Game has loads of cut content

>Game has loads of cut content

Attached: Time_DC_2000_0.png (500x500, 85K)

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thats some kino boxart, what's the game?
googling "dreamcast elo" brings up nothing

That’s the album Time by Electric Light Orchestra

because that's a cover art for elo's album, "time" and some guy added a pixelized dreamcast boxart

God i fucking love that album

Dark Souls, Monster Hunter

ahh many thanks, gave it a listen and it's some good shit


Jazz Jackrabbit 2.


holy fucking lmao


>game is only beloved by weebs because it was used in an anime
Good album but people who like this album, Roundabout, or Walk Like An Egyptian because of anime are scum

Not that user, but not everyone is a rym or Yea Forums underage cringe lord.

This was in an anime?

>here is the news
>i wanna go home
>i want my baby back

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I'm just glad that King Crimson and ELP were spared the jojo treatment.

>King Crimson

It literally says "ELO" and "TIME" on the fucking art.

Sorry user, it's not my fault.
Only one song on the album was used anyway. Unless you count Prologue I guess

Never watched jojo so I dunno any of those other things

Retarded question here but does the robot girlfriend the narrator gets in Yours Truly 2095 secretly hate him or is he saying that she's literally just cold because she's a robot

I grew up listening to the local dad rock station, so I was weirded out when all the Roundabout Jojo memes started to take off.

I've Seen All Good People is the better song.

What if I was first introduced to their work by the daicon iv animation and then went to listen to their whole discography without animes involved?

The daicon animation is anime motherfucker.
That's why I originally listened to Time but I'd heard a lot of their other shit beforehand

Genesis > Yes

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Peter Gabriel solo > Genesis

*ELO's work

when "she makes it all too clear" he obviously means she cannot reciprocate feelings cause she's a fucking robot

AI was an absurd concept at the time so the robots they would have imagined would be self-driving animatronics

What makes me think otherwise though is like, later he says she tries to be mean to him on purpose because I guess when she reads his mind she sees that his girlfriend from the 80's was like that?

>AI was an absurd concept at the time
Uhhh, no

How do I get past the Medusa?
She's keeps turning me to stone, I can't go on.

It boils down to her not truly being able to replicate human emotions.

On a tangential note, the main character in Time is pretty annoying, to be honest. He keeps whining about missing some girl and being nostalgic for the 80s when there's all this cool futuristic shit around him. The dude has no sense of adventure. He's such a stick in the mud.

Yeah I've started listening to their first albums until the very last one and found myself liking Eldorado even more than Time

Wtf he's literally me

I don't know, I think he's pretty realistic. From 1981 to 2019 would be a huge leap with a ton of culture shock so 2095 would be fucking nuts. The album makes it sound like everything in the future is kind of shitty anyway and everything he knows is just gone.

This is also true

Attached: Oh Yes.jpg (720x545, 63K)

>everyone in this thread right now

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Eh, he also makes a point he wishes he could send a letter to the past and warn them to take a different route. He seems genuinely desturbed by what the future is like, and wants it changed just as much as he wants to return.

Which maybe is whiny and silly, but most people would actually be upset if they were sent +100 years into the future and everyone they knew was gone.

I wish more catchy albums had stories. Too many narrative albums are slow and dramatic, Time manages to tell a drama while still being fun to listen to.

If anyone knows any other album like this, I’ll give it a listen. I already know about the Protomen.

Time isn't a particularly good ELO album. It's a cheesy concept album full of scifi cliches and hokey songwriting. El Dorado, A New World Record, and Out of the Blue are ELO's best work. Everything else can be skipped for the most part, barring some singles here and there.

>when the game has so much cut content that the cut content page on the wiki is also cut

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Remember the good ol 1980s?
When things were so uncomplicated...

Attached: [Over-Time]_Blue_Blazes_-_05_[29EC947C].mkv_snapshot_00.09_[2015.03.11_12.32.32].jpg (1280x720, 58K)

The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust by David Bowie is a good one, has a good mix of upbeat and slow songs. Starts with the discovery that the world is going to end in 5 years, and in the meantime this alien comes to Earth, starts a band, and eventually burns out on the fame

>released in the 80s
>calling somebody else underage after your zoomer ass didnt recognize it
never change, retard

>Turn to Stone
>Standin' in the Rain
>Summer & Lightning
>Sweet is the Night
Out of the Blue is fucking fantastic

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If you liked Metalocalypse or listen to metal, the Galaktikon albums by Brendon Small are space operas.