>shows up in your youtube recommended
Shows up in your youtube recommended
Dude unironically looks like me. What can I do to look less like a bisexual crack addict?
fuck off you nigger
brutalmoose is based though
Why doesn't he talk about obscure vidya anymore. All he does is food and kid's show reviews now
browse /fit/, get /fit/, become a full gay
he did it to get popular. like jontron.
did he stop using the cartoon sound effects anytime something moved in his food review videos
after three videos of that i unsubbed and never looked back, but i did like his older obscure game reviews. cartoon sound effects are where i draw the FUCKING line though
Because unfortunately they get less views because of how over saturated gaming is on youtube.
His videos aren't high entertainment or anything but they're comfy and he's got a nice voice. His food videos always make me laugh with the edits.
blindfolded food review was pretty funny I gotta say
Why did he embrace the fag look?
>did he stop using the cartoon sound effects anytime something moved in his food review videos
he does it for everything.
Better him than Scott the Woz.
Televoid is top tier
how did Televoid end? I don't remember all of it, but did he escape from the void?
id rather see based moosy rather than penutbutterhampster or whatever. that dudes a faggot
Ian is comfy af.
PBG's entire sense of humor revolves around acting like as much of a retard as possible. It doesn't help that his best friend has the exact same personality, at least if they were different you could have a good comedy routine. Instead we get two retards acting like larger retards than they actually are. If you find his jokes funny you're either a retard like him or a child.
>ian and chad movie review
chad is such a fag holy shit
I don't get why people get so angry when "gaming" youtubers move onto more original content when they keep their sense of humor the same. Brutalmoose videos are the same as always but about a different subject. I get why Jontron gets hate, he changed his entire sense of humor, but Brutalmoose is the same. He even still does video game stuff sometimes anyway.
I feel bad for Chad, it seems like he accidentally railroaded himself into entertaining exclusively children and can't turn back. In the few videos I've seen of him outside of his channel he seemed like a cool guy, even if he is a bit of a dweeb.
Without spoiling anything, it's not over yet, the last episode ended on a cliffhanger.
When did this board stop being about video games and turn into youtube videos vaguely about video games? What the fuck are the mods doing? Why are there so many kids here discussing this trash?
It's past the janny's bed time, so the eceleb posters come out from their caves to post and not get banned.
Well, he is gay, so maybe it's connected...
>When did this board stop being about video games
when you incel faggots spammed waifu threads
we've had those since the day the board opened. You're out of place, discussing retards with webcams. Find somewhere else to distil your trash.
>can't even argue
kek. get laid faggot.
He got popular doing that other shit as a one-off, but it got SO popular that it's the only way he can make money. Seriously look at his more recent game videos, they have ilke 5% the views of his food shit.
Youtube sucks ass.