This is much better than the original :)

This is much better than the original :)

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The Twin Snakes is to the original Metal Gear Solid as to what the Beauty and the Beast live action remake is to the animated version.
It's a pretty good remake that fails to live up to the iconic classic that is the original.

Yeah the only mistake is that it’s exclusive for a shit console

This is the real reason why people hate Twin Snakes.

>shit console

Watch your mouth.

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Yeah the gutted soundtrack and the shitty redub aren't even factors

soulless snake

>gutted soundtrack
MGS barely has a soundtrack as it is

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I agree, The story is still the same, with just a few things shifted around to better mesh with the rest of the franchise
Gameplay options are just a straight upgrade due to the adopted mechanics from MGS2, and for purists; no option from the original MGS was removed
It streamlined a few things to avoid backtracking, too
>PSG1-T available closer to Sniper Wolf
>Hot and Cold pipe for the metal gear activation sequence
Most cited complaints are 50/50 between somewhat valid and butthurt gags
>Muh Accent
Considering the original MGS had some horror stories regarding the voice actors and their shitty treatment, it wouldn't surprise me some of the original voice over quirks were just a side effect of the first big console outing for the franchise
>Muh Matrix Cutscene
A shit complaint, Solid Snake is supposed to be THE legend, almost superhuman by some accounts, considering the Shit Liquid survived I don't see anything wrong with Snake pulling some borderline anime shit, besides, Big Boss can stop a giant robot from stomping him with his bare hands in PW and no one complained about that
>Muh Useless Dog Tags and No VR
Perfectly valid, however it can easily be attributed to how shitty Silicon Knights could be, the reason this and eternal Darkness turned out somewhat decent was probably because there was a Nintendo employee with a baseball bat in the corner, daring them to fuck something up

it's better in every single way except the missing dog tags

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I repeat: MGS barely has a soundtrack as it is, and the standout tracks in MGS are all there in TTS. MGS was ambient as shit, looped a LOT with little in the way of unique music, so saying TTS "gutted" the soundtrack makes absolutely zero sense

>and the standout tracks in MGS are all there in TTS
What the boss and intro themes aren't stand out to you? And from what I remember there wasn't any overlap of the two OSTs besides the ending

The individual boss themes a la MGS3 are a lot better than the normal one, and before someone screams "M-MGS2 REPEATS TOO!!", that happens to be a boss theme that doesn't get old after the second loop

Both the original and twin snakes remakes are really fun to play and IMO do service to the story. Twin Snakes is fucking hard though since I felt it was way more strict with accuracy than MGS2 (and of course MGS1, where combat was about peeking in and out of nooks and unloading your socom mag into the enemy) and missing even tranq shot punished you so much since you were usually caught, had to hide, and then reposition

NOOOOOO YOU CAN'T PLAY THIS VERSION, THEY RUINED KOJIMA'S VISION (even though he's the one who wanted the cutscenes to be different)

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One of the most common things about Twin Snakes is the horrendous control scheme on a Gamecube controller. Also they didn't like the over the top action and how Solid Snake rides a missile. But everything about it gameplay wise was far superior. Also, using the MGS2 game engine and using it on the MGS1 game made MGS1 a whole lot easier.


About the only thing I dislike is that you're maxed out in the beginning. Health and ammo. I liked getting them upgraded for beating bosses.

>NOOOOOO YOU CAN'T PLAY THIS VERSION, THEY RUINED KOJIMA'S VISION (even though he's the one who wanted the cutscenes to be different)
So you mean we're not Kojimadrones then?

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Meh, all it's missing is a bumper, the controls are fine. Also the analog triggers make aiming and shooting more satisfying.

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I don't hate The Twin Snakes, I just don't see any reason to ever play it over the original. It mostly looks worse and sounds worse, and the gameplay additions don't add much of interest to the game because the boss design and level design remain the same (and MGS1 barely cares about sneaking anyway).

Luckily I took good care of my copy. Only recently found out how stupidly expensive it is.