I'm stuck on my shit-tier laptop for the next five weeks, what are some good (preferably free) games I could actually run.
Good low spec games
Play a text adventure :D
Get A Job And Buy A Better Computer Similator is probably the best for low spec tards.
>spending obscene amounts on some ricer shit laptop that you'll only use for 5 weeks
Dwarf Fortress, CDDA.
Shovel Knight
Risk of Rain 1
Pirate any of them you poor, poor user
Fat manlet
Spelunky is addictive as shit and the freeware version could probably run on my fridge.
Princess Maker 2 can run on a literal fridge
Doom is the Hello World of the Tech world and can run on just about anything
Daily reminder that if you're over 28 in waist you are a fat fuck
What the fuck does low spec even mean any more? Crap laptops are million times better than they used to be.
lmao fucking manlet 32 would be a more reasonable number you insectoid fuck
probably integrated graphics along the lines of intel
How's your bf, user?
Original Fallout
>25lbs under weight
How in the fuck are you 28 or lower
Sacred Gold would probably run on a low spec laptop, though a proper mouse is probably a must unless you’re a god with those stupid track pads
STALKER gog keys are dirt
dwarf fort
new vegas
the sims
city builders in general
swat 4
piracy dumb niglet
He revealed how short he is basically
Anything that came out before 2010 should run with 0 issues.
I'd recommend pirating the games but it's up to you
Fist full of frags
I know from experience you can run just about any game made before 2009 on a intel HD 3000
At that point it's not whether you can, but whether you should
And... Why shouldn't you?
One way heroics.
Nobody said it would look great but it will absolutely run at a playable rate.
Risk of rain 1 and 2, osrs, civilization 1-4, fallout 1 and 2, emulate final fantasy tactics or myriad of other games. Just start listening to audio books for 5 weeks and come out a stronger, more reasoned and affable individual or say fuck it and go watch all of your mom's house podcast and Dr. Drew after dark.
Thermals and, to a lesser extent, playability
download some emulators and go to the archive redumps of whatever system you feell ike emulating