How did they get away with this?

How did they get away with this?

Attached: 1530999850006.jpg (640x492, 33K)

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I know it's hard for you to understand, but watch some 80's movies it was normal to insult someone by calling them a faggot because back then being a faggot was considered an insult.
If you came out of the closet your dad would beat the shit out of you and your mom would by crying in the corner

>If you came out of the closet your dad would beat the shit out of you and your mom would by crying in the corner
And that's a bad thing. Glad we have made societal progress.

based era, i wish i could beat faggots up

by not having time for inane faggotry

sure, cause if you were a faggot beating type you'd totally be wasting your life on an anime image board. if you're looking for faggots to beat do yourself a favour and start by beating yourself up

>being a faggot was considered an insult
>he thinks he's not being mocked right now
lol faggot

Yeah I am being insulted, for being a straight white male that likes half naked big titty women in my games

literal faggot

Internet addiction would decrease significantly if we made violence legal. We need to do it to save humanity from social media brainrape.

You could convert to based Muslim and worship Allah and literally beat faggots up.

Why are zoomers so passionate about "muh right to stick penis in shithole"?

Nothing else on this board can get legitimate vitriolic replies like criticism of anything LGBT

nigger faggot

This is your brain on inceldom

What we need to do is give every man a Japanese Love Doll

Attached: IMG_7575.png (947x858, 1.81M)

it's not in the vanilla game

Islam will soon conquer the west my brother. Then gamers will truly have rised up.

I've never played fallout 1 and 2, should I?

Look, we know you're a woman and we know you're afraid of getting gang raped by niggers when we tear down all the laws to save humanity, but you're just going to have to live with it sweetie. It's for the greater good.

Sorry pal but the Jews beat you to it

I like the ironic faggot insult just to make someone I dislike mad

Where are you seeing "legitimate vitriolic replies" to criticism of LGBT though?

Please stop larping, user

Yes. Play them by downloading the original disk image and using the fan made HD resolution patches. The versions on digital stores are censored.

My words are true and in time you will realize it.

I'm only glad that you're incapable of doing anything by yourself and have to settle with shitposting on a catonese weaving board.


gog version too?

A better question is, how did they get away with THIS? If any other AAA developer had a character say “retard” (even if it made sense in context for the speaker), the journos would have crucified them. And yet, I never saw a peep about this. Does Bethesda really have the media that deep in their pocket that nobody would dare call them out?

Attached: 67CECBF9-CB10-4E6C-9216-66AF5625608E.jpg (1318x750, 733K)

The first months of Fallout's development was literally by a single actual open homoexual faggot.

Attached: Tim_Cain_2008.jpg (360x270, 8K)

LMAO Nazbol gang is unstoppable slut.

Should be. Last I checked all of them were the cut European version from back then. The quickest way to tell is if the vault boy icons for chem reliant and chem resistant are generic art instead of the original artwork.

Attached: ChemReliant.png (140x127, 7K)

in school do kids still call eachother faggot?

user..easy on the red pills

I don't know, I haven't been in school for 10 years now

/pol/ fears the Nazbol Gang and so will you.

No, that’s a good thing faggot.

Shit is fucking confusing.
Where exactly do I get version to install "fallout fixt" on?

if someone is retarded (actual for real brain problems) why would they care if they are called retarded? in other words, those individuals dont care so no one else does

That's not found in the base game.

Based schizoposter

thanks breh

That's from a mod

actual retard here, it hurts even more knowing the the person who called you retarded thinks you're too retarded to understand what they said