When did games lose their soul?

When did games lose their soul?

Attached: zelda minish cap.gif (500x333, 438K)

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Games don’t have soul you meme spouting faggot.

FACT: Games lost their soul after 2007.

When you are started losing your eyesight.

When you gew up


When I realized video games were for kids and it's easy to be entertained as a kid.

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When the team working on them got to big. Too many of the people working on them aren't making significant contributions so it loses the passion.

Games need to be made by a fewer people with less scale.

Attached: 1424450263412.gif (800x428, 1.95M)

Never, you’re just a whiny faggot

the term you're looking for is "indie game", anonymous. indie games are the only games nowadays that have soul.

Attached: shovel knight screen.jpg (1920x1080, 470K)