Why do journalists hate Mordhau?


>Mordhau lacks the specific developer sentiments that were seen in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, but promises a similar level of “historical authenticity” in its "fictional, but realistic world", which has fueled the anger of many players on social media and forums against the inclusion of possible other genders or races into the game’s currently all-white, all-male battlefields. Whether it intended to or not, Mordhau’s depiction of medieval combat as one nearly monochromatically white has made it a hotbed for harmful ideologies that see the Middle Ages as a ethnonationalist fantasy. It's an especially odd choice to locate the game within a fictional setting that is somehow even more parochial and ahistorical than most popular versions of the middle ages, which are often keenly interested in the clashes and interchanges between cultural and religious groups.

>If this was not an intentional design (and I’d like to hope it was not), and the developers were simply working under assumptions they believed were true, it’s hard to fault them--after all, they were working from the same popular culture depictions of medieval race that thousands of creators had before, each built on the same feedback loops of “authenticity” dating back to the Romantics and the Enlightenment scholars that constructed the fantasy in the first place. It is a legacy of obfuscation, designed specifically to play into the biases of early ethnonationalist scholars, artists, and politics. It is a legacy that lives on through not only unintentional depictions of a homogenous white medieval Europe, but through the adherents of modern white supremacy and white nationalism.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Because the devs didn't bend over backwards and suck their dicks when they started crying about diversity.

>The idea that medieval European society was wholly (or at least, mostly) white Europeans is flawed on a number of levels, as explained by Dr. Helen Young, medievalist and professor at the University of Sydney. The construction of race as we know it today happened after the medieval period, generally during a time period of medievalist scholarship in the Enlightenment period of the mid-1700s, and had a distinct goal in mind when theorizing a mythical white middle ages, which would allow for colonialist and xenophobic ideologies to have an historical foundation.

>However, lacking a coherent narrative of European racial dominance of the Middle Ages, many eighteenth- and nineteenth-century scholars took it upon themselves to invent new hierarchies of race among Europe and the world, leading to the modern concept of European whiteness as a blanket racial term that synthesized the “grandeur” of the Greek and Roman states with the “barbarism” of medieval fiefdoms. By folding in the Greeks and Romans into histories of European whiteness, the military might of the Romans, as well as the intellectual milestones of the Greeks before them, could enter a narrative of a grand, white history.

>It’s easy to use a defense of “historical accuracy” to wallpaper over deliberate decisions made by development teams that allow for the possibility of appropriation by racial hate movements and ideologies. Unfortunately, the history of many actual medieval locations is far less clean-cut than fantasies of pure white racial hegemony may suggest, as the borders of medieval Europe were host to a great number of travelers, conflicts, and cultural exchanges that affected the racial makeup of Middle Ages European societies, such as Umayyad rule in Spain in the mid-700s and flourishing trade with African societies along the Mediterranean coastline.

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Because they didn't kiss the ring and agreed to censor players. It's that simple. Journos want power before anything else and if you don't bow to them they will try everything they can to destroy you.

Simple answer: Chivalry 2 is on Epic.

>These works of media created a “feedback loop” (as named by Young) of readers and players assuming that “accuracy” in medieval characterizations was defined by other works, which were in turn influenced by other biased sources, culminating in a view of “authentic” medievalism in media that more or less looks the same as any other depiction of the Middle Ages in media. This homogenous landscape actively created fanbases that judged deviance as “inaccurate,” even as medieval scholars urge that the Middle Ages was more complex and more diverse than the popular visions may depict.

>Not only is this a gross misrepresentation of historical concepts of medieval societies, but it offers a dangerous space for white supremacist movements to take hold, claiming that “authentic” portrayals of medieval Europe look a lot like Mordhau: white, male, bloody.

>This was not only a claim made by Enlightenment scholars looking to craft a “scientific” theory of race, but of Romantics of the mid-1800s, searching for racial and cultural histories to undergird the nationalism of the period. This was the era of the romanticized Middle Ages, of grand artworks depicting a storybook medievalism and a re-examination of folklore and myth to support national histories.

>Just as the construction of race pointedly solidified whiteness as the most powerful race, the construction of a racialized Middle Ages made white nationhood the dominant narrative of the era. Unsurprising, then, that white nationalists would find refuge in uncritical depictions of the medieval. And thus, we come to Mordhau. Or, more accurately, to the fanbase that Mordhau has attracted, whether by design or by accident.

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>Dr. Helen Young
>University of Sydney
>Irish Woman in Australia
That's all I need to know, into the trash

What are you implying?

>why do European devs make European games that have Europeans in them?


>The idea that medieval European society was wholly (or at least, mostly) white Europeans is flawed

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Americans are obsessed with race and think every part of the world should be a mixed race shithole like their country

Technically Islam and North-African/Near Eastern people were trying to violently invade Southern Europe so it's not entirely wrong, but the idea of a 'multicultural' medieval is entirely fiction.

>>However, lacking a coherent narrative of European racial dominance of the Middle Ages, many eighteenth- and nineteenth-century scholars took it upon themselves to invent new hierarchies of race among Europe and the world, leading to the modern concept of European whiteness as a blanket racial term that synthesized the “grandeur” of the Greek and Roman states with the “barbarism” of medieval fiefdoms.
So the argument rides entirely on the idea idea that we're not sure what the ethnic makeup of Europe looked like in the Middle Ages.
If that's the case, what's wrong with making the cast mostly white? Anything goes in this case.
This is, unironically, a call for forced diversity. The idea that you NEED to have varied ethnicities for the sake of it.

>>Just as the construction of race pointedly solidified whiteness as the most powerful race, the construction of a racialized Middle Ages made white nationhood the dominant narrative of the era. Unsurprising, then, that white nationalists would find refuge in uncritical depictions of the medieval. And thus, we come to Mordhau. Or, more accurately, to the fanbase that Mordhau has attracted, whether by design or by accident.
The article is taking a shot at the game... Because it potentially appeals to white supremacists. Man these people are unhinged.

What a load of intellectually dishonest bullshit.

But we have multiple references from the Tudor era where they mention how black people coming in with Catherine of Aragorn's retinue were seen with shock and fascination.

I also take issue with them declaring that, because the Umayyad's had contact with Spain and Sicily was ping-ponged between Muslim Corsairs and Italian ambitions, that means there should be black men in Poland or entire communities of mystery meats in Germany. I think as a modern society we have seriously underestimated just how recent the idea of traveling hundreds of miles in mere days actually is - as late as the 1890s, going on a "vacation" to, say, Asia as a British person was seen as something huge and momentous, a gap year thing.

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Do these people seriously believe there were a bunch of niggers running around medieval Scotland and Germany or something? There werent even hardly any niggers in these places in the fucking 1940s let alone 1000 years before that.

>So the argument rides entirely on the idea idea that we're not sure what the ethnic makeup of Europe looked like in the Middle Ages.
>If that's the case,
We have a pretty good idea of what the ethnic layout of Europe was, it was not some multicultural mix as they would like to argue.

They didn't cave which means that they didn't legitimize the retards that got outraged over the game.
And they absolutely hate that.

Tudor era isnt medival

Yeah yeah, I'm saying that the game isn't at fault EVEN IF every single Middle Age scholar was a history-obfuscating whiteness-worshipping racist like the author/professor would like to believe.

>whitey bad nigger good


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>non-europeans in charge of european history
Sasuga, modern journalism.

Name one black medieval king.

Yes, they honestly do believe this. These people simply cannot fathom that life then was not as it was now, and their ignorance for history shines so, so clear in these articles.

Like, take a step back and just read what they're writing. Entire paragraphs of "smart" sentences full of complex words and emotionally-charged arguments that don't actually say anything. Empty calories, word salad. They're not presenting any evidence to challenge the assertion of a "homogeneous middle ages," and the only ones they use (Umayyad Spain and Southern Italy) are swiftly forgotten about in favor of continuing to bitch and moan and whine and wail about how dare they, how dare they have lots of white people in this game.

It's legitimately frightening how you have an "esteemed" news site like VICE posting intellectually dishonest drivel on par with Holocaust revisionists or Flat Earthers. That's literally what this article is at it's core, "gosh, I really hate what they're doing here... Look at this tangential evidence that supposedly proves our argument."

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Irish women are not to be trusted.

Kedus Harbe.

Because people, Yea Forums included, give them fucking clicks when they write articles about it. Stop giving them attention for fucks sake

Sasuga Yea Forums learn to wiki

That alone is already enough to go straight into the trash.

>Why do journalists hate Mordhau
Because the devs told them to use the mute button if people saying knigga bothered them that much.


You're right but his point actually still stands, because the world only got more interconnected after old Roman trade routes were repaired and new ones were established. It can be assumed that, if blacks were a shock in Tudor-era England, they probably were/would have been a shock in the Early Middle Ages or Late Middle Ages.

Maybe not in Roman-era England though.

Irish girls are Goddesses, though. inb4 butthurt anglo

>Irish girls are goddesses

>Hundreds of thousands of depictions of entirely white people in most of europe
>Cite dozens or hundreds of exceptions as "europe wasn't mostly white"
Come on now.

>give them fucking clicks
>not knowing what web.archive.org is

I thought Irish women would realize they're actively despised by Globalists and are getting overtly written out of our cultural memory through redheads being replaced with black people.

the devs just don't care. That's why.
the devs aren't as vehemently altwight as the kingdom come devs, they just don't fucking care. They made a game and didn't pander to anyone but people who would PLAY the game. The game has been a massive success so far, without any pandering, and only now do people show up and claim it's got issues? Where were they during development? Where were they in beta testing? Why did they only notice that "long running racist forum thread" recently?

I highly doubt the devs were going around looking for historical sites, they were interested in gameplay, the combat, rather than the actual historical features of all the characters that die in 5 seconds.

>write stupid shit
>people click on it to read it & get angry
>make millions

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Why can't white people have their own countries?

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I'm a bit confused as to why a scholar of medieval history is busy making a meta-sociological argument ("there's a feedback loop of pop history") instead of, you know, actually showing us sources that black or otherwise dark-skinned people were common in Europe to justify inclusion in a video game during that era

If it were so common, it'd be a cinch to prove right? But they spend no time doing that, they just circle the wagons and say "modern pop history is a lie folded on itself" without actually proving or disproving anything.

I guess the Christians did clash with the Muslims, they could add in some Arabic characters

>Yasuke exists
>Therefore battlefields in Sengoku Japan should be 50% black

>Cite dozens or hundreds of exceptions as "europe wasn't mostly white"
Dozens or hundreds? I wish it was that much - all they ever mention is Southern Italy and Spain. That's all they ever talk about. These exceptions apparently prove the rule that Europe was a heterogeneous melting pot of blacks and browns that somehow disappeared right around the 17th century.

These are the descendants of Norse colonists.

Not European, african king. fuck off faggot
Name one black medieval king.

go woke, go broke.

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They did, but commerce is intrinsically cosmopolitan and the rise of the merchant class over kings, parliaments, and dictators guaranteed the death of your idea

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I know what it is. Don't act like posting it through the archive link isn't giving them free advertising which will lead to future clicks. Remove their ad revenue and they'll eventually shut down but no gotta act offended everytime a vice journalist says something about tranny knights of the middle ages instead of just ignoring them. You're no better than fucking lefties.

> #
>Not European, african king. fuck off faggot
Meant for this nigger

you can make tanned people

This, once telecommunications and transportation made the world smaller, it was only a matter of time until the Have Nots will move where the Haves are.

journos like to promote EGS because they said they wouldn't allow problematic games on their service, where steam allows pretty much everything (eg. Hatred).

>race didn't exist in the medieval period, which means it was as racially diverse as modern day america, so you're racist if you make a medieval game where the characters race is white, which actually didn't exist yet, and doesn't exist now
interesting stuff

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Medieval Europe was almost all European. That's literally the facts.

You can cherry pick the odd individual, but you can also cherry pick the off European down in Egypt or Mali fighting as mercenaries. That doesn't change the fact that Egypt was almost exclusively all brown and Mali wasn't mostly exclusively black.


Kingdom Come developers did get really deep into the historical records of the region

>Remove their ad revenue and they'll eventually shut down
This has already started to happen, VICE has been having some serious financial issues and the barrage of sexual misconduct allegations (wow, who knew "male feminists" are often predators? It's not like we've seen this happen a hundred times before) has been bleeding their social trust.

Here's what you need to remember about shit like this:

It's easy.

These people don't like video games. They don't play video games. What they do like is staying employed, and if they aren't putting out pieces that generate views, they'll lose their jobs.

And there is nothing, NOTHING, easier to write about than social outrage. It takes no evidence, no serious thought, and can be entirely based on conjecture. So these people will write it, because it's easy. Oh hey, this game has a white protag, my next article is ready. This game has a female protag and she's showing some skin, next article ready. So on and so forth.

There's no point in getting outraged by these opinions, because utlimately? It doesn't matter. And the autists (read: "writers" and "social media managers") who come to sites like this to post their bullshit shouldn't be enabled. Posting shit like this should be a bannable offense.

>1 paragraph of evidence
>8 paragraphs of "no this naughty and racist"
How about you flip these ratios if you want to convince people.

>which has fueled the anger of many players on social media and forums


Maybe we should start pushing for Africa and Egypt were white blondes meme?

Can you have CURVED SWORDS?

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>nobility looked down on peasants therefore black people
Thanks doctor.

>make millions
Vice is literally on the brink of extinction. Same with Kotaku and other "journalist" sites that share the same mindset.

This is textbook goalpost moving, you turd of a man. Next time say "name one nigger who did anything remotely worth mentioning in Europe from 900-1300".

Great, let's keep at it then. They should never have been able to survive this long in the first place, like most so called online journalism.


And I obviously wasn't referring to them in my post. They did their research, because they wanted to make things accurate.
Mordhau is about accuracy in regards to combat, not historical battles or shit like that, why else would you be able to throw beartraps out on the middle of a battlefield willy nilly? It's fucking stupid that anyone's responding to this garbage.

"whites" are the indigenous people of europe

Yasuke exists and his achievements included being black in Japan so obviously he deserves a movie....instead of you know...making a movie about actual Japanese people.

>Vice is literally on the brink of extinction

Yeah you'll be saying that 10 year from now too.

>literally rewriting history for views
>these people are allowed to have a job

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>journos like to promote EGS because they said they wouldn't allow problematic games on their service, where steam allows pretty much everything (eg. Hatred).
It also doesn't have a robust review/curator system which made then obsolete.

Post-truth politics means emotional evidence is every bit as viable as physical evidence. We are quite literally in an age where, "that makes me feel bad" carries the same weight as, "this is bad because it does X to you."

white "people" of "europe"

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Holy shit. They found four (FOUR!) paintings of dark people in armor. Clearly this means that a typical medieval battle was at least 50% POC and depicting one otherwise is racist.

imagine being a sentient thinking human being and thinking video games harbor nazis because you cant play as a nigger

No it's not it's called CONTEXT you literal autistic nigger. We were talking about EUROPE, this whole thread is about EUROPE, I don't need to state explicit boundaries and geographic locations when asking that question, you were supposed to understand that when the whole subject and thread revolves around EUROPE bringing a nigger tribe ""king"" from Africa doesn't count, just like when discussing global warming you can't bring the moon climate as an evidence since the context is earth.

Understood, nigger?

It probably depicts the same nigger 4 times, which makes it even sillier.

>circular logic
>btw there were travelers and conflicts with non-white nations therefore medieval Europe was full of niggers
Oh my god shut the fuck up

>Dr Helen Young
>University of Sydney
Ah yes an excellent source of information

Holy shit just play D&D or something for medieval fantasy at least that setting could support gay furry nigger twinks and nobody would bat an eye

dont bother. next week they'll write another clickbait article and they'll all flock to it like the retards they are

>The construction of race as we know it today happened after the medieval period, generally during a time period of medievalist scholarship in the Enlightenment period of the mid-1700s, and had a distinct goal in mind when theorizing a mythical white middle ages, which would allow for colonialist and xenophobic ideologies to have an historical foundation.
holy hell, i'm just a simpleton but is the idea expressed here really that medieval europe was multicultural but they didn't see race so they didn't record it then some people came along later and started claiming it was just all white?

When people say a journalistic website is going to, "go away," they often don't mean it's going to shut down. Even Gawker still exists after it died screaming to Hulkmania. What people are going to see happen with VICE is a retraction of influence, a shrinkage in their operations. And that's happening, it's been happening for well over a year now, like with HBO severing their relationship with VICE .

>can't talk about the moon impacting Earth's climate
You are one retarded fucking mongoloid.

You racist, dawg.

They are literally using england in the medieval times.
Black people weren't there and if they were they were treated as freak shows to be ogled at in the dungeon, simple as.

medieval ages by definition is tied to europe history. It's not a global time period, it's a description of time and place. Nice try though tranny.

Why the fuck are they wasting time adding niggers and women when they game only has like 4 maps?
Holy shit, stop being retarded and listening to these idiots.


Why is slander and libel thrown out so openly nowadays? Don't they have laws against that?

There were way more white people in Africa during the mud huts times than black people in Europe. Way more white people, actually.

Alberto Barbosa

Remember when Vice was that based guy going to North Korea and sitting in a hot tub with trannies instead of this subversive shit?

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>moon climate, ie temperature of the moon surface, is the same as moon impact through gravitation and reflection on earth
once again this nigger proves his stupidity.

The rank dishonesty of this article is astonishing.
>Europeans at the time didn't think of themselves as white, so they weren't
>Romans and Greeks weren't white
>Umayyads in Spain and trade with africans means that nonwhites were common

you don't understand user, it was so multicultural they didn't see race so they didn't record any then some white people later made up that it was all white.

I mean, it's not like Mordhau is realistic.

No actually you fucking racist we dug up some cat ranching blimp in Sydney that says racism didn't exist until the 18th century and England is the cultural home to sub saharan Africans

>Why the fuck are they wasting time adding niggers and women when they game only has like 4 maps?
They are?

you forgot the t.

>Don't they have laws against that?
Yes, but you have to press charges and go through court hearings, which cost money and take time and put spotlights on you shining into places they really shouldn't shine. It's like asking why celebrities don't go against those throwaway magazines you see at the checkout line at the Supermarket - they're absolutely libel and slander, but it's more trouble to target them than it is to ignore it.

Which really puts these people into perspective, doesn't it? VICE is no better than those magazines saying Adam West raped his grandmother or Batboy stopped the Nazis.

>trying to change the subject from the fact someone googled the name you brought and caught your lie.
Nice try faggot. Now name one black european medieval king (protip: read medieval definition first) or stfu


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They've said repeatedly they're going to add women and niggers to the game. They don't want black people to just be a tone-swap either, they want to go all out and accurately model their niggery faces.

Holy shit you're one dumb strawmanning faggot.

I wonder what's gonna happen when the obvious brigade attacks will happen.

liberals literally think medieval europe was full of blacks, and nazis came, killed them all and rewrote the history

Completely and utterly fucking based. Only way to kill a journalist is to stop reading their articles.

Remember when the coked-out whore giving you a blowjob was valedictorian at her High School?

Times change, people change, the BASED of today will be the CRINGE of tomorrow. Sic transit gloria mundi.

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There is a scene in a 17th century German picaresque novel, Simplicius Simplicissimus, where the main characters gets spooked when he sees a Black servant after breaking into a house at night.

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Well there were mongolians and turks pretty close.

I imagine most people will have gotten bored of the 4 maps by then and moved on, so, the overall disruption will be quite mild.

>Why the fuck are they wasting time adding niggers and women when they game only has like 4 maps?
They aren't. Women and groids will never be added simply because they'll never actually get around to it because they can barely keep up with essential development tasks like real content, bugfixing, and balancing. The only way any non-white skin options are getting in is if they do a crusader themed expansion, which seems unlikely given the rapidly declining playerbase.

They're just bandwagoning at this point.

The devs straight up tell them "It's just a video game"

I don't think that at all and think this situation is very ridiculous. Stop generalizing dick head

>Caring about a game that came, made it's impact, and went.

No can do. They are trying to rewrite history to fit minorities so when you complain about them invading they will reply
>dude they were always here didn't you see Lancelot on BBC?

>flourishing trade with African societies along the Mediterranean coastline.
Americans and Anglo thinking north africa is coal black is fucking embarassing.

You believe that blacks were the same as whites in medieval europe? Yes / no

>dude they were always here didn't you see Lancelot on BBC?

>Le "History's a whitewash" Doctor.

>Mordhau is doing much better than Chivalry ever did
>Chivalry 2 announced on EGS
>suddenly Mordhau is racist, a haven for the alt-right, historically whitewashed because medieval Europe was always a 56% african mutt land

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What is this? Red pill me.

The Americans already beat us to it.

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It's all so tiring, isn't it?

Is this one of those "a black man could have fucked some bar wench and the haflbreed spawn proliferated across europe" thing?

Ignore, it's a shit game, literally a tumblr fanfiction made by some emasculated norwegian boomer.

It's incredible how you can be a blatant revisionist who's theories are entirely unsupported by even a shred of physical evidence and still somehow end up with a Phd in said subject. Really makes you think.

Read that as u mad ayy

Here you go. Nowhere does it say "Europe".

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More nonsensical, anti-white historical revisionism.


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>We live in an age where people fall into hysterics when they see crowds of white people in one place without any "diversity" injected into the groups

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Close, it's
>some black man carried wine barrels across Poland in 1329

>sourceless picture
reminder that in the middle age, drawings of foreign lands were don't by people who never travelled in their life, and just drew their own city with weird people and creatures they imagined based on traveler story.
Hence the armors and castles in painting of africa or asia. The best part where the animals. If a giraffe was described as "an horse with a lon neck", then the artist would literally draw that, a horse with a long neck.
Remember that when traveler explained cotton came from a plant, the artist thought that in the far east there was a specie of lambs that grew out of stem.

Eternally relevant

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When they add waifus to this game I hope the female merc foppish voice is a loli so I can run around spamming insults
>I hope this means we can't still be friends~ Nyah~
>Sasuga knigga-chan~
>Knigga kawaii desu ne~

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Germany is on it too.

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>war zone means society structure is not entierely wrong
it does, it's nonsense to believe that wars in spain means african kangs in France, England and Germany

but the game ending up having black people in it anyways...

Mein Bruder

How did he see him?

They won't be satisfied until every single last white place is gone.

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Ganers rise up, game journalists belong in the trash can.

It didn't?

Worse, Cumans.

my favorite is the faggot who tries to "call the manager" on him. what a special culture twitter has cultivated.

The worst of the spices...

>two or three articles cherrypicked
>the articles are clickbait to begin with
>getting mad about clickbait

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>not a diversity hire
Every time


Read and weep faggot. And when you done name ONE (1) European medieval black king, or alternately, admit there were none since the posted article is bullshit and there were barely any niggers in medieval europe. These are your only options, any other reply will be ignored.

Every so often, journalists get antsy about how irrelevant they truly are and try to strongarm something into submission. Sort of like how a fat middle-aged banker hires an escort just to prove that their todger hasn't completely atrophied out of disuse.

It's quite the spectacle. I'm sure the Mordhau devs are at least having fun with this misspent attention, they know damn well that the sort of people who read Vice or follow John Walker, and the sort of people who play games, are pretty disconnected circles on the Venn Diagram of life.

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When will people realise that not every country is like the US or western Europe?
I have only seen 2 blacks in my whole life because we don't have them here.

>he first googled 'medieval ', saw it was talking about Europe, then played with the term until he found this hence why he cut the search line
Nice try

>By folding in the Greeks and Romans into histories of European whiteness, the military might of the Romans, as well as the intellectual milestones of the Greeks before them, could enter a narrative of a grand, white history.

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When, oh when, oh when, will you finally admit this simple truth? Far leftism isn't a valid political ideology, its a collective of psychological maladaptive traits that are genetics in nature. You cannot reason with them. You cannot change their minds. Their belief in this is on par with extreme religous zealotry.

That argument would work better, if you weren't aware that VICE legitimate believes this, along with thousands of academics who teach such things to millions of students, and actively WANTS it to be divisive because the only people it hurts are Europeans. I don't get these comments, why do you sound clever?

I mean cherrypicked article? Are you fucking stupid, this article comes right at the heels of numerous journalists attacking this game in the first place for tolerant opposition Europeans.

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>this whole trans thing is just crazies on tumblr, nobody takes them seriously

Not understanding the context of a conversation is a sign of autism. You should go check yourself.

It is all so fucking tiresome.

The combination of the game not having a chat filter, servers being privately run, and the company not stepping in to ban you from the entire game for wrongthink has been such a shock to zoomers and Californians that they're trying to make this nontroversy.
Literally everywhere you look, hell if you just fucking google Mordhau, everyone is trying to make it seem like the game is an alt-right conspiracy chatroom instead of a video game.

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> if you weren't aware that VICE legitimate believes this,
Who the fuck cares what dribble-lipped clickbait writers think

Nice deletion, phone-posting faggot. But here you go:

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This drawing of greeks is only partially accurate.

I'm not entirely bald.

They loot a house during the Thirty Years' War and open a trapdoor where the inhabitants hide. After that, a black man emerges through the trapdoor. The raiding party gets frightened and flee.

It's a joke since, a few pages before, the main character rubs charcoal in his face to appear like a demon.

You posted a true statement, user, nobody gives a fuck except shouting crazies and people shouting at the crazies.

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>Why do journalists hate Mordhau?

Because game journos don't play video games

>the game is an alt-right conspiracy chatroom instead of a video game.
This is the real redpill, all the /pol/tards should just go back there

>it's just legislation and in most television haha nobody cares I am very intelligent by the way

Medieval Europe was all white practically speaking. What are these fucking maggots on about?

They got bought and flipped immediately some years ago. If i remember right the first pieces were about giving the right opinion on some warzone. Since they got popular being honest buying out was the ideal vehicle to push their bullshit.

Fake and gay, luckily anyone can easily check this. Name one black European medieval king or stfu.
Ps I'm only one of these comments

>Every so often, journalists get antsy about how irrelevant they truly are and try to strongarm something into submission. Sort of like how a fat middle-aged banker hires an escort just to prove that their todger hasn't completely atrophied out of disuse.
This, really. I've been saying this for a while now, and it's refreshing to see someone else say it too. These people (game journalists and SJWs in general) do what they do because they want to feel strong, they want to feel like they're doing something with themselves. It's not about getting more "representation" anymore, it's about the process of forcing a large group of developers to look at you, bow their heads in submission, and say, "we're sorry, we will make this better."

That's it, that's all there is to it. The domination of other human beings, subjecting your will onto another group and saying, "I'm better, listen to me."

One of these posts is not like the other.

Read his post again, tranny.

>take historical character that Guts is kinda based on
>give him a brown gf
It's pottery

This is, may Jesus, Allah, Buddha and Krishna forgive me for uttering that word, a swede.

I did read their (don't assume people's genders asshole) post, he inadvertently stated something true in their hateful comment.

>never seen a black person in person before 10 years ago
These people are fucked in the head. I hate them. They literally want me and my people erased.

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>inb4 libfags make a serious article about him

>implying journos used to pass up the opportunity to call something out as racist/sexist

I do have a blast watching votekicks fail when someone gets their feelings hurt.
>I think we should stop attacking the obj and instead talk about all these goddamn faggots in this server holy shit
>I agree
>I agree, but we should still go for objectives
>ttv/iamsuchabigniggerfaggot, what's it like sucking 19 different dicks in a day?

Has any of that legislation passed or even come close to passing? What legislation are you even referring to? Are you going to back up the claim of something as big as legislation circling around it or are you going to out yourself as a Twitter keyboard-warrior?

It's a scene from one of those intensely popular "walking simulator" games that were all the rage in the early 2010s. Longest Journey or something like that. The game was total pozzed trash but critically acclaimed by journalists for obvious reasons.

Nowadays it's buried and forgotten, leaving little to no cultural impact on the world at large.

According to Firaxis, this is what Tamar The Great Of Georgia looked like.

Attached: 7140_Tamar_the_Great_33023827a873ff60ba35595e134c6945.png (950x633, 539K)

Remember when PC gamers hosted their own servers and used fan made programs to join matches?

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There is no more "culture". The massive commercialization of "virtue" and the pushing of values by empty suits trying to make money by catering to people who don't buy their products has effectively eliminated culture apart from small hideouts here and there.

>They literally want me and my people erased.
They don't even recognize you as existing, my man. They think you're just some made-up thing, a meaningless statistic that Human Beings "technically" live in this part of the world and I *guess* that means they have history there. These people are end-stage delusional.

I see, so you chose to admit you are a filthy liar, there were barely any niggers in medieval europe and you will now stfu. Brave choice, well done.

>A swede

Attached: 1484340971355.jpg (600x604, 52K)

He didn't, you like to fearmonger because it pushes your tranny agenda. You need a boogeyman to seek protection from. When was the last time a tranny was beat to death by the evil nazi? And I'm not talking about "he lied about being a woman and the guy killed him and cooked him".
I wish there was a monkey paw that made your wish come true, and for every "nazi" you namecall an actual nazi was ready.

>Entire paragraphs of "smart" sentences

Are you mentally challenged? Do you have a learning disability?

devs didn't bow to their demands to ban people for saying nigger so now they're seething

You're gonna have to specifically cite where I say there was one single nigger ever stepping foot on the European continent at any time from 800-1300.

Take note that they are either americans or from some other artificial nation created out of anglosphere colonies. Due to how their mindset develops, most of them genuinely can't comprehend nation that never had niggers or other coloreds, and see it as fantasy of evil nazis who killed them all.

What a load of kike nonsense

Remove all coloureds

the few blacks that actually lived in Europe were pretty precious to the people that owned them, because you couldn't get a new black like its nothing, so they weren't wasted on shit like petty wars

He's talking about sophism you purposefully obtuse cunt

Not sure why my post was changed, but for clarity, see image.

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89 IPs in here and not a one of them's had sex.

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Get fucking rekt mud races

I find it bloody hilarious how something which involves historical discussion and accuracy on Yea Forums, reads mostly like a high level, academic discussion where any thread directly involving video games, with few exceptions, is like reading teens arguing over their dicks.

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That isn't what got them into the hysterics. It was mostly Kotaku, who is very aware of what they're doing and aren't doing it hysterically. The see a thread they could get some clicks pulling and they pull the fucker, and PC gamer tee'd them up. And once Kotaku tee'd up the outrage (with a fuckin thick slab of suggestion), twitter/reddit/etc got hysterical about the hive of bigotry that is Mordhau.

Relatively nobody gave a fuck about Mordhau's lack of inclusion 2 weeks ago.

Attached: Bulbmin2.jpg (270x298, 12K)

Have you ever heard of purple prose? Same thing.

just because the idea of white superiority came up AFTER the medieval times doesn't mean that many black people lived in europe back then
it's like 2 completely different not-related things

The ethiopian ruler would get more traction on /x/ during certain times, what with the whole ark of the covenant bit.

>Their belief in this is on par with extreme religous zealotry.
this applies to literally everyone tho

why do it matter who color is of the sword people
just make an all black sword people game then
actually that would be cool with afros and lots of reference to 70s disco culture

It seems like that at first, but it's the exact same pseudo-ironic posters as any other thread. Half of this one alone is taken up by /pol/ manifestos and rambling about SJWs, so it ends up reading like dick-arguing teenagers trying to be smart.

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Because progressivism is religion. You can even trace it to puritan protestant cults.

It's an easy additional entry in their writing list. That's the only reason they write cringe material on pop culture. Any sane person doesn't get triggered about additional black white Asian or woman character in a game. Unless they purposely want to use the attacks on them for playing victim again. And yes both sides are guilty of that, sjw and altkikes.
It's just plebs flinging shit at each other.

These people have lived in "vibrant" cities for so long that they are quite literally incapable of imagining another way. They cannot IMAGINE a world where white people are the majority - Africans got Africa? Sure, I've seen NatGeo. Asians got Asia? Yeah, yeah, makes sense.

Whites got Europe? Eeeeehhhhh, I don't know boss, I'm white but my neighbor's black, so... Uhh...

>black people stabbing each other
Ah yes set a game in 2010s London

>treating all humans the same like the legislature stated
>this somehow means that they pander to trans people
rent free

>Game releases and does well
>Media doesn't care
>Months pass
>Game gets direct competitor on Tencent Social Credit Store
>Suddenly media attacks months-old game en masse
I wonder who could be behind this post.

Attached: YOU NO RIKE PHONE GWEILO.jpg (1024x481, 83K)

You know they say all races are created equal
But you look at Africans and you look at Europeans and you can see that statement is NOT true

They tried that.
It didn't go so well.

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It reads nicely overall mind. Certainly more than your average thread. Feminds me of the Yea Forums thread about the Iliad. Was insane how deep and passionate the chat got.

It's an Epic exclusive for a whole year until it releases on steam
>Dead on arrival until it hits steam

not a fantasy

>Australian women

Hes a fag



Your brain on pol and YouTube kikes farming gullible idiots like him with their supposedly good right-wing idea. Pathetic. And annoying to share this board with npcs.

lmao I'm pretty sure white america is more redneck and armed than the shitskins that are trying to take control of society, bring it on niggers.

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its not that they dont like mordhau, or it's developers, they really couldnt give a shit, its just that racial shit is trending right now, and theyre more likely to get clicks by drumming-up race controversy wherever they can, this is purely a profit-based motive

Wait did New Colossus really do that poorly? Or did Bethesda release it somewhere else?

There should be black people in kingdom come deliverance because there was black people (arabs) in spain and what if one of them got a czech woman pregnant while passing through town between cordoba and minorca?

Sexual identity is a protected class now in most countries and in soke American states.

The reality is you hate people talking about this topic because you support it. It's the same thing every thread. You support the politics so any thread that has a general negative outlook for your views is the one you decide to post in "gosh, who cares? Just stop caring. Go to sleep. Nothing is happening. There's no changes. Just consume and be quiet unless you agree with me."

>just make an all black sword people game then
You could do a fun pseudo-fantasy take on sub-Saharan/Saharan/Horn of Africa tribal warfare. The problem is all the people who know how to make this game would rather make a game about European knights because they're European and they'd probably be called racist for making it anyway.

And before the obvious response

I mean most developed, western nations.

I remember arguing with some die hard magic chiv fags that the game was going to die real quick, they denied it and laughed. Look who's laughing now.

>The reality is you hate people talking about this topic because you support it.
Yeah no I've already had enough of the Lil' Philosopher bit by now, inhale oxygen instead of dick for once in your life. Feign outrage on Twitter, not here.

Dilate and flood another innocuous thread with your dissmissivism.

Have sex.

So why is it always white people being called racist?

Interesting but could you explain why black people have no culture or history or achievements that anyone wants to put into a medieval video game?

It's almost as if these worthless people didn't achieve anything in an entire millennium

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These arguments sound really insane when you actually take them at face value,
>No, no! LISTEN TO ME! Please, just add in a black guy, okay? Just one black guy, please! I'm getting all shaky-bakey over here, I haven't had the melanin in minutes and I NEED IT. JUST PUT A BLACK MAN IN YOUR GAME GOD DAMMIT.

So, historical accuracy is now an alt-right racist dog-whistle....that pendulum is about to swing back in the direction of sanity soon, right? It can't get anymore clownish, right?

Of all the insults you could've drudged up you chose to cop-out with "dilate?" Fucking honestly, user.

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Sometimes my tooth really hurts and then it goes away. Is this a sign I need a filling, or a root canal?

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>The reality is you hate people talking about this topic because you support it.
you shouldn't assume shit just because someone triggers you with simple statements

>historical accuracy is now an alt-right racist dog-whistle
According to people who're better off not even given the time of day, and the people that gave them time-of-day want you to be mad about it.

Fill that surgical gap between your legs with your silicon dildo, failed man.

You'd genuinely be better off getting an extraction and a false tooth than a root canal if they end up telling you you need one, it's a massive waste of time.

>historically accurate
user... I think you should seek help.

Already done, now what?

>talking like a 14 year old
quite telling

Honestly people trying to retroactively make up past Europe into this multicultural paradise in an attempt to try to erase the fact that slavery happened is funny as hell.

>The world was a multicultural utopia until the mid 19th century
>Then suddenly everyone forgot about this fact and racism suddenly existed for no reason
>also northern europe became 99.99% white in a single day too

Just admit that the vast majority of non-whites in Europe/America are descendants of slaves, easier to deal with the truth than to make up increasingly elaborate fantasies.

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>chivalry 2 gets announced on epic
>no one's bitching or saying anything about Mordhau
>devs get interviewed over "muh toxicity" in the in-game chat and they say they won't do anything about it
>suddenly, articles saying that Mordhau is for the alt-right/white supremacists/racists/bogeyman start popping up

Attached: 1507851154834.png (634x563, 752K)

White people bad

>Medieval Chinese setting
>Everyone is a chink
>No one cares

>Medieval middle eastern setting
>Everyone is Arab
>No one cares

>Medieval European setting
>Everyone is white
>Dude why doesn’t it look like America lmao

underrated post
I miss the memes

>europeans in the middle ages being white instead of brown is not historically accurate

>there were no Black people.
>yes they were.
>No, we checked many with historians

This one still baffles me.

No. This is the part where you say I'm triggered and lack empathy and then something about hoe I'm "owning libtards".

You're not clever. You're not intelligent. You're not fooling anyone by trying desperately to dismiss conversations you don't want people to be having because the conclusions they draw tend to disagree with your positions.

Europe was always multicultural. It’s not a fucking monolith and it still isn’t.

Race is literally a social construct that was invented during the Enlightment Age, iirc, in order to justify racism towards non-whites.

Keep in mind Italians and Irish weren’t considered to be white until much later.

That's what I thought, and they actually put you under proper anesthesia for extractions rather than that novacaine nonsense with root canals. I don't want to be awake for dentists doing anything more complex than a filling, at least *those* are just a couple quick minutes with a drill.




A game which has weapons and armors over a range of 700 years, no specific areas, historically accurate. Just let your thought process sink in for a minute. You are just a professional cry baby.


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Well this looks like shit. How about a good game where the characters do not look retarded.

He's either just being disingenuous (this is the more likely of the two) or he's waaaay up on his soapbox and can't stand the idea that somebody is actively avoiding paying attention to him.


So racists are telling me it's okay to have weapons over 700 years but having homosexual midgets with tentacle arms that can fly is unbelievable?

Huh, how triggered, manbaby

>dude the armor and weapons are vaguely anachronistic despite all being based on real pieces so you might as well make it Cosmopolitan Sword Fighting Simulator and have afro sporting niggers with clubs fighting naked Sabre cosplays
Yeah this checks out.

You Americans and Europeans fascinate me to no end. I've been studying your modern pop-culture through /pol, /his, /v and /tv for half a year now, right after I learned English enough to do so.
I leave in a slav/asian society and while there are a bit "X>Y because of X-historical fact" types it's relatively quiet. People in general simply do not give a fuck.

Why are you so obsessed with niggers, bitches rights and shit? We have women here and in our historically patriarchal society nobody gives a fuck about their position in society. My boss is a woman, my whole department was under female leadership at one time. They were not bitchy and they were no entitled. My boss is actually is strict but very supportive. Maybe it's because they are both mother's so who know, maybe it's because our society does not encourage slutty behavior.

The only thing I can point out is that there is no sense on entitlement in the air. Nobody think someone else owns them anything. Except elders. I just don't understand whole "historical guilt/historical debt" thing. It's either your societies have been overrun by some kind of "holier than thou" masses that really need SOMETHING to feel superior even in the form of moral arcoflagellation. Or governments engineer this because of some geo-political reasons.

They're going to win one way or the other. They always do. There's two outcomes:

> Journalists/trannies hound the game endlessly, causing devs to add female/shitskin characters and censor the game, or
> Journalists starve the game of positive coverage, amplify minor controversies, and promote the game's competition to shit up and suffocate the game's community

You won't defeat them. They're playing the long game, and they will get what they want, at some point, one way or the other.

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Someone else might have a better answer for this, but if you're actually feeling pain from the tooth itself without any external stimulus (like, say, a toothbrush or sour liquids) than that means your nerves are dying. That's exactly what a root canal is for - hollow out the tooth and fill it in with gunk.

Because New Collossus had a shit story that was almost entirely setup for the third game. The New Order was better in every way.

Dreamfall: The Longest Journey was a point and click adventure game from 2006 you fucking zoomer retard

>how do you avoid paying attention to something?
>I reply to it

this is what I don't get, if it wasn't white, what was it? Who fucking else was there? Seljuks? That's definitely not sub saharan which feels whats trying to be pushed here

While I disagree with the use of the N-word, you fucking faggot, they are indeed probably the same person, a Roman era black african commander who was martyred and became a saint, and possibly one of the black Medici.

I don't care enough to actually check right now.

because people enjoy mordhau and jurnos aren't people.

but also this. mostly this. they didn't bend the knee and they can't stand it.

Man I'm playing elex right now and it's refreshing that there's not a single nigger in my videogame.

Funny how the devs stopped preaching on their soapboxes once the Syrian migrations happened.

>Journalists starve the game of positive coverage
They can't anymore, people get their coverage from streamers and youtube pundits exactly as much, if not more, than "traditional outlets".

"Fuck off" and not entertaining or addressing an attempted argument at all is a pretty good way to send the message and rile up a sperg in the same stroke, try it.

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Yikes. Oh, sweetie...

You do realize that the Middle Age *wasn't* the white supremacist fantasy that you were sold friendo? This problematic *bullshit* is making me losing all faith in humanity. I'm literally shaking rn.

Let's unpack this, *many* PoC lived in medieval Europe. Erasing their existence is... wow... just wow. Including non-binary folks in the game is called being a decent human being so just shut up and listen. If you can't handle a few strong womyn of color YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE.

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Literally a professional baby. Hahaha.
Yeah that's so going to happen when they add blacks asians and arabs. Whew, thanks for showing everyone your tears.


Kingdom come is doing just fine. The only power these pathetic journalist have is given by you. Just tell them to eat shit or ignore them.

I wanted to talk about Mordhau, not /pol/shit.

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Easy to spot bait but I'm sure a few idiots will fall for it.

Will Thorfinn meet any black/arab during his quest to Grikkland?
What's the demography of Byzantine empire?

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It's a long-running multiplayer game.
Just use the /vg/ thread.

well to be fair the movie is specifically about Yasuke, so it's kind of unavoidable, but at the same time, the movie isn't being made out any genuine interest in the historical figure, it's just more transparent pandering WE WUZ propatainment.

She wanted his dick so much.
>What's the demography of Byzantine empire?
Very cosmopolitan, though the majority was Greek.

>how do you avoid paying attention to something?
>I reply to it

Solid non-sequitur. You actually retarded bro?

They do, it’s called Poland. Polocks are actually based AF because they’re hyper xenophobic.

does poor Thorfinn even know what sex is

We seem to have gotten wires crossed somewhere if you think my real intention was to ignore him.

Did they make an anime of this yet? I remember it being announced

Moors and Euros lived happily together!
>the flag of Sardinia is still, to this day, four decapitated moors pirates

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Sardinia,_Italy.svg.png (1200x804, 97K)

Genuine question, have you had sex in you life?

There are 3 or 4 episodes out now.

>how do you avoid paying attention to something?
>I reply to it



you don't have to pay attention to something in order to reply to it
except you're 2 years old

He's seen and heard a lot of people have sex, he knows what it is. He's saving himself for Gudrid.

So fucking stupid
>The construction of race as we know it today happened after the medieval period
Just because being "white" is social construct that was developed later doesn't mean that the people living Europe in the Middle Ages were nonwhites by our standards.
>a distinct goal in mind when theorizing a mythical white middle ages, which would allow for colonialist and xenophobic ideologies to have an historical foundation.
So 1700s historians conspired to say that Medieval Europe specifically to justify colonialism and xenophobia, even though European nations began colonising the Americas 200 years earlier? The Spanish Empire had already conquered the Aztecs and the Inca at the point.
>deliberate decisions made by development teams that allow for the possibility of appropriation by racial hate movements and ideologies.
Dumb revisionist history shit like this is what hate movements use as propaganda. No one would complain if a game set in Africa is all black people. Stop putting these double standards in place.

Well I have two kids so I'd assume so.

Neat, I'll give it a watch. Hopefully it isn't shit

Have blacks accomplished anything in their entire history that didn't involve them sitting around and crying for others to fix their problems?


>I'll pretend my ideological opponent is saying something absurd and outlandish even though they never said that at all
>That will surely signal to the browsers of this anonymous imageboard how virtuous I am!
Frequency of something showing up in rich people paintings means very little about how frequent it was in the lives of ordinary people btw

> Three Kingdoms Total War.
> Nobody complains about the lack of niggers.


muh moors

>Europe was always multicultural
Who taught you this garbage? Even the ancient Greeks were separating cultures by race all the way back to Homer. Herodotus infamously told the Spartans that Athenians would not betray their fellow Greeks because they shared common blood and lifestyle. The Egyptians did it too, they had an entire class system based around race. Romans were particularly racist even against other Italian tribes, like the Samnites for example, whom they decided to ethnically cleanse. Tacitus, Pliny Livy all wrote about race. Julius Caesar himself wrote about racial differences and what they meant within the Roman Empire.

The sort's of people who care about this sort of thing consider the Chinese to be niggers

That's not what they or anyone else has ever said and attempting to make it look like your opponents (who I guarantee you shriek about claiming racism where there is none left and right) are even attempting to suggest racism wasn't a problem in the past just makes your dishonesty obvious to even the most braindead reader.

>No one would complain if a game set in Africa is all black people.
Resident Evil 5 literally got people complaining that all the enemies were black people because the game took place in Africa.

>betas afraid of blacks in their game
>no no no. Don't add women and blacks to the game. I can't even get them outside my phantasy and now i will lose them virtually to blacks again

If there's one thing monocultures do, it's write a lot about problems that can only exist in multicultural societies.

Have you never seen The Pursuit of Happyness?


> People want realism in their games.
> Niggers upset because it means they'd be depicted realistically.


I'm surprised they haven't demanded the actress playing Mulan in live action be replaced by a black woman too

I don't mind black/asian/whatever dudes in european historical settings. The guy in Gladiator was based as fuck and it really does kind of break up the monotony a tiny bit.

But why does it have to be a fucking scandal? if the developer's not trying to call attention to race, why are journalists forcing it on them? They can be all black or they can be all white but if the developers are making no effort to push an agenda I dont get why people project one on to them

>Not only is this a gross misrepresentation of historical concepts of medieval societies, but it offers a dangerous space for white supremacist movements to take hold, claiming that “authentic” portrayals of medieval Europe look a lot like Mordhau: white, male, bloody.

>This was not only a claim made by Enlightenment scholars looking to craft a “scientific” theory of race, but of Romantics of the mid-1800s, searching for racial and cultural histories to undergird the nationalism of the period. This was the era of the romanticized Middle Ages, of grand artworks depicting a storybook medievalism and a re-examination of folklore and myth to support national histories.

>Just as the construction of race pointedly solidified whiteness as the most powerful race, the construction of a racialized Middle Ages made white nationhood the dominant narrative of the era. Unsurprising, then, that white nationalists would find refuge in uncritical depictions of the medieval. And thus, we come to Mordhau. Or, more accurately, to the fanbase that Mordhau has attracted, whether by design or by accident.

I don't understand why you felt so attacked by an hour old shitpost that you begged for an argument.

I meant if the good guys were black people obviously. If both the good guys and bad guys were all black in RE5 there would probably be fewer complaints.

To be fair, we can't be sure that the majority of sub saharan nations were mostly black.

>beta male cope

Disgust != fear
People don't fear trannies, they are sick to death of them. It's like being in a harem manga with starfish worms on the walls. Why?

Do these people understand how human skin pigmentation evolved multiple shades?

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Not an argument.

Does anyone have that screencap of some journo theorizing a black guy could just pass by and knock up a random woman?

Most Islamists are white too.

>that one faggot who, all other options exhausted, proceeds to the tried and true tactic of snitching to the person's higher ups in an attempt to deplatform/cancel them by getting them fired
Literal toddler mentality at work here. These are manchildren in the most literal sense we are dealing with.

>if blacks were a shock in Tudor-era England, they probably were/would have been a shock in the Early Middle Ages or Late Middle Ages.

Hell, during WWII the black US soldiers were considered highly unusual and objects of fascination in England. I don't think a lot of people realise just how recent this whole 'multiracialism' thing is in most of Europe.

I wouldn't give a shit about this disingenuous argument of the game was actually set in Madrid or Jerusalem but they never do. They'll try and argue that Inverness was fill of Somalis in the 1400s.

Guts was based on someone? I know Miura's a history nerd, but I figured Guts was more based on Ash from Evil Dead.

If you wanted realism you would have asked for specific battles and restricted weapons, armors and armies, but you literally cry over a couple of blacks in a game. Loling at you brainlet.

>Medieval Chinese setting
>everyone is a chink

that was so retarded
>you just can't know nobody got sick and stayed a while longer. one night is all it takes to get pregnant

Tavish Degroot

You are right.

Not him, but this is the guy. I'd never heard Guts was based on him but it makes sense given the similarities.

General themes can still be realistic.

Isn't it funny how all this anti-Mordhau sentiment started cropping up after Chivalry II was announced for the Epic Game Store? Real convenient that is, especially when Kotaku, RockPaperShotgun and Vice all have company ties to Epic.

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They want to turn europe into africa ad the middle east, white genocide isn't some joke.

Cope again

More importantly, if a white woman gave birth to a dark-skinned baby, she and the kid would be burned at the stake as "witch" and "spawn of Satan" respectively faster than you can say "WE WUZ KANGZ AND SHIEEEET"

Fuck off faggot. If you're so hard up that "it's just fictional it doesn't matter" then why are you trying to fuck with immersion for meta virtue signalling?

Fuck off faggot.

Fuck Off Faggot

Yes unless you're a white person in africa which gets you instantly called a colonizer.

Yeah those slanteye chinks at Tencent sure are ruthless, scheming, little insects aren't they.

There's also that one scottish clan that was famous because they had some random black dudes head

Man they sure were dangerously based back in the day.

>your country is TOO WHITE!
>your country was NEVER WHITE!

Liberals are corporate braindamaged peons. Never ever listen to them.

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Mods wont ban it because they themselves are sjws by nature and 8f anything support these threads.

But whenever controversy comes up against polygon and the likes the mods shut it all down.

This board is long gone my old friend

Africa being black is a racist xenophobic black fantasy, Africa always belonged to the white man.

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Everyone ignores the many European caliphates and all of the iranic, all of the north africans and arabs already there thanks to Rome and central asian refugees fleeing the turks and the mongols.
There weren't black though lmao.

>"history was like this and with the current social climate this is now considered bad"
Does nobody even pay attention to the phrase "Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it?" You don't deal with """negative""" history by censoring it and pretending it didn't happen because it contradicts your narrative, you acknowledge it, don't make a huge deal out of it, try to do better and move the fuck on. They're literally just throwing tantrums.

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Dont be racist.

none of these right wing sjw /pol/tards will understand this and continue to sperg out about it

The people "sperging out" about it aren't /pol/, you dumb redditor tourist.

>old Yea Forums would have picked black shirtless characters with cinstant deep laughing voices to run and gang up on foppish weaklings and blonde girls
>nu-male triggered alt snowflake chan today gets offended by literally everything
What a pathetic group of people you god damn tumblerites. Why do you even come here.

tranny attack dogs are loose

The absolute state of an alt-kike

your handlers don't like you using that word, tranny

>people mock your retarded politics and cuckolds demanding blacks in everything
Every time.

Who falls for this?

Wow that's sounds so fun and novel and not like something you've been able to do in TF2 for over a decade. Maybe later on we can charge our lazers and shoop da whoop for the epic lulz.


On Yea Forums story time on youtube, the youtuber said that Yea Forums was an antiracist and pro-LGBT forum that fought nazis by dressing up as proud black business men

Yes insulting your predominantly white audience by calling them racist non stop to make big journalist bucks makes perfect sense. There is absolutely nothing sinister going on here. You're so smart and above me.

>everyone was always black
>nononono don't watch that video showing europe in 1900s
Are they not aware we have photos and videos pre-invasion

>regularly go on US servers to go all caps and shittalk trannies and video game journos
>mixed reactions from those who laugh and those who seeth

Attached: would real captain marvel please stand up.jpg (229x293, 25K)

Yeah we also like longcats that are long and DESU. We have a lot of epic win on this board, as long as you don't mess with football.





I am curious what their response would be if you proved to them that the past was highly racist:
>"So in the past, slavery existed right?"
>"So people in the past, were not as ""progressive"" as you consider society to be today? People of the past were racist right?"
>"Well consider that slavery existed back then yes, people were mostly racist"
>"So then, a game about the past, which the past is racist, is racist, because it is depicting the racism of the past. What is wrong here?"

Wonder what they would say then.

>Why do journalists hate Mordhau?
it's kingdom come deliverance all over again
libtards and leftists are mentally ill

Ugu uugu. Angry baby men talk like baby talk. Baby men angry about crayon blacky.

You can not reason with religious zealot.

Asian history for Asians
Black history for Blacks
European history for everyone

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Europe was almost exclusively white up until the early 60s, and then these people try to make the argument that medival europe had a significant black population.

Do you have legit mental problems? Try popping a Seroquel and get back to me.

SJWs have a real problem with eastern European and Japanese games, isn't that technically racist?


apparently trannies and soi drinkers think it's not racist if it's not brown
they consider yellow is a shade of white and eastern europeans are still white

You cannot be racist against an ethnic group with an IQ over 90.

Why do you let blind hatred excuse calling fiction history? Imagine if you applied your world view to something like the job of a detective. Instead of seeking the truth, they discover that a minority committed murder on a white, and they just respond with "this is ok, minorities can do nothing wrong, its racist to think otherwise". Actual people, should seek the truth, no matter how it makes others feel. The truth is more important then feelings. If a developer made a "historically accurate" history game for Africa and it was all white people, I would be pissed as well. Angered at ignoring truth and actual history.

Acknowledging that the past was different is necessary to have a clear vision of the future you want and the progress that we made since that time.

That other nigga roasted you user. Just let it go lmao.

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i would agree with you if the year was still 2006, but alas, look around you. the slacky attitude against the utter retarded bullshit these political hounds spout have changed gaming, you know it, i know it, hell they have even changed how our society operates with their dumb non issues and forced idiocy. you give an arm they take a leg, slippery slope is not just a meme

Gotta love how facts and historical accuracy triggers SJW cunts

How does everyone not know VICE is an obvious psyop to co-opt conservative and reactionary youth to become pozzed liberals? It's fucking obvious if you look at who finances it or just see anything they do. It's the most fucking obvious Jewish disinfo fake news available. Yes, more than cnn. They tried to make isis relatable ffs. One has to be fully retarded to think VICE is anything but the lowest gutter of journalism.

They make up their own definitions to things to get away with it.
Like members of Black Lives Matter defining racism as "prejudice + power" so they can be racist all they like because "blacks aren't in power" or some shit. Feminists do the same with saying sexism is "sex + power" and since all men have power, and no women do, all men can be sexist, but no women can be sexist. Its just kindergarten semantics used to get away with being terrible people. Its ironic because its generalizations that create sexism and racism, and they respond by generalizing all of a race or all of a sex together, the same as what was done to them.

this was an irish woman in australia tho

That was you, don't play pretend with me.

If you say so.

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>fragile whites
Man I love how you snowflakes get triggered over arabs and blacks getting added to a fictional medieval setting.

Not an argument.

I do say so. Feel free to prove me wrong.

I don't need to give one over inane cries. Lmao.

Video games have evolved to the point of being taken serious enough by 20-30 somethings. Games are starting to be substantiated enough to allow for multiple perspectives to be read, the latest Deus Ex for example can be read as a warning that technology will make humanity obsolete, but some people read it as social commentary about race.

Games having a feminist reading is more than fine, there's an alt-right reading when Richard Spencer did a bunch of podcasts about video games that he read as aligning with his views. Bioshock is every Libertarian's favorite game, but there's plenty of people that see Bioshock as a criticism towards libertarianism.

Saying video games should not be political because it's just for fun is fundamentally disagreeing with what video games have become since the early days of becoming its own thing and not just arcade ports.
Just because some videos can be read as feminist, doesn't make them feminist.

Why can't Yea Forums handle feminism anyway? There's plenty of movies that are feminist and are very good, try and enjoy things you don't agree with.

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Tiring? It's fucking infuriating. They're rewriting history. They put deranged deviants in teaching roles so they can keep teaching fake history. This is 100% intentional and can only be stopped by murdering them all. It's plain as day, no bullshit possible. Murder them or spend the last half of your life in living hell. If you have any resistence to this concept you're already indoctrinated.

Easily roasted.

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gaming "journalists" should be gassed
what the fuck made them so entitled

Don't try to play me like that.

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Why did american neoliberals decide to sacrifice themselves on the altar of race? I swear to god this is what is killing them. They have a myriad of issues to deal with and they focus on the most inane one.

>white genocide isn't some joke
Considering no one has died, much less a significant number of people to justify calling a "genocide," yes. Yes it is a joke.

No one has to die for a purge to be considered a genocide. Fifty-years-ago, London was 95% white. It's now 45% white.

Are you saying that there isn't a large movement attempting to imply that thousands of historians were lying about race during a period where wealth and blood mattered more than race?

genocide doesn't need to result in immediate death, nor does any direct killing need to occur
As long as the goal is to purposefully reduce the amount of an ethnic group or eliminate them entirely, regardless of means or method, it's considered a genocide.

You can easily see where the shop happens also your image is intentionally low quality & cut down to 646x305 res and then further compressed to 26KB. My image is a simple 2560x1440(monitor res) cropped to omit my browser interface and windows taskbar ending up at 2449x1289 res and containing a large size of 571KB with jpg compression. Since the image is high res tom foolery can be easily spotted unlike your blur smear of an image that looks like it was meant for a windows 95 machine used by a grandma.

Not even close and definitely no cigar.

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Yeah, why would you care about Mongols in the Middle East? That's nowhere near as cool as groids in Bavaria /sarcasm

You're right but this whole thing is just an endless cycle.
You have the niggers that just want (You)s so they make low quality bait threads about twitter screencaps and you have the newfags who keep falling for it and posting in these shitty threads.

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>You can easily see where the shop happens
That's strange, because I did it with element editing. Maybe your expertise of pixels isn't what you thought it was.

Here's some food for thought, how come when the argument that "people of color lived in medieval Europe" is brought up as critism of media that has none in the same setting, that the number of people of color always fails to be mentioned?
We have proof that Europeans were living in Japan in the 1600s, yet historical movies set in Japan don't have white people everywhere, because there weren't any. In the cases that they are (last samurai) this argument is conveniently forgotten

americans are the most retarded ''people'' on Earth
>unironically defend genital mutilation
>invented SJW no fun allowed culture
>have armed guards in schools like in Iraq
>speaking of which they invade random countries on behalf of their jewish overlords
>want to rewrite history and force niggerdom when it didn't exist, I've seen a yank claiming black people were in eastern europe since antiquity and another claiming Hannibal was black
>use imperial units to be special snowflakes

Attached: americans.png (869x320, 37K)

So is Mordhau any fun? This is the first time I'm hearing about it.

Are you two clinically retarded? Nobody has to die for it to be a fucking genocide? It's in the goddamn name.

That's terror

All of them

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I'm tired of the hit-pieces, the drive by mob attacks by shit outlets. PC gamer 20-ish years ago was Greg Vederman and some other gen xer nerding out over Diablo 2 and documenting their 24 hour session of it. It pains me to see what PC gamer has become. That O'Sullvian rule is true and I have witnessed it with my own eyes. No grand conspiracy, just the natural inclination of progressives to twist and pervert anything to fit their agenda. No consideration of live and let live, no consideration of "I disagree with you but I defend your right to do it". I really hate journalists. I know some of them do a necessary good of investigations but they are such utter fucking vermin.

The idea that leftist types are racist is not a canard. When that pokemon whitewashing drama came up my artist friend who is social justice light said if she was going to draw a black character she'd be sure to give them african features, not just white wash their features. I asked if she had ever seen East Africans or Afro-Caribbeans or Saharan Africans because apparently every black has to look like a yas massa fat-nosed fat-lipped kinky-haired thing. Same shit with the Middle East. "Jesus christ would look like an Arab" which to them is some wooly-bearded dark as pitch mad mullah. As opposed to you know, how fucking Arabs can look more white than a lot of Americans - like me, and I'm a standard Western European mongrel but ethnic enough a fucking black chick asks me what country I am from

>number 3
My fucking sides.
Literally looks like someone shopped an ape into a suit of armour.

They cater to gamers instead of journalists own insanity.

>Can use the fact that Europe was white to your advantage to push your lefty rhetoric
>"See? It used to be white and now it's not because of progress and it's the current year"
>Instead, try to rewrite history and alienate even more people
The worst thing about journos is their stupidity and low efforts to drive their points across

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Just a bunch of obsessed journo's getting distraught again that their attempted power play against a developer didn't work. They went after Warhorse hard for the exact same shit.

Nothing gets these fucks madder than the feeling of powerlessness.

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>Nobody has to die for it to be a fucking genocide
not by definition. you can achieve it by forced marriage with other race, forced adoption of kids by other cultures, and promoting extinction by not having kids or castrating people.


All 1st person sword fighting games suck, it's just a bad genre. Except Dark Messiah and the multiplayer for that sucked because characters were horribly needed.

You can have a Messer

Because jews control journalism and they really hate white people.

Chivalry was even more ''oppressive and toxic'' because there wasnt even a filter or women in that game. Mordhau had them planned before release and Women should be entering the battefield any day now.

I'd suggest you look the meaning of terms up before you act smug about it, faggot.

They only ever "win" in the eyes of their new audience - the outrage merchants on social media.

Anyone who actually plays videogames knows how absolutely fucking irrelevant their little tantrums are when it comes to the success or failure of games.

I don't think you get it, people are doing things and saying things I don't like in a game I would never, ever play and they shouldn't be able to do that. I will now apply public pressure until I get my way because my mind and body are are weak and public pressure is the only tool I have.

>Because jews control journalism
What makes you think that?

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If you live outside of big cities, you can spend your entire life in Poland without seeing a single black person. Even in Warsaw dindu foreign students stick out like a sore thumb and when a black person gets on the bus you can see people either glancing at them or blatantly trying not to stare. Fat acceptance? Forget about it. I've never seen a tranny IRL and I don't know even a single LGBTQWERTY person. And I live in the capital city.
For most people here "social issues" so aggressively exported by burgers are something out of alternate reality. Why are there no black people in the Witcher? Because we don't have them here. End of story.

Remember the Native Americans weren't slaughtered just replaced.

Any indie game dev is a threat that haven't kissed the ring, so the media will try and destroy them.

enough with this alt right crap

Honestly my favorite negroes in medieval Europe story comes from Switzerland. Bunch of negroes arrived in a village, there had been witch burning in nearby town. Village folks figured that negroes were witches that had escaped the burning at stake, with scorched skin and shieet as evidence, so burning 'em again to be sure was the way to go. Negroes were slaves of some Arab trader that had traveled inland from Mediterranean.

Very telling that the author would take an obvious question of demographics ( were there non-whites in the European Middle-Ages, and if yes, where, when exactly and in what proportion / what numbers ?) and turn it into a question of history of ideas ( did the thinkers of the Middle-Ages have a notion of ''race''? why did the Enlightenment and Romantic thinkers use the concept of ''race'', for what reasons ; and why do today's so-called white nationalists also use the concept of ''race''?)

She knows that a proper analysis using data points would prove her mostly wrong about the demographics of Europe during the Middle-Ages, so she has to twist the question in such a way so as to imply that ther position is basically right without ever arguing for it, and then speculate as to why her opponents are ''making stuff up'' about history ; thus justifying her quasi psychiatrical analysis of the presumed pathologies of white nationalists, Enlightenment + Romantic thinkers, etc...

What's wrong with Europe being mostly white? Isn't Europe a white homeland?

I'm not entirely sure which of those criteria putting black people in a video game would fall under. I mean, arguably, it could fall under "Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group," but that's just because you retards really need to have sex.

the video stops playing at 0:44 no matter what i do and any other ordinary video works perfectly fine

It's actually scary that teacher in big university actually defend the idea that europe was non-white with the most stupid argument that some maures invading spain = nigger in poland.
Imagine how the rest of her work might look. Imagine the level of propaganda in Sydney univ.

>Considering no one has died
>millions of rapes and murders
>no one has died
British paki rape gangs alone had about a million victims according to numbers that are outdated for 2 years ago already.

It is, because there's less need for melanin due to there being so little sunshine most of the year.

Why don't they argue about asian games being all asian?

The whole sjw/diversity shit is entirely obsessed with destroyed europe and white countries. Three Kingdoms didn't have niggers everywhere. Jap historical games dont have niggers everywhere.

europe always had shitskins because italians, greeks and other southrons live here

It's about erasing history and re-writing it.

You faggots dont even know history. I'm Polish, which is like the whitest country atm, and if you know your history brown people have been here since basically forever. Arab merchants were in every bigger medieval city which is a known fact, they had their own enclaves. Blacks are not unheard of too, so if they were relatively common here they must have been commonplace in say France.

Because it was very short game that was mostly composed out of cutscenes. Furthermore they're doubling down on overplayed rhetoric(why do Americans in the 60's after being conquered by Hitler hate "Nazis" and not "Germans"?), some pseudo-comedic relief moments and general retardation so even as they focused on story it was just not very good. The New Order's biggest pro was the gunplay and they thought it was the story/narration(that everyone hated).

It was always multicultural, ever since Greek colonies and Roman Empire.
This "all white christian Europe" meme was created by Americans and Hollywood in the late 20th century and now it's a widely accepted fact because an entire generation of people grew up thinking this way.
The entire thing was a big fuck up because it's really hard to fix people who think that shit like Star Wars OT are the best movies evar.

>I'm Polish, which is like the whitest country atm
slavs aren't white

If there were plenty of black people in medieval europe then shouldn't there be a lot more black people in europe nowadays?

Yeah dude, blacks just walked to Europe all the time.

Polish Jew you meant.

Black people were so rare that describing person as "black" meant(and still means) that their hair are.

>I'm Polish
Sure you are, kike.

Yeah it was totally diverse and multi-racial because 3 travelers visited.

Hey, multicultural or multiracial?

Niggers and shitskins weren't a thing around here, if you lived in an important port city you might have seen some foreign merchants sometimes for a few days during the year, but that means fuck all.

It was multicultural in the sense that there were Spaniards in Portugal and Scots in Ireland. Not Pakis and Africans everywhere.

Every medieval europe game should be multiracial, have LGBT, and women fighters.

Also no peep on asian historical games

You’re literally wrong though, were there blacks, turks etc in europe sure a fee but it was never widespread. Unless you want to argue Japan was multicultural due to that one black samurai.
Europe was multicultural on the sense of its different cultures, norman, saxon, frank, roman etc, but in terms of race it was not.
Also plebs like you forget north africa and the near east were essentially extensions of Greece/Italy at that point.
The modern everywhere is multicultural thing is an American myth that is being forced onto the rest of the world. Were places like Outremer multicultural sure, were Wales or Saxony? No.

Anything exotic would be very well documented, its not like people were illiterate.

Consider Hasekura Tsunenaga and his papal envoy.

Everyone these days thinks they’re some unique philosophical gift to the world

Why does Yea Forums claim the jannies are SJWs when they always leave up dumb polshit bait like this? The only political posts they delete is when you make fun of trumpo

>fueled the anger of many players
nah, it's just you fucking "journalists"

Pure coincidence.

>who is Sheva
Yea Forums doesn't play games anymore

>a black person was noticed in medieval europe in this text
>therefore 20% of NPCs should be diverse in bavaria
>Also the hidden role of feminism should be pushed by including strong female warriors

>what are nubian slaves
>what are african colonies
i bet you also think that there were no muslims in medieval europe lmao

The originating tribes of Greeks and Italics who founded those civilizations were blonde beasts descended from the Scythians. Reading a book sometime.

I agree with you, but I think that textual criticism of video games is overwhelmingly left-liberal, to the point it's exclusionary.

Remember when the Last Night was announced and the dev said he was interested in exploring a narrative where UBI had become commonplace to the point people never worked anymore and it was a criticism of liberal views of the world? Remember the reaction to that?

That's what I'm talking about.


Saudi Arabia/Arab peninsula went through tens of millions of african slaves. No descendants because they cut the penis off.

Was the Arab peninsula "diverse" because of that?

It's a successful indie game that wasn't made by the journo-clique.

>i bet you also think that there were no muslims in medieval europe lmao
Invaders tend to get a frosty reception, yes.

It's like adding chinks to the game because huns and mongols were there for some time.
SJW media does not seem demanding Tatars in every game.
Oh right, they demand WE WUZ KNIGGERS because we were multicultural and shieeeet.

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>no mass media to guilt them into letting their little girls get raped/molested and their labor turned into welfare to care for the invaders
oh vey

I've never seen a single liberal talk about sjw clickbait, it's only ever you guys

>American ((((journalism))))
>mutts writing about yuropeen medieval ages

Attached: eternal mutt.jpg (777x777, 94K)

Didn’t read my post.
10/10 bait made me reply.

Well they DID find a scandinavian grave once, surely this is proof enough women fought all over europe in every battlefield at any given time.

Ethnicity =/= culture. They’re connected but Europe was definitely multicultural, you mongoloid American.

kek, libtards are too busy wondering why their dumb race baiting shit is being used against pelosi and biden

I'm an history student and teachers don't even bother to mention that middle ages europe was white because it's fucking obvious.
Game "journalists" are fucking pathetic

>participated in the invasion of Korea
>Christian when they were starting to get persecuted
>father executed for corruption
>sent on a diplomatic mission to the Vatican to redeem himself
>sailed the Pacific, through South America
>Samurai and Portuguese got in a brawl in Acapulco, witnessed by an Aztec scholar
>baptized in Spain, with the highest ranking duke becoming his godfather
>visited the Pope
>made a Roman nobleman
>ultimately achieved nothing because everyone was too intractable and too different to agree
Now there's a multicultural story. It's not about the destination, but the journey

>greeks and romans were grand
>medieval people were all barbaric
Why are mutts talking about shit they know fuck all about? Why hasn't this person been shot yet?

This is why China, intelligently, banned western media

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And even then, Turks rulers were mostly white caucasoid people, their slaves were not however.

they're not going to stop untill every single history book tells that europe was always diverse

Wasn't really that woke though, only annoying part was that black lady

Those paintings are of Saint Mauritius, not actual historical shit

>came back such a euroboo that he got Christianity banned
Damn son



But these posts staying up is proof that Yea Forums is dead

Is there anything so spiteful as a shitty blogger?

Jesus fuck this can't be real. What's wrong with Americans? I hope that Cali quake hits and fucks you all in the ass because your retardation deserves nothing less.

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Are you fucking retarded? Did you think every tribe had the same traditions and way of life.

Culture does not equal race, believe it or not. They sure are connected but having a different skincolor doesn’t automatically give you a different culture.

The French weren’t the same as the Germans or the Brits and even amongst themselves their exists different kinds of (sub)cultures.

I like how you even brought up Rome when during their conquest they made different ethnic groups part of the Roman Empire making the empire a multiethnic, multicultural nation.

Sometimes I wish I would make a Twitter account so I can shit on these types of people

you'd be banned in a day
or they just block you

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multiculturalism doesn't mean blacks and whites and sandniggers living together you absolute brainlet. It means diversity in tradition and social interaction. Believe it or not but Yuropeen countries and people are vastly different from each other. Not that you'd understand this since you're probably a barbaric cultureless mutt.

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We need to take their potatoes as well

The author of the article is not entirely wrong however if you take into the account that he or she mostly cares about winning an american culture war rather than cares about historical accuracy then yeah, it's fucked up.

The way i see it, when murrican liberals think about racists they instantly associate them with slavery and KKK white supremacists crucifying and shooting blacks randomly because sadly such extreme cases or racism are a part of the american history.

tl;dl it's just americans shitting up the internet with their internal problems that they can't solve even 150 years later.

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And then you had all Muslims merchant's in important trade towns

Because they're asleep right now you stupid fucking cuck, it's 6-7am over there.

>had all Muslims merchant's
Yeah, all 6 of them in Venice when they weren't banned or getting lynched for another raid their compatriots did.

>They tried to make isis relatable ffs
Explain further, how did they do this?

But there is no problem. They just meme their narrative so hard they convince people that there is a problem.
This is especially dangerous because Americans are unable to take an objective stance and cannot into context or nuance. They just can't. They shoehorn their own retarded out of place beliefs into everything they can without any second thought and assume that's how it is.
Serously, fuck mutts.
American society can't implode soon enough.

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We can all agree that "americans" aren't people, right?

Saving this.



Yes we all know how that it works, that's why the French banned anything enlgish after the 100 years war.

Haven't read this thread but it's pretty neat seeing a /his/pol/ thread on Yea Forums

I like learning about true history so I have come across of a lot of interesting tidbits about various races in our ancient history.

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