DQB2 - Dragon Quest Builders 2 comfy

This game would be so much more comfy if Nintendo/Sony allowed crossplay. Anyone has this on the Switch want to build stuff?

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How is the game

Really good, kinda like Minecraft but you have quests and objectives. Game's story is kinda meh but the quests are quite fun, there's more combat than I realize and the multiplayer isn't a shitfest like other NSO games. And SE seems to be adding new items for your own persistent world with new quests after you beat it.

I never played the first DQ Builders but I'm having a lot of fun with this, I'm about 9 hours in and just wrapping up the farmer island.
Seeing the base area go from one broken shack to a populated town is immensely satisfying, especially since you build it all and have freedom to put anything anywhere you want.
I think I locked myself out of completing one of the quests though, the blueprint quest for the ghost at the church. I had a full inventory and broke the altar so I never collected it, and when I realized my error the altar was gone and it doesn't respawn. Luckily I had found the basement area where there are plenty of seeds to complete the main quest, but I can't help but feel I'm gonna be missing out on an invention due to this.

anybody have a "Stackable Slime" preorder bonus code they don't want?
i will trade you a $5 eShop code for it please!

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But seriously, whats your email, I'll send ya mine

9 hours in and you're already wrapping up the first island? slow down, enjoy the ride no need to rush through it

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>got bored with campaign
>decide to join someone's world
>he made an arena
>no idea that 2 hours has past
I really hope the community stays like this, but I am worried about the end game. Is it just going to be you joining their world or they joining yours? Why can't we have Multiplayer quests and campaign?


How many men did she fuck?

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