When people refer to Windows gaming as "PC" gaming, they are selling their description short. Let's talk about gaming on Linux, BSD, Haiku, Kolibrios and other operating systems.
Alternati/v/e Operating Systems
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why would you not just use windows
Unless devs drop windows, linux will never be viable.
I use Bunsenlabs. Pretty much everything I play runs great with Steam and proton.
If you're gonna break anything more than a copyright law you're not gonna do it on a gaming PC you fag
>why not just eat shit?
Not true
A substantial portion of the Windows only Steam library works with a one click install via proton
Not to mention Valve and AMD's work on the free driver stack for Radeon graphics cards.
pic related
You're playing catch up. A complete portion works with one click of the play button for me. Nobody wants to wait until games are dead to play them.
So basically if you use anything other than windows you're a pedophile
NetBSD is going to be getting modern WINE soon, along with DRM support for the Linux compat layer which will soon allow for Steam to run.
i ate shit before its not that bad. i would never have known if i never tried. i dont know why people act like shit is the least appetizing thing in the world. there are many things that taste way worse than shit does.
I bet you did, faggot.
>You're playing catch up. A complete portion works with one click of the play button for me
Tell that to the OSX userbase which has substantially less games available despite being a mainstream platform. Valve has deemed Linux to be more important because they are thinking ahead.
>Nobody wants to wait until games are dead to play them.
Most new games that I want to play coming out work just fine on launch day in Proton. Things will only get better from here.
Things don't need to get better for me. They actually work.
Meanwhile your operating system makes you deal with the following things that make Windows not work:
>The Windows Registry
>Constant small writes to the disk requiring an SSD for even the most basic desirable snappiness, and even then it is not guaranteed
>A poorly designed barbaric pagefile system
>Spyware baked into the OS as kernel level with no way to turn it off
>Case insensitive filenames like DOS in 2019
>Forced updates and rolling release philosophy
>less consistent UI design than even GTK (that's saying something)
>NTFS, the worst filesystem ever made spare it's predecessors
>no true user safe mode
>cryptic error messages and debugging hell when a problem eventually arises
>mandatory reinstalls every so often to maintain speed of OS
>Walled garden environment where Microsoft wants to give you no freedom to use your PC how you want to
I could go on but you get the point.
At least I got games.
I do too. Probably more than you do if you take into consideration how shitty pre XP game support is on Win10 vs how well they work in WINE.
Wine Is Not an Emulator
this looks like complete shit
Sure, if you're too retarded to know about compatibility mode.
>not using moebuntu
This looks like complete shit
this looks like complete shit
>Adware built into the fucking Start menu
Wintards are seething itt
Fun fact: the new Linux AMD shader compiler that Valve is helping develop apparently allowed Nier: Automata to achieve 12% greater performance than what is capable through running the game natively on Windows.
LMAOing @ ur life
nvidia shill detected
More like someone who likes drivers.
AMD's free drivers on Linux perform better than equally spec'd nvidia cards do on Windows. They're not called novideo for no reason.
Any good games for Temple OS?
Many good games are built into TempleOS. They were programmed by Terry himself. There are also various others that can be found by spelunking online thanks to the community.
Try providing an actual rebuttal instead of posting epic thumbnail impact font images you saved from Facebook.
My rebuttal was as good as your drivers.
That's funny, because AMDGPU drivers are phenomenal and your post is shit.
He does it for free. These (You)s are delicious. They are about as delicious as the fact that you don't even have to install AMD drivers on Linux because they are baked into the kernel and work out of the box.
AMD drivers? More like dumpster fires.
Did somebody say house fires?
Nobody said that you illiterate nigger.
All Proton does is give developers yet another excuse not to develop games natively for Linux
>bitches about copyright law
>uses Steam
>waaah waah mommy told me everyone i dont like is a dumb kneegrow waaaah tyrone didnt give me any cummies in my cheerios this morning ill never forgive those god damn NIGGERS for depriving me of my rightful zinc filled nourishment
>allow for Steam to run
big mistake
Die Gabe. I will never give money to Valve and I will never pay for a download.
>>Constant small writes to the disk requiring an SSD for even the most basic desirable snappiness, and even then it is not guaranteed
>>A poorly designed barbaric pagefile system
just disable pagefile, and use your RAM. free RAM is wasted RAM, right?
>>Case insensitive filenames like DOS in 2019
good, fuck UNIX philosophy
>NTFS, the worst filesystem ever made spare it's predecessors
hello ext2 & 3
>>cryptic error messages and debugging hell when a problem eventually arises
t. never program, prolly relies on scripting language like JavaScript
dilate, trannix.
>Sure, if you're too retarded to know about compatibility mode.
Yeah, let's just pretend that always works as intended dispite its notoriety for not working.
>Works on my machine!
No it bloody well does not, it's so unreliable that I can say with certainty that anybody who claims to have had it work for even a moderate amount of games is lying.
>No it bloody well does not, it's so unreliable that I can say with certainty that anybody who claims to have had it work for even a moderate amount of games is lying.
This is the god's honest fucking truth right here. Fuck compatibility mode.
>just disable pagefile, and use your RAM.
Not possible on Windows. You can disable the main swapfile and it will continue swapping on a smaller one anyway. It is impossible to truly disable disk swapping on post XP (or at least post Vista) Windows.
>ust disable pagefile, and use your RAM. free RAM is wasted RAM, right?
Not possible
>good, fuck UNIX philosophy
The ability to have case sensitive filenames has absolutely NOTHING to do with the UNIX philosophy, so even if I were to humor your retardation about simplicity being stupid, you still wouldn't have an argument
>hello ext2 & 3
Those are both better than NTFS, but regardless, even if they were not they are both deprecated and not in use, while ext4 shuns any MS filesystem that dares to look up upon it.
>t. never program, prolly relies on scripting language like JavaScript
Speak English please. Your thoughts are so jumbled that you're blindly incoherent.
>dilate, trannix.
dilate more, trannix
>Still using Windows 7 while shilling for Microsoft products
Have fun when your OS runs out of support and you're forced to use Wangblows 10, kid.
I'll be fine in 2030
Embedded Standard dies at the same time as regular 7. You have a bit more of a grace period with POSready 7 which doesn't die until October 20201, but after that you are truly fucked. If you can't even do your research on these things, how can you expect anyone to take you seriously?
>compatibility mode.
not him but that shit is top placebo
WINE on the otherhand is stupidly magical it just werks voodoo shit
winetricks also helps if you're retarded like me
Don't even bother trying to argue with somebody who tries to shill about the longevity of something that can't even run on a single modern CPU.
WINE is shit and runs well 90% of 40% of the time. There are so many games you have to tinker around with and some just flat out never work.
It's honestly better than nothing. Native support would be ideal, but many developers just don't have the people or the interest in making Linux ports. Running Steam on Linux and playing even Windows games on Linux shows Valve and developers that people are in fact using Linux.
>Using a server OS
>for gaming
kek @ ur lyfe, user.
Sure, if you enjoy single-player games, Linux can work (with a pain in the ass to get said work to work).
Multiplayer? You're fucking lying, nigger.
>Easy Anti-cheat updates break it every fucking update
>have to wait to play it
>Windows: It just werks™.
>Epic Spyware Store bought Easy Anti-Cheat
>Only Anti-cheat about 80% of companies use now stops working on Linux shit.
Linux is fucking dead.
I'm sorry you can't play Fortnite on Linux.
Seriously though, name one game worth playing that uses Easy AntiCheat. I'll wait.