Well, are they right?

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Other urls found in this thread:


we can all agree that nobody should listen to Yea Forums

lmao, game "journalists"

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I hate these shitty rage bait articles.

i thought gamers were dead already

no they are wrong sekiro needs an easy mode

They haven't listened for years. They shill products and if you criticize the same responses come to you

>Don't listen to the people who keeps your company afloat
Seems like a logical idea

oh please like major developers listen to us to begin with.

>people used to mock this quote
>turns out it's exactly what corporations want
Who would've thought

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What are the qualifications to become a game journalist Yea Forumsros ?

Retired gamedev here. We told them the game didn't make any money and they still demand we add new features regularly.

Well you should be able to pick what criticism are good and what are bs and apply them to improve your game
But if litterally everyone is bitching about the same thing I'd ask myself a couple of questions

Logically if they stop listening to the fans then that would mean not listening to clickbaiting journos or faggots screeching on twitter and era either

But of course they didn't mean it like that, everything about that fucking headline, even the phrasing, lets you know exactly what they're talking about

I think it's more time to start listening to fans that actually play your games and not the people who don't. Pretty much could check that sort of shit just by account verification and playtimes.


creators shouldn't listen to anyone but their dev team and publishers
any outside influence, from LBGTQBRAAP pressure to retarded Yea Forums shit, hinders creativity


>Logically if they stop listening to the fans then that would mean not listening to clickbaiting journos or faggots screeching on twitter and era either
the problem with this logic is that game journalists aren't fans, they don't even like videogames.

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>It's time to stop listening to fans, and start listening to us exclusively
Gaming journalism was a mistake.

what do they know about game development

At a bigger website, probably a college degree in journalism with a few years experience interning and working at a smaller place. I'm sure the market is competitive but I cant imagine it pays all that well. I'm sure there really arent any real qualifications to work at, say, IGN....its probably random luck you got the job out of the thousands just like you. Game journalism is a joke. They take themselves way too seriously. Just review games without political input and shut up. I hate their think pieces. Mindless clickbait dribble

I don't have any objections, your honor
unpopular opinion: learning to pick what criticism is valid and what isn't is the key to git gud and make a good product instead of hearing every retard that can type a gamer take

I mean that's objectively not wrong.
Listening to tranny fuckers and socjus shit is objectively a bad idea.

Also most people don't fucking know what they want or what constitutes a good game.
It's actually fucking retarded to design a game by committee.


fans = real gamers
gamers are dead = gaming is now a braindead corporate drone product


Not even rejectera is falling for this shit.

>stops listening to fans
>fans stop playing your games
>game sells abysmally
>industry crashes

So it's true. These somehow influential "journalists" really are a poison to the hobby as a whole. It's literally their goal to destroy video games.

>there are journos still seething in 2019 about being exposed as talentless shill hacks thanks to their collective coverage of ME3 and DmC

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If you "listen to the fans" you'll just end up making the same thing over and over because of populism.

I like the sentiment that you should listen to fans when they tell you about problems, but ignore their proposed solutions.

>Listening to fans

Why do you thing wow and overwatch are overwhelming shitpiles? Because they listen to the fucking retards crying in the forums about how op characters are and how they got their feefees hurt because someone called them a fag.

Video game fans are a bunch of cockgobbling retards who couldn't figure their way out of a room with an unlocked door.

They're certainly left.

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How much semen can you pack in your asshole?

If you have a vagina and you are not much of a squealer you are good to go, welcome to The Media! Your Job will be decided by your looks:
10's: Executive Mistress
8-9: News Anchor
7: News Writer
6: Social Media, Click Bait (Feminism / Social Justice)
5: Gaming / geek journalism (You better swallow)
Everything below need not to apply.

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>Journalists are mad that content creators like Yong, Angry Joe, and other YouTubers and Twitter outlets are doing a better job at reporting news of the games industry that actually rings true to the core gamer
>they make articles like this


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Reminder that that article was written by this guy

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This is emblematic of 'journalism' as a whole.
Politicians shouldn't listen to people, they should listen to the media.
Screenwriters shouldn't listen to people, they should listen to the media.
Gamers shouldn't listen to people, they should listen to the media.

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yes, fuck the people who buy your shit

*Game developers

There is evidence that the market is pushed by trends and recognition, reason why all games must be samey to succeed.

Fans are retarded to be quite frank because anyone with enough time to push their opinion onto the internet has nothing worthwhile to say.

In short, successful games should be designed by analytics, as to not fail, and some heart and spirit as to be worthwhile for both the developer and the consumer.

In an order of hierarchy for importance to follow it should go
The devs' vision > the fans >>>> the devs' feces >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (((journalists)))/resetera outrage niggers

>stop listening to your fans, unless they are left-leaning and have blue checkmarks on Twitter

What if I told you no one listens to mad manuel, youtubers or any of those tossers?

People like streamers (different sort of shit) and those are usually backed up by the industry.

It has come to who has the biggest publicity budget and who can buy the most popular streamer. You can read articles and opinions from indie developers, the last summer sale demonstrated most of their traffic is generated by twitch and youtube streamers, literally nobody listens to internet critics these days.

That one site in Op's image might be closer to closing than we know

>the devs' feces
There is a picture of an user shitting something resembling the image of MGS3 Big Boss. That is still better than most opinion articles.


Also FUCK this retarded nonsense

there's nothing more shameful than ragebaiting on a vidya "news" website
and then thinking you're better than anyone

No, they're just gay, mentally ill trannies now apparently (most of them, anyway).

Sort of true, you shouldn't take fan reaction upfront and need to read between the lines.

But on that note, listening to journalists is less than worthless. They only exist for two things - as a reflection of public opinion, which they've failed at for the past two decades after being a games journalist became a fucking career, and as free-ish advertising.

is right in that regard, streamers are better at both. And even then, they're not great. Certainly not worth paying actual money for.

Legit kek'd. What a buttblasted loser.

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>”I’m anti-corporation look at me”


I agree with the other user. "Real gamers" are prone to giving poor advice too. Just because you enjoy something, that doesn't mean you know what is best for the product.


Not really? I can't think of any dumb idea we had for games. The only point of dispute was RE2 being classic remake instead of RE4 made cheaply hard, but that's it.

Game journalist purge fucking when?

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Jesus Christ, what kind of world are we making where companies are instigated to disrespect their consumers? Just because a FEW people are assholes doesn't mean that there aren't legitimate reasons to complain that you should learn from.
What a weird fuckin world

That's pretty pathetic.

>Actually thinking any of these glorified bloggers have journalism degrees

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you can usually make an argument when you talk about "customers", but with fans, it doesn't work, they are your main customer base.

Huh? You're talking about all fans of all games as a collective "we"? Well that makes it very easy for you to only focus on the good, and ignore the bad.

I'm using "we" as "of all the many threads discussing game design I've never read stupid shit that would kill any franchise".
Can you think of anything yourself?

Yes, that's a very ridiculous statement.

>someone is still defending Mass Effect 3
how much money did EA give that guy that he's still shilling for it like 5 years later?

ME3 was good. \V\ only hated it because it had LGBT themes.

>We told them the game didn't make any money and they still demand we add new features regularly.
I hate zoomers who have never played a video game that was shipped before internet patching was commonplace

If it's done, it's done. "Abandonware" doesn't mean what zoomcucks think it means.

The only “good” thing about 3 was the multiplayer and the citadel DLC

Maybe it didn't make money because you didn't listen to what people were telling you the first time.

So you're admitting it was good.

What is it about DmC that make game journalists so quick to defend it, even though it has so much shit they condemn irl? Was the shilling of the game "to own the gamers" fuck up their brains so much that now they have defend it regardless?

If that includes journalist than yes, they are. But it's not so they aren't.

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To bad the rest of the game was garbage and overshadowed the small amount of good things

this but unironically

Then we shoudn't listen to you since you are posting on Yea Forums.

The rest of the game was great. It was the best possible conclusion to the series.
Sorry, child, but videogames don't work that way.

What are games that prove this point wrong?

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>Best conclusion

0.5 EA points have been added to your account!
Thanks for your longtime support of Mass Effect 3!

Based and redpilled

What the fuck are socjus newfag? Go back to your discord or website

>mass effect 3 was good
lol. was the 360 your first system consoletard?

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AC7. Fans wanted Strangereal, and AC7 has been the best selling AC thus far.

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Too teir bait my dude almost made me believe you were serious

Being inflamatory attracts clicks.
Also it may have to do with the fact that Japan does what a "woke" western company like Ninja Theory doesn't: make good games.

It's their go to "example" of the west outdoing the bigoted japs at their own franchise

You are a retard. Never post again.

>he liked Assault Horizon

>Sorry, child, but videogames don't work that way.
Yes they do. They did it in Deus Ex 1 back in 2000. I don't know what terrible AAA garbage had you've been playing to come-up with an idea that making completely different cinematic for every ending is somehow impossible. But even AAA games do it. Witcher had completely different cinematics depending on what happened to Ciri. Sekiro was also like that.

yes. a good developer (key word being "good") should have a vision for what they want and be able to execute it. FFXV was ruined by Tabata trying to hard to appease fans and the game was ruined as a result. i'm reffering to the Duscae demo survey, so pic semi related

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DmC was during a time when a lot of Japanese studios were outsourcing their IPs to western developers, with DMC arguably being the biggest one to do so. Iconic franchise from the 6th gen with four games to its name now being controlled by a western studio. Defending it is a form of egotism, really. WE'RE better than those fucking stupid Japs, with their anime characters, and dumb plots. WE'RE going to pick up where they obviously failed, and improve it.

almost never, no

Playing doubles advocate for a second here. People dont really know what they want untill they get it and everyone has their own idea what should be done. If a creator would try to accomodate everyone the game would end up being a mess and we would miss out on new things because they would never be tried. Of course thats not what the person means, they mean devs should go out of their way to spite their audience.

Kinda true. Greatest devs don't do what gamers want, they do what they don't know what they want

I'm so fucking tired of it all. There is no other industry where the consumer is treated this badly.
>inb4 epic joker meme replies

So are game journalists openly admitting they aren't fans now? Or are they saying devs should ignore them as well?

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it's time to start listening to people who actually buy and play your games, and stop listening to users of internet forums who get riled up every time you try to release a game. What this game journo actually wants is the opposite. Only listen to (((approved critics))) aka twitter checkmarks and resetera verified users

>Old ass games from the fucking late 90s and early 2000 somehow have better writing , and endings then a fucking late 2010 AAA Title with all the fucking budget in the world that couldn’t even try to have a good fucking ending
Holy shit

You forgot about comic books.
And forget the joker posters, they will kill themselves in a couple of years anyway.

>ending is given in text
>ending is given in modern AAA graphics

>>Don't listen to the people who keeps your company afloat
That's the investors. The customers are mindless sheep who will keep consuming new product and are thus irrelevant. Call me when people stop buying the new Fifa or the new NBA2K

So if Yea Forums doesn't play video games, then what does that make game journos?


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>ending is given in modern AAA graphics
Like this?

so they'll be dead by their own hands pretty soon then


It's not hard to tell why the quality dropped when games became more focused on graphical quality than story revising and even then games can still look like ass.

ME3 has that, you moron.

Well you got singles, so I guess your advocacy didn't work out.
But anyway, accommodating everyone is what you have to do in AAA, so it sounds more like you're arguing that AAA can never be great. Which is true, obviously, but only makes the derangement in OP more confusing.

Yes, making a ray of light into 3 different colors and adding some text slides is basically the same as making 3 ending cinematics.

>“ME3 has that”

Not really. We'd have added most of the things they were asking for, even before they asked, if we could have continued to budget for it.

They should. Developers should do what they want, make how they see fit. If the game didn't sales or do well they can blame the fan for not buying the game.

No, it showed what happened to every race and character.

It's about time they woke up. 99.9% of fans aren't game developers and know fuckall what they're talking about. They have a lot of vague, emotionally loaded ideas about what could be cool, but which have no way of actually working in reality. Letting fan feedback dictate your development has only produced total disasters, one after the other. Developers should just do their own thing and believe in their vision. If the game is good, people will play and love it, even if nobody knew to ask for it. Every success story is like this.

if by "fans" they mean twitter trannies then yeah

I used to work with the man who wrote this article. I still work with a few games journos now.
It's like living in 1984; they say they want fair treatment for everyone, but anyone who has an opinion slightly leaning right (or even center) they jump on. They literally write articles on fan communities (most of the time without even contacting them, way to journo) and at the same time slate them behind their backs, and more recently have become brazen enough to publish their thoughts. They do this because they live in their echo chambers of other journos and think everyone lives their Double Think way of life.
You want to talk about entitled communities? Look no further than the ones who point the finger. The funny thing is, they see the writing on the wall, yet they still persist in their outdated ways of "respectable publications", putting any to shame that don't match their critea (even if the content, or the stats are better). They make click-baity headlines, and have go-to-phrases because they know people will look. All they care about is numbers, and the time people spend on their sites. It would not surprise me in the least if the article said something contradictory to the headline. But I'll never read it to find out.

Have sex.

>People memed a fuckin Maurauder just from how bad the ending was

Yeah, just like I've said. Same ending for everyone + some half-assed slides.

And you want more? How fucking entitled are you.

as a game dev I can say yes to this. There are so many people here that got no clue what making a game is like. So no thanks to the idiots here.

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btw same goes for twitchstreamers/youtubers like jimsterling, itmejp and cohh...

>he makes "games" in RPGmaker

When I gain a fortune in crypto and the chinese trade war creates alternative siloed global markets and nations states I am going to finance a hitman node to challenge game journalists to the game of life. (Hardcore mode)

Maybe. I feel treated worse by other media industries.

Yes and No, they should listen to people with common sense, not the sub-humans and Trannyera or the like.

I should be more specific I guess. Many game devs are pretty stupid when they listen to fan critique and change games in a bad way.
But there is indeed valid critique because many games nowadays are shit. Invalid critique goes like this:
> why do they need X years to make the game when COD releases every year??
> why isn't the game bigger/longer??

Valid critique:
> They ruined the series by going into X/Y direction
> it's more walking simulator than game
> game is not fun (because in case it is not obvious)
> didn't like the part X
and many more

Blizzards been doing for years now, maybe people can taking notes from them

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These people need to be be silenced and removed from public places, not given jobs that allow them to propagate their bad brain genetics over the internet.

I am a fascist


Your "games" are probably shit.


as long as I enjoy them I am fine. And I think they are the best games on this shit planet.

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more or less yeah. Yea Forums couldn't come up with a shared opinion to save its life. too many contrarians and shitters on here for that.

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