He's in!
He's in!
Yeah. We know. Everyone knows. People who never played or heard of any other monster hunter game besides World know.
Couldn't you have maybe put this in one of the 7 monster hunter threads instead of making a new thread about it?
Imagine how seething toddlers are going to be when World 2 gets announced with more Monsters than XX.
>Got a switch and GenUlt both on sale ($250 new switch, $30 GenUlt)
>Coming from 4U it's pretty good
>Tons of vaired monsters to fight past LR as well
>Now world will get an update that makes it just as numerious as GenUlt
I'm OK with this indeed.
Including that PC doesn't even get the damn thing till fucking February 2020.
the 3DS games were shit and true patricians only played PS2 / PSP, then World.
I hope the Dios Axe survives the iron and bone aids.
>Iron weapons with green paint splashed on them
I can see it now, please God don't end up that way. The most recent trailer gives me more hope though.
I just want Kushala's SA back.
>Raging Brachydios and Bazelgeuse Turf wars
Oh god
I think for continuity sake theyre doing the generic weapon shit still but i imagine once fully upgraded this time every tree will have a unique model
I just hope Brachy's theme is good
Subspecies, Brach and Gore are implied
I believe all the returning monsters Jho and on will have classic weapon designs.
You do realize that 95% of xx fans are vets who own both world and xx, right? the only time a console war starts is when sonyshits start instigating. The overwhelming majority of people who played xx on here do not give a flying fuck about this shitflinging contest, stop strawmanning and let us just enjoy mh.
I hope World 2 gives us apes, crabs, and other unique skeletons
As a monster that first appeared in the 3rd Gen, Brachydios and its Raging variant has come to the New World to teach the Second Fleet how to craft a weapon that looks good. CAPCOM wouldn't have the gall to redesign its weapons to fit that horrible metal slap-on Walmart style.
The sad part about the weapon designs is that if they executed it correctly, and had it start out as iron/bone with shit slapped onto it, then it evolved into their full designs, it would be a great addition, but instead they went lazy
It's a shame world is still trash underneath all this content. It's like dark souls 2. Content can't save it, they need to fix the core systems first.
>You do realize that 95% of xx fans are vets who own both world and xx, right? the only time a console war starts is when sonyshits start instigating.
I think that takes the cake for the biggest lie told on Yea Forums. Nin-toddlers raged harder than anybody in gaming when Monster Hunter World released because it wasnt on muh Nintendo console. Fuck off you revisionist faggot.
And even more people rage when Tri was announced for Wii. Nobody gives a fuck, judge the game based on the product and not the system it happens to be on.
when literally every time I've seen someone asked for a timestamp it was posted
fuck off and stop shitting up threads you console warring sperge
Or just stop being a salty faggot, problem solved.
Spoken like someone whos fresh off the boat
>no response
eat shit, unless you're here to discuss mh, fuck off back to youtube comments with your consolewarring
even then you seething brainlet, do you not think that people who have a switch on a pc?
seriously fuck off, you ruin every thread you type in
He keeps replying because you keep giving him replies
Then stop instigating
Fucking retard
>a subspecies of their biggest MHW bullshitter odagoron
Anjanath is the one with new subspecies. Odogaron is frenzied (ie: Gore Magala)
no one instigated here except the consolewarring fuck, you retard
PS4 is starved for games. PC isn't, they can wait.
They've literally already shown weapons that have both iron/bone versions, and the unique design. For instance we've seen both Narga LS versions and both Narga bows.
>gaijin "I punch my wife til she faints three times" hunter calling homedepot style walmart style
>not realizing that all the third and fourth gen weapons are walmart toy aisle items
Let the little faggot continue because that's all he has in life and what makes his sad life happy, instigating and too poor to buy more than 1 monhon game.
gaijin hunter is polite, don't make shit up
They'll butcher it like literally everything else because this game can't have anything good.
>Odogaron is frenzied
I wish. Frenzy spreads, so the hunter in the video would've been hit with frenzy by doggo.
Frenzy also didn't give a monster elements previously, so unless a frenzied odo is an exception that's a no no.
I'm not ruling gore out tho.
And you could have controlled yourself like an adult instead of shitposting because someone got your panties in a knot. If youre gonna be an oversensitive pussy about a joke you really dont belong here.
I really shouldnt have to teach you how to adult. Im done here. Maybe you can take from my example.
Are they fixing the brain-dead boring armor system?
Stop being a lying sack of shit. They literally called black odo a subspecies.
Also frenzy was in one game. ONE. Gore has been in more games without frenzy than with frenzy. It was a gimmick for a single game.
its not a "joke" when it derails the entire thread into shitposting you aspie
nah bro thats apex odogaron im certain
>Stop being a lying sack of shit. They literally called black odo a subspecies.
I didnt see this. Link?
It's literally on the capcom unity site right now and was in the dev diary.
>Meet the monsters – you’ll really want to watch the video for this one. The development team put a lot of thought into bringing back Glavenus as faithfully as possible, keeping its sword-like tail while giving it some new twists. They also show off extended gameplay of two newly confirmed subspecies—monster species that have evolved in different ways to adapt to new circumstances, often times gaining new elemental affinities and behavior tendencies. On the menu today, we have the electrifying Fulgur Anjanath and the more vicious than ever Ebony Odogaron!
Thank you
Cant wait to see his turf war against Jho.
Gonna be my first time fighting this guy. Am i the only one who wants to see him literally hit a monster with a shoryuken or some other street fighter punch just for a laugh?
Jho will beat it to the fucking ground and do a big meaty damage number to that faggot dildo-head monster.
Did he actually abuse his ex? That's fucked up.
Fuck kelbi bow
I pray the Hunting Horn survives.
>more waiting for events that console already had