>Cyberpunk is no longer an RPG
>Cyberpunk is no longer an RPG
You're a role
A game.
Cybershitters will unironically defend their game no longer being an RPG (they're used to it after Witcher 2 and 3)
Imagine actually going into the comment field and unironically typing 'oh no no no' with a picture of an article that literally nobody cares about just for some shitty bait thread
I would be so fucking embarrassed with myself over how cringe it is i'd just delete it
>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.
>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.
it's a faggot simulator
OP has a big dick in his butt.
lmao that's male v dumb ass
The first paragraph is describing an RPG, retard, they're not literally calling it "roleplaying game" because that sounds absolutely fucking pathetic and turns off the normies
I don’t agree with OP, but that doesn’t make any sense dude. Skyrim was described as as an RPG and it’s the best selling normie game in the genre.
holy fuck you delusional cdpr drones are shameless
>faggot simulator
perfect for you user ;^)
>Anyone who disagrees with me is a shill
Fucking neck yourself, you schizophrenic sack of shit.
>it's a rpg they just can't say rpg or they won't get sales
That was obvious when they showed the 47 minute gameplay video. It's FPS GTA.
>become a cyberpunk
does that sound weird to anybody else?
Yes, that’s precisely the reason. Do you think that they would change the entire direction of a game that has been in development for so long, especially when they have a concrete released are in less than a year?
tell me what fucking rpg features are left lmao
What the fuck? Fucking weebs
>kyaaaa! v-sama!!!!
>Create your own character
>Large, fully interactive world
>Expansive list of abilities
>Choices (supposedly) affect the story in a major way
>Expansive list of weapons
>Different starting locations depending on the background you choose, presumably different starting quests, too
>Different classes (though much fewer and more watered down than the original game, I’ll give you that. Maybe we will see this in the inevitable Cyberpunk 2078) with some overlap in abilities
>Cause havoc or crate order or anything in between
Really, it does sound like an RPG, just not the revolutionary, ground-breaking, hardware limitation-bypassing pipe dream everyone hyped up.
we all know its gonna get delayed at least once.
They’ve had 6 years for scope creep, it’s about time they delivered.
Dude are you stupid ?
you don't create your own character lmao cdpr fucking admitted that v is a fucking defined character holy shit lmao
>They’ve had 6 years for scope creep, it’s about time they delivered.
i agree it's about time. But 2 E3s in a row and now actual game play. Its all been super secret behind close doors shit. The 45 min looks like its smoke and mirrors and work from this 3e was that it looked very janky.
Keep seething.
Are you fucking delusional? Actually, I shouldn’t even have to ask that question. But yes, you do create your own character. Your actions affect the story, and by extension, the personality of your character and they way the other people perceive them. I ask you again: Why would they change so much about a game so far into development when it’s release date is fast approaching?
>He can’t handle someone making fun of him
You have to go back
It ceased to be cyberpunk way before it ceased to be an rpg.
Meh, was hoping to have some control over the story or at least have VTMB levels of character allegiance options, but I guess not. Not nearly as hyped for this as I was a year ago.
>Much like Geralt from The Witcher, V will still very much be their own person, rather than a blank slate for the player. “For us, having someone who’s voiced and a named character allows us to build more interesting relationships,” the game’s associate design director Kyle Rowley told GameSpot. “So V in a sense does have her own kind of personality, but you shape it as a player.”
I love how back when I slammed this game for having no real classes and not being able to join factions, bootlickers said
>"Y-You can still take jobs f-from factions"
Yeah really cool if I wanted to be Murder McGruff the TOTALLY BADASS lone wolf who works under the table doing grunt work I would play any of the other 5 billion games that offer that experience. What's left to 2077's name when you strip the "RPG" part away?
Not like the whole "imagine..." format is any more dignified. How about one of the more classic rhetorics of Yea Forums subculture? Like shiggy diggy.
Just to show how much of an unoriginal mouthpiece you are.
>Alleged Non-RPG looks like more of an RPG than 99% of most new rpg games
>But you shape it as a player
You literally just posted the counter to your argument, dimwit.
I'm not even OP but you tards calling others r*ddit and telling them to kys is really funny, as I said keep seething.
It's obvious that CDPR threw out RPG mechanics because casuals only want to play generic action games. Even TW3 wasn't an RPG anymore, it was just an open world grind where you followed the compass and spider sense.
learn to fucking read you stupid bitch lmao
>>But you shape it as a player
user this isnt a legitimate thread, its another bait thread for epic trolls and edgy kids.
You could say the exact same thing about fallout 4 where every dialogue option would be the same thing just with a different level of sass.
Your god has forsaken you CDPRejects, just accept it.
Frienldy reminder hat the majority of Cyberpunk 2077 threads are made by a few autists that cannot accept how sucesfull the game is going to be and want to "ruin" everybody fun by opening the same threads over and over again
reminder cdpr still hasn't fucking shown straight male v fucking women lmao enjoy your fucking faggot tranny game lmao no straight male content cdpr got woke
Seriously guys? Can you stop already? We get it, it's gonna be shit. You don't need to shit up the board for the next six months about it.
Coming straight out of the woodwork.
And one of those autists (assuming it isn't all just him) did this to Witcher 3, Divinity OS, and PoE.
Imagine, of all the things you could be doing right now, you choose to dedicate your time to rag on people based on a game that has yet to release. This is mental derangement.
Are you new here? This board is essentially a shit recycler
I'm scared of this happening, my immersion was obliterated during the Far Harbor DLC where every single voice option for a quest was trying to be comically-overexaggerated but made me physically cringe at every click. I genuinely wanted to compliment this robot's painting but you are forced to mock his life style
imagine of all the things you could be doing right now you're defending faggot shit and tranny shit lmao
These copy-paste threads should be moved to /trash/. Change my mind.
user, it took him over 6 months after Witcher 3 released to finally shut the fuck up about it. Enjoy these threads.
Keep bumping them retard
I can’t wait until April to see him get BTFO so hard he implodes
I wish the mods would ban this samefag who keeps spamming these threads every time it prunes. It's practically a general at this point and should be deported to /vg/ or /trash/
Not that I don't condemn wanton shitposting. But really, what fun is there? Circlejerking and getting hyped for a commercial product a year in advance is fun? Its a game, man. It will release and it will probably be a solid game. Don't make it your lifestyle to look forward to a game. I have talked with too many people who are talking poppycock like wanting to buy a new computer just for Cyberpunk. That's kinda ridiculous. Like remodeling a room in your house into a home cinema just for one movie on DVD.
Fair point.
I feel this, the whole questline was trying to be a joke but it backfired because it was in the wrong game
>reddit frogposter thinks he knows who should or shouldn't be banned
laughing out loud
>Its a game
it's a fucking movie lmao
>Borderlands isn't an RPG
>implying this will be over on 6 months
When the game releases it will just reall start.
Than these people are going to roam through every Youtuber/Twitch personality to find a glitch/bug shown in the video or on stream.
They are going to take that videomaterial make it into an WEBM and post it every single day for weeks atleast 3 times a day with:
Over and over again.
Just like they did with Witcher 3.
>any criticism of a game I like should be banned
kek cry more faggot
>Faggots and trannies
>not belonging in Cyberpunk, a degenerate setting
Are you off your rocker?
I haven’t made a single comment about the game. You’re proving me point, seek help.
literally every new piece of news I hear about this game makes it sound worse. CDPR are terrible devs and this game will be a shitfest, jesus christ.
He'll just continue saying it's shit even if it's not. He'll try to say that all the good parts are bad to be contrarian. Like how said
Looks like he came out of his shell again.
>Ugly tripfag showed up
Fuck off and die
>Can't kill kids
Into the bin it goes
>forget the music
>forget the setting
>forget the atmosphere
>cyberpunk is a faggot and tranny genre
Honestly, with the way marketing works these days this is a good sign.
They're trying to hide how it really is; that's the whole point of marketing.
He doesn't care how it turns out. Even if it was a legit 10/10 game, he'd still find some way to make daily hate threads for months. And then he latches on to a new game afterwards to obsess over.
“Terrible devs”
No retard, Bethesda are terrible devs. If the worst thing you can name about a game dev is that they delivered a product you don’t like, that doesn’t make them terrible.
Its pretty difficult to ban the dude user, hes got shit tonnes of proxies and theres plenty of copycats that will start up in his absence
The issue is not with my interest in the game or lack thereof, but with you spamming your God-awful threads constantly and shitting up the board, taking valuable space that could have been used for actual discussion, rather than
>Hurr marketing
>Durr trannies
>everyone that hates this game is the same person
CDPR shills seething
How does it feel to know that by the time you die, trannies are gonna be running the world? How’s that make you feel?
>durr trannies
cdpr is fucking advertising tranny shit as a feature you fucking retard
I haven't spammed anything you colossal faggot stop being paranoid
what does bethesda have to do with CDPR being shit and every piece of news of this game making it look worse and worse?
What did he mean by this?
This isn't real news, these are the people who have nothing to complain about after their sun memes got BTFO so they cherrypick headlines completely out of context
>in a dystopian cyberpunk setting
Have you never watched Bladerunner or something?
how does it feel to know that you're going to die before you hit middle age, by your own hand?
Hairsplitting, but yes. It is just another piece of entertainment media. Nothing to get worked up about a year in advance. But people need something to do I suppose. Make some new twitter hashtags and be all like. #cybergate Dorks rise up! Same with everyone who has preordered on day 1 and is like "oooh Keanu Reeves, those sneaky bastards. I had no choice." Reinforcing what is wrong with preorder culture. Just wait until shortly before or after release. Inform yourself about the actual product and then decide on your purchase. Instead people are being controlled by a propaganda presentation at E3. And I am not saying it will be bad. It will in probably be alright.
It literally mostly is.
You mean trannies hate the game making the person who makes this thread a tranny himself right
It’s CYBERPUNK, you double nigger. It’s a setting where people are obsessed with that kind of stuff.
I can't believe sunfags were right about this game all along
All of the sudden mods don't exist I guess
I don't give two shits if you don't like the game. I just want this stupid faggot to stop spamming these stupid threads all the fucking time. It's not even funny shit anymore it's annoying and takes up room for good posts. There's no discussion here just repetition. The reason why boards like Yea Forums and Yea Forums ban generals in the first place.
I don't know why you faggots are surprised, project red has literally never made a good game
so can you prove that it has RPG elements? how isn't it real news?
I’m not depressed so that won’t happen., but hey you dodged my question. How are you going to cope in a society where trannies rule over you? I’m being serious, how will you react?
Who cares, still GOTY.
I've honestly NEVER seen a game that makes people lie and completely abandon their values like this one. these shitters really can't comprehend the idea that the game might not actually be that good. it's incredible. the hype train is genuinely unstoppable even though a lot of the material released since the original _TEASER_ has been absolute garbage
it's not
>Reddit Iconography and visual design
>Meme writing and dialogue
>Neo-Yea Forums pandering gameplay philosophy
>Xoomer score and soundtrack composition
>No Verticality or flying vehicles
>No proper adaption of the PnP roles/classes
>Removal of features because they blew all their money on a reddit actor
>Constant lying and backtracking by the developers
If you purchase this """""""""""""game""""""""""""""" you're a nu-male
Not an argument
>the devs are based and I will defend them because YOU will correct the game for free under MY orders! OR ELSE
fucking fanatical piece of shit
You can tell because he has the same posting style. Either he's doing the "OH NO HAHAHAHAHAA" thing or he's posting "seething" or "lol mad CDPR cucks". If someone brought a decent criticism I would like it more.
Here we go again
Watch the first gameplay reveal user. They show customizing your character from the appearance to the backstory and hobbies and all that shit
I don’t disagree with that, but what are you gonna do about it? Just sit there and let it happen?
I have a feeling this is just a bot by now. A samefag with bots set up
Is real fucking bizzare to me how much people here hate CDPR. I think its the fact that good-neutral press= shills to them.
Is the concept of a buisness not being 100% moraly bankrupt that foreign in America?
Name literally one AAA game released in the last 5 years that lets you murder kids
So just like deus ex?
that shit was removed from the game lmao you can't choose any of that shit
Thats a lot of buzzwords and oversimplifications.
>Complains about Trannies
>Spams Tranny porn on Yea Forums
>Implying OP and his cronies aren’t also lying and abandoning their values
Really, discussion of this game here has turned into one big clusterfuck of retardation. A singularity born by the combination of hype and shitpost culture, with a dash of autism and a sprinkle of schizophrenia.
you're a tranny, every day of your life is suffering. no one loves you or ever will, and you'll join the 41% in no time
There have been some concerning signs, but it's hard to take the criticism seriously when people were shitting on the game for the past five years, calling it vaporware. Some shitposters just have it out for this game.
Have you tried it?
New vegas is great user, but you cant say its better when the compared game isnt out yet
so saints row is an RPG to you? pathetic, this shit is not an RPG in the least bit
I’m not, but stop dodging my question. What are you gonna do about the fact that trannies are taking over? Everything you love is turning to shit, and what are you doing?
devs confirmed that shit you can't choose your childhood hero can't choose your life event or any of that shit
Gimme the source on that one, prove to me you aren’t bullshitting. Let me guess: your dad works for CDPR and he told you this too-secret insider information. Or maybe you happen to be their garbage boy.
>making hate threads for a video game that isn't out yet because you have no real physical connection with anyone in your real life yet also unwilling to admit that, on some subconscious level, you enjoy the dopamine release that you get when someone replies to you because it reminds you that you've been acknowledged and you get that giddy feeling inside while you rev up for your fourth round of chronic masturbation complete with post-fap depression and wondering where your motivation is despite knowing damn well that you've done this to yourself
Any tips on how to get past this level, I hate it
>and turns off the normies
Yeah, and they're adjusting the game to suit that mentality too.
>Really, discussion of this game here has turned into one big clusterfuck
well considering every new piece of news about the game makes it look worse, you can't expect much
I’m just being facetious to derail the cancer in the thread senpai. Although I do hope CP2077 delivers because no game has really captivated me quite the same way NV did. Felt scorned by fallout 4.
>user still furiously making threads
next april is pretty far away
A lot of his criticism is correct, but he exaggerates how bad it is and includes minor nitpicks to give himself more shitposting material. My main issue is he never stops spamming the same points in literally every thread.
41% assure the only thing you'll be taking is your own life. others possibly as well, that's regular with trannies
New vegas sucked. All of it's options and choices were shallow and were not impactful on the greater story as they should have been. It also had shitty gameplay but that's not Obsidians fault since they had to use Betheshits crappy outdated engine.
No they didn't, they said that the child hero stuff was changed, Thats not the same thing.
They even gave an edample in how now you choose between at least 3 backgrounds:
The corpo
Street kid
And nomad
This game is fucking trash, its funny how assmad shills get when you call it that.
>they didn't remove it
>they changed it that's not the same thing
lmao just like they didn't remove rpg they just changed it to action adventure right lmao you delusional cucks
So it's like a cyberpunk Alpha Protocol? I'm 101% alright with that.
>You can tell because he has the same posting style.
If you insist on or even being accurate, you sure as fuck can't actually tell. Obviously there's one obsessed retard, but you can't just dismiss and boogeyman everything on him.
Truly you live in some kind of alternate universe
Yeah, I noticed him spamming XIV threads to death. His style is just way too obvious.
What a faggot
Alpha Protocol was shit though
Timestamp cunt, fuck if I'm watching 2 talk neckbeards for 20 minutes
These are the people that we share this board with
i won't spoon feed you stupid fuck won't change your diaper either retard
>muh trannies
Back to /pol/ with your stormcuck autism
Why are you avoiding the question entirely? Stop worrying about me. Are you afraid of the future? The fact that you’ll be less happy because degeneracy is spreading like cancer?
dilate with a rusty knife you abomination
>mentally ill user is still making these threads
Literally nowhere does this mention anything about any feature being removed whatsoever you fucking complete and utter retard
Are you afraid of your inevitable future of you joining the 41%?
hopefully he kills those threads off
So it doesn't exist, got it. Next thread.
you fucking retard you can't choose childhood hero you stupid faggot can't choose life path shit even this other fucking cdpr drone cuck admits it shut the fuck up dumb ass
I'm not a tranny you retard, I just get sick of retards like you who shit up games discussion with autistic spamming about trannies
>the gay BR is still spamming his obsessions about gay men
>At 2 AM
Holy fuck.
you're not fooling anyone 41%er
This was when PoE was his obsession. He's probably not the only one, but you never know when it comes to Yea Forums autists.
Are you being ironic? This is a meme right? Your example literally says it's not the same thing, dude....holy kek
This has nothing to do with videogames you retard. Do you see the board name its Yea Forums - videogames, not Yea Forums - autistic spamming about trannies.
"imagine..." is just a thing. it's not a Yea Forums thing, it is a real life thing that people say. go outside weirdo.
>Yea Forums-Politically Incorrect
I'm that "cdpr cuck" you qouted and the video you linked doesnt make mention of your bullshit.
Is it too much to fucking ask that entire threads not be derailed into discussion but muh trannies? Christ
kill yourself resetera tranny
so you're saying picrelated was right all along? waaa
No, you should know plenty. Even if he's the one creating most threads, since more sane people wouldn't care to do that when there's virtually no new info being released, the fucking idiot shills keep insisting that any criticism is by that one guy, where even the year old mod post becomes entirely irrelevant.
Sure thing, you get discussion about the lack of straight options instead.
At least they're honest about it. Certain OTHER developers call Skyrim and fallout 4 ""RPG's""
>mentally ill user is still making threads then spending hours samefagging in them
Thanks for the (You) kind stranger!
Imagine being this autistic
No, because I’m not a tranny and I think they’re degenerate. I’m disgusted by the future if anything.
How about you? How will you cope?
Holy fuck, that's one dedicated autist
Wheres the sipposter wall of text?
That was obvious from the start.
I will cope by smashing tranny skulls. it is my god given right as a black man
Why do this? What do you even gain?
unironically seek mental help, spamming shit on Yea Forums is a waste of your life
I hope you succeed in your endeavor
triggered tranny
god speed sir nog
>accuse trannies of being mentally ill while autsically spamming about them
You're obsessed
>seething this hard
looks like someone's thinking about joining the 41% :)
Most things are a thing, you silly goose. But it is still overused. And I rarely see a reasonable argument begin with "imagine...". Because the whole intention behind it, is to frame something as a ridiculous notion. Which is not a good way to open a discussion. How about trying to make common ground and see merit in the other side first before trying to discredit it as something inherently ridiculous.
Since you seem about as dense as your average harem anime protagonist, let me give you a food example. If you ask someone what kind of pizza they like, and they say that they enjoy pineapple on pizza once in a while, you could ask them what they like about pineapple or you could start by sharing what kind of pizza you like. Or you could say "Imagine being a tasteless pleb who puts pineapple on his pizza and is so without shame that he can openly share it."
Is anyone even surprised?
The Witcher 3 was literally just a Ubisoft game, the quests were well written with multiple conclusions but the actual role-playing part was fairly shallow.
Surely it's still a Really Purchesable Game?
At first glance, considering it's only used as a word for the genre but why wouldn't an anarchist hacker be called a cyberpunk in that world?
Witcher 3 also has a giant open world with a forest of less important points of interest, which does not really jive with the essence of a mostly character driven game. I should be trying to find my daughter, but let me see what is on that weirdly circular island in that lake first. And MMORPG inspired itemization, where you pick up another mythical weapon every 5 minutes, that has no real importance beside slightly higher numeric values and the usual rarity colours. It is a great game, but it has some weird things going on. It is great despite them.
I also have issues with the changes from the books. Geralt was neither a noble problem solving hero slowly trundeling to the holy grail while helping out the poor and unfortunate on his way. Nor was he a marauding murder hobo smashing every crate and bleeding every villager for 5 coins. He was an ostracised loner and loser who barely scraped by and had give it one last huzzah despite his desillusion and brokenness because he found one thing still worth going the extra mile for. Before he got bumrushed by some farmers with pitchforks and bled out on a dusty path one the ass end of nowhere.
holy shit kys u autist
Trying to entice me into a suicide pact, you devilish little seductress? But only if we kissy kiss first. xoxoxo Can you paint yourself green and roleplay as a dryad? I could pour some ranch dressing over you and make you watch me eating croutons and call you my dirty little shrub.
For fuck's sake, will these tortanic wish threads EVER stop
That's how the cool kids spell hotel these days
good talk
Good, RPG's are trash.
So I was actually gonna buy the collector's edition but turns out it's been sold out on every platform for every store. This sucks.
CDPR has never made an RPG so why does this come as a surprise to most people? I'm genuinely curious what retard here believes witcher games were rpgs
Whoever replies to this guy fucks dogs and skins rabbits like a sociopath
>isn't a rpg
>has more rpg features than most of "ARR-PEE-GEEs" on the market
What a sad shitpile this industry has become...
Guess Deus ex isn't an RPG either.
Seethe more. Witcher is not an RPG. At best it has botched elements of an rpg. In actuality it's an open world action adventure game a.k.a GTA
Correct. It's a story driven action adventure with an inventory system. That doesn't make for an RPG
Define "RPG"
it has rpg elements.
It was never going to be more than an FPS with minor RPG elements. They're just being more honest about it now, unlike the other big 'RPG's coming out soon, which are also just FPS with minor elements.
>we can build more interesting relationships
>by detaching the player from an unrelatable main character
Witcher has a shit story
A Role Playing Game is a game in which a player creates and defines his character from the start. During the game the player develops, improves or changes elements regarding his character such as stats, weapons, abilities etc. The player defines THEIR OWN character. The character can be part of an open world or level constructed.
anyone else being forced to pirate this game? I bought a physical copy of the Complete/Enhanced editions of the Witcher games so I'm willing to pay, their loss
How many RPG elements a game needs for it to become an RPG?
Yes. This is the thread that is destroying Yea Forums. Not the 7 fucking million FFXIV threads that have been up fucking daily for the last 3 years.
i'm not any of the dudes you quoted but let me give you my definition.
a game like deus ex isn't a "pure" rpg because you cannot roleplay as whatever you want but rather have to play in the role set for you by the game of Denton. so Deus Ex is a game with rpg elements but not a true rpg. if the game allowed you the freedom to be a completely personally customized agent with the option to choose your character's whole personality through dialogue then it would be an rpg i'd say.
i think the key factor in pure RPG games is always freedom of choice.
That's a whole lot of words to say you just want a mute character, cuz everything you listed is in cp.
All of it otherwise we can literally define any modern game as an RPG. Wouldn't that be fucking stupid?
>Role-Play as Geralt, a set character in the Witcher universe
>level up and get skills and new armor and shit
>travel around doing quests for experience so you can customize your Geralt
It's a fucking RPG, stop splitting hairs. Just like Sekiro is another Soulsborne but "more refined" with less shit in it somehow.
more like 6 years of starting and stopping and starting over
enough that you have the freedom to choose your own role. instead of playing the character the game chose for you
So all RPG games look and play the same, only story and art changes. Got it.
voiced characters and true rpgs can never cohexist. a voiced character always, ALWAYS restrict the amount of roleplaying you can do.
>it's good because I say so!!
>it's bad because I say so!!
You just mean class, in other words nothing changes except if you choose sword, bow or staff to deal with your enemies.
literally a child
>no u
Except it's not. A character doesn't have to be mute for it to be an rpg, too bad devs don't give the option of choosing a characters voice.
Your cyberpunk doesn't even have half of actual RPG elements. It has all the elements of a GTA game though. If you believe GTA is an RPG then ever other game might as well be one too.
and then no game is an RPG because you can't do literally anything
If you can immerse yourself in a female character, then you can immerse with a different voice.
New thread for anons who actually wanna talk about the game
GOd damn, white people are pretty stupid. Don’t voice your opinion subhuman,
Wrong. Sekiro is not a souls game or rpg in the slighest. Neither is witcher and neither is cyberpunk. You will always be wrong
Both posts are just immature shitflinging with no intellectual value
>Your cyberpunk doesn't even have half of actual RPG elements
"Doesn't have a half" means you compiled all of them, referenced against an "actual rpg" and came to a factual conclusion, Would you please provide that list of RPG features?
Absolutely brainlet post
What half of elements it doesn't have?
Check the demo and compare it to elements from darksouls. Why are you so upset your game is not an RPG. Adventure games can still be good
Not an argument.
then you don't understand what roleplaying is.
protip, it also has to do with dialogue and choices and not just appearance and gameplay
you don't get it. it's not about that.
voiced protag always restricts the amount of player choice and dialogue options because nobody has enough money to write a Planescape Torment and also voice every single line of dialogue. Let alone provide enough voice options to fit every personality the player might want to roleplay.
i fully expect cyberpunk to be great but it's delusional to think it will have as much freedom as a true rpg. it will be a good game with rpg elements, hopefully the voiced protag isn't too annoying.
Burden of proof is on you, nigger. Unless you actually don't have a proof, in which case you are just shitflinging hyperboles.
I think you meant lack of elements in dark souls lmao
So quantity over quality. Don't worry cp will have more dialogue and choices than any RPG you know.
Neither is your brainlet
Proof is literally staring you in thr face. If you dont wanne watch your own game's demo you defend then I'm sorry
There's nothing to talk about the game when they keep discarding RPG elements.Shitposters are right to ridicule this game and CDPR dicksuckers.
Did I just about get that right?
I knew it would be shit for several reasons
>cdpr are lying scumbags in general
>witcher 3 was complete shit beyond even my lowest expectations, basically an mmo disguised as a singleplayer game
>the demo for cyberpunk looked like trash, and they made the new one journo exclusive, which doesn't really bode well
Still more than cyberpunk
>Don't worry cp will have more dialogue and choices than any RPG you know.
Compared to what? Skyrim? Dumb faggot.
That's not how discussion works. Either you provide the exact and specific evidence you based your claim on, or you can fuck off. Saying "Look it up dude lmao" isn't a proof of any kind.
It's Cyberpunk TW3, there will be neither quantity nor quality.
The majority of threads here are garbage.
Why there are some many Russian shills protecting this game?
do you actually believe this when every interaction will have the standard 2 to 4 options we can expect of """"RPGs"""" since Mass Effect dialogue wheel bullshit?
again, i will play the game and i fully expect it to be good. but it won't even come close to the amount of roleplaying you can do in a real RPG
Fallout 4 VR of course. The greatest RPG of the next decade.
Rent free, libtard
K I'll go do better things with my day than trying to convince a delusional faggot that the game he is devending isn't an RPG
I unironically kind of like how it manages to visibly say hotel in two languages simultaneously
Not really only thing dark souls has it "better" is the mute MC and you can kill anyone, and cuz of kill anyone u got cut story content from Oscar and others, classes don't matter, cuz u can be knight pyro or pyro pyro, only the name changes, you could say it's a fluid class system :) and choices less than Witcher 1 even
>trying to convince
>hasn't provided a single evidence to "convince me"
See you, nigger
It's going to be so much worse. With Witcher they had plenty of things to draw from, and expectations were still moderately tame. Not to mention they were working on something Slavic, so it was home territory and a lot of the stuff like the music/story just came across as good to people that were unfamiliar with anything similar.
With Cyberpunk, they're fucked. They've repeatedly gone out of their way to make bold statements, like last year saying it will be as large and as polished as RDR2 or whatever the fuck, and each time people ask them questions on Twitter they answer positively only to later withdraw that answer and say that in fact it's not true (like the apartments). And to top it all, cyberpunk is a genre that mostly relies on knowledge of philosophy and sociology, and their entire interpretation of it is
It's going to be amazingly bad, at least for anyone that has a brain. I have no doubt the CDPR drones will say it's 10/10 because they found a female NPC they like or some reference to an anime from the 90s. They're a pathetic bunch.
This is a result of too much self-imposed fantasy. CDPR announced it way too early and left people too much time to do nothing but create their own idea of how phenomenal the game will be when that's clearly not the case. It may win GOTY and be highly rated, but it will not be some groundbreaking title. It will not have a deeply immersive and responsive world, it will not have role-playing options similar to a tabletop RPG, it will not be the game you have fantasized it to be.
You are only setting yourself up for disappointment.
>Rent free, libtard
did a fucking 10 year old write this? jesus
i guess that was the intent though
It's actually Americans , usually brainlets. I've never met a Polish fan that was a raving lunatic about the Witcher. No, the only thing a Polack will kill you for is saying Gothic is bad.
You know that they based the game on a "pen and paper" Cyberpunk 2020 and that the creator of said P&P is working closely with them, right? They have plenty to draw from, plus one of the pioneers of the genre as their advisor
Thanks for the replies guys
>You know that they based the game on a "pen and paper" Cyberpunk 2020 and that the creator of said P&P is working closely with them, right?
Listen, buddy, Cyberpunk is fucking shit. And I'm not a Shadowrun fanboy, that is shit too. Not to mention that I meant this on a higher level than pure content, anyone can come up with random factions to put into the game.
>plus one of the pioneers of the genre as their advisor
Imagine believing this.
So you just don't like the genre? Sounds pretty biased, my dude
The kind of faggots that like CDPR have such a broad definition of RPG that I have heard them un-ironically call GTA an RPG and they where vehement that almost every modern game is an RPG.
It's absolute insanity.
I like the genre when it's done well, which can't be said for any of the pen and paper RPGs.
Because the only thing a zoomer sees in an RPG is
>dialogue wheel
>basic inventory and skill tree
>open world
That's it. They don't actually care about playing different characters, or having their decisions vastly impact the gameplay. Just look at the sheer amount of SALT that poured out of them when your ending in Witcher 3 was affected by choices that weren't directly spelled out for you. We're talking about an insanely retarded audience of people.
Last year people were calling RDR2 and nu-GoW RPGs too, I just don't know what to do with these assholes anymore.
uh... every cRPG ever? did you never see a game with more than four lines of dialogue per encounter? ever played Baldur's gate or planescape? want more modern, shit what about Pillars or Kingmaker?
i'm focusing on dialogue here specifically because that is the "issue" with calling cyberpunk an rpg, it definitely won't allow for as much choice as some people think. i definitely expect multiple approaches to a mission or some degree of freedom of choice, and it will definitely feature customizing appeaerance and abilities, but forget about "true" roleplaying. especially with a voiced character (remember Fo4?)
Maybe you should play those RPGs you like so much, can you name them before you go?
don't forget that when asked what an RPG is, the criteria they list is nothing more than what's in saint's row. 10 years ago no one would call saint's row a fucking RPG, zoomer CDPRtards really are morons who have no clue what an RPG is.
Classic RPGs are dead, guys. Sooner you embrace the new reality, the better for your mental health.
deus ex
new vegas
this literally is just an RPG at all, it's not even a matter of classic vs nu, it's like calling GTA or RDR2 "RPGs" which no one above 99 IQ does.
>muh fountain of youth story line
What the FUCK
>Just look at the sheer amount of SALT that poured out of them when your ending in Witcher 3 was affected by choices that weren't directly spelled out for you.
I was extremely surprised people were offended by that. That is what a good RPG should do anyway.
Ultima 7, Baldur's Gate, VtMB, Fallout 1/2, Morrowind. Planescape and Gothic 1/2 as well, for different reasons.
It's all over.
>people think it's criticism when it's just shitposting
Mother of God...
Why did you both post games that have less freedom than you expect from cp? Cp will have more choices, dialogues and freedom than any game you just posted. You expect real life 2.0 from cp when you post games that are very limited in rp.
>Cp will have more choices, dialogues and freedom than any game you just posted.
>mfw looking at the games they listed
do you actually believe this?
>when you post games that are very limited in rp.
what's your example of a game with rich roleplaying?
ok shill
It will be about as good as the mass effect games.
just not an RPG* at all
besides written dialogue quantity everything else in cp is superior
pretty much same as above
it has mute, everything else is again worse than cp
besides killing everyone, everything else is worse than cp
>what's your example of a game with rich roleplaying?
the games you posted
I am still confused about something. In the demo, V is always shown wearing that retarded jacket, and in the demo she also picks it up from the apartment as if it's a part of her permanent gear. Are they seriously saying you can never change out of that jacket?
Wow I'm so glad CDPR sent a marketer who has insider knowledge of the game to come here to market this game
Good, RPGs suck
rpg fags just get tiresome. If it's fun to play and has a good setting, why the fuck would I care if it has a stat sheet?
I refuse to believe you're asking that for real
>besides roleplaying, CP will do everything better
>the games you posted
you just said they are very limited in RP a minute ago.
>be V
Why are people so hyped for this game?
You can buy clothes and they affect your stats, thats confirmed from reports of this year's E3 demo
they are the best we have, but they will be worse than cp in every way yes
You'll never be a real woman. Cope.
Why? It's a first person game.
Will there be any way to view your character outside of finding a mirror? Like, if you pause the game, can you see yourself as you saw Geralt in the menu? I just wish they had 3rd person, god.
>Accept us for the abominations we are Yea Forums, it's not like we will try to replace you or something.
>not wanting to play as the mysterious le Yea Forums is one person
Nah, he's right, you're a fucking retard. There's nothing more triggering to me as well than being called a tranny for criticizing a literal leftie company, when I'm fucking rightwing. You people are corporatist cocksuckers to the nth degree.
>literally every moment you can choose and pick a dialogue option in the demo is 2 to 4 lines
oh yeah, look at this peak or RPing right here
trannies are cancer who deserve death and CP is shit. kys tranny
I always liked how perfect is the location of the pole, right when in the movies they kill someone offscreen.
>I'm not a tranny believe me, I'm a right-wing guy
T. "Olivia" Hill
It's not like CDPR ever made an RPG.
Not only that, but CDPR have gotten super lazy and safe with their quests. Just look at, say, the monster quests in Witcher 1 vs Witcher 3
>>Witcher 1
>find witch in the outskirts
>she tells you she's innocent
>tell her you'll let her go if she bangs you
>fuck her good
>STILL gives you the options to her be killed by the peasants if you want it
>>Witcher 3
>find LITERAL succus
>uhhh kill her/spare her
>end of quest
Truly an amazing evolution of roleplaying right here.
Shill some more for bad games, you spineless cretins. Also I don't even know who the fuck that is.
yeah sure, trannies aren't mentally ill people at all! completely sane!
whats the number of choices you should be getting for it to qualify as an rpg? how many while driving in a car? how many during a tense situation? how many during a shoot out? do you want a lifes story during a drug deal? just give me number, any
Seethe more, fellow "human".
Sorry,son but that dream of yours will never happen.Neck yourself.
>tranny unable to comprehend that trannies and CP are both shit
daily reminder the FULL baron quest is 5 hours long on casual playthrough and some are 10 minutes long, what im trying to say is... false equivalence
>tfw 980 + 4690k
TW3 is the greatest RPGs of them all and you will always be a virgin, deal with this
>take quest
>go to location
>listen to exposition
This isn't roleplay you fucking retard, regardless of how many times it branches into more white knight/edgelord options.
Because the majority of threads were made by OP or ''people'' like OP.What do you expect from such nil-quality trash?
There a plenty of quests where you can bang chicks in Witcher 3, if that's your only complaint you clearly didn't play for very long
as many as needed to actually roleplay.
>inb4 but muh numbers though
nigger, why are we pretending? it has a voiced protagonist. the most you're gonna get is four choices every time, spoken by the same voice actor with the same personality because you're not playing YOUR V, you're just playing V. Same thing with every game like Mass Effect, fallout 4 etc where you get your shitty dialogue wheel with
>sarcastic yes
>sarcastic no
it's gonna be a good game, you don't need to pretend it's going to be the fucking ULTIMATE FINAL rpg experience that will blow every rpg we said out of the water.
jesus christ.
I don't get people who get hung up on the classless system. It's how the tt game worked why you picked skills from the big common pool and has one (1) ability based on your background.
The rest was the kind of roleplay a video game can't do extensively.
they never made a good game but you will defend them because you are a castrated slave that fear conflict more than anything, so better defend corpo's honour than see the shit in your plate go better, it's in your gene, in your religion.
According to Yea Forums you only need 1 choice for it to be an rpg, and that is the choice to play as a straight white male or quit the game.
>>sarcastic yes
>>sarcastic no
what do you want added?
>we aren't aggressively invading your hobbby! FUCK OFF AWAY YOU AREN'T WELCOME ANYMORE
haha o wow. every time
so, do you think that is the peak of roleplaying? are you saying you never played an rpg before with more and better dialogue than that?
i mean you're clearly exhausting your shitposting bait fuel but I want to see just how far we can take this argument that CP will blow every rpg ever out of the water even though we can already see it's gonna be the usual dialogue wheel shit.
>Customisation reduced to presets
>night cycles removed
Great game!
>>Customisation reduced to presets
>>night cycles removed
Why do you lie on the Interwebs?
why cant you answer? do you want to know a persons birthday date during a drive? or perhaps to inquire about the persons love life during a drug deal? or ask someone if they like macaroni when they have a gun to your face? just what do you want more? tell me
>we will never have normal cp77 threads upon release
another one bites the dust
i'm still waiting on them to show off how detailed the customization gets especially in regard to body types.
or did they show that yet and i missed it? every video i've seen so far only shows the basic choices like gender and background.
that's not a very cyberpunky statue. I'd rather just buy some top dollar Judge Dredd merch and get the game for free.
When did she (male) say that she (male) wasn't invading your hobby?
>they're used to it after Witcher 2 and 3
you mean the games that were better than the first?
i like rpg's, but a good game is a good game
>hyperboling this hard because you can't come up with a better argument
cry harder bitch nigger.
literally any of the games you shat on 10 minutes ago has far more and better dialogue options than anything we've seen in the gameplay demo, even right off the bat, i can literally start the game in PT and the FIRST fucking dialogue scene with Morte has more options and RP choices than anything we've seen in CP so far. and that's supposed to be their best of the best they showed for the gameplay demo. but keep pretending normie friendly 4 dialogue options is the peak of RP.
this is my last (You) spend it wisely
I was only dicking people about. From what they've said, they have enhanced it from the gameplay vid (which was only presets) and it's more hands on now with dedicated sliders like most RPGs. Unless they're bullshotting about that too.
ah yes getting to know a stranger in a tavern is the same as trying to come up with an answer when you have few seconds before your brain gets blown up, in other words false equivalence
If Yea Forums is shitting on a game this hard it must be good. The only games Yea Forums has ever been right about so far were TOR and No Man's Sky and I doubt we're going to see the hat trick here.
You might as well cross out NMS, because anyone with two functioning braincells could see that shitpile form mile away
go play facade then you inbred retard, it seems to be the only game fitting your description of what an rpg is
it's not real news because it's something a few autists on Yea Forums made up for whatever reason and you eat it up
>frog is reddit
How do you think you are fooling?
>he's denying pepe is a normalfag meme
m8 it's literally a twitch meme at this point
>argumentum ad /pol/um starts
He is loosing it hard
>compares part of the main quest with a side quest
This is your brain on resetera
the sad thing is it could have been easily been like this. everyone knows cdpr can't do good gameplay, nobody expected this from them, but at least their worlds always looked interesting and nice but cyberpunk looks like gta crossed with some future shit. then they started pandering to trannies. then they started casting meme actors.
and yet we still have not a single waifu
Who even gives a shit what the game is labelled as or isn't labelled? 'RPG' is meaningless buzzword in the modern gaming industry, shit like Skyrim, Fallout 4 or even fucking Fallout 76 are labelled as RPGs despite them being action-adventure games with light RPG elements.
Yes it is, retard. Even the CoD games have similar RPG progression mechanics. You don't need floating numbers for something to be an RPG.
Yeah dude the normalfags were real turned off by Skyrim. Fuck outta here faggot
Games always shrink down in scope once they stop running their mouths and actually start working on them, fucking shame shit has to be this way even with the crunch they have to go through
Shit sucks, I can't believe I let myself get even slightly excited for this years ago.
>you play a particular role
>somehow this makes it not an rpg
Are you guys just playing the roles as shitpoters, right?
So Deus Ex isn't an RPG. Okay, got it.
It's not, it's a shooting game with a few rpg systems.
>is widely regarded as a RPG
>fucking RPG Codex considers it a RPG and they're some of the most stringent RPG autists
Whatever, I guess you'll do whatever is necessary to deny reality just so you can shitpost more on these threads so you can be le epic troll and farm those (You)s
>It's another Yea Forums tries to redefine a genre to still fit open world story action game #628
>open world story action cyberpunk game #1
>It's not an RPG
Neither were the Witcher games so I don't know what the fuck you were expecting.
A role-playing game is a game where you play a role.” This definition gets trotted out every time this debate comes up, and just as reliably, it gets shot down.
This definition doesn’t work because–with very few exceptions–you play a role in nearly every video game, regardless of genre. In Half Life, you play the role of Gordon Freeman, a research scientist. In Super Mario Brothers, you play the role of a mustachioed Italian plumber with fantastic jumping abilities.
To make “playing a role” the definition of a computer RPG is to make all games (with isolated exceptions like Bejeweled and Tetris) computer RPGs. This defeats the whole purpose of having a “computer RPG” category in the first place. Thus, we must reject this definition.
Shut the fuck up faggot.
Actual RPG coming through.
A role-playing game is a game where you play a role.” This definition gets trotted out every time this debate comes up, and just as reliably, it gets shot down.
This definition doesn’t work because–with very few exceptions–you play a role in nearly every video game, regardless of genre. In Half Life, you play the role of Gordon Freeman, a research scientist. In Super Mario Brothers, you play the role of a mustachioed Italian plumber with fantastic jumping abilities.
To make “playing a role” the definition of a computer RPG is to make all games (with isolated exceptions like Bejeweled and Tetris) computer RPGs. This defeats the whole purpose of having a “computer RPG” category in the first place. Thus, we must reject this definition
>keep the RPG label
>CDPR literally never made a RPG before, it will be watered down action game with lite RPG elements like TW3
>remove the RPG label
>ahahahah the game is no longer RPG, CDPR shills BTFO
Well, in sr3 and sr4, you do level up and abilities are locked behind level requirements, so it technically is an rpg with 1 role...
When will faggot cybershills stop falling back on an actual good game that's fundamentally fucking different?
The answer is never because you retards don't have any good points, and I don't see how you would, because there's no way to actually defend this fucking mess of a game.
Anyone can make something you can just barely qualify under the vague definition of RPG, but it won't matter if it's shallow as fuck and might as well never have been one.
Latest asscreed is an RPG too, is that good enough for you?
fuck off mutt
Any game where you can't name your character is a story game.
Consider the following.
>use the RPG label
>CDPR literally never made a RPG before, it will be watered down action game with lite RPG elements like TW3
>make a watered down action game with lite RPG elements like TW3 and remove the RPG label
>ahahahah the game was never an RPG, CDPR shills BTFO
Not that they ever removed it, they're just marketing to more retards.
ew, men in wigs
Planescape Torment confirmed for not an RPG.
Holy shit this cope. You realize that witcher 3 and Skyrim are some of the biggest and most popular games among normies right? Both were marketed as rpgs
>I would be so fucking embarrassed with myself over how cringe it is
But I didn't post it, Anonymous did.
I like Deus Ex but it's not an RPG, it's a shooting game with a janky advancement system tacked on.
There you go
Well I'll be getting my copy for free if that's the case :)
no need to waste money on a game with 1 play through worth of content
guess ill play multiplayer without you :)
>Implying it's going to have multiplayer at release
>Has stats
>Has level progression
>Can choose different character backgrounds which alter story/gameplay
>Has choices
How the fuck is it not an RPG?
its ok i can wait
>urban mercenary
How fucking boring
>what is a multiplayer crack
>I truly am the cyberpunk™ 2077
really CDPR?
Good, RPG is an outdated meaningless term and by taking a glance at this thread, people can't set their minds on what should be classified as an RPG or not
nowadays its only used to market the game as "deep" and nothing more
lmao, at best youll just play with other pirates
>Has character creation
>Has many multiple dialogue options allowing you to approach situations with different mindsets and viewpoiunts
>Has skill upgrades
>Can install different equipment and cybernetics to further customise your character
>Has a sprawling story set in a setting where you play a role.
>Not an RPG.
Yea Forums, you're embarassing yourself more than usual with your insane obsession about this game.
I only play with intellectuals smart enough to save their money from garbage games
massive cope
What millions of threads? I can absolutely assure you that this autist has made more threads.
CDPR literally said they're expanding the lifepath at character creation which actually makes it CLOSER to the pen and paper.
Go ahead, I'll play a game with actually good multiplayer instead.
for example?
That's the thing. They said a lot of things as well over the course of 8 years of people playing.
Imagine if, imagine if all the people waiting for Bannerlord have hyped it up as the ultimate sandbox RPG where you can do anything, i.e. play as mercenary, a merchant, a vassal etc. and then the game comes out 20 years later and it turns out you can only play as this set-in-stone guy with a very railroaded story mission.
That's what fucking happened with Cyberpunk 2077.
I fucking want to play as a cop or a rockerboy for fuck's sake.
Imagine doing this for free.
Judge Dredd isn't cyberpunk though. It's more general SF.
When was the genre done well?
This. Quite frankly, the amount of autistic screaming Yea Forums is doing about this game makes me suspect it's going to be amazing.
That's your opinion, a very uncommon opinion and one that isn't shared by people who help define the genre.
Jesus Christ, Heinreich.
Got me there, I don't play any. And Cyberpunk's won't make me reconsider, multiplayer's shit nowadays. And if they just slap it on post-launch, I guarantee there won't be anything worthwhile in it.
Definitely day 600 pirate, when it's actually playable.
>it doesn't fit my very strict definition of what an RPG is so it doesn't count!!!
they're just pedantic arguments made by a few unironic autists (as evidenced here )
see you 600 days after 16th of april 2020, ill be here
Is CB77 the only game that slowly died before even getting released?
It's pretty much a hollow shell of what was promised by now, and anyone trusting dirty polacks do make anything worthwhile is to blame.
Updated my journal.
>Is CB77 the only game that slowly died before even getting released?
This place is really your whole identity huh? You need to leave your little safety bubble here if you think this game is dying.
You never even knew about those things before you decided to hate the game and looked up shit about CP2020. These classes don't work in videogames unless you have the WHOLE game set around them. The whole point of having a load of classes (which I always threw out by the way every time I ran 2020 because people can build their own characters just fine rather than slot into archtypes), is that an RPG party is a balance. Tyrpically every player has a skill that their character excels at and can maybe struggle along with the other stuff. So your cop might be great at talking to people and having a ton of contacts in law enforcement, but he can't drive for shit, can't fight well and would burn his brain if he used a keyboard let alone a proper deck. In a video game, all of a sudden, you don't need four or five characters alongside you. It's just you. So you don't have to have the driver n the party if you want a chance of driving away from the cops without flipping over. You don't need the hacker because they can do the hacking sequence as a minigame or something else because you as a player are expected to have much larger
Now as for the cop and rockerboy in terms of gameplay, how would they work? Both storyline and gmeplay wise. A cop is just a weaker solo with more resources and contacts. So either the whole game is you as a cop (which means they do a cop game), or you get fired right at the start and lose all the things you want the cop stuff for. Rockerboy again, how do you use a mostly social character in a video game? Have him barely able to fight but convince people to let him in because he's the band for tonight? That's not going to work in a lot of situations. Have a shitty MMO style power where he can convince a flashmob of fans to arrive? Not everything can translate well into a video game from a Pen and Paper where your game master configures a campaign for your choices and has infinite possibilities as you don't need to make anything.
RPG = bunch of fags jerking off to walls of flavor text and their retarded self insert characters.
>Hollow shell of what's been promised.
Except this isn't true anywhere but in your own head.
this game is a fucking trainwreck
>This place is really your whole identity huh? You need to leave your little safety bubble here if you think this game is dying.
This is like my first post in months on Yea Forums. But everywhere outside CDPR cirklejerks, people either have never heard about this game, or lost interest after devs revealed is watered down, mainstream garbage with nothing new to offer
>But everywhere outside CDPR cirklejerks,
so just here and sjw twitter accounts.
>or lost interest after devs revealed is watered down, mainstream garbage with nothing new to offer
you're just pulling bullshit out of your own head to make yourself seem like you're against the grain while ironically just trying to follow trash opinions on Yea Forums
This. In a PnP game, typically you have one player who's good at talking or convincing people and little else, one person who's good at driving and little else, one person who's good at hacking and nothing else, one person who's good at combat and nothing else. In a video game, you don't need that; you can combine those classes together because otherwise you'd just be stuck at the start of the game unable to talk to people because hey you put your skills into combat so good luck convincing anyone of anything.
What is the diffrence between an RPG and Action-Adventure these?
Is Assassins Creed Odyssey Action-Adventure or RPG?
The stuff Yea Forums has revealed about the game in between the autistic screeching has actually made me think the game will be better than I originally thought.
How much player chosen dialogue, choice in what you can do and character building is there in Assassins Creed?
when Yea Forums gets mad at a game, it probably has something worth your time
It depends. When it's like this, then yes.
This is CDPR
a very light amount of each
No, punk.
So it's not like what Cyberpunk 2077 has been shown to be in the limited stuff we've seen thus far.
Maybe they mean those shitty 90 ravers who stole the term.
that's why i said probably
they're not far off each other in that regard though. at least as of now..
>you're just pulling bullshit out of your own head
How is
>Not being able to pick your class
>Not being able to join corporate
>Not being able to kill quest related NPCs
>No flying cars
>Yes, No, Sarcastic - Dialogue options
>Bad gunplay even Polygon doesn't approve
>1 Drive-able car (can't steal cars)
>1 set Apartment you can't customize
>Fixed First person camera (to hide bad animations)
>Forced homosexuality and tranny pandering
Not watered down?
You can stay delusional forever, or cancel your preorder and move on
Zoomers were too young to remember anything around 2013 with the tabeltop character sheets and shit. I think CDPR summarized the shift best themselves, they've gone from adapting a tabletop game into an RPG, to adapting a tabletoo game into an action adventure game. Nobody was expecting GTA 2077 prior to the 2018 teaser. Not a single person would've guessed this based on what they had said originally.
Drive-able car (can't steal cars)
set Apartment you can't customize
Weren't these rumors or did they get confirmed?
these are all either things that never were included in the first place, opinions, or just incorrect.
Devs answer questions on faceberg, and have confirmed all of them
>fixed first person camera (to hide bad animations)
You do realize that 1p animations are a completely different beast that 3p and the two don’t have a lot of crossover, yes? And that you usually see even more of the nitty gritty in 1p since you’re so much closer to other characters in the game?
Also not that guy but I pre-ordered the collectors edition. How does that make you feel user
>1 driveable cars
ill never understand what motivates people to lie on the internet
Witcher 3 wasn't an RPG either
Damn thanks
Last year they said there would be multiple apartments, customization was still being debated. Now, there is confirmed no customization as well as only one apartment that V will own. Just because you're not well read doesn't make these statements untrue. This was specifically revealed in a foreign articke and translated over.
1. Because you don't understand the differences between PnP and a video game. So far I've seen practically every single class reflected in character building.
2. Because you can help, assist and push for corporate factions, you just can't join a corporation because again, you don't have a GM there to discuss with him why your character, as a member of a corporation, is hanging out with criminals and conducting illegal activities outside of the company remit.
3. Because it's a video game and that's very uncommon in video games. Almost every game out there that does let you do it essentially either ends the game there or locks you into just doing side quests which you had access to then. Try gunning down Manderley when you first meet him in Deus Ex.
4. I wouldn't use the flying car anyway but they're in the game, you just use them as taxis and such. If CDPR isn't letting you drive them yourself, they probably have a reason as it's pretty easy to code in.
5. That's not how the dialogue tree worked, we saw that.
6. The gunplay looked fine. Polygon a shit and if they don't like it, it's probably great.
7. I didn't even think you would have an apartment in this game. The idea that the game is bad because you can't put a poster up on a wall is insane.
8. So it's not GTA then? And it's not just one car, they even said you had a garage for cars and motorbikes.
9. What the fuck does fixed first person mean? And I prefer first person games. The fact that you can switch to third person when driving is a shit thing, I'll give you that, but the idea that it's bad because it's first person only is again insane.
10. I'm further right wing than you are, but I'm not seeing anything forced as they've said that it's all chooseable and again, transgressive stuff is part and parcel of the genre (though really if youw ant to be transgressive these days you'd handle things differently but that'a aside the point).
You're insane.
He's lying, they didn't. Next he'll show you some made up screenshots which don't exist.
No they didn't. He's reading what they said in the way he wants to.
>which I always threw out by the way
/tg/ question time
Is the playbook really that flexible? I’ve never dipped into it. How does progression scale and balance work if you’re dipping between class archetypes?
>So far I've seen practically every single class reflected in character building.
wtf i love Wario now
you're lying bro
That sounds like a super reliable source we can trust. Plus I never cared about apartment customisation. I never even knew it was a thing and being pissed about it is incredible as they never said it would be in and their answer was a clear 'yeah, we'll consider it, sure" in the same way your parents said "maybe" when you asked them to stop beating you. The chances that you can't get another one, either due to story (your old one blows up) or moving to another part of the city closer to your favoured factions) is likely still in there.
But there was an article circulating about the one apartment, no car customization thing a few weeks ago. Has this been deconfirmed? I thought it was translated or something.
Yes. Social skills, hacking, driving, contacts. All are in there.
Absolute brain damage
>social skills
>character building
Do you know what the Cyberpunk classes are? Or are we talking about DnD classes?
It all depends on how much experience you want to give out over the course of the game. You can either hand out none and force the players to use cybernetics and other stuff to improve their abilities (which does in fact give them a ton of range to expand on what they can do), give them tons of new contacts and informants and such over the course of the game, or have them stuck with their original ones, or hand out experience points like crazy and have them develop into ubermensch. And everything in between.
Whilst it's absolute autism what these people you refer to do, there is no doubt in my mind you're a PR employee.
>mfw reading cyberpunk threads
They're the same thing. You picked a Nomad character because you wanted driving. You picked a corporate because you wanted the high end corporate connections and polite social skills. You picked a cop for intimidation, combat and police related connections. You picked whatever class you wanted, then fluffed your background and who the character was however you wanted.
>th....the cinematic animator said... anminator said there’d be......... multiple apartments...... and then based Kotaku said that it was true.... why would they share bad info with me bros...? I thought we could trust game journalists......
do you know there are actually no classes in cyberpunk 2020?
>He's a PR employee because he's sick of the same autist that's been doing this for at least three other games, from different studios (Witcher aside) over the last half decade at least.
The best RPGs were sold as something else altogether
Daily reminder that Mass Effect started this trend.
There's archtypes which essentially are classes but it's not the same way as people think about it here on Yea Forums because they're spastic mongoloids.
They also had the childhood hero mechaniv last year, which changed. They were also still discussing flyable cars, which has also changed to deconfirmed rather than still being decided. You're an idiot.
That's not what we saw in the demo but okay.
What is Mass Effect
>You picked a cop for intimidation, combat and police related connections.
Okay, so where would this be in 2077 if all of them are reflected in character building?
So, your narrative has gone from "CDPR PROMISED US THESE THINGS, THEY LIED!" to "Someone asked a staffer a question and they gave a noncommittal answer and now they didn't end up doing that exact question".
And the childhood hero is just a tiny part of the lfiepath from CP2020 so that's fine if they include it or not.
Sounds like a fucking failure of a human being
Have strength/social skills/cyberware that allows intimidation options, put points into combat, go work for the police for a mission. Boom. Mechanically the same thing.
>B-but it's just like Mass Effect and Dragon's Age even though they were shitty RPGs OMG!
Fuck CDPR, I knew it was too good to be true.
If you want to play a cop, why not play a game where you are a cop?
mass effect was good until the very end of ME3
>w...why are you all attacking meeeeee? I just listened to fucking randoms from interviews that have nothing to do with production leading and now..... it’s not in the game reeeeeeee stop attacking me!!!!
>You can choose to be a faggot or be the most straightest man of all time
I dunno about you but that sounds like an RPG to me.
>Mass Effect was good.
Stupid Millennial.
you have to be a child. there's no way you're not.
time to let go boomer
Childhood hero was scrapped because anyone loading the game up for the first time is going to have no idea who tf any of those people are. Doesn't make any sense to ask the player to choose a hero they've never seen even a picture of.
Yes, literally. The CDPR lying thing should only really be in reference to the news and state of the concept in 2013. This was no more lying than the recent changes, as they were never advertised as set in stone, but many people have been sitting on this game for 6 years expecting a ground breaking RPG, not an action adventure game. That is likely where most people feel cheated. Obviously, everybody likely had there own version of the game in their heads, which would inevitably be different from the final product, but the shift in percieved gameplay direction is significant enough to say that 2077 likely went through serious restructuring throughout the 5 years between the first two trailers. Honestly, if the 2013 teaser and its surrounding press had never happened, there would never have been as much shit flinging in these threads as there is now. In terms of the 2018-2019 developments, it's really just kind of a snowball effect as more and more of 2077's mechanics and design limitations are revealed. Honestly, though, I think the change from chilshood hero to lifepath is actually better for role playing, which I don't think I can say about literally any new mechanics this game has had since 2018.
>go work for the police for a mission
So we're still working on assumptions then. Cool.
Nobody is lying, all the claims can be sourced, or you can go out of your way and ask the devs directly and report back, fucking shills I swear
this is true
Agree completely. The lifepath system is much better. It's also very cool that it changes your started area.
Don't care, game looks okay so will pirate, then maybe buy if it's good.
>all the claims can be sourced
To a fucking social media guy or some company mook in a 400+ person studio who isn’t even in the department of the feature being discussed, yes. You all just fell for it like the good stupid doggies that you are, and now that your imaginary bone has been taken away, you’re all pissy about it.
Pure cope.
>become a cyberpunk
I should really filter seethe cope and dialate, thanks for reminding me of this, thread
You can work with militech, who works private security, who are a legit background for Cops in the rulebook so fuck youself.
>The social media is totally providing misinformation about the features their game is lacking instead of saying "We're still working on it"
So it's people complaining you can't kill everyone like in morrowind despite nobody ever actually doing it except when going on killing sprees since it just meant a reload.
Childhood hero was also part of the lifepath in the original game, so it may not even be taken out.
Oh here is some more, for you faggots, straight from the devs mouth, not even a social media fag
>This twitter dm is proof.
Nigger you can fake that using a website generator.
and the loser, as is always the case, brings up the word "cope" to try an deflect the loss
You can't join NCR in New Vegas.
Nothing in that image suggest you can't.
I think that this only applies to you because so far CDPR hasn't let me down at all because I'm not a retard who is upset that a game on release is different from what i imagined based on a short teaser two years before they started development (they've said that they only started proper work on this in 2016, so your six year nonsense is also wrong). And I've been playing CP2020 since I was 13, so I've got more skin in the game here than you.
>gives logical explanantions as to why
i'm not a part of this shitflinging and turd slapping but why are you even butthurt?
>it somehow feels very weird for cyberpunk to decorate an interior
I like how quickly this retardation was swept under the rug. That guy is the fucking lead quest designer.
Yes but the perceived likelihood of being able to ally with them is less given this information. If there were faction indicators, it would be assumed to be true. Without it, we simply don't know. I don't think the odds are too bright.
Again that's not saying what you think it's saying. It just says that you can't buy other apartments. Nothing about not having others in the game. And to be frank, I didn't expect you could. I didn't even think you'd have A apartment before the demo reveal. Furthermore, where the fuck did the idea that the game is shit because you can't decorate a flat, which is something no one has ever cared about and i didn't even know anyone did until you started mithering about it
>They also had the childhood hero mechaniv last year
The mechanics nobody knew anything about, and could have been just a placeholder for a demo that was stressed to be a work in progress and could be changed? You weren't one of those people who thought "they have Keanu as Silverhand, surely they'll get two other Hollywood celebrities to play as the other two childhood heroes and have them changed based on this choice"?
B-but social media
what does customizing an apartment add to a cyberpunk game? play the sims or animal crossing instead, faggot.
>Logical explanations
I don't see any, other than "it feels weird" meaning (we're to lazy/incompetent to make it)
Even fucking Fallout 3/4 had multiple apartments you could customize and it didn't feel weird
Will you keep defending this game every time they announce a basic feature it's lacking.
Okay, it's time to learn about subjective feelings. Just because you think something doesn't make it so. The perceived likelihood is that you can work with them because you got shown that you can work with them and develop a relationship with the Millitech woman (or even her replacement if you ignore her) in the demo. Opposing this is your perception, which is intensely flawed.
So it's entirely a assumption on our part then
That's really weird.
>A basic feature.
Ah yes, I remember playing Deus Ex and thinking to myself "You know what this game needs? Furniture shopping."
>And I've been playing CP2020 since I was 13, so I've got more skin in the game here than you.
Maybe in different ways. I was very excited for the idea of a new RPG, or one that would push the role playing genre in general. That was the vibe of the game around the initial teaser, and it's what I sat on for a long time. I certainly can't speak to the handling of the Cyberpunk world, but I'm still saddened to see that they decided not to try it.
This, I can understand being annoyed at only the one but why would you want to customise it? In these type of games you rarely ever spend much time there, it'll likely just serve as a place to manually save and store shit if the game has limited inventory space. Properly see it during sex scenes as well.
>"it feels weird" meaning (we're to lazy/incompetent to make it)
bit of a logic jump here
>Even fucking Fallout 3/4 had multiple apartments you could customize and it didn't feel weird
nothing weird about having the largest and only decorated apartment with a robot butler in megaton which is basically a shanty town despite only arriving a short time ago
>Will you keep defending this game every time they announce a basic feature it's lacking.
>Customizing an apartment in a cyberpunk game
>a basic feature
no it isn't, it's tacked on, shallow, superficial content at best
Yes. They have not said anything about allying with factions other than you cannot specifically join them as well as there is no indicator. It could be that there are still significant choices to be made on who you work with, or there could not. The best evidence supporting this is the moment in the demo this year, which we haven't seen, where you can choose to work with that one hacker group or just leave them on the suspicion that they will double cross you.
Why does Yea Forums get so annoyed about shit not being in this specific game when theres other games with shit like this? You can't kill every plot relevant character in dragon age origins but nobody complained about it then.
because they've convinced themselves that this was all confirmed despite never being confirmed
I still can't believe Mass Effect was as successful as it was despite doing everything every other RPG before it did but WORSE!
What does story add to a cyberpunk game? Watch a movie instead, faggot.
What does soundtrack add to a cyberpunk game? Play a rhythm game instead, faggot.
What does character customization add to a cyberpunk game? Play Artificial Academy 2 instead, faggot.
And your reading comprehension is garbage.
That wasn't the vibe of the game around the initial teaser at all. You're confusing your own delusions for reality. You hyped yourself up on nothing when not even CDPR had done anything other than competently do existing stuff well and you've got only yourself to blame.
I'm assuming it would be less having a reputation system (which in NV never really added much, like high rep with NCR gives you the radio and safe house, low rep makes them give you 3 days to improve your relationship before they try and kill you and lower again just makes them shoot on sight. I'm hoping it'll be just consequences based on what you did in game.
You shouldn't clump subjectivity and assumption as synonymous concepts.
And your decoration basically revolving around 'Buy this set of random junk from the shop'.
I even remember them talking about allowing for printable fucking character sheets dude, how is that not relevant to a role playing game? How does that not imply that this game would allow for heavily customizable player variance, and not a set protagonist named V? You're a goof.
Either that or tabletopfags who can't understand vidya will never offer as much freedom of choice as a tabletop can.
Not him but now you're just being silly user, being unable to change the colour of a couch is not the same as not having a story.
There's story, soundtrack and character customization in the game though. You're lost in delusions. Have some fog.
Bacause devs keep gloating about how their game will Rival the likes of RDR2 and will focus on freedom never seen before.
But here we are now each day another feature cut. And now people are adding up the pieces and realizing the game has nothing to offer
>But here we are now each day another feature cut. And now people are adding up the pieces and realizing the game has nothing to offer
good lord the delusion on this board is insane
If you're making an open-world RPG, you have to make it feel like an open-world RPG.
CDPR's problem is that they never stopped using the approach to largely linear hub-based RPGs, even when trying to make an open world entry in that series (resulting in a ubisoft-tier map), and then when claiming to be making a proper open-world RPG with a customizable character.
I don't. And only two games have ever done that, and that was for a heavily cribbed RPG the devs themselves also put out. Fallout 1 and 2 with their not gurps. I think you're taking something they mentioned one time as a possibility before they even began development and extrapolating that to insane proprotions. Especially as a printable character sheet doesn't mean fucking anything in relation to the actual game. If that's what you want, there's plenty of programms and excel documents that let you do that today.
cuz TPS with romance is better than some 2D text adventure where only RP freedom is in your mind
Whole thread summarized nicely
if you go down the proper open open-world you end up with BOTW dullness and lack of direction tbf
They never did. You're reading shit into their words which they never said. They said 'Wow, we really like the scope of RDR2, we hope we can match it with our game" and seeing as they look to have already done that with what we've seen thus far, I think it's a safe thing to say they're not gloating. Or did i miss the house buying and choosing curtains in RDR2?
>being unable to change the colour of a couch is not the same as not having a story.
Doesn't require anywhere near the same amount of effort to implement, either.
>more retardation and shit reading comprehension
I'm getting used to this, the shills are just all braindead.
You're more than welcome to search "cyberpunk 2077 printable character sheets" in google if you'd like. There is a date function in the google tools menu to set so you can read articles from back then instead of talking out your ass.
very incorrect.
this thread in summary: retards falling for marketing jargon and setting expectations unrealistically high and then getting mad when their dumb expectations haven't been met.
So far I've not seen anything that doesn't make it look like an open world RPG. If the game comes out and it's not, fine, you win. But thus far all I see is a mountain of evidence one side and you screaming that it's not real on top of it.
Not even the same kind of game, and just because someone failed to do it right doesn't mean it can't be done right.
No results found. Nigger.
>Romance in video games.
>Doesn't require anywhere near the same amount of effort to implement, either.
doesn't take away anything from the game if it isn't there either. purely superficial padding
I still fail to see how not being able to make a wall in a room you'll spend barely any time in a game blue instead of red affects the game or is equal to anything that you said.
this thread in summary: people expecting cyberpunk to be an rpg are upset as more and more rpg mechanics are cut, retards flame baiters like yourself pretend you knew it the whole time, or you simy state that you never cared/it was never important in the first place.
its ok when japanese do it tho
Again, how does being able to hit print and get a 2020 character sheet have anything to do with what the video game actually is?
What RPG mechanics have been cut?
>Not even the same kind of game
that's because they aren't taking the same approach. proper openness in a game like cyberpunk would be a hindrance. a game with such a specific style and set of themes needs a certain amount of direction or else they'd be lost in the freedom
Making me spoon feed you
Might as well remove the car radio, amounts to pretty much nothing.
Don't you see? if I can't choose a poster and put it up on a wall, it's like if a game doesn't have story or gameplay! I'm not insane! THIS GAME WAS MEANT TO BE MY LIFE! CDPR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ME THINKING IT'S GOING TO BE EVERYTHING BECAUSE OF A THIRTY SECOND TEASER VIDEO TWO YEARS BEFORE THEY STARTED DEVELOPMENT!
>apartment customization gone
>Three years before development started.
And again, how does not being able to hit print and get a character sheet for 2020 mean that a game isn't an RPG? Or even good?
soundtrack has more value than customizing an aprtment in a game like this and you know it.
Nigger they hadn't even released Witcher 3 at this point.
Nope. Soundtrack is extremely important to the tone and feeling of a game. Being able to choose a coffee table in my save/storage room not so much.
>Large, fully interactive world
Imagine actually expecting this
When it's hand-placed at certain scenes or areas? Sure. In a car? Not at all, especially when it's some licensed shit.
Yes, the point of this reply thread has been discussing the 2013 teaser and concept.