is FPS genre dead? feel like it
Is FPS genre dead? feel like it
*saves fps*
*saves gaming*
You're dead. Feels like it.
3rd person is objectively better.
unbased and faggotpilled
If 343 can do it I’ll be actually shock
Titanfall 2 is very good but that’s it
OP's post makes me feel old.
Poor little Queen of Hell. Gonna get RIPPED AND TEARED all night long with no sleep!
halo killed FPS, and infinite sure as shit isn't saving anything
t. Asshurt quake 3 and unreal tournament fag. When are you going to let go of this primordial salt?
Dumb debiruposter
when FPS are good again
multiplayer killed FPS
Post more of this dimb girl getting bullied!
Why point multiplayer arena shooters specifically? Halo killed FPS as a whole.
They are with Halo and Doom dabbing on your shitty arena fps trash that's dead and forgotten.
I may be crying, but at least I'm not crying as hard as halobabbies after the 343 games
Man, Doom 64 was great but the marine looks fucking goofy.
How dare you point any Doom alongside Halo.
like debile? sure seems like it
Doom eternal and Halo Infinite say otherwise. Autistic boomers like you who keep screeching that Halo killed fps when it decided to do a story along with gameplay besides senseless and autistic M-M-MULTIKILLL KILL KILL Garbage.
Doom is cool and one of the few exceptions, halo is shit. Not even halo fans like the newer games
m8, story in fps existed long before Halo. Arena shooters were just a small subsect of classic 90s shooters but you seem to think it was all that existed back then.
>60 fov
>2 weapon limit
>regenerating health
>an epic "you save da world" story
yup I think it killed fps *sips*
The genre is beginning to heal thanks to games like Dusk, Amid Evil, Ion Maiden, Overload, and Wrath.
>when it decided to do a story
You mean when it decided to be slow and boring without the complexity to back it up?
Halo is Unreal Gold 2.0, mate, it's shite.
Unreal is a masterpiece, don't compare it to Halo.
Right, well, if I didn't even like Unreal, you can probably guess how I felt about Halo.
based. unreal and halo are both shit