Games only you played

games only you played

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>That one time Yea Forums fucked around in the online mode for a while
Good times

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The character customization was actually pretty good

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I unironically loved this game and bought 3.0 day one. I was mad as fuck when they closed shop and even more infuriated when the network mode was shut down. If this series were allowed to be expanded, I would have artistically continued to have made multiplayer campaigns.

I never see or hear anyone talking about this game but I've enjoyed it.

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>I made this image
>I shiller the free PC version on Yea Forums years ago
>I managed to get a full lobby with Venom, Donald Duck, Spider-Man and Elsa
>We built a based as fuck toybox with platforming sections and some Kart racing
>The gigantic arena we made with a billion enemy robots blasting lasers at us
>Everyine desperately trying to use their supers to trim the numbers down
>This was 5 years ago
That was the most fun I've had in a video game with Yea Forums.

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This would've been great and a classic if the figures had been cheaper and the sandbox had been more expansive. I almost got into it but I didn't want all those fruity toys. I wonder if Disney will ever do something similar in the future?

is it musou shit? yes. but it's fun as fuck, never seen it get mentioned.

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>Disney Infinity 3.0 Gold Edition had all the characters from every edition in the Sandbox mode
Damn, I should've got that during the Steam sale. Currently getting a rip.

Second best PS1 kart racer.

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Is that 3? 4 was even better.

Grindy as absolute shit and seriously wanted you to spend money to get better ships but I liked it. Did the whole War Thunder/WoT/whatever genre way before they came around.

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That's one of my favorite games of all time. Fuck Capcom for not bringing the others to the US.

yeah it's the third one, I didn't know there was a 4th one though. I picked the third one up on a whim at a swapmeet for a buck. It's been a ton of fucking fun so far, if the 4th one is better that's great to hear.

I love Infinity!

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I knew what this was going to be before I even opened it

Someone post the Venom hot glue

>TFW 3.0 PC didn't have the Power Stone RIP off mode or some of the later figures like Baloo

I miss it bros

yeah, there is a fuckin thumbnail.

I downloaded and played so many demos back in 2008 off of PSN because I was a teenager with no fucking money. This might be the obscurest game I've played from that era. It's not very good.

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>Everyone played the same
>Every new character now had some unique gameplay gimmick
>Try out Cap
>Satisfying as fuck shield combat
I don't think the new Avengers game will nail the feeling as well as Infinitt did. The ricochet shield combat was just oozing with soul. I still wish I had the webm where it bounced between two robots while air juggling them.

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Well Yea Forums?

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always wanted to check out 2.0.

3.0 improved on character gameplay even further. Everyone had a DMC for kids move set. It's a shame none of the characters below 3.0 got a revision.

I still have my infinity figures; all the star wars ones released as well as nick and judy from zootopia

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