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How did kniter know, bros?
I'm a Buddhist and I will keep my swastika tattoo and you cucked crackers can't tell me not to
because all commies are pedophiles
literally who
pedos BTFO
Every fucking time, without fail. It's amazing.
because his handle was @DrPizza and he signed it off with a creepy cop and pizza emoji and lastly ginger
>literally who on twitter
(C)op (P)izza
I don't even understand what i'm supposed to be getting from this.
rope day approaches, pedo roach
Fucking pottery, holy shit
It's a desperate alt-right attempt at painting everyone who isn't alt-right as pedos because some fuck was an anti-alt-right pedo.
was getting caught part of his plan?
Why are you so salty over people not knowing who some bearded fagboat is?
fucking lol
that he's A) retarded
>I'm pretty sure that they claim that other people use it to symbolize cp, just without any evidence
>even if stated as a hoax, it demonstrably isn't any more. ironic nazism is nazism. I don't think there's much logic or history to it, it's simply that it's now used by right-wing racists.
and B) a pedophile
> ok sign is racist!
>> well pizza means CP
> lol no
Then gets busted for cheese pizza
>at the forefront of gubbergut
That pizza guy turned out to be a pedophile
you're not people resetera
Why is this being posted now? This happened over a month ago.
>forefront of Gamergate
Never heard of her
It's a sjw crusader who shat on everyone that isn't with the approved party then subsequently got caught in a pedo sting. Check out the case transcripts, the guy has been molesting a girl for a long time before he got caught too.
Oh. I'm dumb to have missed that. I guess was supposed to be seen with the OP.
>This innocuous thing is actually a Nazi symbol, but people just want you to think that it being a Nazi symbol is a joke so they can keep being Nazis in secret!
>This other innocuous thing that people claim to be a secret symbol for pedophilia isn't actually that and people just say it is to get you to stop using it, you have no proof it's real.
A story in two parts.
Also, I love how all the Liberals and Progressives seem to somehow be so keen in picking up on and sniffing out these "Nazi secret dogwhistles" that are apparently just right out there in public. Like, if something is a secret symbol or dogwhistle, doesn't that mean it's only supposed to be understood by those who are in on it? Is something really a secret symbol or a dogwhistle if everyone can see and understand and point it out? Isn't the whole point of a dogwhistle that if you can hear it, you're the dog?
It's like an unfunny blunt irony joke, but someone was dumb enough to actually say it in real life.
This is why I think Americans are stupid
Ironic nazi symbols are still nazi symbols for the same reason ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
When actual nazis start doing it to denote their nazi-ism, it's no longer ironic.
Fairly sure a lot of people think exactly that of you ugly fucks.
Dumb whore didnt even do /ss/
>the guy has been molesting a girl for a long time before he got caught too.
Seems pretty based why do we hate him?
>everyone not alt-right is ugly
Imagine being this incelled
there was a moment where a bunch of literal who porn actors came out of no where to get into the twitter drama of GG, but everyone disregarded and ignored them.
The whole thing is retarded.
You can't compare being a paedophile with being a nazi. One is a sexual act, the other is an ideology.
Nazis use the OK symbol to out themselves as nazis to other nazis, while hiding behind the "It's ironic!" facade for plausible deniability.
No paedophile wants to out themselves by name as a paedophile, ironically or not.
Because he's anti-gg. He'd have to rape many more children to make up for that.
I meant fucked up pedophiles and crackheads, but whatever.
Why the fuck are people so retarded over "Nazi" symbols? Would it not make more sense to reject the symbol being misused by Nazis and use it as it was intended? I guess they rather forbid it use and give more power to Neo Nazis by screaming like faggots at anyone using it.
because he went out of his way to hating pedos so hard, he's like that one closet homo that tries so hard to be hetero that comes off as an obnoxious fag still
Read more closely next time then. You missed "anti-" before "alt-right".
>Use symbol
>Okay, then I won't use it, and, because we can agree that it's a nazi symbol, you can't use it either.
>mental gymnastics
it's not the act itself but rather the usage of a symbol, and the perceived double standards.
and pedophiles have historically used symbols to identify themselves to other pedophiles, what the fuck are you talking about
liking lolicon is based, being an actual pedophile is disgusting and reddit as fuck
>Use symbol
>No it doesnt
I'd argue pedophilia is an ideology in itself because of the mental degradation and the gymnastics pedos use amongst each other to justify their behaviors and their sexual attraction to kids.
Fuck off leftard
>in USA fucking a 17yo willing girl is a crime
>justifying your sexual orientation
that's not how it works, you don't get to choose
Except Nazis don't actually use it, it was just /pol/ lying to fuck with people, you fucking mong.
>No pedophile wants to out themselves by name as a pedophile
Go fuck a kid, gamergater. I'll be sipping wine with my 2d loli wife while you rot in jail.
>like girls my age when going through puberty
>even dated girls my age when going through puberty
>now still like those girls
not sure why would my sexual attraction change over years?
I use the OK symbol as a sanity test to out retards such as yourself.
Maybe you should ask yourself why your shitrace is so easily manipulated by sand niggers if that's true.
Except actual Nazis don't exist user. Only subhuman larpers.
most men are attracted to "children" around 14~16 years old
Because 2D>3DPD applies there as well.
Imagine being the catalyst that takes a clear and obvious /pol/ hoax generated a few years ago and make it an actual, legitimate thing based solely off of your chosen, albeit brazen, internet moniker.
Why are they ALL pedophiles
i'm assuming this is bait, but that's not true for all states
because it's horrific for some fat disgusting ginger jorno to be raping some young girl for a long time who will probably never recover.
you edgey faggot.
your shit attempt at humor fails in the face of the golden combination of these 2 screens.
>the sexiest lolicon is when lolis actually look older than their age
Mind blown.
western society is too trusting and hellbent on morals and ideologies. and if you think I'm just reaching, look no further than China for proof.
regardless, it's all well documented. in the late 70s I think there was a strong push by the left to pass age of consent laws.
No we openly heil each other. At work we all did it. We even got the africans they started hiring to do it too.
>most men
You mean all heterosexual men
When the barbarians are at the gates. Gamers get shit done
Its not a sexual orientation in the same way being gay or bi is. The idea that people are trying to equate it as such is part why twitter has become rotten on its fringes.
Legitimate pedophilia is accompanied by the made up justification through mental gymnastics, such as saying that its a sexual orientation and that because gays were accepted after a while it'll be the same for them, that having sex with a kid is a good thing to do
the fact it's true /somewhere/ is a joke in itself
>tfw if not for left, we'd all have traditional wives we'd marry when they were 14
Physical attraction is one thing.
Acting on that attraction in any meaningful way is something different entirely.
It's biology to be attracted to girls under the age of 18. It's civilized to know better than to act on those behaviors.
Like, you ever stand on a really high ledge and feel the urge to jump over? Or sit in a moving car with the window down and want to throw whatever you're holding out the window, but you don't? Same thing.
>Its not a sexual orientation in the same way being gay or bi is.
except it is. literally. but of course the WHO would NEVER admit it, otherwise they'd have to remove it from the DSM or reinstate homosexuality as a mental disorder.
>Nazis use the OK symbol to out themselves as nazis to other nazis
Sure bud. Now I'm a Nazi for posting this I suppose?
I guess I don't get to choose this bullet in the skull of pedos
>The LEFT is causing regression and degeneracy!
>But also, we should take society back about a thousand years
>it's a jewish conspiracy that pedophilia is seen as bad and not the normal state like heterosexuality!
but that's exactly what conservatism is
the left has been ruining the traditional family for over a 100 years now
I would imagine after the circle gesture got mainstream news coverage the actual nazis would have giv n it up and picked out a new dogwhistle. Maybe they're using it even now, maybe it's all those clapping emojis.
Well, legitimate pedophilia has its similarities with homos.
You would not want to fuck a guy, unless you're legit bi/homo or spend too much time on Yea Forums.
You would not want to fuck a 8 yo kid unless something messes with your brain, the same way you would not want to fuck 80 year old granny.
The major difference is that two homos DO consent (choose) to fuck eachother, and there's nothing wrong with that.
A child cannot choose, it is not of able mind. I've never met someone who was raped as a kid and came out as a stable adult.
It's destroying a life to satisfy an urge, completely disgusting and unforgivable.
>reinstate homosexuality as a mental disorder
this should happen
oh nonononono what a tool
It's not.
"Sexual orientation" implies other consenting adults with whom you can engage in that behavior with.
Pedophilia isn't an orientation for the same reason necrophilia isn't an orientation, because it's impossible to engage in it with a consenting party.
I still can't believe it worked, the mainstream media, the leftists, they have becomes so gullible and easily manipulated via their emotions and striving for relevancy
I never even said that. it's just common sense. pedos and gays both stem from the same thing, that's psych 101.
except the WHO would be under massive fire if they said pedos were a-OK or that gays were sick in the head.
The "Traditional Family" hasn't existed for more than 75 years.
Before that, it was communes, hovels, and extended-family homesteads.
You know what people think when they read stupid shit like your comments? I promise you they think
>I wish they were actual nazis.
Just about anything work on retards.
The REAL irony here, is that the OK hand sign has been memed into the circle game by zoomers.
Oh, so now we have Battlefield V developers lurking here. Fuck off.
ah, the age old myth of consent. so a "child" magically becomes able to consent the attosecond they turn 17?
I was more responsible when I was 10 than most 20 something nowadays.
>I've never met someone who was raped as a kid and came out as a stable adult.
from a psychological standpoint that's debatable. children do have a sexual drive, so it's inherently impossible to scar them with the act alone (unless it's forced or violent, of course).
I'd argue the victimaztion plays a huge role in fucking them up.
>pedos are normal and it's jews who made it all demonized! it's just the facts and common sense!
I'm not sure who's more deranged: pedos or pedo enablers like you.
Pedos may just be evil monsters, you certainly are also insane.
>"Sexual orientation" implies other consenting adults
no it doesn't
no, literally. that's not the definition.
Sexuality definitions are completely arbitrary. Why does it make any sense to classify sexuality solely based on gender?
Pedosexuality fits all the bills for what determines sexual orientation.
>old myth of consent.
>i literally do not understand anything about biology, the brain, neuroscience, or the most important part of the brain for making decisions
>i literally do not understand that this part of the brain is basically not working at all until late teens and doesnt finish growing until 25
Stop posting you garbage pedophile. I already contacted the FBI
Oh THERE you are!
The party wasn't quite complete without our old buddy, the incel. Nice to see you! Chips and dip are in the corner
you keep going on about jewish conspiracies when this is the first time I ever even typed the word "jew" in this thread.
I also never said pedos are normal. I said they're the same as homos, which also aren't normal.
>dude move out of your parents house and then kick your kids out
>dude just keep buying houses
In this moment I am Catholic
It's not about age either. It's about gender. Period.
Holy shit
Why is antifa, leftism, antiright, antiwhite, and communism ok, but people aren't allowed to be "nazis"?
why is everyone here pretending that cp bait threads on this website dont hit image and reply limit within 20 minutes if the mods allow it?
>which also aren't normal.
Well according to this so called society we live in.
is it child rape if two 15 year olds fuck each other
>I never said the conspiracy is jewish!
>therefore I'm rational now
I now see why do pedos get 10 IQ less on average than normal people.
You fucks are really stupid.
no, because they are both too young. its child rape if 1 person is older because their brain has matured enough to the point where they understand the consequences of their actions fully and chose to do something wrong anyways.
Because nazis are the only ones who actually discriminate against people based on things like skin color.
Antiwhite isn't real, antiright is just antiretard.
then raise the age of consent and see how that works out for you.
yes, your brain plays a role in it, just like you can be born with a predisposition to be a faggot. doesn't mean you can't learn to be responsible.
like I said I was more responsible than virtually the entire twitter userbase when I was 10. growing up in a shit environment means you need to grow up fast instead of being a stupid, mumbling retard.
Because the left wants everyone to live in harmony, while nazis want to kill anyone who doesn't look like them.
It's not rocket science.
The court would find a way to make it so.
>nazi's have co-opted a hand gesture to identify themselves to other nazis
>ban that hand gesture even though guaranteed 99.99% of people were either doing the circle game which has probably existed for over a decade now or were just doing the okay sign which has existed for even longer
>even if this works entirely you never think that hey maybe THEY CAN JUST USE SOMETHING ELSE TO SIGNAL EACH OTHER WITH YOU STUPID KEK
Like c'mon are we just gonna play musical chairs and ban whatever nazis/trolls/whatever forever? Sounds extremely pointless
not really
otherwise gays wouldn't exist
>like I said I was more responsible than virtually the entire twitter userbase when I was 10.
You have to be over 18 to post here.