Now that the dust has settled. What went so wrong?

Now that the dust has settled. What went so wrong?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Unskippable cutscenes and an infuriating NPC you’re stuck with

Not having the end of every weapon tree be unique, element/status caps, generally low monster HP values, players only being visible in the hub, no lift around where the captured wyverns go, and the DMC weapon not being a Switch Axe. That's more or less it.

Nothing, just has a lot of shitty retarded players that commit to every attack.

Runs like complete shit and frames tank where a particle effect happens

Never played the other Monster Hunters but I really like this one. Got it on sale and I'm having a blast.

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one of the most satisfying games out there, cut scenes suck ass though

enjoy user!

is this game fun if i pirate it ? or is online a must for fun


You can’t cheese with bowgun anymore.

Long cutscenes that can't be skipped or viewed with friends. All players must view cutscenes before able to play together. Very specific builds are good, CB is the worst case scenario. Only 1 cat. Weapon and armor designs are either disappointing, outright bad, or good but the weapon itself sucks. Poison is useless. Stun thresholds are wonky. Near essential decorations can't be crafted. Arch Temperd monsters.

The game itself is great and a definite step up from the previous games but there are some gaping flaws

Thanks, lad.

Online is much better in my opinion.

I've been using it since I started playing. I'm giving the katana another chance, tho. I'm getting better with it.

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i bought it on steam and still play alone cuz everyone is a shitter most of the time. You can solo everything if you're not shit, so yes you can pirate it.

Pretty much all of this. Particularly the boring weapon and armor designs, and the endgame grind being such a fucking slog.

>Can't cheese with bowgun anymore
Wait what

Yea Forums got butthurt about it
nothing's really wrong, though. Yea Forums just has no concept of fun and hates anything that isn't nintendo or lolishit

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The expansion isn't out yet

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You can't cuddle Grimalkynes.

The Handler.

outright lies, cluster HBG is the strongest its been in the series

>absolute shit tier weapon balancing
>obnoxiously large hub world that shouldn't be that large in the first place
>lack of weapon creatively
>forced story into every single hunt until after Xeno, but even then there's still more
>unskippable cutscenes, as if the story matters
>new monsters are, for the most part, absolutely abhorrent, boring, or just flat out lack any creativity whatsoever
>easy for the most part
>worst "final" boss in the series yet, on par with Dire Miralis
>online is pile of shit, encourages no interactivity at all like the older games did
Zorah is probably the lowest this series has even gotten. I can't even imagine being able to get lower than that. I still like the game, but it has far too many noticeable flaws for me to consider it my favorite. All the changes made for convenience sake is not enough to save this game for me.

The hunting horn buffs aren't here yet.

Nerg isn't real or my husband. :(

Hey there's bow users here. Drop your hot non kulve/behemoth builds and tips, im a returning player who only played gs hh and lance and wanna try something completely different, but am gonna be solo until iceborne probably so can't drachen or taroth.

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>nergy will never fuck your ass
why even live

Criticizing World, especially in list form, is now banned, according to the mods. Feel free to spam wojaks though

New monstera aside from niggergante suck dick. People are already more excited for returning monsters than the new ones in iceborne.

it's all suffering

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You need to try the G U N L A N C E

Just not enough mons so the weapon tree and armor were shallow. They also pruned a fuck ton of skills and made charms boring

it adopted way too much shit from 4th gen and X/XX in particular, I was hoping that 5th gen was going to be more grounded but instead it went off the rails with all the crazy mobility and anime shit as well as the numerous casualizations, so much so that everything that doesn't spam aoe attacks out the ass like something out of frontier dies if you so much as stare at it, makes for horrible game balancing and is why I prefer pre 4th gen games more, but unfortunately since World sold so much I can only see the series getting faster and more reactive instead of predictive until it's basically DMC

>but unfortunately since World sold so much I can only see the series getting faster and more reactive
I'm really curious how much Iceborne will sell. I refuse to believe that most buyers (particularly in the west) actually stuck with the game.

Best selling capcom game, so nothing

It does look cool.

Life is unfair bros

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-Ugly for a current gen game (good for MH, though)
-Maps are shit, they have the same design philosophy of the older games but now instead of loading screens, there's a corridor that monsters refuse to fight in
-The roster is fucking boring and almost every fight plays out the exact same way
-The soundtrack is so bland that I can't even remember any of it
-Too much story emphasis
-Two shitty siege fights

if it gets the same amount of marketing as the base game did, I can see it getting at least 6 million or so sales, G games tend to sell worse than base games but since IB is DLC instead of a separate release who knows what will happen


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Also forgot some points

-Hub is shit
-Lobby system is absolute trash
-too easy, even in HR and the demo for Iceborne didn't give off any impressions of overtly harder difficulty

this and only this, mhw is the best MH game ever made period.

>I refuse to believe that most buyers (particularly in the west) actually stuck with the game.
>30K players even now and some of the highest ratings of any game on steam
You fell for nintendo kiddies blue pills. MHW is a unrivaled success, people adore the game and the expansion is going to get eaten up like dick.

are you still mad that you can't spam an outdated list these days? fuck off

You got banned because you're an idiot who was shitposting, not because your list was accurate.

All my friends love this game but I can't fucking stand it. How do you have a game that markets combat as the selling point of the entire franchise yet the actual gameplay mechanics are just dodging and swinging? And I guess painting your sword the right color for the target. I guess if doing your taxes for 45 minutes before playing the game is "deep combat" then MHW is the Marianas Trench. Witcher 3, Mordhau, Vermintide 2, hell fucking Overwatch has more involved combat.

Then people say that the game has "expansive maps" but what they mean is that they have 5 instanced bubbles that all feel claustrophobic as fuck because they're either literally underground or have so much shit on screen that it blots out the sun. RDR2, BOTW, Skyrim all feel exponentially more vast.

So explain it to a retard like me, what's the appeal again? Is it the Handler's sparkling personality? Is it needing to grind the same 12 bosses for 90 hours to see the full content?

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>You fell for nintendo kiddies blue pills
God, just shut the fuck up already.
And you wonder why people shitpost about this game.
>MHW is a unrivaled success
>30K players even now
That's good, but we're coming off a Steam sale.
>some of the highest ratings of any game on steam
Not even remotely true. The ratings are solid but there are so many games that are rated higher, especially when you take the overall review score into question.
>people adore the game and the expansion is going to get eaten up like dick.
We'll see. World is easy, but not easy enough for the casual audience that originally bought the game when it launched.

Pretty much all of this. Particularly the lack of unique weapon models and the elemental/status caps.
They really just make you way too strong and make things way too easy. A god damn fan-made weapon from a contest that was introduced near the start of the game and acquirable pretty early on, easily upgraded, and isn't even the highest rarity and takes lower rarity items to augment is STILL the strongest GS in the game.

Why does this game make my gpu run at a toasty 70c while more visually appealing modern games run at 50c on my rig
Is it poorly optimized?

Shit new monsters, weapons and armors. Qol is amazing, but it's not worth playing the game for.

>Finally get a MonHun on PC
>Has the most invasive form of Denuvo
You lost yourself a guaranteed day 1 purchase from me Capcom.

>That's good, but we're coming off a Steam sale.
Its kept a insanely high playercount since launch, something which nearly no game does and the recent reviews are 95% positive, putting it in the top 100 games in steam.

>World is easy, but not easy enough for the casual audience that originally bought the game when it launched.
Lol just because nintendo babies like yourself suck at MH does not mean everyone does. MHW smashed all former MH games, the expansion looks amazing and its reception has been overwhelming positive as well.

Back to your shitty smash threads kiddo no one gives a shit about how salty you are that nintendo lost their only real title. Here is your last (you).

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have intercourse

What do people like you really gain out of praising shit games? Is the dopamine from the (you)'s really worth it?

Well, what im personally enjoying is the strategy and the envriomental hazzards that the maps have like that giant hanging boulder in the ancient forest that can fall on monsters and other similar things, it truly adds on the planning and the approach.
There also the fact that different monsters acts differently and you have to learn their weaknesses and strenghts in order to beat them, the weapons too are completely different from one another and hardly im finding one that i don't like, they are really well done imo and they really convey amazingly what they are supposed to do, now clearly expecting a dmc tier of combat is foolish, but it's less about styiling and more about exploiting you opponents with the right tools.
Only problem that i have with the weapons is the fact that you can't change the direction of the weapon midattack but oh well, they do the job well enough when you learn them.

>Lol just because nintendo babies like yourself suck at MH does not mean everyone does.
Holy shit, cope you fucking loser. Amazing that people who have been long time fans of Monster Hunter are critical of World, isn't it? I'd be glad to show the near 100 hours I have in the PS4 version as well you autist.
>The expansion looks amazing and its reception has been overwhelming positive as well
This is just your theory, isn't it?
>Back to your shitty smash threads kiddo no one gives a shit about how salty you are that nintendo lost their only real title
Rent free
>Here is your last (you).
Scared I was going to post obvious evidence of my exceedingly long playtime for this game?

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post em

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casualization/western pandering

Gore Magala isn't in

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The rest is awesome and you sink 300h without noticing.

Muh realism made most of the new comers kind of boring and led there to be an extreme imbalance in the distribution of elements. Glad they’re somewhat easing up on this in iceborne.

Lol I've been playing since PSP and returning the series on consoles was the best thing to happen. World is the perfect evolution of the game, the only flaws are ultimately insignificant. If you believe your nitpicks will honestly cause Iceborne to flop then my God you're just fucking stupid. If you don't like it, play something else.

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It wasn't a manchild handheld exclusive

>you dare criticize, clearly you think you'll make the game flop, how dare you want better for a once-great franchise
Pathetic fanboy faggot mindset. Go to bed, lil zoom.

>*thing* gets more popular/easier to access
>community instantly becomes shit
Why is this a universal truth?


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Must suck to be called out, don't LARP as a longtime player next time kiddie.

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Pretty much this. I also wish you could invite friends to your room like you could in Phantasy Star Universe, if anyone even remembers that.

I honestly just started getting into Monster Hunter, but I've been enjoying it so far. Wish I could drown the Handler in a puddle of Anjanath piss though. Fuck she's annoying.

>Bows and guns
Easy mode.

Do worlfbabs really think like this? Say it ain't so...

shitty port

>Lagiacrus crossed out
i still haven't lost hope that they fixed the fucking neck

In every monster hunter till now you had rooms you could invite people to. No idea why they changed it to this nonsense

they're adding room invites in updates after iceborne

Lack of monsters, lack of sub-species to artificially cover the lack of monsters, lack of weapon routes due to lack of monsters and sub-species.

Huntresses ass isn't fat enough

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forgot to mention the tutorial. Only tut-missions for the first hours. Since Steam only refunds when playtime is under 2h (except it is really sitty!) I quit while splitting time 50/50 by doing quests for 5 year olds and trying to figure our the interface.
If you never played monster hunter before, it may be a great game.

Not enough revealing outfits for trap characters, and that fucking gatekeeping flammerwerfer t-rex

Ahh shit, I guess I just outted myself here. Not gonna lie, MHW is my first Monster Hunter. I played the Monster Hunter missions in Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, but that doesn't count.

>players only being visible in the hub, no lift around where the captured wyverns go
Really this just comes down to the hub being horribly designed. It's incredible how this series has gone on so long and yet they don't understand people don't want to run a marathon every time they come back to base. Thankfully they seem to be fixing this one at least with Iceborne. I'd also like to add blocking some of the best equipment behind timed events. Kulve Taroth should just be going on all the time.

If that happened, everyone would get what they want in like 2 months. The only people that would bother doing Kulve at that point would be people that want to help for the sake of help. As it is now, there are still vets who trudge through some Kulve runs cuz they still don't have everything yet.

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You're a big guy.

Literally nothing went wrong. I'm an MHF1 boomer and World is unironically the most soulful game in the series.

I hope you die in a fire cause you're too weakened by aids to crawl away

I miss having cozy lobbies with other hunters.
Fuck the drop in drop out stuff.

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I will unironically basedface if Valstrax gets in. Everything about him is just so damn awesome.

the handler isn't as cute as guildmarm


You and I are best friends now

this game was utter hell to play co-op with my buddy. it's amazing how a game designed around team play is so poorly set up to play with anyone other than randos

PC mustards ruin everything they touch. Same thing happened with Dark Souls.

Why the fuck does all the food in this game look so damn tasty?

Stop it. Stop making me hungry.

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Imagine looking and seeing food

I think they knew going into it that they were going to get to make Iceborne no matter what so they didn't really put much effort at all into the end game and planned post-release content, and because this was the first one in a long time to not be able to just port along 100% of what the previous one had people got through the main game content faster and felt that lack of end game more.

You did not play many PC ports of console games during your life if you seriously believe this.

Come on now, PC players have no animosity towards Monster Hunter World. We all know there's another, extremely childish fanbase mad that that the series' no longer exclusive to their platform.

seeth more nintentard

I didn't hate MHW but it was too easy and the end game is unsatisfying since all the armor sets and weapons are boring.

If they want to make a better game though they can keep the MHW engine and just do the following tweaks:
>Cannot change equipment or replenish items at camp, eating is fine. Add Transpurrter.
>Remove scoutflies but keep tracks and other markings, give them a more detailed description to know how fresh they are to make tracking easier. Add paintballs again but make them function like in P3rd OP. The paintball leaves a trail for a short period.
>Limit mounting to 3 times on solo, 4 times for two players, 5 for three or four players.
>Increase all monster speed to 1.25 times.
>Can't roll/dive out of sharpening or eating/drinking.
>No Mantles.
>No more slinger. Bring back old bomb items for flash bombs and such.
>No fast traveling to camp, need farcaster.
>No environmental healing or traps.
>Add negative skills to armor again.
>Add unique Gunner armor again.
>Make more exclusive weapon models per monster.
>Palico can learn skill like in past games instead of specialized items. They can get knocked out for a period of time like in the past as well.
>Add more monster types. I want bugs, crabs, and monkeys!
>Never make a shit map like Ancient Forest every again.

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Boring roster of monsters and equipment. Also, said roster is composed almost entirely of fire elementals.

No wonder the community became shit when Western Bibiwas got a hold of it. The game has had a presence in the West since Tri, and zoomers who started with Tri tend to be the most autistic. You're the Meleefags of Monster Hunter. I miss the PSP days when MonHun was still obscure in the West.

>lack of weapon routes due to lack of monsters and sub-species
As if this matters. Even in Gen there was BiS weapons for most categories making 90% of the weapon pool irrelevant.

Same, the whole thing feels so antisocial. People don't even take the time to bitch at each other in SOS hunts because you're never going to see the other folks again. I'm a total shitter so at first I liked it because it removed the shame of fucking up in a hunt, but I'd gladly take the shame to feel the camaraderie of a solid room again. I'll probably pick up a Switch soon and try to get in on GU before that dies out completely.

Can I get a quick rundown on why the music is so bad? Even Stories has more energy put into its soundtrack.

>>Never make a shit map like Ancient Forest every again.
I swear to God if you tell me you were too dumb to navigate the map

>end game is farming tracks for random elders
>a lot of monsters use the same skeletons
>homogenised blade/gunner armour
>shit weapons
>lost a lot of charm with the changes to potion/sfx/blood
World is absolute garbage but it's still a lot more fun than most games. If their next game gets rid of tracks I'd be willing to look past a lot of the flaws.

they made the music more western, everything's orchestral and diluted instead of the heavy brass and tribal drums that a lot of the older music had
also they added a bunch of weird interludes in some themes that didn't have them before that kill the pace of the song

They spent the money on volumetric fog instead. You did like how it made the game look and perform significantly worse, right?

Only good songs:

Some of it and good and some of it is bad. Elder's Recess, Ancient Forest and Jho's theme are bad, but Woldspire Waste, Rotten Vale, Bazelgeuse Vaal Hazak, and Kulve Taroth music is good.

Why is this game so fucking heavy on ultra settings? It certainly doesn't look better than any other AAA.

It's not about being dumb, but try soloing flying monsters in that map. You spend 20 minutes chasing that shit everywhere.

>-Ugly for a current gen game
Get your eyes checked. You can hardly do better than that in a game with multiplayer and this many roaming AIs.

Holy shit the tracks take 5 minute tops to discover
>>lost a lot of charm with the changes to potion
There is no charm whatsoever about having to FREEZE to heal for no discernible reason
You just sound super fucking petty

They went for the "worldwide audience" meme for the music, to me it feels diluted as fuck. It's in one of the documentaries somewhere.
There's still good music though, like Bagel and now the hoarfrost reach.

ofc worldbabs don't understand lmao, can't wait for mh to become the next asscred

Which one?

It's not. It's generic in the first half but then become good from Vale onwards.

Try disabling Volumetric Fog, and Draw distance a bit. Theres tons of Foilage, and background items. Should help a bit without impacting visuals too much. Think there was one other setting I forget that impacts performance a lot without a huge visual difference.

i rage quit after i couldnt beat no remorse no surrender quest, it was just fucking bullshit and not fun at all

>freeze to heal
>wait 5 years for potion to heal you up
>heal can get interrupted
Fuck MHW's potions. Shit just makes me use lifepowders and max/ancient potions instead of that bullshit.

But user, what about my pride?

>Cannot change equipment or replenish items at camp, eating is fine. Add Transpurrter.
Why? This is good for people that forget to change their equipment before starting a hunt. Or wanna change to a different weapon if what they're using isn't working. Replenishing items is cheesy, for sure, but it let's casual complete their hunts.
>Remove scoutflies but keep tracks and other markings, give them a more detailed description to know how fresh they are to make tracking easier. Add paintballs again but make them function like in P3rd OP. The paintball leaves a trail for a short period.
Scoutflies are better now that the camera tracking can be turned off. Paintballs is an archaic mechanic. Nobody wants to reapply a tracking system or use psychoserum
>Limit mounting to 3 times on solo, 4 times for two players, 5 for three or four players.
Mounting doesn't really need a limit. Most things die by the 3rd mount unless someone is fishing for them. But they are too easy. Especially doing a preemptive jumping attack strike/ I dont like that.
>Increase all monster speed to 1.25 times.
That's what Grank does as well as tempered, does it not?
>Can't roll/dive out of sharpening or eating/drinking.
That's retarded. Leave it as is.
>No Mantles.
Either or. I like the evasion mantle and temporal is good for when I wanna just dish out damage or play very safe/learn a monsters hitboxes
>No fast traveling to camp, need farcaster.
This is retarded. Leave it as is.
>No environmental healing or traps.
Agreed here. It's annoying hunting Anjanath and he wanders right under the rock trap or falls into vines. Ruins the flow of a hunt
>Add negative skills to armor again.
>>Add unique Gunner armor again.
No. breaking the divide between armor lets people easily transition into a bowgun if need be.

I've been playing since PSP. This series was never for people like you who have 0 attention span.

>Agreed here. It's annoying hunting Anjanath and he wanders right under the rock trap or falls into vines. Ruins the flow of a hunt
Not him, but I like the idea of natural traps but think they should be player-caused. Like a mon will try to not step into a trap, but if the player causes knockback, stun, maybe sleep (depending on how they fall to the ground), that is fine.

I get carted more while healing in World and getting sniped by a fireball than I do by muh flex in old monster hunter.

That's a better idea. I wanna cause the waterfall trap, not a random Rathalos fireball or tailswipe. I'm trying to hunt here.

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>Letting the monster get up
>Not having flash pods
>Not knowing where the monster will fly to and waiting for it
I dunno user it does sound like you are in fact shit at MH.

>Why? This is good for people that forget to change their equipment before starting a hunt. Or wanna change to a different weapon if what they're using isn't working. Replenishing items is cheesy, for sure, but it let's casual complete their hunts.
Removing the need to seriously prep makes the hunts feel less challenging or important. MH shouldn't hand hold.
>Scoutflies are better now that the camera tracking can be turned off. Paintballs is an archaic mechanic. Nobody wants to reapply a tracking system or use psychoserum
That's why I said paintballs as they function in the MHP3rd Opening and not the old paintballs. Watch that and see what I mean. I feel like scoutflies are too OP because they're not earned and you can never lose them.
>That's what Grank does as well as tempered, does it not?
Yes but that should be 1.6 times faster. Monsters just telegraph too easily.
>That's retarded. Leave it as is.
The game needs to be harder and more punishing for it to feel more rewarding.
You need to earn that Mission Complete jingle.
>No. breaking the divide between armor lets people easily transition into a bowgun if need be.
Switching classes too easily also makes the game too easy. You need to commit or suffer the consequences.

Obvious nintendo seethe thread aside.

My only legitimate complaint was how playing with friends on story missions worked with everyone having to get the cutscene then having to ditch and pile into one other's game.

A couple of things. But, overall, free itself from Nintendo has been the best move for Monster Hunter.

No Guild Quests.

Dinosaur Bird is the best pet

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What should I know about fighting AT Xeno?

That you either cheese him with one of two strats or prepare your anus for one of the actually hard fights in world.

be prepared for lots of explosions
don't root yourself in one place for too long
get health boosts and divine protection

It's incredible how much the game has changed for the better since it left Nintendo's grasp

>Using items

Listen. I don't mind big maps.
All the other maps are fine. But the verticality here would have easily been less annoying with more wedge beetles to grapple instead of climbing vine after vine.

30 minute timer.
More explosions
Xeno wont ever land
Even more explosions
Everyone will cart to the sweeping laser at least once dive evade it if you can't get behind his head
Why won't the monster stop exploding

As Someone who prefers XX to MHW,
>Cannot change equipment or replenish items at camp, eating is fine. Add Transpurrter.
Keep change equip, remove item replenish
>Remove scoutflies but keep tracks and other markings, give them a more detailed description to know how fresh they are to make tracking easier. Add paintballs again but make them function like in P3rd OP. The paintball leaves a trail for a short period.
Just improve the scoutflies I hate em but bringing back paint balls isn't gonna make it better. I don't hate paints either but I want this to move forward.
>Limit mounting to 3 times on solo, 4 times for two players, 5 for three or four players.
Doesn't need a limit, if you have too many mounts during your hunts, something is wrong.
>Increase all monster speed to 1.25 times.
>Can't roll/dive out of sharpening or eating/drinking.
Nah if you gonna increase speed don't need to take this out.
>No Mantles.
Debatable for me I think they are shit, fun and op all at the same time.
>No more slinger. Bring back old bomb items for flash bombs and such.
Seems pointless, slinger still kinda feels the same to me.
>No fast traveling to camp, need farcaster.
Yeah I do like actually running around the map.
>No environmental healing or traps.
I like the traps that can screw you and the monster over, the healing and positive stuff can go.
>Add negative skills to armor again.
Nah, unless I get old charms back.
>Add unique Gunner armor again.
I like the different armor sets but I feel like this is not needed.
>Make more exclusive weapon models per monster.
Only thing I care about right now.
>Palico can learn skill like in past games instead of specialized items. They can get knocked out for a period of time like in the past as well.
Sure why not, thought it was weird they were always up.
>Never make a shit map like Ancient Forest every again.
I agree this was shit, but that might just be my own opinion.

MHW is essentially the Skyrim of MH games. It was made for a broader audience and it brought "QOL" improvements that are just casualizations that watered down the gameplay and challenge the series was known for. Of course people that never played the older games will be defensive since this is their starting point and has no reference for the older games in the series.

in after seething nintendo

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Nothing. Babies are just mad because of one of two reasons, occasionally both. 1) It's not exclusive to their favorite platform anymore. 2) It's not the same tired mechanics and reused assets from the PS2 era anymore. Basically, change is bad.

I hate how this franchise has devolved into consolewars and shitposting. It wasn't like this back in the PSP and 3DS days.

>Removing the need to seriously prep makes the hunts feel less challenging or important. MH shouldn't hand hold.
This seems like a total you thing. Mechanically, it's an improvement. Forget to change gear? Change it at camp. You're Agitator GS set not working out for you with Kushala, change it up. And it, again, allows casuals to eventually complete their hunts. Pros strive to get hunts done sub10/6 and so on, so it's not a huge mark down there.
>That's why I said paintballs as they function in the MHP3rd Opening
On paper sounds cool, but in practice wouldn't really work that well. What with some monsters flying over zones or digging. A paint trail isn't feasible. But a neat idea.
>The game needs to be harder and more punishing for it to feel more rewarding.
The game punishes you plenty for reading a move wrong. Even if you dodge out of a sharpen or heal, you still gotta finish a full sharpen cycle before the weapon is ready again. And if you want harder, that's what Grank, Tempered and ATs are for.

I'm trying to actually think of an area that requires "vine after vine" climbing and the only one I'm coming up with is going from the Jagras den up to the Brute sleeping area, which is only like 3 or 4 fairly short vines, everything else is running up wood.
Look, if you're gonna kneecap yourself by not using items, and by that same attitude I assume you're also not going to fast travel around the map to easily head off monsters.
Then I refer you to my first point, chain trip the fuckers, the Rath family has very weak knees and won't every fly off if you keep hitting them.

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I started in 3u and World is the best. Flawed, but the best. It's only real negatives are that story isn't easily co-opable, small roster (but for good reason) and shit weapon designs (for a debatble good reason)


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>Cannot change equipment or replenish items at camp, eating is fine. Add Transpurrter.
I actually agree. Being able to have effectively infinite farcasters and Max Potions is pretty retarded. They should bring back the Provision Division instead.
>Remove scoutflies but keep tracks and other markings, give them a more detailed description to know how fresh they are to make tracking easier. Add paintballs again but make them function like in P3rd OP. The paintball leaves a trail for a short period.
Scoutflies aren't perfect but they're better than the alternative. Paintballs were bad back then and they're still bad now.
>Limit mounting to 3 times on solo, 4 times for two players, 5 for three or four players.
>Increase all monster speed to 1.25 times.
I don't see the need for it.
>Can't roll/dive out of sharpening or eating/drinking.
No thanks.
>No Mantles.
Just nerf Temporal and Grugsteady. Mantles were actually a good addition.
>No more slinger. Bring back old bomb items for flash bombs and such.
Fuck no. Slinger is infinitely better than bombs
>No fast traveling to camp, need farcaster.
Imagine wanting to traverse the entire Ancient Forest to get to Rathalos' nest. Fast travel was a good addition because World's maps are much larger than old maps. Farcasters are for "Oh Shit!" situations.
>No environmental healing or traps.
These were a good addition.
>Add negative skills to armor again.
>Add unique Gunner armor again.
>Make more exclusive weapon models per monster.
>Palico can learn skill like in past games instead of specialized items. They can get knocked out for a period of time like in the past as well.
>Add more monster types. I want bugs, crabs, and monkeys!
Yes please.
>Never make a shit map like Ancient Forest every again.
Every game has its shit map. Ancient Forest may be bad, but Wildspire Waste and Rotten Vale are kino.

The coral highlands area. Going from the slope pit to the high top arena isn't fun to traverse to. Even with the wedge beetle swinging

I honestly like the look of ancient forest, it just needs to be less cramped because some areas are just a fucking mess to fight in

Nothing, it's fun

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I'm so glad this game broke Yea Forums's mind. The amount of "OH NONONONO" threads which said this game was gonna bomb was great.

The flaws you mentioned are okay except the co-op. Village quests or story quests should always be solo. What about the positives then, if those are the only negatives?

Okay fair but I thought we were talking about ancient forest?
For the highlands I always carry a glider mantle PURELY to skip that section.

The handler is perfect, you shut your whore mouth
I want to wife her and give her pies of cream all night long.

> :)
You can tell he's absolutely seething

I guess we all have our fetishes, but really? Ugly trannies is what gets you going?

gunlance is too fucking fun, i refuse to believe this ranking

Not every game need to be difficult. But I never carted once soloing the whole game. Not until they added Lunastra, at least. That's a bit unusual for a MH game. I just think the hunter has too many tools and the monsters haven't been equally buffed in World.

Evidence: best selling MH game to date
>S-sales dont make it good
No faggot but it certainly doesn't hurt the argument, and you asked what went wrong so fuck right off
>B-b-but you didn't have to grind for 500 hours to get anywhere
Thank fucking God, I can actually enjoy a game instead of doing chores. And if you come at me with some 'casual' gamer bullshit you can shove that up your ass. Pro fucking tip: if you don't make money off your hobby, you're fucking casual.

fucking kek

Spam your list so we can all laugh at you getting banned again

>the actual gameplay mechanics are just dodging and swinging
Depends heavily on what weapon you're using. The game plays significantly different depending on what weapon you're using. Not saying this will solve your problems, but weapons like Duel Blades are more about dashing and mashing while weapons like Charge Blade are so fucking complex entire manuals are written about how to use them, same with the Bowguns.

Monster Hunter World isn't supposed to be an open world game like "RDR2, BOTW, Skyrim". It's not what the game is about.

Gunlance = Funlance

Holy fuck stop acting like this is a newb vs epic hardcore oldfag thing you disgusting neckbeard. I don't want to be associated with people like you.
I've been playing since P3rd, Monster Hunter isn't some super sekrit club for it was literally the most common handheld game in Japan. The QoL fixes are genuinely good changes that make the game less tedious. Aside from that, loading screens and graphics it's practically the same Monster Hunter game as before.

If you're using 4chanx add this to your filters to improve your Yea Forums browsing experience.

/console war/i
/have sex/i
/bing bing wahoo/i
/>Inb4 b-but nintendo.../i
/List of problems with MHW:/i
/>Everything has an element it is weak to,/i
/Xeno is yet another damage sponge final boss/i
/>The lobby system is awful, it's so bad that it needs a list for itself, but I don't think that's necessary, as everyone who has played the/i
/>Deluxe kit necessary for new armor set/i
/Enjoy the shit thread,/i
/Feel free to add to the list/i

There are a ton of people that play monster hunter just to hunt with friends. Making it so that you need to jump through hoops to do that is bad for them. Especially when Monster Hunter is toted as being very co-op oriented.
As for the positives, it's all the QoL additions I like. Changing gear midhunt if need be, better gathering of bugs, better farm, investigations to help get those rare parts, layered armor to mask clown suiting OR even embrace clown suiting by looking even more ridiculous if you wanted, radial menu, sharpen with weapon out, destroying traps if set improperly.
But as far as gameplay goes, what's not to like? It still plays like monster hunter. You still hunt monsters to get their gear to get better at hunting bigger, tougher monsters. I just don't get the hate and feel a lot of criticisms are just personal taste for some archaic difficulty/limitations or poorly thought out ones like monster roster.

How are you surprised? Gunlance is largely fixed damage so minmax damage sets won’t boost its dps as much as say, longsword.


>removing tedium = casualiztion
Western fanbases are so retarded

I agree with the Hunter getting tons of new options while the monsters got nothing. If you ignore all the new mechanics World is pretty close to the older games in terms of difficulty, just with better controls, but make use of all the new stuff and you’ll be running circles around the monsters and be completely safe 9 times out of 10. Monsters need to be made a bit more threatening.

>Forest and Hills
>Old Swamp
>Snowy Mountains
>Gen 2 Jungle
>Gen 2 Volcano
>Deserted Island
>Misty Peaks
>Ancestral Steppe
>Frozen Seaway
>Wildspire Waste
>Rotten Vale

>Old Jungle
>Gen 2 Desert
>Gen 2 Swamp
>Flooded Forest
>Volcanic Hollow
>Ancient Forest

Attached: 1562109423566.png (720x720, 476K)

>I've been playing since P3rd
Yikes. Literally the most casual MH after World.
Shame since I love Yukumo almost as much as Pokke.

Also, stop crying and go dialate.

They hate it because they don't get to feel like special kiddies anymore now that it's popular, it's pathetic.

Monster Hunter has been getting more and more casualised every instalment since it started nerd, the changes in World are barely any different to the changes from gen 1 to 2, 2 to 3 and so on.

>Hurrrr casual
Show me the living you've made off playing monster Hunter. How much $$$
You did buy it on Master Race, right user?

Huh? What does money have to with being a casual?

Ancient Forest would be a good map in a game where the enemies don’t take up half the screen. It’s well designed and labyrinthine with lots to see and explore, but when you’re trying to fight a dinosaur that takes up a third of the available space in a section it’s pretty ass.

If you're not making money off it, you're casual.

Just bought World in the summer sale, just hunted Anjanath a few hours ago. It's so weird to me how Anjanath is like Glavenus but without his tail and really fucking wonky hitboxes. Tobi-Kadachi is decent I guess, does he use the Kecha Wacha skeleton? I swear that floating thing he does is the exact same thing Kecha did.

Also I don't like the new parry on LS, why would you ever use the spirit combo now. Also the jumping sakura slash is so ""cinematic"" and really is unnecessarily long. Just wished they just gave a normal sakura slash on a cooldown.


Which doesn't make sense. MH was so big in Japan it got near yearly releases. The MH team just wanted to expand even bigger than 3u and 4u with such an installment that still played like monster hunter, albeit easier, but is still fun to just go in and whack on some beasts

They're all practically the same you petty, attention-seeking manchild

>List gets banned
>Shilling goes through the roof
This is the future you chose.

... not him, and you missed the point he was making.
Try Again.

>thinking a game that's over a year old needs shilling
>thinking Capcom's best selling game ever needs shilling
The only people that are getting Iceborne are people that like monster hunter world already

Good riddance.

Its literally one guy spamming and agreeing with himself
I swear to god whoever showed Chrischan this game is gonna get a gunlance to the crotch

>any and all praise of World is shilling
>any and all criticism of World is sour grapes bingers

That said, World is garbage. They were clearly more focused on creating a good base to expand on in future installments. Just like BotW. I have high hopes for Iceborne.
It's petty and autistic, but I absolutely hate how they renamed G Rank to Master Rank.

I wonder how big this guy's fedora is.

There isn't any point. I genuinely don't understand you fags that just come to complain about how casual you think the game is? It's the same pre-programmed and subjective criticisms every single time. Why is it so hard to just fuck off and infest another gaming community?

>World is easy, but not easy enough for the casual audience that originally bought the game when it launched.
as evidence by the achievement get %

Attached: Untitled.png (930x83, 17K)

Same thing that happens with every decent franchise. Investors want to expand to get the normies which results in alienating their core userbase.

That could just mean people get bored and drop the game though.

If they wanted to give it a name, call it Grand Rank. That way it keeps the G

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I liked it

whether they dropped it from boredom or frustration, still means they dropped it.

Too many zoomers on Yea Forums defend this game though. It gets really annoying to talk about it since all these casuals swear by it.
It's enough to make me drop the series and hope they keep casualizing it to shit so that even all the shills it has now will eat their own shit.

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Tobi-Kadachi uses a new skeleton I think, the two Fanged Wyvern skeletons in the game are his one (shared with one other monster) and thebLeviathan skeleton with all the neck bones removed (Great Jagras and two other monsters). The animation might be compatible with his skeleton and the Fanged Beast one though.

Kinda like how Capcom dropped Nintendo?

I don't really mind walking a bit, but the layout of the lifts make no sense. One in particular is equal distance from walking where you'd want to go, and right next to another. If it was only moved to that far side everything would have easy lift access.

Drop it because it's too easy.

I know why they changed the name but still, they could at least have given it a name starting with G.

>us vs them mentality
Stay pathetic, Yea Forums.

No, not like that at all, mentally challenged child.

Just because you do not understand what was being said doesn't mean the point is not there.
But thank you for proving the point, I guess?

Mark my words: Iceborne is going to add more content to World than 3U did to Tri and Nintentards are going to be absolutely fucking seething.

>Dropping a game because it's too easy before you even hit post-game
equally retarded

What is the best theme song name and why is it Moonquake?

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Dropped like a bad shitty habit
Wonder how long before MH is PC exclusive.

>complaining about World casualising the series
It was already casual and every game since the first has casualised it more and more, why is it a problem now of all times?

just finished the witcher quest, holy shit leshen was giving me as hard time summoning those lizards


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sorry user, this is the shitposting thread, the thread for discussion got archived about 20 minutes ago

The series will never be worse than it's bastardised form on Nintendo. No more hardware limitations to hold Monster Hunter back, ever again.

It’s well on it’s way.

MH: 17 monsters (17 new)
MHG: 30 monsters (13 new)
MHP: 31 monsters (1 new)

MH2: 45 monsters (14 new) (31 returning)
MHP2: 47 monsters (3 new) (1 removed)
MHP2G: 58 monsters (10 new) (1 restored)

MH3: 18 monsters (15 new) (3 returning)
MHP3: 40 monsters (17 new) (3 removed) (8 returning)
MH3G: 52 monsters (10 new) (3 restored) (6 removed) (5 returning)

MH4: 51 monsters (13 new) (38 returning)
MH4U: 83 monsters (11 new) (21 returning)

MHX: 73 monsters (18 new) (55 returning)
MHXX: 93 monsters (9 new) (11 returning)

MHW: 36 monsters (22 new) (14 returning)
MHWI: 46* monsters (5* new) (5* returning)

*final roster not known yet, this is just what’s been revealed thus far

This. The newer monhuns have similar problems but being forced to spam B a hundred times is a million times better than generic anime voice actor shouting NERGIGANTE every 5 minutes is draining

Is that the total with MHW's and Iceborne's monsters added?

I honestly don't know user it's making me wrack my brain. I think they're just hipsters mad because the game is actually well recieved now.

That damn bird better be coming to mainline now that frontier is gone. That theme is great.

>Just accept my opinion as fact!
>Don't argue or you're a shill!
>If you don't eat up my opinion i'm going to drop the series!
Goodbye you massive fucking bitch.

Attached: 1551810056907.png (300x698, 256K)

>Lucent Narga
>Raging Brachy
>Stygian Zinogre
>Shrieking Legi
>Ebony Odo
>Fulgar Anja
>Oroshi Kirin
>Rusted Kush
>Savage Jho
>Gore Magala
>Chaotic Gore Magala
>Shagaru Magala
>Ivory Lagiacrus
>Silver Rathalos
>Gold Rathian
>Tobi subspecies
>Bazelgeuse variant

If it doesn't solve the inherit issues with world, it will continue to be a shit game, regardless of how much bloat it has, retard

> Dropping a series because they're no longer releasing games for the Fisher Price tablet.

Absolutely pathetic.

lol no
demon's souls threads were comfy as fuck
you faggots fucked it all up with your constant melanoma meming when dark souls dropped on consoles

Yes. World started at 30 but they added 6 post launch, and we have 10 confirmed monsters for Iceborne currently which brings it up to 46.

This is the issue when I see a list like this, when world was first announced, someone posted a similar list, and we all balked at it.
Then the fucking thing turned out to be 99% true EXCEPT FOR TWO, Alatreon and Oroshi Kirin.
So now I can't decide if I wanna believe these sorts of lists or not anymore. Equal chances it's just someone running off their wishlist.

I picked this up on the recent sale out of a vague desperation. Never played a MH game before in my life.

That said, I am enjoying it quite a bit. The movement and combat feel great like dragons dogma used to, the world is beautiful, voice acting isn't total shit, good looking armor etc.

However, I unlocked high rank and now the 4-man continuous boss fight formula is already started to lose its flavor. Unless I spend a bunch of time soloing, I queue up for a quest, we tapdance on the mob no problem and I'm left without any sense of my own contribution, or the need for any real strategy since there's zero communication or teamwork aside from someone dropping a cleanser or whatever

As for the rewards, I'm all by myself in this city hub so no one ever sees my gear except for briefly running back and forth during missions. It just feels disconnected and isolating. I guess I could play with some friends but I'm not sure that would solve the problem.

Anyway like and subscribe

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>No Jade Barroth
It's so easy too

Game intro takes ages. I just want to play game. I deleted after 20 minutes. Fuck long intro bullshit.

I forgot about it. He's probably in.

play solo instead of mashing on things with others

I actually have over 1000 hours in World. I just dislike the direction the series is going in. And if I criticize it, I'm a Nintincel.

Alright fucker you're gonna have to sauce me on that gif RIGHT NOW!

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Well, I have 1001 hours. :^)

I dunno, Banbaro already kind of fills his niche. It would be an easy add but it would feel completely superfluous. I get the feeling that they were going to do Jade Barroth at first with a Jyuratodus subspecies since they were rivals in the base game, but reworked them into Banbaro and Beotodus so they wouldn’t seem completely lazy. Especially because they’re the first Master Rank fights in the game. Explains why their Turf War is copies directly from Barroth and Jyuratodus’ one too, if they were originally just subspecies.

How do you put one thousand (41 days) on a game you don't even like

Did you read what I said? I dislike the direction the series is going in. World is a good game, but it's too easy for MH. That's all.

>I just dislike the direction the series is going in
So why don't you say that in the first place instead of just calling everyone who seems to enjoy this "shit" game a shill
Try explaining your position and you won't get retards replying bing to you

I've solo cleared every mh since mhfu, every award, every event quest (except clashing fists), and don't even have 1000 hours in the series. Just baffled how you could put that much time into a game you aren't 300% stoked on

That's true

I did.


retro parasite

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The goggles on the Pukei sets are super cute. I hope Master Rank Pukei gear is good. Hope there’s a Pukei subspecies too.

I do that for tons of games.

Fallout 4 is bad but I still enjoy it, with mods.

Attached: fallout 4 yikes.png (267x124, 65K)

>Hope there’s a Pukei subspecies too.

Attached: hoarfrost pukei pukei.webm (720x405, 1.36M)

the RNG deco/KT weapon drop system in this game made me very un-motivated in grinding the endgame.

It just doesn't feel like I can actually grind towards any specific deco / KT wep.
While at the same time, having them be set items, and not a range of values on an item make these things feel much worse to not have.

there are mods to fix that

Oh god please no I take it back.

How can anyone even defend World when you are constantly subjected to this hideous piece of shit

Based mods are here for you. I decided to just make them craftable with ATKT parts.

MHO looks and runs better. Every single fucking current gen cod and bf game looks and runs better. Shut the fuck up, drone.

I stick her in her Halloween outfit and now i go up to the canteen to see her.

>MHO looks better
Now THIS is peak contrarianism. MHO is garbage on all fronts.

>niggers are still mad
Good lord, I can’t wait for the next monster hunter to come out just so I can see the same god damn “new bad, old good” heelturn that’s happened with every monster hunter iteration. The butthurt from this one is starting to get boring

Can’t wait for ‘World was always loved, World 2 was when it went to shit’ posters to surface. The more things change the more they stay the same. It’s all so tiresome.

Running after scoutflies.
Slow monsters when compared to hunters.
You can cancel out of way too many animations and the game ends up feeling too loose as a result.
Astera is the worst village in the series.
Worse armour skill system.
Boring weapon designs.
Merged village and hub quests so you're forced to sit through unskippable cutscenes even online.
Everybody constantly talking to the Hunter telepathically during gameplay.
Only one interesting new monster

No soul. Capcom sacrificed it to attract the normie casuals and I don't think it worked.

>I don’t think it worked
>literally Capcom’s best selling game ever

It did work and that's what sucks.
Now we're forever stuck with MH games that are gonna be like this.

The games have been getting worse and worse after 3U. At least GU doesn't seem so bad after playing World.

>haven't played since the month it released.
>still in a HR DB Odog Set
>should i just restart and relearn how to play or just keep going from where i am? I want to get ready for iceborne but i don't want anything to do with all the arch tempered elder dragon bull shit

>Everybody constantly talking to the Hunter telepathically during gameplay.
This has been done before

>MHW is c-casual!
>No G rank
Anyone who says MHW is casual is a newfag cunt who needs to fuck off. Half of all MH games are 'casual' because they don't have G rank and were a breeze to play.

You fucking underage cunts need to learn that.

It has but it's way more frequent in World and since the village and hub quests are the same now, you can't dodge it.

I actually dread when IB’s “sales numbers” drop because it’s gonna be shitposted to death because it’s gonna be based off of the physical copies in a small country and retards won’t bother to read articles and just continue to ruin monster hunter threads

Oh noes we're stuck with Capcom making good games which move the series forward

>so much so that everything that doesn't spam aoe attacks out the ass like something out of frontier dies if you so much as stare at it, makes for horrible game balancing and is why I prefer pre 4th gen games more
4th gen is where they actively began to drop the "turn based" design and went for a faster paced, more reactive gameplay style though, but if anything that ended up being more imbalanced because too many of the old weapons were still designed around the old style of play. At the very least World revamped things from the ground up to suit its vision, and I can respect that a bit more than the half assed hackjob that 4th gen was.

Also, the only reason monsters in 4U don't die as fast as World is because you're soloing monsters designed for 2-4 people, and in multiplayer you can kill just about anything in around 30 seconds with a hame squad.

>Wah the game is casual now!
>translation: Wah the game isnt on switch!

They got better at it over time, AT Kulve and AT Nerg have amazing themes and Iceborne's OST is a massive improvement.

World is casual trash and you should play an actual MH game instead.

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So, if the game was in the switch people wouldn't complain?

These threads fucking suck now so it's not a big change. I wish I never liked the old MH games so I could be ignorant and go post in the /vg/ hugbox.

This doesn't look like 3U

Of course.
The nincels are ruining this fandom!

Unironically yes

MH has been casual forever, its only now that one fanbase has lost the series that this is suddenly a problem.


>all this salty nincel shitposting

Funny because between 3U and 4U Japan actually complained about monster power creep. They think the series has been getting harder over time.

Get laid.

Japan actually likes Khezu. That really tells you all you need to know their opinions.

The only thing that went wrong is the lack of a switch version causing nintenbros like OP to go fucking apeshit and shit post the game out of existence.

Fucking lol. Literally irrelevant.

We'd ignore it because we already have Peak MonHun on Switch

Attached: 1527687315232.jpg (1280x720, 247K)

It's not peak MH but it is better than World.

Quit it

>peak MH
Did you start at 4U or something?

Jesus this really tells you all you need to know about Nintendo toddlers
>LITERALLY the easiest, most handholding anime MH game of all time
>Every weapon is given gamebreaking OP moves and styles with monsters not updated to deal with it at all
>Zero subtlety and entirely out of character with every other MH game
>Praises it entirely because its on 3DS/Switch
This is why absolutely no one takes your MHW criticisms seriously. You cant on one hand call MHW a bad game while praising objectively the worst entry into MH ever.

What's the deal with hunting horn in MH:W? If it sucks what should I use this time instead?

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That makes no sense since 4U is vastly superior to GU.
Any title is superior to Gen/GU. They're actually MH.

stfu samefag

4U isn't superior to anything.

Hammer if you want blunt damage or SA if you want style points

>monsters not updated to deal with it at all
What is Lagiacrus's thunder fang attack in G-Rank?

They're not entirely wrong, monsters were getting faster with fewer openings than before.

It doesn't suck at all. Its actually really good and probably the best its ever been. I think the problem is that applying buffs is a bit tedious rather than fun.

P3rd is the worst.
World is the second worst.

>What is Lagiacrus's thunder fang attack in G-Rank?
A literal fucking joke let me press my instant escape button. Styles are undeniably the single worst thing MH has ever added.

Yeah but they have no taste or point of reference so they think it’s an evolution of 4U and love it.

>people shitting on GU and praising World or 4U in the same sentence

Attached: 1528354046273.jpg (937x1171, 137K)

>entire argument about MH games comes down to either not being a fag and liking MH no matter what platform its on or being such a pathetic virgin only handhold/switch MH games can be good
Fucking kek

World > MH3U > > 4U > > > > > > > > > > GU

End of discussion. All replies confirm the above is true.

>gamebreaking OP moves
If you're talking about offensive arts, only Round Force and Critical Juncture fits that bill, the rest are situational or impractical.

GU is just 4U but with broken mechanics.


4U and 4th gen in general is nothing but broken mechanics, if you shit on arts and styles yet praise CB, IG, and mounting you are a hypocrite, plain and simple


GU is the culmination of all the franchise's content.

Attached: infinite content.jpg (804x2120, 600K)

GU was a colossal mistake but thank god it flopped and MHW succeeded. For once the public got it right.

These threads are fucking shit my dudes.
I'll just keep playing FU on my trusty psp forever.



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I own both XX and World, and I do threadly reminders on /mhg/ to Worldbabs that they should be playing XX instead.

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The weapons. My god I fucking hate this game so much because of this. With the new monsters and old monsters I was really pissed at the weapons designs they had for them. Especially the Rath weapons. Were they just lazy something?


You said it

you dumb? rath weapons were the same as gen 2

>He really is this determined to shitpost

So I has been playing MH since FU all they way to XX and just now I try MHW because Iceborne is on it's way and the game was 50% off on steam, so far I think the game has a metric fuck ton of flaws but it also has some nice touches that I'd like to see on future MH games.

What I despise the most aside from the weird controls which arguably I just need to get used to is the fucking forge, the fucking smithy is as incompetent as he can get, he is beyond retarded, why in the living fuck do I have to make the exact same fucking iron/bone weapons and upgrade them from there? the weapons all look like absolute fucking shit too, is the same fucking weapon with some monster scales glued to it, is just so fucking arborescent and bland I can barely believe it because MH always had this "ridiculous super weapon" kind of designs going on even on LR.

The armor sets are weird too, the skills are inconsistent as if they were randomly assigned so I naturally have to make a fucking clown suit, even more ugly looking than ever that is, I guess this will get fixed as I progress because the armor will get more consistent tho, or not, I don't know yet, what I do know is that there don't seem to be any fucking gunner skills whatsoever, where are them? and where is the gunner armor? now everything seems to be aimed for blademasters which is fucking stupid, the guns are also extremely fucking butchered, still use them but hell are they fucking awkward now, specially LBG.

The maps are the worse, they are a total clusterfuck, people complained about the verticality of 4U but this is beyond retarded, like hell the terrain is fucked and full of useless shit that will cover the screen and cut the flow of battle because there are slopes and obstacle shit literally everywhere you look, nothing is flat everything is fucked up terrain.

The art direction and the music are just bland this time.

Also, fuck the online mode, is another total clusterfuck.

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Not for the switch axe damn it. Not my Rathlos switch axe

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1 go solo
2 make a HBG pierce tank build (if you're a shitter) or a HBG spread build (if you know how to play). Both online look them up
3 highly suggest do not go melee
4 remember normal Xeno? AT is sonic the hedgehog in comparison
5 prepare farcasters, when you see him turn his head 90 degrees sideways he'll then make a beam that will 1 shot you. Either farcast or move behind him but dó it fast
6 go ham when he glows, when he doesnt ai at hands or head
7 30 mins seems few but with the right build you'll finish in 18-20 top

MHO is graphically superior, you deluded worldbab.

Generally lower damage and a very heavy reliance on the Attack Up L song+encore that limits your choice of horn.
Which is a shame since as I adore using this thing and it's swings.

The fuck do you think this is? dork souls? they are called sets you fucking moron.

Attached: 1506314949410[1].png (245x213, 57K)

game is fun. people like to shit on other games cause it's not on X platform.

see: rdr2 bashing

Won't matter anyways, they're clearly not going to fix the problems with the weapon. The demo HH has fucking AuL and the impact blast waves, which shows they aren't spreading it out, and why would I ever play anything that doesn't have them both?

Basically all legitimate complaints. It's got nice stuff and awful stuff.

My biggest complaint is the power creep.

Wait for Iceborne for the Hunting Horn Golden Era

For good stuff it has the quick collection of items, there isn't any need to use pickaxes which is welcome, the damage numbers are a touch I personally like even if most old fashioned players will disagree, weapon trees are godsend, is easier to get a carve from bugs too they don't always explode, I also really like Radobaan is Uragaan done right.

However I think the negative changes outweigh the positive changes, there is just too much useless shit in the game, retarded changes that had no reason to be, is still MH tho and because of it is worth it, but hell I don't like the direction this game headed and hope that MH6 fixes it if only a little.

Still, definitely a good game, just a weird and slightly uncomfortable MH game.

As long as there's significantly less moron horns that focus on support and or healing I'll probably be happy.
Cornerhorn is the biggest mistake that MHW being multiplat amplified.

>switch axe
>gen 2

but yeah I feel like they would have put it in if they had the time, rathain got her switch axe back in iceborne

It was too different from the old autistic mh format where you collect truckloads of random garbage and kill nothing but harmless wildlife

But user you STILL collect truckloads of random garbage and kill nothing but harmless wildlife.

Based old guard fighting to the last man

Attached: Screenshot_20190713-150234.jpg (539x1489, 383K)

Join us, friend

>doesn't know about cluster
>doesn't lnow about the taroth glutton
>doesn't know about the zorah cc god gun

>Zorah is probably the lowest this series has even gotten
What is Lao and all his copies?

At least you actually fight Lao and not a fucking pimple on his back

At least Lao is killable.

Attached: 2019071108414400-2AE606B8659FEA852E0ED6470C9814D9.jpg (1280x720, 271K)

>can't skip cutscenes
>awful matchmaking
>must play X amount of level before you vsn play with friends
>shit PC port
>Awful communication (maybe I'm baised but the onlinr aspect is what sold me on this game
>game becomes pointless when you realise you're just grinding for new armor sets so you can hunt all the monsters you alredy have no trouble beating

>Even with the wedge beetle swinging
Wtf you get up there in like 10 seconds when using the wedge beetle.
I consistently outrun Kirin when it fucked off to sleep.

It just keeps happening

Attached: bd7014de1b16ac45cbdf98e946e739d4f4fee17336d83dea05ad5275e689fb13_1~01.jpg (972x2199, 369K)

Iceborne is gonna have the strongest iteration of hunting horn. Capcom really pulled through in terms of listening to feedback.

>he doesn't play in english

Gonna try and "main" in IB. Now all I need are more than the 4 or so unique HHs so I don´t TOOT just with boring bone and iron horns around.

The game is easier than the main line but somehow more satisfying. I don't think anything went wrong if it is one of the best selling entries to date.

no user was right. world is fairly easy, and only the pc playerbase is trash on average. ps4 doesnt have that problem.

Nothing, MHW being bad is a meme

>online is pile of shit, encourages no interactivity at all like the older games did
Did we play the same franchise as soon as it went online?

What do people like you really gain out of shitting on good games? Is the dopamine from the (you)'s really worth it?

Is there a connection with Capcom games and their fans defending every goblin they make

I guess that also means there is absolutely nothing wrong with modern Pokemon simply because it sells like hotcakes.

Daily reminder

Attached: 2019-07-11 05-02-00.png (720x720, 349K)

>its good because it sold alot

guess how i know you're american

The difference here is that monster hunter is not pokemon and went from decent sales to a "holy fucking shit, this entry printed money" and the only entry coming close to it is 3.



MHW is a good game but it isn't a good MH game.

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Attached: 2019-05-07 09-25-23.png (720x720, 476K)

It is one of those cases when you can correlate sales to popularity. Would have been one thing if they franchise consistently sold as well, but MHW somehow sold more than previous entries by a lot.

Nah, looks like they're going all-in on the corner horning. They're basically just going to end up splitting up horns into two categories - those that have Attack Up + Blast Waves and those that have healing songs + healing bubbles.

>it's good because it didn't sell
is this your brain on Nintendo?

Attached: 1516712470410.jpg (720x736, 32K)


based zoomer consumerist

FU sold like shit when compared to everything else but is still the 2nd best MH game there is, only surpassed by 4U.

>b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but BING BING
you retard FU was on PSP.

Attached: 1465541254305.jpg (701x701, 46K)

Not the guy, but we're all retarded consumerists. One way or another.

>no rebuttal
>name calling
yep, it's a tendie

Bubbles are gonna be a mistake, but I hope the evasion bubble can get blast waves or at least dragonwaves.
I can't really judge off of just one horn and what echo songs we're getting so I'm gonna try to stay optimistic.

Attached: 1550933429197.gif (652x562, 626K)

Well, it's not good for business to have a weapon that less than 1% of people use. They have to make it appealing somehow.

My most anticipated change is the increase in right swing speed and motion. Superpound is fine but I hate feeling like I'm losing out on DPS whenever I use a right swing. In my mind, HH should be a weapon where every single attack does the same DPS, just over different periods of time or with different angles of attack. Because you have to input songs, which can have any combination of notes, that's the only thing that makes logical sense.

It's also one of like two fucking weapons left that plays in an "MH" way in my head (the other is Lance). I don't like having predetermined "combos" or "finishers" like the jumping shield bash or bow's combo up system. I like more arcadey, freeform things. Lance is still the most pure weapon available, and HH especially with Iceborne is REALLY pushing it in terms of combos and finishers and shit, but I'm holding out hope that it'll end up okay. Everything still seems to have its place.

This is where it went wrong

Attached: 1542456334820.jpg (900x600, 290K)

>giv Mario with different hat plz lol

Attached: 1516713923064.jpg (649x732, 333K)

I have more fun playing Freedom.

Attached: ULES00318_00004.jpg (959x544, 112K)

you play it multiplayer?

>giv video game with good graphics plz lol
>hold the gameplay

Attached: temporalmantle.webm (1920x1080, 3M)

Which is fine. I think every monster brings something good to the table.
I wasn't much of a fan over 3's underwater combat.

Available on 3x as many platforms, available on PC with its massive install base, the updated visuals naturally appeal to casuals, and there was a huge marketing push towards that western casual audience as well.

I don't know why you're posting an anti-nintendo image when half those games were PSP-only. It's not just Nintendo fans who want a return to the old ways. 4.9m people bought portable 3rd.

>absolute evades your shitpost
>also sharpens your weapon for some reason

Most people who complain about World also complain about Gen / XX.

tell everyone what temporal mantle does zoomer

90 seconds of guaranteed automatic evasion right? that's what it does right?

>no more Mario Hats for your hunter

>If you hate world you must like GenU

Attached: br.png (965x636, 94K)

The monsters in World are fine, I don't have any problem with them (except Kulve.)
Too bad they're trapped in World.

>of guaranteed automatic evasion right
Not really. Weak attacks still go through.
And AT Monsters are tweaked in a way that they still dish out a lot of quick damage while igoring Temporal.

Why cant OP just say "monster Hunter thread"?

World isn't the problem. It people who started with world that are the problem. If you start with world kill yourself you're the reason for all the consoles war bullshit.

Kulve is fine. I just think the terrorist just crashing into you all of a sudden is more annoying.

The whole console war bullshit with monster hunter started with them making games on nintendo hardware.
World is also a fine starting point if you're new.

Attached: NEW Flaw List.jpg (2880x3544, 3.8M)


The only thing wrong with Bazel is that he is robotically programmed to come after you the moment you start a fight anywhere on the map, it's so bad how easy it is to see the seams of the game at that point.

>effectively forced to use mods
Only if you're lazy as fuck. They took the distance into consideration having fast travel.


I agree. But other than that I have no issue with world. I think it was a breath of fresh air for the franchise. I still like going back to older games since they are so fundamentally different to world though.

>not wanting to waste time in a video game = lazy
Stupid fatass.

I'm currently speedrunning AT Xeno for fun and only thinking about how I'd have to run to the lift on console after every time I reset the quest...holy fucking shit. Wow.

>but dude look at all of those particle effects!
People actually defend this. Never before have I seen a series fall so far so fast.

It's my first time what should I expect? cause it looks like an Asian grind simulator. Kind of the same thing as elite: dangerous but with more directed grinding and a token story.

basically, grind for materials, get an item, use it to grind for more materials.. up until you have the best one, and 115 hours have passed with grinding

Games are supposed to be time waster, but at the same time I understand what you mean.
But at the first main hub there are three spots for you to pick up quests, so I don't see the issue.

>Being this autistic

If you've played God Eater, it is like that but slower paced but much more satisfying.

Nah man, I take issue with World. For me it's kind of a ship of Theseus situation, I don't think it's deserving of the MH title with how it has changed.

>Kulve is fine.
Kulve made me reevaluate playing the game at all. Her quest was so unbelievably frustrating and gimmicky that I quit World altogether. Nothing about having to run her for 50minutes with shitters and then failing to get any carves because you were off sync and someone cleared her while you were still in the chase phase is okay or fun. Looking back, I have nothing but contempt for this game. The armor system, the monster variety, the "online," the S.O.S. system. It's all trash. I've put hundreds of hours into the other games and soloed every monster that came state-side. I just can't see myself playing World for a second longer.

No, no they are not "fine".

Zorah is unironically some of the worst things ever put in a video game, and certainly the worst siege monster in the franchise. It's hardly even gameplay and ridiculous compared to Jhen or, if they count, Gogma, Ceadeus and EVEN Miralis.

Kulve is literally an upsized Jagras and does almost nothing but spam lava puddles and charge at you. It's a horrible fight for how mandatory it is to get the best equipment. Keep in mind in MH4U you could basically do any monster you wanted to get your relic weapons, albeit double Jho or Rajang having the highest chance.

Leshen is also one of the worst in the series.

Behemoth is arguably one of the worst, at least Extremoth. Just pure element spam and endless meteors.

New Lunastra is also literally one of the worst in the franchise people universally agree on.

AT Kushala and his endless flying is also one of the worst in the entire franchise.

Vaal is arguably also one of the worst in the franchise. Just a slower Kushala with constant chip damage.

The new smaller monsters such as Odo, Tobi, Paolomu, Legiana, etc. literally aren't even proper fights, even with shit equipment. You can flash half of them which pins them on the ground or/and they barely have any health.

This is pretty pathetic.

If out of the first 10 points 7 would not be BLATANTLY false, you would get something serious out of me.
But since that is not the case refer to

It takes 2 minutes to put copy paste the complaints people have with the game and put them in a jpg.

2 minutes worth spent for how much it triggers seething fanboys.

>If you've played God Eater
lolwat. I think 75% of the GE playerbase already played MH at least once.
GE is so fuckin niche compared to MH

I have not. Got a different comparison? It reminds me of FFXIV but without the Japs to ban you for swearing when assholes jump the hunt after you message that you're on your way

How are they false?

Yeah, you have a point. I suppose I was being too easy on the game.

It's funny how much Iceborne relies on old monsters, it's literally AAHHH, classic gens, HELP

And he might be part of those other 25%. Nice input.

It's not like FF14. You create a character, have a variety of weapons to pick between and freely can switch between outside of hunting.
You mission is with third person viewed hunt monsters with no health bar either to slay them or capture them. The materials you get from the monsters allows you to craft new armor and weapons.
You don't level up, but you have a cat which does.
Personally I haven't played anything else remotely similar to Monster Hunter except for God Eater, but I've heard from some people the Horizon game on PS4 is kind of like it.

Okay gonna throw you two bones here:
>digital only
False, Master Edition exists
>key NPC all over the place
False, they are closer together in Seliana, and also easy to acces from the Gathering Hub now

It is fairly common for most monster hunter entries to reuse older monsters though.

Every G Rank entry is mostly filled with returning monsters

this is one of the worst posts ever

You're right, the real problem is that World ruins them. But that's been an issue since 3U.

>False, Master Edition exists
Clearly talking about the PC version, sane people automatically dismiss the 20 FPS version that has no mods.

The list is like months old, it's obviously talking about the base game there. Iceborne isn't even fucking out you faggot.

It's been an issue that world ruins monsters since 3U?

Yeah, because Zorah, Vaal, AT Kushala, Lunastra, Kulve, Extremoth, Leshen, etc. aren't absolutely terrible fights and Legiana and other new monsters aren't so easy that it's hard to believe.


>The list is like months old, it's obviously talking about the base game there.
Not the guy, but most points are outdated on the list, so why even post it to begin with?
And nitpicking shit like
>trees on boulders

AT Kushala is literally regular Kushala but unflashable
Just flinch him nigga its not hard.

>NEW list
>Iceborne mentioned in the title

It's been an issue that returning monsters are getting ruined since 3U. I'd say World is the worst offender, however.

>no way to play offline without turning of the internet
Somehow, me alt tabbing several times disconnects me and allows me to play offline.

>And nitpicking shit like
>>trees on boulders
Not that nitpicky considering how much effort they spend on the open world. When someone spends a lot of effort on something at the expense of more important things and that something still sucks, that's kinda telling.

>so why even post it to begin with?
Because nothing on it is outdated. Capcom never fixed anything in the list and even Iceborne, which doesn't make the base game or the original village unhappen, barely "fixes" 5% on the list.

I don't think anything went THAT wrong, World is an industry-changing critical and commercial success and even with all its flaws one of my favorite games from the past few years.

There's a lot they could fix but overall it's not wrong or bad at all. Status caps are badly balanced for multiplayer which puts some weapons at a disadvantage. Overall the combat seems to favor a very spammy approach. I admit it's easy to ignore the meta altogether and just do what you like best but the power creep and NEB/Diablos saturation is super clear and uncomfortable.

The hub is kind of shitty, which will be fixed apparently, hope that adds interactivity with other players.

Then there's the grind. I don't mind the actual act of slaying a hundred Vaals or Kulves, I quite liked having a goal and working towards it. It's just that a hundred times may not still be enough and there should be a way to reliably and easily put those useless accumulating materials into creating something you're actually looking for.

I really hated the footprint-sniffing sections and completely idiotic anti-multiplayer campaign. Why can't I join my friend's party? Why can't we play the main story together? There's some bad design, I hated Zorah and Xeno but I don't really hold that against them. What I do hold against them is the fucking 1-minute tremor effect and tornadoes. I refuse to believe either of those was intentional.

Right, and I hate blind wingdrake drops, give me three seconds of invincibility if you're going to drop me straight into a laser beam, it's fucking incredible how many AT Xenos I started with two carts before I could even fucking land in the shitty arena

>Because nothing on it is outdated.
Did you even read the list?


>AT Kushala is literally regular Kushala but unflashable
Yeah, that's exactly what makes him an awful fight.

>Just flinch him nigga its not hard.
What's the point? He stays in the sky when flinched as well, lol. The only way to deal with AT Kushala without spending minutes cutting his nails or running in circles is stunlocking which is boring and not a fight. Or Gun/Bow (which is boring and not a fight).

The new Monster Hunter team at Capcom is too stupid to give flying monsters satisfying openings like Alatreon had them. Webm related. Kushala literally doesn't have anything like that, you are just ought to tickle his feet which are far from a weakspot.

Attached: alatreon opening.webm (1128x590, 812K)

>There's a lot they could fix but overall it's not wrong or bad at all.
True, the game in general isn't too bad, but there are a lot of things that are horribly bad and wrong.

Instead of making this sassy shitpost why not just point to what is outdated?

God I fucking wish. I love his fight in Gen U and would love to seem him in HD glory instead of the PS2 textures. Plus his weapons are fucking dope as hell. Although going back to base for items has to be disabled because it would def ruin the fight for me. Rest of the list is imposible (Alatreon? Gore Megala?)

>Instead of making this sassy shitpost why not just point to what is outdated?
Because I don't want to spoonfeed people.

Making him flinch via his face knocks him out of the air. Pain in the ass if your weapon has no upward reach but it's hardly the only monster that favors certain weapons over others.
Kush doesn't even stay airborne as long as he did in the old games.

Because you can't is the right answer. And even if you could, it would be just some nitpicking shit, one of 100 points.

Now kys.

Attached: 1559201088208.jpg (891x813, 117K)

stupid comment

Rathalos has really good flying openings, I don't know why they fucked up Kushala so hard.

>Kush doesn't even stay airborne as long as he did in the old games.
He stays longer than in 2nd gen. I'm not sure about 4th, could be the same.

>Making him flinch via his face knocks him out of the air. Pain in the ass if your weapon has no upward reach but it's hardly the only monster that favors certain weapons over others.
Literally no blademaster weapon has that reach, you dunce. They literally didn't give him openings for that.

>Kush doesn't even stay airborne as long as he did in the old games.
Irrelevant since you could alwasy flash him in the old games, PLUS, he definitely takes off much more frequently than in old games. Sometimes right after he just landed.

they're literally fixing that with Iceborne

Tell me what happens when you sheath in valor

>I don't know why they fucked up Kushala so hard.
Because Kushala is SUPPOSED to be flashed and fought on ground. It's just supposed to punish idiots who still don't understand what flashbombs are for.

The new people at Capcom were too retarded to understand this, though. Or, and this is a much scarier thought, they actively want to make Blademaster shit in World and throw guns every bone they can.

>Literally no blademaster weapon has that reach, you dunce.
Insect Glaive, CB, Swaxe, sometimes Lance
And again yeah Kush is a faggot that heavily favors a certain approach, nothing new to 1st and 2nd gen. Just look at fighting Gravios with Dual Blades vs fighting it with a HBG.

How so? SOS is still a thing and still shit and siphoning from lobbies.

>Insect Glaive
That's not reach, that's jumping. That's literally one (1) weapon (which is also shit on ground against Kushala).

>CB, Swaxe, sometimes Lance
Not reliably, no.

Kushala can absolutely be knocked out of the air by beating on it enough anywhere on its body. I've done it consistently with Switch Axe uppercuts after rolling underneath it in World.

>Because Kushala is SUPPOSED to be flashed and fought on ground. It's just supposed to punish idiots who still don't understand what flashbombs are for.
>you are meant to use the crutch item
That is shitty design. Is the bar really that low, that instead of the skill check being the ability to see and use flying openings, it's understanding something as braindead as flash bombs? You're making me feel really disenfranchised right now.

>This move a weapon has doesn't count because I say so
Suck my taint

It made sense when you had an upper limit of flash bombs available to a single hunt as well as inventory management being a thing that existed.

Keep in mind how old Kushala is. Flashbombs were a cool addition back then, Raths were supposed to teach you how to use them and Kushala was to make them mandatory and if you still failed or wasted all five, you get punished for it.

He literally has no airbone openings.

It counts but isn't a remedy for anything for reasons stated.

there's nothing wrong with SOS. the thing takes 1 second. but aside from the hot spring/sauna stuff, they put new npcs in the gathering hub so that you'll have no reason to load back to the village,. Even going to the smithy only have 1 black screen transition.

Yeah, you can keep poking at his worst hitzones while wearing full Wind Res gear. That only goes against everything the game teaches you about weakspots, and how trying to take monsters out of the air with flinches is extremely efficient because you've already seen Rathalos flinch in the air and not fall down at this point.

SOS is such a fucking meme. Just return to the older style of lobbies but let you jump into an ongoing quest.

>there's nothing wrong with SOS. the thing takes 1 second.
People just posted a lot of things wrong with it. It siphons from the lobbies and is the main reason you can't fight any monster-specific rooms anymore which were cozy as fuck and arguably way more effective than SOS with a lower failure rate.

>The new smaller monsters such as Odo, Tobi, Paolomu, Legiana, etc. literally aren't even proper fights, even with shit equipment. You can flash half of them which pins them on the ground or/and they barely have any health.
Fucking this.

MHGen monsters easily walk in circles around those Jurassic Park monsters.

Attached: 1531221726009.jpg (1452x2856, 3.12M)

>find a great group through SoS
>nobody wants to continue because they won't be able to access hub stuff if we do
Guess i'll just wipe again!

>He literally has no airbone openings.
He has nothing that hits directly downwards besides landing on you

So the one time World should be innovative it isn't. Shit game. At least 2nd gen Kushala was predictable about when it landed, and it didn't spend that much time flying.

Why are you comparing flagships to fuckin Tier 1 monsters?

isn't monster-specific a server now?

>because you've already seen Rathalos flinch in the air and not fall down at this point.
Wait, really? I remember fighting A. Rath in 4U and I could knock him out of the sky no problem with a few hits to the tail. I thought I was just doing it wrong in World.

Rath used to fall from any flinch and his wings were ridiculously easy to break
Now he's only guaranteed to fall from a tail break or flinching his face, both of which are pretty easy at least. Breaking the wings gives him a chance to fail to take off instead.

Yes, Rathalos flinches mid-air and does not fall down in World. Sometimes he does, but I see absolutely no pattern to it. Even head flinches.

I see the bings are mad that Monster Hunter was confirmed forever cancelled on Switch in the last investor meeting and all the recent interviews with Ryozo.
Then again they're sitting there defending X and XX which were universally considered the worst games in the franchise.

Capcom has one LAST chance to salvage World's OCs. If they fail, it's all over because then nobody will ask for World monsters to return in future games.

Attached: 1520846260048.jpg (1280x720, 282K)

>Then again they're sitting there defending X and XX which were universally considered the worst games in the franchise.
Nobody's doing that.

Sure thing.

the handler is an ugly goblino

They are still core MH if you play Guild/Striker No Arts.

Attached: ex soulseer.webm (854x480, 2.99M)

No one wanted Jay Leno back, yet they keep bringing him back. No one wanted Lavasioth back, yet they keep bringing him back.
Ryozo doesn't give a shit about what you think.

I was referring to World's OCs which are universally agreed to be mediocre.

Attached: 1520275643511.png (1887x1307, 2.11M)

>everyone wants peco
>never bring it back, even in the all star lineup


She's ugly(cute) kinda like Sara Rider from ME Andromeda
Also halloween gothic lolita dress makes me want to take her as my wife.

>if you ignore the game systems it's still core MH
You can literally say the same thing about World though.

Don't respond to bingposters

fuck what other people think, I like tobi, bazel, odo and a lot of the new monsters in world and want them back

I like Ordogaron a lot, Leviana and Paolomu's designs too.

Ah yes, the word that comes up when a person has no way to base his arguments in fact. You better start providing this universal proof, cause the last time someone tried that they said no one ever wants Diablos back.

Attached: sales japan.png (750x401, 100K)

Yeah, I think they're shit designs.

It's a mixed bag. There are some cool ones in there like Odogaron, Bazelgeuse, and Vaal Hazak (conceptually at least), but a ton of them either feel really derivative of older monsters or are just plain boring.

So, like every monster hunter.

deep down worldsperms know its all true

lol I've never seen a longer way of saying "I'm a fucking faggot" than this entire list

>universally agreed
I like them all except Paolumo and Anjanath, which are just okay to me.
Fulgur Anjanath looks pretty cool to me though.

>You better start providing this universal proof
Read any monster-begger posts you can find in "He's in!" threads. Better yet, read their fanfic turfwar scenarios with old vs new monsters, it's always onesided to the old monster's favor.
And see , , , , , ,

Imagine saying something this idiotic.


Nothing, Switch shitter

Alatreon was in the leak for the base game but cut for whatever reason. The leak was definitely real since it contained every unrevealed monster at that point with accuracy so they were clearly insiders of some sort, but Alatreon as of 2017 was still being worked on for base game World. He’s basically a shoe-in for Iceborne.

Attached: Monster Hunter_ World_20180415185646.png (1920x1080, 1.88M)

Based and redpilled

Of course. The list fag shitposter is back.
I enjoy world and all the mods community has made (especially the recent custom quest pack wew)
Iceborne is only going to improve it. It's pretty dumb to compare say XX and 4U to mhw when it hasn't received it's g rank yet.

4U on Switch when?

Like how much would it fucking cost to just slap it on there

>there's nothing wrong with SOS

Imagine believing this, that single feature made online pump and dump. The Capcom made it so we can't stunlock players who just sit in the camp during hunts and try to collect rewards, one of the few aspects of player interaction and etiquette destroyed.

How long until Monster Hunter pulls a Pokémon and starts doing straight-up remakes of old games?

>small roster
>The most boring bland weapon designs the entire series
>Unskippable cutscenes
>treating their pc players like 2nd class citizens
>pointlessly large hub world thats empty unless you go to the gathering hub which the only area you can see other players
>Gathering hub lacks essential npc's
>bloated weapon values have returned
>music is subpar when compared to past entries in the series.
>layers of menus many of which are ultimately pointless
>The layered armor system in this game is trash tier which is a bad joke considering how good some of the old games had transmog nailed.

Literally 1 game ever had cosmetic armor before World

>cod and bf look better


sadly ryukishi has nothing better to do in his life and just shitposts all day thinking he's some ebin le troll :^)