What are some hobbies that aren't infested with leftists? Gaming is pozzed to shit right now

What are some hobbies that aren't infested with leftists? Gaming is pozzed to shit right now.

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Reading, lifting, running, biking, carpentry, gardening. Etc

Usually things that don’t involve valid social media sites and self improvement lol

Guns. Probably among the more conservative dominated hobbies.

Anime. It's uncucked because based japanese don't give a fuck about politics.

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Ones that involve fitness or strength, like the ones pointed out. There was some study that correlated more conservative beliefs to higher T levels

Basically any redneck shit like cars, guns, hunting, fishing etc

most hobbies that aren't on the internet

yeah that's why every tranny has an anime avatar

Pic related. The community is right wing as fuck and the danger acts like a filter keeping many bugmen out of the hobby.

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>most conservative hobbies are retarded redneck shit

Hey, rednecks are awesome!

Aquariums such as Aquascaping or Fish

Amature Radio
Really though hobbies bridge the gap between political views.

This is how Resident Evil started

>Where can I find my safe space, please?

>bawww bad lefties made my feefees hurt
Grow some balls.

No they aren't; they fuckin smell, are loud, annoying, poor, and ugly



And if you want games just stick to PS2 era and back. It's not like you'll run out.

That netflix shit show isn't helping

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Uh, no? They're cool.

Vapid* not valid

What's stopping niggers from hunting?

They'd become the hunted

Shooting niggers


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Pretty much anything that are not videogames and movies

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Single player games, the more raw gameplay the better.

They don't know how except in africa, american blacks are mostly city people

Some hunt and wear camp all the time, but I noticed they mostly stick to fishing.



Oh wait you're already doing that all the time

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rural midwest user here this is all fucking true and i hate them

You must be a redneck then. Sucks to be you lol. Maybe I'll see you on the news caught fucking your own dog.

Every year the japs bow down a little further to western sjws. It's only a matter of time.

>where can I find an alt-right echochamber
just follow this door out and never come back

I once had a mini demo-derby with a couple of rednecks my friend knew back when we were young teenagers. They must've been like ten years older than us. We were in their backyard and we each had one of those mini battery powered cars that little kids drive around. We pushed the cars from behind and we'd ram into each other. It was fun.

Competitive games (1v1) stuff are still fine because they require self improvement. Women,trannies,lefties in general cannot compete in that environment.

Some Niggers in the rural deep south typically do hunt. Most people don't know about that because they're overrepresented by inner city niggers.

And yet the epitome of leftism in the US ranks as one of the lowest in IQ. Dilate your wound, bugman freak.

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Name one show

I just moved to Idaho and I love the area but the people are dumb as fuck here

I don't know where you fags live, but car and bike culture aren't inherently hillbilly. Maybe off-roading.






>waaaahhhhh theres a black girl in "my" video game, those have never been in video games before! i know because I'm an oldfag used to playing true retro like Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3!

OP confirmed for sissy, triggered white boi. if you want all-white games, why not make them yourself? oh of course, you're too stupid. how's that wall coming btw?

black women>>>>>>>>>>>>fleshlight made with broken glass and tape>>>>>>>>white """women""". every non-retarded male over 18 knows this is the truth.

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Nobody ever said this. The motorcycle and car community is heavily right wing because leftists are the greatest threat to vehicle freedoms.

I hate people entrenched in their ways who are vehemently and unreasonably opposed to change simply because they are selfish and petty

this often describes rednecks, so fuck them

They hunt all the time, but it's usually cars, jewlery, or something else that can be easily "hunted" from suburban whites.

Hating on reading, lifting, running, biking, carpentry, and fucking gardening out all of things
user... I think you're the fucking retard.

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God damn it only takes 5-10 IQ points loss for your country to go to shit.


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>defining your personal hobbies based on what kind of person typically enjoys them rather than simply how you feel about them


just play video games, what does politics have to do with it

Individualism is dead user.

Aside from reading/telling people what books to read, how could any of those things be turned "leftist" though? It's less that they're not infected yet and more like they don't have a way for the infection to take root at all. What are you gonna do, get a bunch of people telling you it's sexist to catch female fish?

Not to me it isn't! Lovely how that jives so well with that ethos.

>individualism is dead, which is why the jews want to promote it, so that we're all gelatinous tax slaves

Strangely enough the only Individualists left are all Fascists. The ironing.

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If individualism creates gelatinous tax slaves then it definitely isn't dead.

This. Almost dying on daily basis is good for your mental health.


Why are so many trannies leftist?

Struck a nerve, did they? Do you need a safe space too? Someplace where the bad, mean people won't disagree with you?

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>Party A: You should be crucified!
>Party B: Vote for me! I won't kill you if you do!

I mean, I don't even like trannies but it's not like they have a choice?

Guess I've just always used redneck and hillbilly interchangeably. Either way, right leaning is not the same thing as being a redneck.

Jee, the most white states have the highest iq. One would almost say there is a correlation.

public hatred makes them huddle into a tight knit group

Reading is reddit tier, everyone who reads is probably a leftist

t. Can't get a white woman.

If only the cuckservatives actually wanted to crucify the trannies, I'd vote for them in a heartbeat.

you're reading right now you dumb fuck

This is probably what those teenagers and trannies thought when they decided to raid this website a couple years ago

>public hatred
lmao western society is bending over backwards to not set off the minefield when dealing with these freaks

Killing yourself is a great hobby, try it.

>the closer to Canada the higher the average IQ becomes

Based maple land saving our little brother with a powerful aura

You know what's the funniest thing ever? The ideas that created the US and made the US a world power for 200 or something years of it's history the same ideas are now "Alt Right".

You're legitimately retarded if you think that's the case. Trannies are coddled to and pandered the fuck out of now. If you want a society that actually despises trannies, look at how they're treated in the middle east or africa.

Conservatives cant read, they're fucking retarded

>hateful dumbfuck conservitards finally leaving my hobby
Hell yeah. Hope you find a nice comfy hugbox in r/theDonald where you'll be staying

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t. Brainlet.

You know what's the funniest thing ever? The ideas that created the US and made the US a world power for 200 or something years of it's history the same ideas are now "libcuck".

russian roulette

They love fucking trannies in Muslim countries. Especially if they are young boys.

Browsing isnt reading. Places like this board, twitter, forums don't have people writing with enough finesse to classify the process of information as reading. Sentence structure and an overall thesis behind posts are missing.

You mean this idea, bugman?

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>Self Improvement and crafts are redneck

Fucking Zoomers, anything that isn't fucking phone related is considered redneck. Go outside!

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It's reading you idiot. Go hang yourself.

im a leftist


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Leave this board.

>russian roulette

That's basically the same death odds as being a tranny, so it's the same thing.

it's actually less kek

Sorry I didn't read your message, I just browsed it

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Try hunting or football, they're kinda like gaming but outside

It's always funny when people who know nothing about history pretend that the giant arc of history somehow agrees with them.

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>anyone that disagrees with me is a chink
Thanks for confirming you're retarded. George Washington was from the founding of the country against slavery, Jefferson added a condemnation of Slavery into the declaration of independence which Washington supported as a slave owner himself but was forced to remove it not to piss off your braindamaged "ancestors" if you're even White and/or American.
See: James Armistead Lafayette
>Samefagging twice


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