
>save backups
>pirate games early and buy them later if you're a moralfag
>AND you can play online with your legit games
Literally NO reason not to hack your unpatched switch now except if you're a fucking retard.

Attached: nintendo-switch-homebrew-launcher.jpg (1920x1080, 303K)

Other urls found in this thread:


why do pirates shill piracy?

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spoonfeed me
if its not one button or an sd card trick i dont care

>>AND you can play online with your legit games
how? you mean with SX OS? Last I checked free hacks = ban

are you able to do this with a switch bought in store today?
or do you need to try and buy some fatty's cum encrusted switch off ebay that people are still trying to buy for full price

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it's not one button and as it still stands it's still tethered but long story short
>All switches from day 1-Jul 18th have a major hardware exploit. Newer switches need to be on the earliest possible firmware they can get (you can't downgrade firmware- every time you update a micro e-fuse blows and this is used in a check to ensure your firmware can only go forwards, not backwards)
>if an unfurled paper clip somehow manages to find its way into a specific portion of the right joycon rail the switch enables the option to boot into recovery mode
>you can inject a payload from this state

to feel better about themselves.

Pirated games and homebrew on EmuNAND, legit games and online on SysNAND.

I hacked it

Because closed systems and no options piss me off. The more the homebrew scene adds things people want the more likely nintendo will have to respond resulting a better product for everyone.

>bought a switch for 30% online
>only find out its patched until after return window closes.

>All switches from day 1-Jul 18th
so i'm gonna have to try and buy switch-poster's switch covered in ball sweat aren't i

Maybe. Check ismyswitchpatched.com/ if you already have one.

i don't have one

Why do corporate bootlickers shill games?

I have no idea, they are being fucking retarded.
No one benefits about giving piracy more awareness except the companies.

Because they're communists who seethe every time they see someone profiting successfully from their own hard work and creativity.

Fuck that "possibly hackable" bullshit I'm not going to buy some piece of shit and then wait for it to arrive just to be sure if I can hack it

Nigger just ask the person you're buying it off of for the serial number and check . Tell them to take a pic if you're extra paranoid.

I hacked my Switch with Homebrew and shit back in April 2018. Over a year later and its still GOD

>save management is only possible with custom firmwares
How did we reach this point? Remember when consoles had menus specifically to manage save files.

Fuck your bootlegged hacking nonsense no one is that desperate to play all the games

>Making a piracy hack thread on Yea Forums

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meant for

Is it as easy as 3DS Piracy?

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It's easier.

So to play a game, I just download it, put it on a microSD card, put the card in switch and it detect?
I've got a launch switch.

The PS4 still has one.

Attached: witcher3-ps4-savedata-2.jpg (1920x1080, 324K)

No. The best methods to install pirated games are
1) Download NSP file on PC, open up the installer homebrew on your switch, connect your switch to your pc, install.
2) Use hbgshop homebrew on your switch and download and install the game directly from your switch (like freeshop if you remember that).

Oh sweet and I won't get banned?

>top ten tips for cool kids whose moms wont buy them enough video games

Nope as long as you stay offline on your EmuNAND. Best way to do that is use 90DNS or Incognito.

>Literally NO reason not to hack your unpatched switch now except if you're a fucking retard.
I'll never be able to go online with it again.

I lose motivation to start up a game and beat it when I pirate it

Are there any cheats to make weapons unbreakable in fucking BotW??



I have a switch that will work, what do I need other than the paper clip? And are there any major risks of bricking the system?


Don't use a paperclip, get an RCM jig.

I went too far and got banned from online, whoops

Is there a recommended guide that should be used?


Since when has nintendos telemetry been reverse engineered? I keep up on this stuff and I don't remember hearing anything about it

see As long as your SysNAND is clean and you stay offline on EmuNAND you won't get banned.

The RCM Jig I ordered didn't work and my switch is an unpatched one.

When it's super easy.
I mean insanely easy.
I need a list with things I need to do in order that is guaranteed to work, with all the downloads needed baked into that list.
No "if you want [thing I don't know what it means], you should download [thing I don't know what it is] and put it into your [folder I didn't know the location of]" shit.

You could try this as well youtube.com/watch?v=3-UeB_enPrM


Yep, I'll be waiting until sysnand hacks can be hidden like on 3DS

but I am a retard

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There's just nothing to play, already beat botw/mario/bayonetta 2

I used a bit of tinfoil paper to bridge the pins, its not that hard

If I manage to fuck up something and get myself banned, will that affect the other members of my online family group?

Those are the only games I beat on my switch too.

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No, the only thing that gets banned is your console's unique certificate. But it's really easy to avoid a ban so I wouldn't worry about it as long as you take the necessary precautions, which every decent guide would include.

don't pirate a million games at once or you get overwhelmed. i just pirate one or two at a time, beat them, and move on.

>got SX day one
I kinda regret it now that we have free methods.

I didn't know atomsphere supported that. All online switch games suck anyway so I probably won't bother.

Anyone know this problem i'm having
>Edizon won't save the ram data I select and cheats for shovel knight keep activating by itself, even when I uninstall edizon

You are mostly likely doing it wrong.

git gud

>need to do an entire DIY project with paperclips or screwdrivers
I'll hold off.

Why do first worlders shill clean drinking water

Jigs cost like $3 off amazon or whatever.

>AND you can play online with your legit games
I can't find any guide that allows this when you already have CFW. I wanna get online with SMM2 so bad.

Happened to me. You gotta disable cheats in the atmosphere settings. Forgot how to do that but I recall finding a txt file somewhere and changed a 1 to a 0.

Thanks user i'll give it a shot

>buying a jig and inserting it into the joycon rail is a DIY project

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Restore your clean back up and then follow a guide to set up emunand. You should have made a back up before doing anything else.

Found it. It's in system_settings.ini in the atmosphere folder.
>dmnt_cheats_enabled_by_default = u8!0x1
u8!0x1 -> u8!0x0

So you're telling me that, if my Switch is patchable, I can play online for free? Does it work for every game?

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>Moved overseas since then and have my clean backup in my computer back home
Well then...

Ok. Please give me a step by step guide on how to do it, and make it as retard-proof as possible

I hacked my switch and I'm pretty sure I'm arealdy banned so whatever

I think you got the wrong idea. If your switch is UNPATCHED (check ) you can pirate games but you can't go online with those pirated games. BUT you can go online with your legitimately bought games.

Technically you can play with some people online with pirated games using LANplay, which is like tricking your console into thinking it's connecting with other consoles through LAN but not many people use it.


this, I don’t know what the fuck a nand is

I didn't touch my switch since six months. Anything new happened for SX?

Reminder, this is the guy who makes these threads.

Attached: OP of these threads.jpg (640x480, 46K)

Think of it like having two different consoles in one. You got a modified console with all your pirated games, homebrew, etc. You don't want to go online with that console. And then you got your clean console which doesn't have any of that so you can go online with your legit games. You can freely switch between the clean one and the dirty one. Hope that makes it a bit more clear.

Alright. So if my Switch isn't patched and I've bought the games, I can play them online without having to pay for Nintendo's online service? What about free shit like Tetris 99?

>I can play them online without having to pay for Nintendo's online service
No, you'll still have to pay for that. You don't have to pay to use LANplay though.

Are you gonna make the money for me? If not, I have to Do It mYself.
I didn't think I'd find anyone who'd ship to where I live, but I think I did. Thanks anons.

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Couldn't Nintendo release a firmware update that detects the presence of an EmuNand though?

honestly doesn't look so bad
he's not a chad but he doesn't look like a fucking fedora neckbeard

based exploit turns on without a jig every time. just hold power + vol up

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Is it as the 3DS was? If not, I'm too retarded to do it.

user if your still here, now the software that was using cheats is crashing, Shovel Knight and smash

No clue then, sorry. Try asking for help on GBAtemp or /hbg/ discord.

>/hbg/ discord
don't advertise for reddit here thanks

>Your console is possibly patched.

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>using a computer's disk to store important hings
>Don't even have VNC or ssh or anything set up to get it's files
what is wrong with normies?

They can't ban you for just having the files on your sd. If you're really paranoid about it you could just remove your sd every time you switch back to SysNAND.

It's easier. see

Can I hack my Switch and still play online?
Without giving Chinese incectoids my money?

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Yes and yes. Atmosphere (the free CFW) has EmuNAND now.

Peasants justifying their peasantry by trying to make it more socially accepted by the masses. See: trannies, furries, etc.

I haven't touched my modded switch since 7.1 came out. How do I update to the newest firmware and get an emunand up and running?

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Can you explain this to me, user? Or point me somewhere i can read more about it? I have no idea how this EmuNAND thing works

see and Restore a clean backup and follow any emuMMC guide.

I heard that there's a way to play online with pirated games using this hack that basically bans yourself so nintendo doesn't detect who's connecting. Does this work?

You either misunderstood or got lied to.

I've read that incognito is pretty safe and you can play online with pirated games? Does anyone do this?

I think I'd only play Mario maker and ctr online. Anything else I'd play single player.

No. Incognito removes your console unique cert so nintendo won't be able to ban you but you also need that cert to be able to connect to their servers.
see and

That's a bummer. Was really looking forward to CTR online. But I don't think I'll risk my Switch being banned online. Even though I wouldn't play shit online.

You can still play CTR online, you just need to actually buy the game and play it on sysNAND. Won't get banned that way.


REAL men just use a tiny strip of tinfoil

That doesn’t make them unbreaking.

How laborious is it to switch between the two?

I have my launch switch on latest firmware, am I still good? I might actually try homebrew (again) if FE3H leaks early. Gotta participate in final splatfest first though.

>How laborious is it to switch between the two?
To go into EmuNAND it's just:
insert jig and turn on console to get into RCM-> load payload-> launch EmuNAND

To go into SysNAND you just turn off the console and turn it on again provided you don't have AutoRCM installed. If you do, it's the same steps as EmuNAND but you launch SysNAND instead.

>I have my launch switch on latest firmware, am I still good?
Doesn't matter what firmware you're on because it's a hardware level exploit so it's unpatchable by software updates.

I have an unpatched 4.1.0 unit. I have a jig. I've already backed up my nand in hekate months ago, but never actually proceeded to do anything with CFW because I was waiting for emunand and making sure ban risk is as mitigated as possible. Hell, I'm not even that interested in piracy (the option is nice, but I'm mostly interested in just homebrew and emulation). What exactly should I do to get everything set up?

This guide?: switch.homebrew.guide/
This guide?: nh-server.github.io/switch-guide/
This guide?: pastebin.com/RR8hCg5K
Another guide?
A combination?
Is exFAT being prone to corruption actually that widespread or is it just a meme of people being overly cautious? Is updating my sysnand using ChoidujourNX a ban risk if I proceed to play online? Is AutoRCM itself a ban risk? How do I choose whether I'm booting into emunand or into sysnand? Are sigpatches on emunand a ban risk? I feel like a lot of shit that should be documented for clarity isn't documented at all.

>Literally NO reason not to hack your unpatched switch

Your Switch needs to be at least a year old and you didn't upgrade
If you go online you risk being banned anywhere between 0-6 months from now

Seems legit!

(Butt-blasted Basedny Drony detected)

>being a moralfag
please, I pirate without any remorse. Your jew tricks can't faze me

Follow the first guide and use an emuMMC guide after you got your backup saved with all the necessary stuff on your SD. Make sure to read everything thoroughly before you start.

>Your Switch needs to be at least a year old and you didn't upgrade
>If you go online you risk being banned anywhere between 0-6 months from now

>pirate game on switch
>finish game
>buy it on Steam
>idle to match the exact same hours
>SAM' it to get the achievements I got

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>Doesn't matter what firmware you're on because it's a hardware level exploit so it's unpatchable by software updates.
I'd heard something about one of the patches blowing a hardware fuse, what was that for?

That's firmware updates, not patches. And they did that as a security measure, every time you update your firmware it burns a fuse so you cannot downgrade firmwares as an anti-piracy measure. Lots of good it did for them since the Switch is pretty much wide open as is.

Ah, I see. Thanks. Well it's comforting to know I can basically do whatever the fuck I want whenever I want.

It's still recommended you don't really upgrade firmwares since there's the hope of coldboot for Switches 4.1 and below. but if you're already above that might as well not care.

>wasting electricity for retarded purposes

Just make sure you don't try to restore a NAND backup after updating or you're in trouble

I'm planning on having emunand completely offline, but if I'm switching between sysnand and emunand, do I have to disable the internet on sysnand each time I switch first? Or can I just leave it on, and it'll stay off on emunand?

Time to hack my switch again.

is that like cheat engine for achievements or something?

Idle while you play a game, user.

Yeah I've been above that for a looong time, ha.

What are the odds of coldboot on later firmwares? Would be insanely convenient.

I'll keep it in mind, thanks.

achievement unlocker

>wasting electricity and lowering your PC's life expectancy for retarded purposes

Because it makes you angry

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A quick question guys, if I restore my nand will the autorcm be automatically turned off? I realized that I don't give a shit about piracy and homebrews on the switch and I just wanna go back.

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So I'm kind of banned because I can't use online?

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I already updated my switch's firmware before I found out about this

No one cares about you so you can do what you want

there a guide out there like the one for the 3ds? would like to hack but I still want to play with my smashbros and CTR.

no reason except for a fucking billion obvious reasons

Im was having an issue with Edizon, at first it was automatically activating cheats in Shovel Knight and I couldn't turn them off in the Ram editor at all. So I tried to turn cheats of in atmosphere's config file changing the cheat value to u8!0x0. I reloaded into my switch and the games I was using cheats on aren't launching anymore, shovel knight and smash. I've tried uninstalling Edizon but it doesn't do anything. And I tried reinstalling the games, changing the cheat value back on in the atmosphere config file and nothing works, the games just crashes same with smash
same user

You can leave it on in sysNAND, it won't effect emuNAND.
I'd turn off autoRCM first before restoring then.
You can use online, just on a clean sysNAND with legit games. Then you can switch between your clean sysNAND and your dirty emuNAND (which has all the pirated games and homebrew).
Firmware updates don't matter because it's a hardware exploit. Last year they started releasing switches with that hardware exploit patched. see

How far has emulation come on the Switch? Do N64 and PS1 run well on it now?

How much space does emu and take up? I might have to buy a bigger sd card.

My switch is on newer firmware and hacking requires doing shit to the system's hardware. I swore off doing it after modding my PSP battery, and I'm sticking to it.

Hot tip to all hopefuls: There is no emuNAND yet. That alone should make you hurry the hell up and wait for when it progresses to the key point. Until then, you're wasting your time unless you're savvy enough with hardware to do modifications without risking anything And let's be fucking real, almost no one here is capable outside of the paperclip trick, and most retards will not even notice the lack of emuNAND and complain about getting banned the moment they get on Mario Maker 2

what's the bricking chance if my switch is patched? it says mine MIGHT be but it's not sure

>There is no emuNAND yet
Read the thread retard

There is emunand what are you even talking about

pretty sure SX has a really shitty emunand, but it does work

>tfw serial number'd

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This is a tutorial for a safe payload you can use to test your system

Wait when the fucking hell? Last week I checked there was no stable emuNAND that didn't have a risk bricking your firmware.

keywords really shitty

Then there is no emuNAND.

Case closed.

Sorry but I'm waiting for the switch Lite

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I'm having a really shitty time bending the tinfoil the right way so I guess I'll pass for now

>Last week I checked there was no stable emuNAND that didn't have a risk bricking your firmware.
Are you talking about Atomosphere 0.9.2? It's supposedly stable enough to use now.

Cringe and bluepilled

This actually makes sense.

Any benefit to choosing Kosmos+Pegascape over just default Kosmos if I have an unpatched unit?

So my switch is patched according to that website but it’s on the latest firmware.
Did i fuck myself over or can i still hack it?

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You're fucked. If it was unpatched, you could hack on any firmware. But since it's patched, you could only hack on 4.1.0 and below.

Not at the current state of switch hacking.

I meant it isn't patched. Autocorrect fucked up

>tfw old switch with the greenlit serial number
I'm just waiting to make sure everything is safe. People once thought the 3DS Homebrew was undetectable, but I remember the mass bans.

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Just don't play online retard.

Then you're good.

That was because a bunch of retards went on Pokemon X and Y a good week before the game was actually live, and actually went online.

Enjoy your eventual ban. There is absolutely no way to circumvent them detecting it

we do it to get a rise out of you obvious anime buyfags who always respond

Isn't it safer than ever now that EmuNAND is a thing?

Literally on the slim chance they include telemetry that scans your sd card for homebrew files, all you'd have to do to circumvent it is to remove your sd before going into sysnand.

Not all pirates are loners like (You)

So just to make sure i don't waste my time doing further reading. The website linked earlier, when it says your console is not "patched" it means patched as in the hardware and not software correct?

>at least a year old and you didn't upgrade
one or the other, unpatched switches can be hacked from any firmware.

The switch is different from the 3DS. You absolutely CAN'T play pirated games online without getting banned. You can only play legitimately bought games online on a clean sysnand.

Well yeah. Sorry if that came off as me saying online is safe. I was just correcting the incident user was referring to.

They're based and want to help everyone lower to get on their level

wait hang on.
So I'm reading this guide, right.
>Step 0: Check for compatability
>Step 1: Download stuff
>Step 2: put on SD card
>Step 3: put SD card into Switch
>Important! You are technically done!

Am I missing something? Wasn't there supposed to be a jig, and holding some buttons on bootup and shit?

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It is.
It still requires proactive effort on your part. You still can't go online on emuNAND. This just makes it much easier to switch between hacked (unsafe) and unhacked (safe). It's not a safety net.

It's really just
>put jig in and turn on console to get into RCM and load payload
>make clean backup and move it to your computer
>put stuff on your SD
>do step one again
>launch CFW

I bought a second switch and hacked it. You can stop making these threads now.

Attached: gremlin.png (400x400, 94K)

I ended up deciding to just do it. I haven't actually downloaded anything and I'm disconnected from the internet, but does using payloads after doing the physical exploit leave any sort of trace on the hardware? I backed up my rawnand, but should I restore it before going back to legit?

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What can it emulate? I have a switch but it just gathers dust.

My switch is unlatched but it's updated to the latest firmware.
Am I fucked?

Oh! Okay, I get it.
That guide website was just treated RCM and payload loading as two separate things, so it was a little misleading on exactly which Step 1 was, in fact, Step 1.
Got it now, cool.

Everything up through SNES and PS1 fairly comfortably, N64 is possible but rough, and Gamecube is happening in the future, but it will require overclocking the CPU, which might permanently damage your switch. Results pending.

Nop. You're good.

You have to connect pins 9-10 of the right Joy-Con with the Switch with a conductive material. Tinfoil is easiest because you can fold it up until it's just wide enough to bridge the pins. Then use some tape to hold it in place and insert it into the Switch. Hold the Volume+ button and Power button and your Switch will enter RCM (Recovery Mode), but your screen won't light up. If you're attached to your computer and have tegra whatever installed, it'll turn green to notify you that it detects your Switch is powered on.

It's actually really, really simple.

Oh fuck off. When its as easy to hack as a 3ds, you can shill switch hacking.

It's easier though.

Anyone else experience frequent Atmosphere crashes when using homebrew? Happens most often when loading an nro, either the homebrew menu itself or any random homebrew loaded from it.
I would say it happens about 1 in 10 times which is enough to be frustrating.

This thread has been infinitely more helpful than /hbg/ on /vg/. Thanks, user(s) answering everyone's questions clearly with no vitriol, intentionally misleading untrue shit, or unfunny forced memes.

It's actually WAY easier.
It just involves a physical component that's tricky to get working when you don't have experience.

Glad I could help. /hbg/ has turned into an unbearable cesspool worse than it's ever been. Stopped going there ages ago.

Does emunand have its own settings? How easy is it to switch from emu to sys?

Yes. see

Bitch theres like three shitty games to play online and its all laggy as fuck and useless. What would you even care to play online besides maybe smash.

Wow I forgot about bigknee lover

HBG has been absolutely buttblasted over some discord drama or something. Nobody is even talking about homebrew. OP is doing gods work staying in this thread and answered questions.

Eh, I have more money than time nowadays, a couple of years back I would but I'd rather just buy the games now.
I'll definitely hack it once it is as easy as pressing a button tho

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0 reasons to buy a switch

Thanks. I heard during the set up process you have to do some partition thing? How does that work?

>Buy a 5 dollar jig
>Drop some files on an SD card
>Free games and emulators

You're that lazy?

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I'm using reinx with an exfat SD card and exfat seems to create some corruptions and crashes with Homebrew stuff. I hate it

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Yes, every task is easy if you use meme arrows. Your point?

>discord trannies ruining everything for everyone once again

Trans genocide WHEN?

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Backups and restoring a clean NAND is the safest thing you can do. Just NEVER UPDATE BEFORE RESTORING A CLEAN NAND

Goldleaf or Tinfoil?

This is a good vid to showing the process: youtube.com/watch?v=cuLWf8aAFog

It's not even meme arrows. There's a whole site that literally downloads everything for you and its just drag and drop.

It's telling that this is the first Wojak/Pepe posted ITT.

exfat is shit whether your on cfw or not
fucking nintendo get your shit together and write some proper exfat and usb 3 drivers

Not that user but what about GBA and _DS

>Just NEVER UPDATE 'through system settings' BEFORE RESTORING A CLEAN NAND
Ftfy. Updating through ChoiDujourNX is safe because it doesn't burn your fuses.

I'm doing everything correctly. Fat32 formatted SD card from a good manufacturer, no errors on the card, no custom themes, only homebrews I use are Checkpoint, Goldleaf, & Retroarch, etc.
Crazy thing is this happens on my friends Switch as well and yet I've never heard anyone else bring it up in these threads and there are no tickets on the Atmosphere github relating to it.
I never crash when playing games, I can play games for 5+ hours straight just fine. It's only when loading homebrew nros.

I'm waiting until we have something like Boop.EXE for 3DS since I cheaped out with my desktop and didn't get an SD card reader.

can it emulate PSP games? seems like that would be a shoe-in since it runs on android and PPSSPP should be compatible

I used to check hbg first thing every day when 3DS hacking was in full swing. It's unreadable now.
Just change it to /cpg/ - console piracy general already.

Man I know that feel. I haven't kept up with 3ds hacking in a while. It was always pretty easy but I'm guessing its super easy now. Best of luck user. Is your switch hackable?

>since I cheaped out with my desktop and didn't get an SD card reader
You can get a SD/microsd to USB adapter for fairly cheap.

>yaba and mupen are still shitty even with maximum overclocking
5th gen emulation on ARM is going to be forever shit isn't it?

Yes, I am still gonna do it eventually, I have no desire to do it now.

I don't think you understand the 'cheaped out' part, user. Let me be real: I don't want to spend any more money on it. It would be the only thing I ever use it for and would end up rotting in a box for a good 6-7 years before the next round of homebrewing needed. Yes I'm retarded

Okay a few more things though. If your Switch has a Nintendo Account, should you remove it before proceeding and add it back later once everything is set up?
How do you backup your legit sysnand and put it back on your Switch?

Mupen and PPSSPP are good on Lakka, it's just the nro version of Retroarch has a long way to go before it's as good as using Linux emulators on the Switch.
Shit people are even running some easy to emulate Gamecube games on Dolphin on Lakka already.

Ok, no more wojak then.

here's a earjak tho

Attached: wojak_laughing_ears.png (645x773, 22K)

Lakka would be great if it wasn't handheld only mode. When is that getting updated?

Probably not for a while, the devs are focusing on shit nobody cares about instead of features people want like reboot to payload and docked support.

Android on switch will soon be available and easy to use through your SD card, so maybe you can wait and then simply use the android version of PPSSPP?

for me it also means San Andreas on switch

>If your Switch has a Nintendo Account, should you remove it before proceeding and add it back later once everything is set up?
Nope, you don't have to do that. Just remove your internet settings or use 90DNS before you start.
>How do you backup your legit sysnand and put it back on your Switch?
Most guides make you backup your sysnand first thing. Restoring it is the same way (you should be able to find it in hekate's options).

I don't see the rage over piracy on the Switch these things aren't sold at a loss like PS4s. So what's the matter if people need to buy a Switch for the right to pirate.

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>Literally NO reason not to hack your unpatched switch
>Gets banned from online forever.

PS4 stopped being sold at a loss a long time ago.
Doesn't really matter since PSN revenue vastly makes up for that difference.

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>Play pirated game online
>Get banned online

Wow, it's almost as if in this very thread someone has stated multiple times to only use sysnand for legit games online. All other games can be played for free in emunand with 90dns blocking communication to and from nintendo.

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>Splatoon 2
>FInal Splatfest in the next few days
Nigger even I know this is a terrible time to get people to change on over. Though once that's over I'm pretty sure a lot more people would be up for changing.

Damn 400 billion yen spent and people still don't want to fuck with Playstation Vue

You can play that game online with sysnand but you have to buy it. You can switch between pirated games on emunand and real games to play online with sysnand. There's really literally no reason.

Is Splatoon fun online though? I skipped the first one on wii u even though I had one. The online looked pretty boring.

Are there any decent JRPGs for the Switch that aren't XC2 or Atelier?

>Bought Splatoon
>Didn't do online
Holy fucking shit the entire game exist only for it's online component. Even the single players just there to let you get used to things and then take gear from that to use online. No online makes Splatoon a very dull game, and yeah, sure, but there's also both a risk of not setting that up right, more less having the wrong one active. People don't want to fuck things up, and the Splatfest is on the 15 for 72 hours.

It's a public service, you're welcome

Octopath is pretty alright Especially for the low low price of free
The FF games are great on the switch, if you haven't played them already

I love my hacked switch! I support SXOS because they make a superior product to nintendo even though I could get CFW for free!

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Do they have to be exclusive? If not, then The Last Remnant, Dragon's Dogma, Dark Souls, Valkyria Chronicles, Valkyria Chronicles 4, Octopath Traveler, Tales of Vesperia, World of Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy 12, Final Fantasy 10 & 10-2, The World Ends With You, Shining Resonance, Romancing SaGa 2, Nights of Azure 2, Ys 8, MonHun Generations, Collection of Mana

TWEWY is on switch. Hell yeah.

twewy on switch is garbage.

Forgot Dragon Quest Builders, Dragon Quest Builders 2, Lost Sphear, and I Am Setsuna. Dragon Quest 11 is coming and it'll be the definitive version with more content than PS4/PC. Trials of Mana (Seiken Densetsu 3) remake is also coming.

>possibly patched switch

Attached: free shrugs.jpg (447x604, 56K)

You seem to be an expert on this, is the best way to play TWEWY the DS version?

Well I got a hacked 3ds and a DS flash cart. TWEWY on switch sucking is a shame though. Thanks for saving me that download.


the whole game was originally designed around having 2 screens

TWEWY was made for the DS. The phone and Switch versions are hackjobs that fit a square peg into a round hole, and they don't quite work.

That said, I wouldn't say they're *BAD*, as the story is good enough to carry you through whatever you end up playing it on, but it plays absolutely, 100% definitively better on the DS.

Yes. it's the only way yo play it. The switch version is a port of the mobile version which butchered the gameplay. The switch version also has terrible controls but in handheld and desktop mode.

Me again, also forgot Labyrinth of Refrain, Disgaea 5, and Disgaea 1. Disgaea 4 is coming soon.

Is there a guide for setting up emunand that's easy to do? I'm interested but I want to play my legit games online on Sysnand

Thanks for the recs, user. I'll definitely be picking a few of them up soon.

That's not really true. The more popular piracy is the more companies have to innovate and compete to earn your dollar. When Steam provided a good platform for games or when Netflix provided good streaming for movies or when Spotify got popular, piracy went down. Now that we're getting more launchers and streaming services that are cluttering up and giving a worse result for the consumer, piracy will (rightfully so) rise again.

Any point to hid-mitm?

I dont know how to play hbgshop games without getting banned or buying a sxos prokit.
If I knew I would do it.

Remapping controller buttons. Using other controllers through your phone is neat but from what I know, it's got some delay.

Someone please spoonfeed me, is this serial patched?

Serials beginning with XAJ7:
Serials between XAJ70000000000 - XAJ70040000000 are safe to buy
Serials between XAJ70040000000 - XAJ70050000000 are possibly patched
Serials above XAJ70050000000 and above definitely patched

Looking good.

Not patched. You're good to go.

Oops wrong one I'm retarded.

Serials beginning with XAW7:
Serials between XAW70000000000 - XAW70017800000 are safe to buy
Serials between XAW70017800000 - XAW70030000000 are possibly patched
Serials above XAW70030000000 are definitely patched

>a micro e-fuse blows

I have all the equipment I need. I’m just lazy, man

I can afford games now
A decade ago yeah
Now a days nah

same, call me when it's as easy as scanning a QR code like it was with the 3DS

So when you launch into atmosphere that's an emunand?

This shit looks drag and drop easy. I'm just confused about emunand, this guide doesn't say anything about it.

It will never be that easy again
Nintendo seriously stepped up the security game
It's entirely possible you won't see a hack for the Lite for years, if ever, and if it does, it's gonna likely involve a hardmod.

>all these people asking if you can still play online
imagine actually wanting to pirate your switch but also being perfectly willing to pay Nintendo’s shitty online services

I'm french, live off welfare, the state pays for my apartment and electricity AND I don't even have to pay for my switch games.

Is there a better life available for a human being? I'm dabbing on wagecucks an paypigs.

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You gotta pay for that shit? Fuck that. I'm not paying to play the like 3 games online.

Isn't it like 20$ a year? So 1.6€/month?

I doubt I'd play any of those games for longer than a week. I'm interested in crash team racing but I'll just save my money then.

Do you have to pay to play fortnite? That would be awkward.

I don't think you have to pay to play free games like fartnite or Warframe.
You should try Splatoon though, it's unironically the best tps on console thanks to ultra God tier gyro aiming. And I say this after 8k hours of tf2 on PC.

>Is there a better life available for a human being?
Yes, not being fr*nch


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t. Burger with third world standards

The funny thing is that the time I felt the most miserable was when I was a neet for 4 years. The second worst was when I was a wagecuck for 6 years and so far the best is when I went to college, got a degree and finally got to do something that has some meaning besides lifting boxes at a warehouse or feeling miserable at my shitty, dirty room.

>bigknee lover
What the fuck is wrong with this world

So does Xbone, and both let you backup and restore save files to a USB drive.

are you happy now?

>>AND you can play online with your legit games

>paying online

Attached: heeroball.png (640x475, 434K)

As long as you keep a meaningful hobby to keep you entertained you'll be happy. Mine is drawing.
If I didn't had this I know I would be depressed even with a 7 figure salary.

More or less. Def a lot more than before.

Edgy white boys.

So everytime I update, I must do it through ChoidujourNX? And I should leave AutoRCM on?

Literally what it says. Hardware intentionally burns parts of itself out to prevent the user from downgrading the software. Obviously it's designed to do this in specific, planned ways. Common anti piracy measure.

Hold my hand user. I have a 256gb card in the mail and I'm not sure if I want to use it for my Switch or Vita. I've seen a few guides that show me how to RCM boot but none really tell me how to install the fucking games which is the hardest part CIA and FBI shit on 3DS was a pain in the ass (but at least the files where small switch games are huge).

Yes, update through Choi and auto RCM is now ( on the latest version of choi) automatically unchecking it in Ipatched switch but keep it checked if your switch is rcm'd

i'm a very stupid person. i bought a switch about a year ago. when joker was announced for the smash, i immediately sold my hacked switch for a new one. (never did a backup so couldnt restore to go online without getting banned)

now the switch mini is coming out i want to hack it, since I will have both. but the latest firmware can't be hacked i'm assuming?

>bro hack your switch, no reason not to!
Oh so I can just pirate everything and still play online just like I could with the 3ds?

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t. retard fearmongerer who does zero research

Bought an RCM jig on AliExpress and waiting for it to arrive before I hack my Switch. I know I can do it with a paper clip but why risk bridging the wrong pins?

I thought AutoRCM made it potentially easier for Nintendo to detect modifications to the Switch?

Could you hypothetically replace the fuse?

All they really need to do add a routine to query the filesystem at boot with the next firmware update and check the SD card for CFW-related files and they have literally everyone who is hacked dead to rights without them knowing until it's too late.

Doesn't switching to Sysnand blow fuses even if you installed the update via Choi?

best place to get the game files? I have the boot exploit loader and stuff just need the GAMES

They're trying to help you not waste money. It's like when someone flashes their headlights at you to let you know there's a cop ahead. It's common courtesy and respect for your fellow man.

If you have a phone or tablet with microSD support you can just put the SD card in that and connect to your PC via USB.

I only see emunand available as a paid thing for sxos.

do you still have to load a payload with a pc every time you turn off the switch?

Oh great and almighty pirate, bless us with a link to the three houses nsp.

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im a fucking retard. i bought a switch about a year ago, hacked it with SX OS and then sold it once joker was announced for smash so i can play online. ( never did a backup, dont even say it.) now i want to hack my switch again, because that lite is coming and I want that one too so I can still support the good games and have an unhacked one. though, i'm at the latest version. i don't know how it works now, can mine still be hacked?

>Kristhin Gomez's dog
A man of taste, I see.

Latest Atmosphere supports emuMMC, I believe. That plus incognito should lower most if not all the risk of Nintendo banning your console.

Kinda sounds like me. Since high school I haven't done shit and I'm almost 25 now. Still had some jobs here and there but never saved. I am thinking about college/trade now, just because I feel like if I don't, I'll just be job hopping my whole life. This whole system is fucking retarded. I think I would rather go to college than do a trade though. I know trade's will get you into work much faster, with great pay and everything right out the gate. But I don't want to be a fucking car mechanic or welder. Who the hell wants to do that? Still don't even know what I would want to go to college for. I honestly think I would just go to get a bachelor's degree then become a TESOL fag. this literally feels like my only option

lol i just realized i posted this twice.

Pirates are just poorfags who can't afford games prove me wrong

Dang, can't believe I forgot the upcoming Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles remaster. Fucking loved that game back on Gamecube.

You install them with goldleaf or tinfoil, what's hard about it?


No. We just don't want to be forced to update our system for 10 minutes to play an OFFLINE game. Fuck this whole industry. Piracy is the answer and hopefully they realize this and continue to offer better services.

I went with anthropology and I work as an archaeologist. Been digging stuff in california, arizona, alaska, new mexico, england and sweden.
The starting pay is just a bit of what I earned while I worked as a forklift driver (I probably could had climbed my way up and probably earn a lot more than what I make today) but I loved working outdoors and I got to travel a lot. I actually did things that matter, that you got to be a small part of a picture of human life. It felt like I accomplish something instead of waking up and dealing with more redundant shit at a warehouse/factory.

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fuck, are you me?
complete highschool, went straight to work until 28, I got back to uni because wageslaving is killing me. Now wageslaving AND studying is killing me, but at least i have a prospect to further my study in an international uni thanks to my high grades.

I'm on reinx and the last update allow you to warmboot if you restart your switch or crash without the need of a PC.

I still cannot turn my switch completely off with autorcm though, so I need to keep her in sleep mode.

Pirated switch is one of the most kino vidya experience ever, it's the fucking vita done right, it feels so fucking good

I am. What's wrong with it? I wouldn't be able to pay for all theses games anyway if piracy wasn't a thing.

my serial is more than 6 numbers long

switch bounty

I don't own a Switch but I would buy one if it was guaranteed to be hackable.

Except when you're using exfat.

Yea it was fucking miserable study/working when the blue collar jobs have mandatory OT out of the fucking ass when the pay is shit and majority goes to taxes and you are racing to your class after work. I don't think it was fair at all but after I transfer to a 4 year college to finish the last years felt fairly easy.

Can't shill something that's completely free

who the fuck would be using exfat when you know that there's a major problem using that on switch?

Enjoy getting your Switch bricked by Nintendo, retards.
>b-but that illegal
Pirating is also illegal and Nintendo has every right to brick it when you break their TOS.

Because I want to install big games on my big SD card?

Don't forget, there's also fully working and moddable Morrowind on Switch.

Deal with it paypig

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>Use different SD cards for both emuNAND and sysNAND
>Also use 90dns + incognito on emuNAND
>Never ever get detected

Sorry i can't hear you over the the sounds of all these free games i have to play

Eat shit, poorfag. Just don't come back to us crying when it eventually gets bricked.

There's even Dreamcast emulation with reicast

dude just use FAT32 and wait a bit longer it's not gonna kill you, risking an sd corruption because of ex fat is not worth it

Soon you won't be able to hear anything over your sobbing when you lose your Switch, retard. Enjoy it while you still can.

But no can play free games online. Guess I'll stick to my free games and free online on my Wii U. Mario Kart is better on Wii U anyways.

I've been using my hacked switch for almost 2 years now. Wouldn't hack it if nintenjew's prices weren't so high for low tier ports.

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Can't disagree with the Wii U statement, but come on bud.

I always hear how much of a pain in the ass both those programs are. Where is the Wii U helper like program for Switch?

Oh what's that? you hear that? it's the sound of nintendo knocking at the door and coming for their monthly payment, you better bend over little piggy, you can't let nintendo down, can you?

may an user answer please :(

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Any good tutorials?
I'm a brainlett to hacking in general and dont wanna fuck up.

>lan play
I ain't going back to the xbconnect days nigga.

How are they going to brick my console if I blocked their servers?

So even if I have had updated my Switch I can homebrew on the merit of it being a model from the first batch of releases then?

Attached: Not_Patched.png (778x650, 30K)

Nintendo should just stop supporting older Switches so people have to buy a newer one that doesn't have the exploit. Maybe give a discount or something to those who had an older one. That would make pirates think twice before doing it again as they would fuck everyone over.

If I just use the nsp games I downloaed and never fuck around with the homebrews stuff then there's almost no risks, right?

If not, can I just reformat my card to fat32, put the files back in and restart without problems?

Well, then it's fully your problem. There's a working GUI Lan Play app that works perfectly fine and it's your choose to play via it or not.

>Want to play a new game
>New game only works on the newest FW
>Update to newest FW
>New FW has a check in place to see if you're a pirate, if it detects stolen games it bricks your console

But you can bypass FW stuff via goldleaf or even tinfoil while installing the game.

Are you American? I can't think of other nations bowing so hard at gigantic corporations.

As long as you only use your downloaded shit and stay offline, nothing is going to happen, no ban, no nothing.
You can indeed reformat, personally as i'm on an ipatched switch, not only did i reformat but i partitionned my sd to leave my sysndand partition clean and i put all my files on the other partition which i used as an emunand using hekate.

>when the blue collar jobs have mandatory OT out of the fucking ass when the pay is shit and majority goes to taxes and you are racing to your class after work.
how's yor pay? mine is 700€ per month

Alright I think I will go back to fat32, I just want to play Doom 2 with mods and wasd anyway.

>doesn't mention that they actively ban anyone that goes online

Wow thanks Yea Forums

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read the thread retard

>DUDE why are you trying to help others get free shit and not waste money on the diarrhea megacorps churn out nowadays, LMAO?

>i dig up trash for a living, i'm doing shit that matters!
It's great that you're happy but lol.

It's their problem, mostly.

so if I dont want to play online, i am safe to hack my switch ?

I'm still not banned and I've hacked my Switch since SX OS became a thing last summer. I also go online to play my legit games. Haven't even used emunand.

This. Hacking is pointless.

I hope you're getting paid to post this.

desu I'd rather just wait until it's stupid easy AND has tons of features/support. I care more about making it like a one-stop "throw everything on an external HDD and plug it in" emulation machine than pirating games (unless they leak early)
I hacked my 3ds super early and it was a real pain to update to the newest best cfw. plus I actually have money now and enjoy getting physical copies of most games.

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This is assuming you have a RCM exploitable model.
Back up your rawNAND and boot 0/1 partitions. Copy those to the PC and have them safe.
Get the microSD you wanna use for the emuNAND setup and make sure it has at least 64GB.
Get the SX OS 2.8 Beta files and the SX loader payload from here: sx.xecuter.com/
Optional: before making the emuNAND, set up 90dns on your sysNAND so you have it preemptively done for emuNAND. Otherwise, delete all your internet connections before doing nothing.
Copy the boot.dat file from the SX OS files to the root of your SD card, insert it back on your Switch and prepare RCM.
Open TegraRCM GUI and connect the console to the PC.
Inject the SX Loader payload (payload.bin).
When the menu appears, go to to the third option -> emuNAND.
Three options should appear, select the one that makes the process on a hidden partition and let it do it's thing.
When that's done, go here: sdsetup.com/console?switch
Select the Kosmos preconfig bundle and add the sigpatches so you can install nsp game files.
Get Hekate as well, pretty important.
Add whatever more you need/want and download the zip.
Uncompress said zip wherever so you have it handy.
Copy the contents from the "sd" folder into your SD card's root, not the "sd" folder itself.
When that's done, prepare RCM again and open TegraRCM GUI.
Inject the Hekate payload that appears on the "payloads" folder from the zip (should be the latest 5.0.1 version).
Hekate should appear on the Switch now. Press the emuEMMC button -> migrate emuEMMC -> confirm.
emuEMMC should now be activated, if not, press Change emuEMMC and select the SD RAW button that's lighted up.
Launch -> CFW (EMUNAND)
You should now be all set-up.
Hope I haven't missed anything. Be careful, do some research on your own, and double check everything.
It isn't a hard process at all, just a bit tedious.
I recommend you get Goldtree so you can install NSPs via USB from the PC.
Also, Incognito.
Good luck, user.

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The fuck you gonna do offline? The biggest games like smash, pokemon, and animal crossing require online

Good thing the biggest games are also shit then, otherwise I might have missed on quite a few hours of fun.

If the biggest games are shit then why even play Switch?

Smash is utter shit online and garbage like pokecrap and animal crossing is totally laughable compared to emulation up to the Dreamcast/gamecube (with overclocking), free games, cool homebrew stuff, weird PC ports, linux, and soon even android.

The only online switch game I miss is Splatoon, and if I change my mind I can still go back thanks to my nand backup.

>hacked Switch so I can cover games easily
>haven't been banned
If only PS4 was cracked like this

Attached: 1521334315857.jpg (308x445, 46K)

Because fortunately there are more than 3 games on it.

if you hypothetically replaced it on the microscopic level, yes.

>The fuck you gonna do offline?
play games for free

I reported your IP to the CIA, have fun being imprisoned for 45189469 years criminal scum.

Same as my PS4: Play games offline because paying for online is a scam.

nice try, mr. white flag, but I'm not a burger

J'emmène ta copine au lit juste en parlant français.

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nice, more time to play these free games

>abloo abloo me dum foreigner
I don't speak faggish, sorry pal

I'm on this part of the guide. nh-server.github.io/switch-guide/user_guide/emummc/launching_cfw/
I selected to launch emuMMC, but it looks like my Switch just turned off. And it doesn't appear to be turning back on. Wat do? It doesn't look like it's going back into RCM either when I try volume up + power.

Where are you from big guy?

I'm tired of paying $60 a pop for these games especially after the Pokemon shit.


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Samefag here. I was able to get back into RCM/Hekate. But again, I try to go to launch > Atmosphere emuMMC > then it gives me an Atmosphere/Kosmos splash screen for a couple seconds. Then, it appears to reboot and give me an Atmosphere logo splash screen instead of the Nintendo logo for like a second, then the screen just goes black and never comes back on.

dumb thing but did you verify in hekate's emuMMC menu that emuMMC was enabled?

>Nintendo is taking no chances with the Nintendo Switch. Permanent console bans can and often do happen. This guide will take many precautions to avoid getting banned, but this site assumes no responsibility if your system is banned.
So, I can't play online. Unless you know a 100% fullproof way to do this without being banned AND I can install newer firmwares, for when Nintendo releases one, then this is a no deal for me yet.

you should look a bit further instead of being a retarded baby

It is confirmed enabled. I had just created the emuMMC partition in the previous step, and selected "SD RAW 1" under "change emuMMC", as instructed

You weren't supposed to go online with hacked games on the 3DS either, and this is why.
Y'all chucklefucks ruined it for the rest of us.

you can literally hack patched switches right now too

How dangerous is it to the console to use a jig 3D printed on a regular basis?

I could hack a Vita, Wii U, and 3DS in the time it takes me to do all that busy work user.
Why do people say Switch hacking is easy again?

you're using a fat32 sd?
you did format all partitions of your sd as fat32?

Can I play Windwaker HD on a hacked Switch? Answer me!

Attached: AgedJubilantApatosaur-small.gif (414x297, 404K)

Almost impossible, and EXTREMELY improbable.
I used some tinfoil and tape. Worked fine.

Attached: vNC8qLQ.png (450x390, 279K)

how is it going fellow pegascope bro?
downloaded a batch of games today, it's gonna be a comfy week end

it's also untethered. useless. i'll waitanother five years for when they actually find exploits and the homebrew scene for it picked up and nintendo doesn't care about it anymore, just like what happened with the vita and psp scene. installing cfw when the system is still alive is dumb anyways.

So how do we do all the neat themes and shit?

Attached: switch-homebrew-custom-home-menu-sept222018-6-1038x576.jpg (1038x576, 115K)

Of course not.

4U land

You're good to go.

I'm using exfat. Didn't think it'd be that big of a deal when I partitioned my sd card.

Bypassing firmware checks is console piracy 101. It's the first, most basic form of hack check avoidance. It's the very first thing all hacks that allow for unsigned code check for

Dammit. Only game out right now I wanna play is BOTW.

Attached: 188868301002202.gif (450x253, 347K)

I'm waiting for Emummc to be more stable before I jump on board.

>The more the homebrew scene adds things people want the more likely nintendo will have to respond resulting a better product for everyone.

Imagine if things actually worked this way. The 3DS and WiiU would have been the ultimate consoles if nintendo took any notes after the Wii got blown the fuck open.

There you go, found your problem DO NOT USE EXFAT
switch has a weird tendency of having a fuckton of sd corruption when using exfat.
Wipe everything and reformat in FAT32

Depended on the game retard. Mario Kart 7 literally had no identifier as it was a pack in game.

So Switch CFW has reached 3DS levels of pure convenience without any drawbacks? You still have to do the pin thing right?

I've been wanting to get the console but I'm worried I won't be able to find a hackable one at this point.

Jesus fucking christ READ THE GODDAMN THREAD

You only need to use the jig once if you set up your switch properly.

let me rephrase, I have already hacked, but I'm waiting for EmuMMC to be more stable before I do that for my legitimately purchased games

The guide I read stablished that autoRCM could be used as flag for bans.

Oh yeah.
Because proprietary memory cards for the Vita were so great and convenient and super useful after the universal memory stick facilitated the PSP's hacking scene

How hard is it to mod your switch?
Can I switch between CFW and OFW to play online on official servers?

Unironically this. I once hacked my 3ds and put like all games on it and practically played none of them. More satisfying to pay for a game and actually beat it/play it then being a good for nothing neet who needs to have all games installed at all times.

>caring about getting banned
Why do you want to give Nintendo 20 dollars so badly? Might as well just be a buyfag.

You can yes there is a paid and free method

nice man


Man can't wait to play Pokemon again. But I know only first and 2nd generation Pokemons.

When is animal crossing coming out?

Attached: satanichia top jej.png (535x460, 349K)

Do you still have to run the exploit every single time you boot your Switch, or have they got it to 3DS level where you can easily choose which nand you boot into on startup?

This is character flaw from your side, rather than an argument against modding your consoles.

I did hack mine but it also bricked months later somehow. Thankfully I have a NAND backup somewhere on my computer, but I'm really lazy, have other PC/PS3/PS4 games to play, and am waiting for the Smash Ultimate Project M mod.

how would renaming it help anything besides letting reddit steal the name /hbg/?

Happy to help user, feel free to ask more questions

So if my switch already hacked with lots of games and lots of save data and emulators and games for those emulators and save data for those emulators and a custom theme on my dash. Can I install emuMMC and place my clean nand on the emuMMC or should I make a backup of what I have now, flash my clean nand onto the sysnand and then use my dirty backup on emummc? am I over complicating it? What do you if you have lots of content and hacks that you don't want to get rid of? When it partitions the SD card, what happens to my data?

Make an emuNAND of your current sysNAND and then copy the files from your current SD to the free data partition you will have after setting up the emuNAND.
It should work that way, but can't really 100% confirm.

Okay so my current sysnand is my dirty hacked one right? I have a clean backup of pre hack on my PC and I left a copy on the Switch SD card too

Yeah, it is. Getting that as an emuNAND and then restoring the clean sysNAND should let you have the best of both worlds and keep your stuff, but make sure you have enough space to copy and backup your SD files and make the emuNAND.

okay so what of my save data? Do I need to make a backup of the dirty sysnand and then flash that to the emunand or is moving the SD card data enough?

So, just to reiterate, if I have both sysnand and emunand, and I want to update my sysnand so I can keep it legit and play online and shit, do I update it normally or update it through choidujournx? If the latter, I would have to boot choidujournx through CFW on sysnand, right? If so, isn't that a ban risk?

The emuNAND set-up already makes a sysNAND copy onto a hidden partition, so you shouldn't worry about that part. However, you might wanna do a global savedata backup with edizon or some homebrew like that before doing anything and save it on the PC, just in case.

I have this same question too, I've seen people say that if you update through choidujournx that your efuses will no longer match your current firmware and this is a flag for ban but I don't know if it was just some moron who said that without knowing what he was talking about or if that is legit.

so when I set up emunand it's going to make a sysNAND copy of my dirty Nand onto a hidden partition? When I'm ready to install new NSPs or put new games on retroarch will I be able to see the hidden partition on my PC when I plug my SD card into the card reader?

I fucking hate Nintendo

Yeah sorry, i got the surprise myself too

I don't think you're able to see that hidden partition on your PC, at least with the SX method.
I've tried to make a partition emuNAND with Hekate to no avail, but ymmv.
Still, you don't really need to see it on your PC. The Switch treats that partition as the internal memory, so you're still able to modify, install or uninstall it's contents through Switch's data management or something like Goldleaf.

well yeah that's what I'm asking like when I put the SD card into the switch with a new NSP to install, I figured I shouldn't put it on the clean nand, If want to install these games onto the dirty nand how can that be done if I can't even see the dirty side of the partition,
sorry for being a brainlet

>AND you can play online with your legit games

this is a lie, dirty nand is dirty and you will get banned

exfat is fine it's only an issue if you use cheapo chinese knockoff sd cards

any NSP will get you banned

I reformatted the exfat partition to fat32 and copied over my contents. The emunand cfw boots now, but I'm not convinced that the issue is inherently because it was exfat. I never upgraded from 4.1.0, and never installed the exfat driver, so I'm thinking that's why Atmosphere wouldn't boot. I'm gonna test updating emunand using Choi to a newer firmware with the exfat driver, then reformatting, and see if it boots. Yes, I know it's better/easier to just continue using fat32, but I wanna see if this works.

Well tell us if it does then, hopefully everything works out for you

that's my point, it sounds like you're saying you can't use emuMMC to install NSPs

Man I love Homebrew threads on Yea Forums, they always get me to make the jump to hacking a system. I just wish they made them with guides for the PS4 or something, it's always Nintendo shit!

The partition is a raw sysNAND copy that the console treats as such when on emuNAND.
When you're on emuNAND you're free to install games both on "Console memory" (sysNAND hidden partition) and the SD Card, which is the other partition of the SD.
Also, you can install games via USB with Goldleaf and Goldtree, you should look up on that when setting up all this mess. It's pretty handy.
That's not me. Whenever you're on emuNAND you're basically using your Switch as you would normally but without touching the eMMC from the Switch itself. It's basically kind of a dual boot.
Good luck with that.

Wait really I bought this SD card like 2 years ago and so far nothing happening with reinx except for some minor crashes on the first builds.

I guess I'm good then.

who tried atmosphere emu nand and playing on sys nand online?
no one got banned so far?

>tfw enjoying Morrowind on my Switch every evening
this adventure is so comfy friends

Attached: file.png (197x190, 55K)

I understand EMUmmc and I've had a hacked switch for quite sometime, I'm asking, when I want to install a new NSP, what I do right now is drag it onto my SD and install through Goldleaf. I'm asking if the process is different once there is a partition on the card. How do I go about installing through goldleaf without touching my clean online nand

avoid NSP if you can, use something like n1dus to install XCI, goldleaf can install over USB but it barely works and only works with NSP

Been playing Mario Maker online with a newly hacked Switch for about a week now; no issues.

reinx is trash why aren't you just using atmosphere?

If you set it up correctly, it is near impossible to get banned.
>sysNAND with it's own SD card + legit games and Nintendo online service
>emuNAND with it's own SD card + 90dns and incognito
Best setup, although a bit of a pain.
Ah, sorry about that.
It's the same. Goldleaf stays on the dirty NAND, now being an emuNAND, and your clean restored sysNAND stays as it is as long as you don't boot Atmosphere or anything on sysNAND mode.
You just copy the file, boot up emuNAND and then install it through Goldleaf.

i need a guide for retards on how to emu mmc from cfw to play online without getting banned

>partition your sd
>put all your files in bigger partition of the sd
>get into hekate
>create emuMMC (sd part) (which will automatically get created on the nand from which you booted hekate, in this case the large part of your sd where you put all of your file)
> Now you just go back to hekate menu and launch emunand CFW
>use goldleaf
>install NSP
>enjoy your dirty nsps on your emunand and your legit shit on your sysnand partition

I don't understand the autistic terminology or anything associated with it. It's harder than any other homebrew plus i don't want to use jigs or anything like that. And you can't turn it off

>set it up correctly
i need a guide covering every step from cfw to play online with emu mmc


? How?

I think my confusion came when that other user (who has been very helpful don't get me wrong) said that I wouldn't be able to see the partition, I became confused because it sounded like you guys were saying put all the files into the bigger partition but JK you won't be able to see the bigger partition

Still awaiting an answer to Follow-up question, do I have to unzip the firmware zip prior to installing using choi, or do I just leave it zipped?

Just a reminder that the only people who use bootlicker are worthless communists and degenerates

Attached: 1553402619075.jpg (1280x1656, 568K)

never mind I figured it out.

Probably this.
Yeah, I thought you wanted to modify the partition on your PC, and confused you by it. My apologies.

Freeshop was the pinnacle of piracy, cant top that.

a week before we knew it was going down i pirated so much fucking shit from there, freeshop was truly a blessing

i actually am in the process of hacking it, but the amount of things i have to get bums me out
>have exfat card, apprently shit for homebrew so i need to get a fat32 card
>joycons are literally designed to have drifting issues so i need to get a pro controller
>one of my joycons has drifting issues so i need to get compressed air
>don't have a card reader so in order to access my card i use my phone, takes 10 minutes to move 1 gb into it because of this, and i have to transfer all of the shit i need into a new fat32 card

can you elaborate

Companies sooner shut down competition than outdo them. If piracy becomes too big, the media industry would cash in their lobbyists and shut it down.

Because I don't want to bother with signpatches. Also reinx isn't running on a slightly different version of atmosphere anyway? Why is reinx "trash"? Provide arguments.

>Possible firmware version out of the box: 1.0.0

What does this mean

You can't just format your SD card to fat32?

I'll say the same thing I said about the 3DS piracy.
Wait. Sooner or later some cheap pirate will make a system that will essentially amount to "stick program in SD card, stick SD card in switch, enjoy".
Until it's that easy just clear your backlog.

>Open source Morrowind

LOL nice

It means your firmware on your switch when it was new in box was 1.0.0.

you can do that? that's neat
i kind of wanted to get a new one anyway since i hate switching it from my phone to my switch and vise versa but i might as well save some money format it to save some money

>wasting your time on earth doing things you don't enjoy
if wasting electricity and lowering his PC's life expectancy by a few minutes is the cost of happiness then so be it.

>Word triggers me
>anyone who uses it is not masculine and therefore worthy of ridicule

Lick them boots for Daddy

I Need some physical shit to poke into my switch? and this is easier than 3ds? lol no 3ds was just messing around with files

I thought PS4 had homebrew now? Does it not?

Why can't the Switch hacker niggers streamline all this shit? I don't care that there are like 5 different payload CFWs I can use on Switch I just want to run homebrew and free games.

>just messing around with files
Poorfag that didn't use NTRboot detected.

>just buy a jig and drag and drop some files on an sd card

it's really simple already
>Put these files on your SD Card
>Enter RCM mode on your switch by your method of choice
>Plug switch into PC or Phone to send the payload

So the possibility of buying a new unpatched switch off amazon is 0% right?

okay so i hacked my switch and have emummc running.
Can i play games from hbgshop now?
Do i have to do anything else to be safe from bans?

you need to do that once and then you can turn on autorcm so that you won't have to stick a paperclip/jig/whatever into your switch every time you want to turn on the cfw
you will need to plug it into your pc every time you want to turn it on though

All you need is a a 64 GB SD (or lower if you're not an idiot), a USB-C cable to connect the switch to an android or PC and a jig. You can make the jig out of tinfoil or out of a paper clip. If you're too much pussy to do that shit, you can just order one online for less than a dollar.
It's easier and faster than the 3DS if you have everything ready.

I mean, it is just that if you don't care about emuNAND.
90dns + Incognito
You need this for Incognito on Atmosphere: gbatemp.net/threads/a-custom-sysmodule-for-atmosphere-that-allows-writing-to-prodinfo.541609/

Does that NAND thing work with Linux too? Like can I boot Linux from the list of all NANDs?

what does incognito do

Deletes your prodinfo so even if 90dns fails you have no worries about Nintendo ban hammering you.
Whenever you do it, back up the prodinfo file to the PC and delete both the file and the sysmodule from the Switch's SD.
I recommend using ftp to do this.

thanks figured it out

I hope Nintendo never learns how to secure their consoles

>Create an empty file called "hbl_cal_read.flag" in this folder and plug your SD card back into your Switch.
Do i need linux for this?
How do i make an empty file on windows?

Commie, it's nice that you asume that being a communist equals being gay, which means that you're projecting but at least try and read what it is being said before replying.

so how well does ldn_mitm work?

You sound like a boomer blaming everything on "dos dam commies"

is this even necessary using emunand and clean sysnand?

You sound like a faggot

90dns should be enough to be honest, but it's never bad do it.

sharing is caring

I've spent enough time on /pol/ to know that commie=cuck= fag in the nu-right's eyes. I just did the math for you.

If you don't ever want to give Nintendo 20 dollars and just suck it up and get banned then no use sysnand.

Hey boomer. How does being old and dying feel?

Seriously am i retarded, how do i make an empty file on windows?
I know you can do it on linux but i don't know how to do it on windows

I usually just create a new text file with the right click context menu and rename that to whatever I need, replacing it's extension.

Because I don't want to stare at a guy's ass all day

worst time was in college (maths)
university is a complete scam

i just get this, can i use this?

Attached: file.png (1366x768, 689K)

Do you have file extensions visible?
That says it's still a text document, meaning it still has the .txt extension at the end.
Follow this image and check if that's true.

Attached: show-file-name-extensions.png (550x352, 44K)

oh wow, i didn't know that.

do i need both 90dns and incognito

I have a 256 gigabyte SD card on EXFAT that I have been using on my hacked switch for sometime, if I want to change to fat 32 what are the necessary steps I should take before formatting the card?

Same question, I really want to find some clear answers before I reformat anything.

The OS can only take 200KB out of it's 4GB of ram, so never unless Switch Pro has 8GB of ram.


That's actually impressive

When I used the above method to run Incognito (thanks user, btw), it gave me a prodinfo.bin, a prodinfo.bin.0, and a prod.keys in my "switch" folder on the microSD. If I ever need to restore the prodinfo, what do I do with these?

Samefag here, the prod.keys may have been from earlier (using lockpick to dump the keys), but still, what's the difference between the prodinfo.bin and the prodinfo.bin.0?

People will complain about the lack of things but I actually like how they set up the menu imo

Okay I got emummc running and I installed incognito. I used hbgshop to download a game Baba is you.
When I try running it my switch says its checking online to see if it can be played and then gives me this error.

Attached: 20190713_220732.jpg (4032x1960, 2M)

Yea, it's why there will never be themes or folders unless Switch Pro has 8GB of ram.