNier in FatherNier's behaviour and dialogue, and it can be real jarring at times both how the character himself acts and how other characters treat him.

As much as I love FatherNier, playing through as BrotherNier felt much more natural

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I do like some nice low poly

Never played the EOP version, only the real one. When I got to the scene where Kaine woke up and told Nier he'd grown into a fine young man, I laughed my ass off thinking of all the people here pretending to be "real" fans for playing Nier before Automata got popular, knowing that they played an amazingly butchered version of the game.

It also doesn't make any sense for Kaine to fall for the father Nier and for him to sacrifice himself for her.
A 20 years old grown up fuckboy brother Nier on the other hand would certainly rather sacrifice himself for her knowing that she will take care of his sister.
Not to mention that 9S, de-facto protagonist of Automata, is a mix of brother Nier and Gideon

I like you did as a baby?

I'm not a fucking weeb

>Does Dragon’s Dogma count?
Yes, it's a Japanese RPG.
Dragon's Dogma is a JRPG though.
In the context of that user's comment, Dragon's Dogma IS a JRPG though.

People need to learn the difference between "JRPG as a genre" (which people can't even explain) and JRPG as a Japanese RPG.

>my god this game is a good rpg from Japan
>JRPGs can't be good, thus this is not a JRPG
This is the average thinking process of hurr not a jrpg fags. Ignore them or call them retards.

And the truth lies somewhere in between

nice strawman faggot
Dragon's Dogma fits every word in "Japanese Role Playing Game", while your Korea comparisson is horseshit.

Some people care more about the Japanese aesthetic than they do any underlying game mechanics.

Fucking hell despite the shit voice acting Grandia made me feel things. Probably tied for best ps1 rpg

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I am

and it's so fun!

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Xenogears is a bit of an overwritten mess, to be honest.

If Soulblazer counts then. I just finished it in one sitting. I immediately go to sleep afterwards since playing it for 8 hours straight is quite tiring.

why would you play gs in Japanese if it's localized as of 17 years ago

>Does Dragon’s Dogma count?


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Are you going to continue with Illusion of Gaia and/or Terranigma, i.e. play the rest of the "Soul Blazer series" (as much as I dislike to call it that)?

imagine being an English only Pleb, disgusting

does this count

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Yes. God yes.

God fucking DAMN what the FUCK did they do to Grandia holy shit this is what that HD collection is gonna look like????

Wrong as always, OP. I'm finishing Ys VIII and will probably start up TitS the 3rd.

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Your first mistake was playing The Last Remnant

I am playing Rune Factory 4 undubbed on citra.

Not yet but I got 3 days off in a row next week and I plan on starting Xenogears since I've been meaning to get to it for a while. Already installed the undub, any advice or things I should keep in mind for when I start?

I'm playing Suikoden, actually. I was playing romancing saga 2 but it's pretty boring and I don't like the RNG nature of actual character growth (not to mention enemy scaling) so I passed after defeating the third hero.

yes but of course you have it for snowblind I think its called. If this is your first playthrou dont worry about it.

personally on unions I would go 3/3/6/6/

Ah, yes. Devil may cry is my favorite JRPG.

Fixed it

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yes, advice, uninstall the undub, instead of being a weeb faggot play the game as it was intended to be played. Or play the jap version if you want to actually experience it in japanese.

>Lufia 2

SNES or DS? I think I liked SNES more. Those puzzles are amazing

What are some good examples of JRPGs actually doing something with their dungeons/puzzles? I can only think of Lufia, Wild Arms and Golden Sun as common examples but what else?
Also, any good examples of Dungeon Crawler style level design?

whats the most grandia-esque jrpg for pc?

Explain your reasoning here.

>personally on unions I would go 3/3/6/6/
And 5 is the limit.

it's japanese, and it's a game where you play the role of dante. JRPG. That's your logic isn't it? It's a jrpg. japanese made role playing game. thus it's my favorite.

it's not a gimmick, theres really no point in playing it if you dont have the original hardware. It's a different game entirely

Oh I thought it was strange you were at the base and had final 18.

I hope your talking to the duke of ghor after each base so you can recruit him.

Not even the guy you initially responded to but you don’t even level up stats in DMC. That is some backwards logic you got there.

Grandia has got to be best one i’ve Ever played, I went in not expecting much but I turned out to be one of my favorites of all time, I wish it was more popular

I'm obviously making fun of that dipshit for saying dragons dogma is a jrpg, user.

See usually I'm fine with dubs it's just the voice acting I've heard from this game really sucks so I figure if the option is available to change this then why not take it

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>I hope your talking to the duke of ghor after each base so you can recruit him.

I love my Valkyrie Series, never got Hrist though :(

Yeah Grandia 3 was my last grandia game. Don't think they made any other.

It is, you stupid fuck. How is it not a JRPG?

>It's a different game entirely
Aside from input methods, what changes?

Mario RPGs have some pretty decent puzzles but thats moreso beckajse they're platformers as well

Its been like 2 months since Ive last played Etryan Oddisey, 2 quests that I cannot complete are mentally stumping me from continuing on. Bar lady needs a level 30 Samurai and I cant recruit samurias and the Guild has the dumbest rite of initiation by having me stay in one level of the dungeon for 5 fucking days.

I did some Monster capturing in FFX last night, as well as beating 5 of Belgemine’s summons and getting the Cloudy Mirror and the Sun Sigil. I’m low level but I could manage to beat the Cactuar King if I Trio of 9999ed and didn’t screw up Wakka’s Attack reels. Espada doesn’t seem like it’s happening. Prob gonna go beat Defender X, get Yojimbo, and capture in that cave later. I’ve also been playing Dragon Quest IV but sorta fell off.

Not him but the ports, due to having to be adjusted for single screens, got rid of the dual screened gameplay of the original for more focus on Neku in battle. Instead, you now summon your partner with a pin. Not only do certain boss fights get really dragged down by this (like pic related and the bat boss from Chapter 3 for examples) but it also takes away from the themes of the teamwork and trust that the original embodied with its gameplay. Also, it just feels too slow in comparison for my liking.

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Waiting for the HD re-release to play Grandia again, even though I have both the Japanese Saturn original, English PS1 game, and have it loaded on my otherwise useless PSClassic.

Xenogears is the second best game I've ever played. The gameplay isn't the best in the genre, but it still gets the job done in most cases. The story is the best of all time though. Just know that development on this game was cut short and Disc 2 is basically an outline of what it could've been, but still tells the story.

Xenosaga, play it if you want. The first one was ok, but a major letdown after Xenogears. The gameplay was now just bad and the presentation of the story is a great example of why any director needs to be kept in check. The cutscenes could use a lot of editing and the magic from Xenogears just isn't here. There's a good story to be told, but it just isn't as motivating as gears was.

The second game, avoid like the plague. Combat is the worst in ANY rpg game ever. Watch the cutscenes on youtube, but know that this is where the whole franchise was beginning to make cuts too as you will see in presentation here.

I never really played Episode III. I liked what I played of it though and I hear it's easily the best in the series. I will need to check it out again someday.

Never really played the Xenoblade games much, so I couldn't tell you about that. But basically, check out Gears, and check Saga if you want - just know that the second game in Saga is absolute garbage though.

Grandia 2 on steam

>Combat is the worst in ANY rpg game ever.

At least it's not this.

Attached: Hold O to Win.webm (640x360, 2.66M)

>why would you play the proper version of a game instead of the shitty localization that only people who don't know better think is good?
What the fuck kind of question is this?

justins mum was literally the hottest girl in the game

I’m a bit burnt out from JRPGs right now. I want to play all the Trails in the Sky and Cold Steel games before the third one comes out later this year since I’ve never played the series before. It seems like a lot of effort though and I can’t quite find the motivation to start. Thing is I know i’ll be hooked when I start playing the game and get a few hours into it. For some reason taking that first step and starting the game is always the toughest part for me. Unless it’s a brand new release that I’m super excited for, in which case i’ll play it right away.

This what the fuck happened
why does it look like a severe downgrade when it could play fine on a fucking ps1

are those portraits from a mod?

Played both, FFXV's is better. As bland as it is, at least FFXV's battle system didn't draw itself out on random battle encounters that would last up to 10 minutes in XS2

Okay user fess up, where did you get that picture from because the original version of grandia doesnt look that bad and the hd collection version doesnt either


Same, but I'm not in a hurry. Games aren't going anywhere, and I'll probably be caught up by the time CS4 is translated.

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so what's actually wrong with gs' English localization?

Anyone played Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume?
I remember playing a good bit of it a while back but stopping because I was a shitter and I'm trash at those kinds of games. Might give it another shot some time

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The problem is that you're not nearly as clever as you think you are, and in trying to make your retarded joke you forgot that the rpg part of jrpg has a clear definition that involves levels and stats.

There's no point in trying to explain all that's lost in translation to someone who doesn't know Japanese. Even a "good" translation can only really serve to get the point across and not butcher the original tone and dialog too hard.

Don't let the TWEWYfags fool you. The combat is gimmicky in both versions, it's just more gimmicky in the DS version. The game isn't very good either way.

What are some JRPGs without levels?
I can only think of megaman battle network

>Combat is the worst in any rpg ever
You clearly haven't played Hoshigami

Vagrant story.

Nothing, just a classic meme that came from the 80s when localisations were awful

>the game isn’t very good either way

Because I have this stupid OCD to grind levels for demons in SMT until they learn all their available skills before fusing them even though I don't end up passing on some of those skills. Because of this 95% of my playtime with SMT games is grinding in areas well after they've stopped giving level appropriate EXP and I end up quitting and leaving the games unfinished.

Literally nothing, the game script itself was reasonably well done.

Neck yourself

FF13 sort of, the game had a level cap that was increased as you progressed the story. Meaning grinding could only get you so far.

I think I just got older but I feel like I have no time for these games.

I did. I remember there was some mechanic... something about overrkill your enemies for bonus points which, in the end, would affect the rewards you get after a battle.

Kinda enjoyed it, to be honest. I should replay it.

Sorry, I just saw this reply. Be kind and tell why don't you like this game. My main problem is that... It doesn't explain anything. When I played X360 version I had no idea wtf is Battle Rank, I didn't watch any video or read any walkthrough, and I honestly have no idea how the hell was I able to beat Absolute Conqueror without entering and grinding in Ancient Ruins. Plus, X360 version was fucked up because the game limits you in how many leaders you can take in battle.


I'm not, but I'm playing Jeanne d'arc, does it count? I'm enjoying it so far.

The Last Remnant is a very complicated game, grinding makes the game harder because enemies level along with you, but they are very good at allocating their exp, so if you arent too, they will overpower you easily.
If youre going to play again, definitely use all the documentation you can. the game is a nightmare.

But I am playing the game, I am this fag
I just wanted to know if it's too late for me to develop sword arts on Rush.
From my understanding, and please correct me if I'm wrong, the best way to raise stats and ''level up'' weapon's arts is to have high chain aka kill count. So, if I go to Ancient Ruins and kill countless enemies and raise my chain to few hundreds, I will level up weapon's arts faster?
Also, is it my imagination, or your characters learn new skills even if they don't attack? But in order to learn new arts, you must pick a specific command in battle (attack with combat arts). Because, there were times when I wiped the whole field of enemies in 1st turn (with Pagus' Caustic Blast IV) and certain characters developed new weapon Arts even though they didn't attack that turn.

IIRC, something like this is present in Romancing Saga 2. Your stats go up even if you didn't attack, but you need to pick the command.

A friend bought me Jade Empire, so I'm playing that before I get back to my unending backlog of JRPGs.

Hey anons; can someone recommend me a good JRPG with Romance in it? Along the lines of Sora no Kiseki you know.

Starcrawlers takes some vague inspirations from it when it comes to the level exploration but the focus is more on the combat and factions and not puzzles

play western blobbers

Attached: Might and Magic 6.png (640x480, 272K)

Does Shiki from the Alliance Alive count

Off the top of my head, standard picks:
Phantasy Star IV

Sora is kinda hard to beat considering it has two games dedicated to Estelle and Joshua's relationship, but the above might interest you.

With a character like Joshua as one of the main characters and an entire game about metrosexual fashion in a shopping center. I'm pretty sure you have to be a fag to like that game's "urban style".

>Retired vet drinking his sorrows away
>Won't join you initially 'cause of tragic past
>Offers to join after story event
>"Heh, one more ride, huh?"
I will never get sick of this trope.

Attached: Shiki.(The.Alliance.Alive).full.2103913.jpg (1920x1080, 1.41M)

Natural Doctrine, if you hate yourself. It's on Vita too.

He was pretty good, never could decide if I should go all in on either sword

>Natural Doctrine
Oh God. No.
Exist Archive and Grand Kingdom. True, they are on VITA, too, but nowhere else.

I've been playing pic related

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>not liking what is essentially JSR as a JRPG
I feel sad for you, dude.

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should I?

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I min-maxed him with regular swords, but I should've went greatswords considering how strong they are.

Sorry user. I'm just not gay enough to like Nomura's fag style.

>not liking the qt shopkeepers or cool shopkeeper bros
You sound like the real faggot here, user.

Attached: twewy shopkeepers.jpg (1101x1449, 964K)


Finished Earthbound a few days ago and now I'm onto Mother 3. Absolutely in love with these games

>what you like cute girls, you must be gay
user get shock therapy

Don't EVER stoop JSR to TWEWY's level, you peon!

Still too high. I enjoyed it last year, but it's pretty average.

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You’re right, TWEWY’s better than the original JSR gameplay wise. Future is great, though, and I still enjoy the original.

>what you like cute girls
Considering your taste, I highly doubt it.

Except cutest girl there is first row second from the left, and she was a cunt in the game. Either way, Joshua's gayness overpowers any cuteness.

If it counts I'm playing Rune Factory 1 as my first game in the series. Not really sure what I'm supposed to be doing other than farming a shitload and killing bosses but it's still pretty entertaining.

>TWEWY’s better than the original JSR gameplay wise
TWEWY gameplay is dumb gimmick controls, too many clothing options that do too little in terms of actually changing gameplay, and running in circles helping people make ramen or fix the lights for concerts. Don't you dare compare it to JSR.

He’s only there for like, what, a week and 2 days? Also
>implying any amount of gay can overpower /ss/

Attached: ara-ara.png (512x384, 22K)

Twewy sucked you delusional notalent assclown.

He's the driving force of the game and he's in your face for half of it.

A poorly translated throwaway line isn't /ss/. Don't sully the good name of /ss/ with that fag game.

>what are the QTE graffiti sections?
>what are the rival racing sections?
>what is clunky as hell control scheme?
>what is the inability to replay levels?
Outside of the aesthetic, the gameplay isn’t much to sneeze at.

Read my post again, dumbass.

Doth thou desire the power?

Attached: Grahf.png (250x194, 37K)

I'm playing Rogue Galaxy right now and it's pretty dope. Persona 5 too and it's okay. Only Persona game to hold my interest for more than a few hours.

Also tried playing Tales of Destiny on ps1 the other day but combat is slow and weird. Going to wait until I finish some other stuff before I give that an actual play.

>TWEWY sucked
And you swallow.
>fag game
>when Neku attracts almost every shopkeeper in the game

They're too long.

I desire faster text speed.

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Besides the fact that it's more entertaining to stare at a blank wall?

>when Neku attracts almost every shopkeeper in the game
He literally doesn't. I don't know what kind of shit they put into the EOP version, but the shopkeepers are either generically polite, or outright cunts when you don't buy anything. You're an idiot, and you needs to stop pretending your fag game is /ss/.

this world needs more elly

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JRPGs, like most Eastern entertainment, is either badly translated (and nobody cares), or just isn't a adequate for my sensibilities vis a vis I like a good story, first of all, and second of all, I'm not big into any kind of grind. Most JRPGs have some nasty kind of grind. It wouldn't be so bad if the gameplay was compelling, but most of the great JRPGs are not known for their mechanics, not really. The only good Final Fantasy is Tactics (not the original, you want the PSP version) which is good because it has gameplay in the fucking title, so you know for this one at least Square bothered to make a piece of entertainment instead of cater to weird ass R9K incels.

9 is the best ff and 7 is the second best. both phenomenal games though, glad you're enjoying it

Also, to add onto to this, not only will the shopkeepers gradually open up to you, but they’ll even start to ask you to take them shopping with you, take you out for tea, or trade mail addresses.

Attached: mail addresses.jpg (640x422, 110K)

Is this fresh bait or did you steal it from somewhere?

Is this series worth playing?

The first one is. It's on the easy side but still a fun game and a pretty nice story. Second one sucks


>no options to skip text
how the fuck did they get away with it?

I'm on some real shit. It's true. I started out because some fuckers on AOL "RPG Chat", AKA RPC, were hyped for FF7. They'd all played FF6, but I'd never heard of the shit. I've always been a WRPG guy: Baldur's Gate, Gemstone, Terris, Diablo 2, MTG, D&D... I bought and completed FF7 several times, not because I liked it, but I kept feeling like something awesome was gonna happen just around the corner, that there would be some amazing payoff. And it did have a "good" story, like you care about the major plot points. But the damn thing is so disordered in a variety of other ways, I can only see that period of my life as a waste of fucking time. Additionally, the same hype train chugged for FF8, which I bought, couldn't stand, and from that day forward had a chip on my shoulder about RPGs. Since then, my go-to genre is the first person shooter. Dusk, Quake, FEAR, Half-Life, Amid Evil, Painkiller, etc. Only RPG I fuck with is WoW classic/vanilla.

Shitposts should be short and straight to the point. If you're making a wall of text then you're trying too hard.

Guess they assumed the only people playing it would only have a first grade reading level.

Devil May Cry is not an RPG, so how could it even be a JRPG?

Lufia 2/3

It was amazing

I would give frost blade to Roberto

I think it was a reasonable assumption

>Most JRPGs have some nasty kind of grind
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Most jrpgs don't have grinding and you only have to grind if you suck. If a game actually makes you grind, it's shit.

Some recommend me a more unknown RPG for 3DS or DS

7th Dragon DS

7th Dragon
Infinite Space
Knights in the Nightmare
Rondo of Swords

There's a hack you can apply to the game that lets you speed up the text in case you're interested.

How's TWEWY on Switch? Never played it, but heard plenty of good things about it and the port is pretty cheap.

The gameplay is simplified compared to the DS version and the motion controls can be a pain in the ass for some, though I have heard that handheld mode is good. I’d personally recommend the DS version but if you don’t have one, the Switch version is fine. Just remember to get a stylus for the touch screen.

Can you recommend something good though?

It's impossible for me to play DQ4 without falling asleep.

Just roll a dice and pick one.

Is that part of the "undub" patch that also swaps O and X buttons to their Japanese version and fixes some typos?

i think you're asking for just a bit too much power there user
and of all the games that could've had slow text scrolling, it had to be xenogears, fucking hell

Honestly? Because I grew up playing on PC and I don't even know where to start after missing the entire genre for so many years

Because Xenoblades hasn't been ported to Switch yet.

just play them you retarded fag, you asked and got spoonfed now don't complain

This is the reason I've never finished Gears. I read twice as fast as the text appears and after my memory card was corrupted near the end of disc 1 I've never had the patience to replay it.

I forgot to specify I was looking for good games and all you listed was pure shit.

how's the story? I stopped around the time you meet the 3rd companion

Final Fantasy V would like a word with your wrong ass.

emulating Vivian's game, fuck NIS America for moving the release date on PC to 2020

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I can't help a shit taste nigger. 7th Dragon is great.

Do they still make jrpgs? I mostly emulate PS2 these days. I know they had some on portables. Played some Persona 1 and 2 innocent sin on the psp.

it only ever becomes more of a slog on disc 2 which compounds every bad point of the game and plays like a visual novel. it might be one of the 'classics' but if you weren't entirely invested after disc 1, i can't recommend completing it.

Go back to Bioware general fag

Pity she never showed up again.

Don't use him.
I wonder, why are they releasing The Alliance Alive HD; but not Legend of Legacy, too?
Also, I I would love to see The 4 Heroes of Light HD, but SquareEnix is lazy.

fuck off. have you even played any of them?

Go drink bathwater

No, but it can be used along with the 2.0 patch.

you type like an autist

>I wonder, why are they releasing The Alliance Alive HD; but not Legend of Legacy, too?
unfortunately very few people consider TLoL to be a good game. I personally love it despite its flaws, but I can undestand the somewhat harsh criticism it got.

I'm about where you were when you quit. It's alright could be better could be worse.

I'm probably going to drop SMT4 soon. It's not very engaging and frankly I'm tires of the constant enemy crits wiping out my demons. I don't know if it's some antipiracy shit or not, but I never had any problem like this with Nocturne or any other SMT. Seems like every other fight the enemies are getting crits like crazy.

Did you even reach tokyo

Stella Glow

this seems to make Baldur's gate at least bareable

Yeah but I'm just bored.

I've seen someone doing speedruns of Xenogaers with a fast text speed hack of some sorts so that might be an option

I don't mind the amount of text in Xenogears. I just hate the fucking font.

Are any of the early Tales games worth playing?

One thing I just can't get past in wrpgs is the ugly art. Portrait art in particular is bad, and what makes it worse is how it clashes with other things in the game, or even with other portraits.

Because I’m too busy playing other ones to play this.
Guys. I love FFXV. It sucks but I love it. Am I crazy?

>Phantasia (PS1 version, it's Japan-only so get it with translation patch)
>Symphonia (aka Phantasia's prequel, but avoid Dawn of the New World)
>Destiny (people will attack me for recommending this)

Yes, it's shit.

Its not the amount of text, its how fucking slowly it crawls and how you cant speed up or skip any of it

>he thinks he's in muh sekret klub for playing FFIX

I've played Symphonia, have the HD collection so I was thinking of playing New World sometime. What's so bad about it?

I was mostly curious about the PS1 entries. Guess I'll check them out

Nah. It's not as bad as 13 and 7.

SMT IV is pretty mediocre, they decided to get rid of any defensive stats so everything is a glass cannon. Also all demons are basically identical with only resistances and HP/MP values differentiating them. IV:A fixes all that shit for the most part and actually gives you boss fights that last longer than 3-4 turns, and just overall less instant kill bullshit. That said SMT IV is ridiculously easy as a result since you can nuke most bosses, especially since nearly all of them have a weakness

Because they're too long and tedious.

Then play a short one like Chorno Trigger, Shadow Hearts or Grandia 2

Dawn of the New World is not the worst Tales, I played worse (don't ask me why because I don't know lol), but compared to first Symphonia it's just... bad.
It just seem unnecessary. It's more like a game that is here just to fill the void, while using the cast of a character from one of the most popular Tales games. You have a different cast now, and by that I mean only 2 characters - Emil and one girls whose name I forgot. And you have monster catching/raising mechanic (similar to Pokemon, I guess), and the characters from previous game appear, sometimes they join you for one part of the story, but they are almost always useless. IIRC, you can't even level up them. The story takes full 180 and almost nothing from first Symphonia is not mentioned here, while in Phantasia - which is first Tales game and, I know I repeat myself, Symphonia is a prequel to to - you still deal with the same issues. Mainly, hate toward the half elves.

I wouldn't call Symphonia a ''serious'' game, but it sure was more serious and mature than DotNW.

>table top games
Also have sex.

I made few grammar mistakes here (English is not my native language, sorry), but you get the message.

>I play a dead genre now

Uncharted Waters New Horizons

>combat is the worst in any RPG, ever
You haven't played Planescape Torment.

Funny thing, combat in Xenosaga 2 is my favorite in that trilogy. No joke.