Should devs allow mods in their games?

should devs allow mods in their games?

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They at least shouldn't stop people from making mods

It's their intellectual property, they do as they want.

Devs don't "allow" mods. They can voluntarily support and make it easier to create them but even if unsupported mods can and will happen regardless of what the devs want..

literally who?

it's fine if they do
also it's fine if they don't

it's a non-issue really
>who cares about mods?

Why are people so sensitive now, why did we enable this behavior

This is literally the dumbest ducking argument I’ve seen against mods. And yes devs should for every reason this bitch thinks is a bad idea. part of why Skyrim is still relevant is because of mods hell Star Wars battlefront 2 from 2005 still has a active modding community

another game dev that has trump live in his head rent free

Imagine leaving money on the table because nazis live in your head rent free

His retarded opinion aside, he's calling the other guy a brick wall? How can you possibly lack that much self-awareness?

Not even actual Nazis. People that hurt his feelings "nazis".

What game has this person made? Must not be anything anyone knows, he has no blue check.

Let me guess, early access game with mixed reviews at best?

>More to the point. You don't see people _demanding_ makers of Movies and TV shows and Books don't specifically author their work in such a way for it to be modified/remade/edited by consumers of that work.

>Because that would be ridiculous.
Who is this retard exactly?

> racism is bad and some people will use a customizable feature for racism
> therefore I have elected not to allow voice or written chat, usernames, profile images, or gameplay beyond selecting my premade options
If your stance does not survive being taken to its logical extreme, you should not take it.

Not letting people mod your game because you're worried they might put something racist in it is the most ridiculous fucking shit I've heard in a long time

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Anton's a cool guy but that's a really weak reason.

This guy made Hotdogs Horseshoes and Hand Grenades VR
Yea Forums BTFO

That VR game with all of the guns.


People who are really passionate about games? Do you happen to know any?

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Me. I care.

Mods are about the most reddit thing I can think of when it comes to gaming.
>DUDE you can do anything with mods XD
>brooo I modded in a tank so I can blow up everything KEK and I made all the npcs into my sex slaves
>BIG KEK Thomas the Train and Shrek are in my fantasy RPG :D
Kill yourself mod fanatics. Theres no quality control or polish, and it's never as good as anything in the base game. Ruins immersion, style, and tone of the game

If only these retards knew the racist boogeymen they're constantly rambling on about are their own creation and fault.

Never heard of it.

What even game did this guy make

>comparing games
>the interactive, customizable medium
>with Film and Novels, which are produced finished works when they're sent out
>even then, Fanfiction and Fanfilms are a thing

you fuckin wot

"i'm a transphobe because i don't want to allow people to add new genders to my game"

no one show him youtube poop or supercuts


I just want mods for masturbation purposes. I don't care about lulz.

Don't play BR games, MOBA games or Class based shooters if you hate mods then

fuck twitter

And then a month after release it will shit itself in anger about not being able to afford rent.

Someone make a fake twitter and post this. I wanna see the reaction.

Mods allow people to do EVERYTHING with the game.
Including fixing horrible flaws on it.

>openly advocates the shooting of anyone that doesn't vote left
>hates Steam and loves the Epic store
>"gamers and capitalists are nazis"
Jesus Christ it's California condensed into a single person.

>do EVERYTHING with the game.
except improve on it

Considering they can't spark mod support out of thin air: it's up to them.

> there's no quality control or polish
Good. A stream of mixed quality will eventually allow the cream to arise to the top unhindered by industry bullshit.

Where did you even come up with all that, or is this just another le epic Yea Forums (you) attempt?

By this logic we shouldn't really have any liberties because someone might utilize them in a way that is offensive to someone.

You have no idea how dumb the “muh racism” argument can become

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they got brainwashed in college and feminized thanks to the drinking water

Imagine being this much of a consolefag

None of these things are as embarrassing as the faggot liberal ally posturing in the OP tweet

literally more than half of the mods for Skyrim do it.

People will mod the game anyways.

It's like ending all life on earth because some people murder.

Not to mention fan cuts of movies, movie adaptations of books and any of the other numerous ways in which even completed stories are modified and transformed after the fact. People who insist on being the sole controller of a work of fiction and take their work as seriously as the tofuboy in OP's screenshot need to get over themselves.

>people don't understand that some game engines are easier to mod than others
>people who don't understand that easily moddable doesn't always mean best engine for the game
>people who will insist this is wrong and their game development degree from DeVry University actually means something

No, they *should* not. If they *want* to, then power to them, but it shouldn't be a requirement.

He probably knows his game is too shit for people to actually bother modding. Mods are often a passion project for people that care about the game, even the meme mods take some effort and time.

His twitter account. You do know how to use google, right?

Kek that's some super retarded logic he has

>Still calling them slave states
>When blacks have been freed from chains for almost a 150 years
>When most of the populations of these states are significantly black
>When most of the state government positions have blacks on some level
>Where the most black business owners are

You're spewing out a bunch of things to feed into a circlejerk, you might as well actually provide evidence instead of making someone a literal boogeyman

This, as a dev you're not obligated to provide modding tools or official support. It's great if you do though.
I do think it's scummy to go out of your way to stamp out modders on your game and it's just bad PR if you do so.

>getting all of your understanding of what modding is from Dunkey videos
Look at this fucking pleb. I bet you don't even play games on a computer.

There are endless mods to fix bugs including crashes and improve performance.
Try again.

this is just an excuse. He isn't allowing modding, because then he will never be able to release DLC, or a sequel that has a few extra guns. His game is basically just a shooting range, so he doesn't care if it lives long, he just wants to get the second title out with some small new features.

This is such a fucking lie. Designing your code to be moddable requires a lot more coding etiquette and proper practices than just making it up as you go and doing what works. To act like refusing moddability is some kind of moral position rather than a technical one is utter nonsense.

Doom has one of the most thriving communities because the devs made it open source and modders made mod tools of all sorts. it's 26 years old now and it is still thriving. Without mod support, Doom would probably be a well respected footnote that few people play.

Mod support is critical for a game's longterm survival and any dev who doesn't think that is dooming their game to obscurity after the initial hype dies down.

It's a popular VR game that's basically just a firearms range. They got an official TF2 crossover recently called Meat Fortress (first semi-Valve thing at E3 in recent memory aside from Valley of the Gods before Camp Santo got bought out.)

From what I heard it doesn't really offer much but is fun to play around in if you're getting used to VR. It has a 97% on Steam with almost 4,000 reviews.

>literally against the idea of free expression because it might be the wrong kind
>literally anti-freedom
>people like this think they're the good guys on the right side of history

Boggles the mind.

>Theres no quality control or polish

This is the entire reason why mods for Bethesda games are an absolute necessity.

Skyrim sold best on consoles where there are no mods

And Skyrim on PS3 will literally bloat and become unplayable. It's an inherently broken product.

I don't think he's actually being completely serious, but instead using the moment to virtue signal and to give himself an excuse to be lazy.

We must use our Ministry of Truth to prevent fascism from taking root

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You might as well be against all game development tools if you're going to take that stance. Unreal is bad because somebody Could make a hateful game using it! Shit, too late!

By the way, who is this guy?

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i mean not allowing mods isn't making people more or less racist. i'm not sure what his problem here is.

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Why would the elite poison the water they also drink
I get where you are coming from, I fully believe the goverment delibritly keeps blacks stupid and violent but they aren't going to do stuff that fucks them over as well.

>game that is shit without mods sold best where the audience is generally less tech-savvy, most ignorant to mods, can't pirate, etc.

Shocking stuff. Did you know the best selling cigars also aren't the quality stuff you get for 3$ a piece but the gas station shit you get for 4$ a piece? It's almost like there's other factors than quality that affect sales.

Look around on Yea Forums. These people are fucking everywhere.

If you argue with them, they drag you down to their level and beat you with sheer ignorance, constantly misinterpret what you're saying (sometimes on purpose) and just have you spinning your wheels while they leak brain fluid all over their keyboards.

If you ignore them, they feel reinforced in their opinion as if people actually agree with them because of an absence of argument, causing them to get severely arrogant and aggressive.

There's no winning.

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I mean she's not wrong that sending hoes mad would be absurd in this context.

Imagine being so weak that words hurt you, lol.

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Nadim Portunt

>I won't put in modding tools because players having the freedom to do whatever with mods means they have the freedom to do whatever with mods

>People shouldn't be able to have unauthorized access to pencils and paper, they might draw angry racist and hateful shit on them.

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No, I meant the guy in the OP.

Trigger them. If it doesn't want mods because muh racism, then make the most racist mod and spam that shit everywhere.

they're rock busters, fuck localization in doujin translation

He also shouldn't reproduce, because it's like modding another character in, what if they end up racist?

Some hack, I think

okay but dilate

>>More to the point. You don't see people _demanding_ makers of Movies and TV shows and Books don't specifically author their work in such a way for it to be modified/remade/edited by consumers of that work.

eh? Was he not around for game of thrones? Where everyone was complaining about the stupid writing of the last season and petitioned for change? Or female doctor? or ANYTHING that's a sudden change?

Why do these morons think games are something special and immune to criticism

>some people may use X for Y so SCREW IT

seems like you're pretty fucking retarded yourself

>i am justified being mediocre because people won't get hurt that way

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>game of literally who sells 200 copies
>Fuck you gamers why aren't you buying my game?

Omitting features because of boogeymen is kinda cringe but I don't think devs should outright disallow it. A dev has no obligation to release mod tools if they don't want to, but actively preventing modding isn't very cool.

For those wondering, the dev is a hardcore antifa, against any forms of user freedom and needs. Dude is just retarded and I'm surprised he's the head dev of the biggest VR gunporn game out there. It's pure irony

Despite this, the actual reason why he doesn't want modding is because he wants to add the guns himself and get all the upvotes on reddit instead of some schmuck on workshop. It's just ego-stroking

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What game even?

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Yeah....bu....but.l...if...if we don’t orange man could win again. The republic and the voice of most Americans is a small price to pay to stop orange man he is very dangerous to our democracy

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>VR game
>i.e. 99% chance it's in Unity.
People don't need tools from the dev. Unity is one of the easiest engines to break open to put your mods in, either way. Every other VR game people have cared about is proof enough, which I suppose so far only means Beatsaber, Pavlov and VRChat.

>the only person morally responsible enough to create content for a game goes by the name "Meat Fingers."

They can do whatever they want since it's their game and their idea, but by giving his retarded line of reasoning he's opened himself for whatever criticism toward it such as "Report and remove the racist mods". He'd have been better off just not fucking doing it than trying to turn it into some shitty attempt at a moral highground that falls flat when you know it's because he's making excuses for the fact he can't program it for shit

Imagine if Parker Brothers men came into your house and smashed your Monopoly board because you didn't follow the instructions exactly.

This is b8.

I forgot to mention one critical thing. 90% of time he doesn't make the weapons himself, he depends on commissions from other modelers, then he slaps it on his game. In other words, he's a hypocrite with an ego issue. Another proof of this is the fact that people actually modded this game, but got banned on reddit cause ITS LITERALLY ILLEGAL TO MOD THE GAME CAUSE ANTON SAID SO.

t. I have 200 hours into H3VR.
I love the game, but the dev can go fuck himself

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More like they threaten to beat you to death and take the board if you use anything other then official game pieces because you might use sticky notes with nigger written on them.

based reddit accuser

*Wavedashes infront of you*

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>An assortment of characters that you could just copy into a word processor and modify to your liking.

Holy shit that guy has never opened a book before, amazing.

1. Who fucking cares what a literal who says?
3. Fucking kill yourself
4. Go back
5. And then kill yourself again

The question was "should they", not "can they" you illiterate lawfag

Dev is aware of this thread right now. I'm gonna predict he's gonna act smug and use buzzwords like incel while doing no form of arguments

>to protect slave states
What's funny is that there was an actual compromise to increase slave states representation and the electoral college wasn't it. These retards don't even know high-school American history.

devs who worry about
>muh racism
should be put on blacklist

The answer to whether or not they should do something is the same
They SHOULD do what they want, its there IP

Close. It's also VR only.

yes? i'd rather enjoy a game that lives long as shit with endless mod potential like GTA:SA than a game that cant handle it and has a shelf life thats ass

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the irony of being a prolific dev in arguably the most creative and open minded games platform, VR, arguing that the dev should have absolute say over what a user does with their copy of the game is fucking hilarious, keep in mind he DESPISES oculus because THEY'RE close minded.

should we disable voice chat in games because people might say racist shit? should we do away with the concept of profile pictures? hell why even have usernames at all, just make everyone play for an allotted time period with no deviation from the devs intent like it's a fucking EA press conference

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They don't have to provide the frame work for them (Though they should since it vastly increases the longevity of their games) but is in the right. Preventing people from doing it is fucking stupid

Yeah cause fan fics aren't a thing that all really popular book / tv / movie series get

People make racist mods? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a racist mod before (though I haven’t gone looking for them). What kind of racist mod would someone make for this game?

what about people making mods to tabletop games? i dont understand his point there lol

you have to go back

>mods are the most reddit thing
Kys, you worthless nigger

wow, you got obliterated.

They don’t need to they just need to scream (thing) is (buzzword) and hordes of idiots will flock to what ever cause the Democratic 2020 debates are a great example of how little thought they put into anything any more

Apparently people are constantly begging him to add real people to the game to shoot and put in burnable pride flags.

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What model is the new iphone you got user?

>pretending that the reason you have no mod support because people will put racist stuff in my vidoegame
>not admitting the real reason is because corporate kikes dont want games to live longer than launch, buy the next game goyim. also we can sell low iq dlc as content if we arent competing with the mod community

i dont know who this guy is but he should probably isekai himself for being such a dishonest cuckhold.

Its copout reason. He wont add mod support becuse he knows when he does he isn't needed anymore. People wont have to wait for his ass to add the gun they want, or the levels or whatever. He knows the modders will put more polish into it than he is able to.


This is the totalitarian left. If there is even a whiff of a chance that someone will say something that goes against their narrative it must be suppressed.

>I refuse to give people pencils because they might draw swastikas
Is there a more inbred bootlicker opinion?

> I'm not building modding tools because people will put angry racist and hateful shit in the game.
Stop making games because people will say angry racist and hateful shit about it, or can interpret the morals, dialogue, or basically anything about the game as angry, racist or hateful.

If you're putting out a product you want to be successful, you SHOULD do what will make it more successful and increase its shelf life regardless of whether or not you want to, you're showing a lack of understanding on basic vocabulary. Whether or not allowing mods is for the best for any game is a case to case thing, but it's certainly not solely because of the creators will, especially for weak ass reasons like in OP's pic

Just checked this retard's twitter and holy fuck it gets worse.
>unironic Antifa
>publicly announces that he would murder alt-right people
>uses incel and other buzzwords even more than the average retard on Yea Forums
>political obsession that are even dumber than Stephen Colbert
>actually gets mad whenever someone likes german weapons more

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>we need to lobotomize/kill everyone because they might not be good little communists

I mean, this is basically the tldr of every end game plan for any given radical leftist.

Kinda like the totalitarians of any political party

>some dumb bleeding heart faggot literal who on twitter throwing away money for some shallow sentiment that means nothing over their project that no one played
great, eject yourself out of the market

>objectively good thing for consumers is bad because reddit likes it!
Fucking mindless sheep

ok I'll buy your game from G2A then :^)

9 times out of 10 the first mod people recommend for any moddable game is a QoL package/patch. Keep seething

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why do they already try to frame everything as being "angry" or "scared"

You see, at least when reddit hiveminds on something there's at least a common base thought behind the sentiment, here that is not the case

VR owner here. Once Boneworks comes out his shit will be obsolete and obscure. He can bitch all he likes, but he's really acting like his shit is one of the pillars of VR games.

There, I spelled it out for you retard

This just translates to "I don't want people to surpass me, fuck you" What a nig

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Imagine actually being an ANTIFA progressive mongoloid when you literally operate from a position of such affluence and privilege that you can LITERALLY choose to THROW AWAY MONEY AND HARM YOUR PROFITS for the sake of some political message and not run the risk of financial collapse. Fucking unreal. These people literally have no self-awareness.

can you name one example of a totalitarian right wing state that has committed genocide against its own people? Real countries please, not ones found in fiction.

>in before you say 'the nazis'

Ah, the old
>Thousands of people sent X to me but I can't post any proof just trust me you bigot

Based reference to 1984

this. all the game modes in h3 are pretty shitty.

>not building modding tools because people will put angry racist and hateful shit in the game

>antifa, against any forms of user freedom
how does this happen?

>ou don't see people _demanding_ makers of Movies and TV shows and Books don't specifically author their work in such a way for it to be modified/remade/edited by consumers of that work.
What the fuck? Yes you do, holy shit. I can only IMAGINE what the inboxes of high-profile writers and directors are like.

Ego does that to any person.

Hotdogs, Horseshoes, and Hand Grenades.

>More to the point. You don't see people _demanding_ makers of Movies and TV shows and Books don't specifically author their work in such a way for it to be modified/remade/edited by consumers of that work.
Books come with modding tools by default.
The result of which is called fan fiction.

Though now I get his point and modding tools for books should be removed.

> got banned on Reddit
From the whole site or the subreddit? Either way it seems like someone should host a site for people to collaborate on mods for the game because this guy sounds like a colossal fucking faggot

god this guy is such a fucking faggot


>guys what are some good skyrim mods?

99% of the time the response is

>hd textures
>bug fixes
>qol stuff to remove bullshit like weight/storage limits
>weather overhaul
>survival patch
>magic overhaul
>creature patch
>ass n tiddies
>some companion npc
>some story/lore missions
>bottom of the list.... sex mods, joke mods
>never on the list.... nazi uniforms with option to gas chamber elves

dude is full of shit.


god fuck anton
h3vr has so much potential but he's literally one person and is extremely slow to update the game
there's fantasy guns and settings that I'd love to shoot in VR with that'll never happen because he has this asinine mentality
I wish there was a replacement for it

antifacists are probably the least intelligent of any political extremist group, they literally side with corporations and people who are already in power to enforce censorship and control in order to silence the discourse of any group or person they dont agree with

>mods are for fags xD

i want corporate shills and bootlickers to unironically kill themselves. take your suprise mechanics, day 1 dlcs, and no-mod support and jump off a bridge into an ice cold river.

but that's literally fascism.

>me not putting in mod tools will make people hold hands and sing kumbaya
These fuckwits are on a whole different level of delusion.

Yeah this guy is full of shit.


really depends on the game first off. if its a game that would benefit from modding, go for it; if not, do whatever. plenty of games are made a LOT better by have a huge modding community, skyrim and minecraft come to mind immediately. saying you dont want to have mods in your game because "da ebul nazzis" is just childish and lazy, they can do it already

>giving a shit what people will make for your game, most of which you'll never even know about because you won't look for it

This guy is absolutely full of shit

>make a game about shooting shit
>worried people might say mean things
U fuckin wot m8?

>the only good VR gun game out there is owned by a literal fucking idiot
>nobody can make a successor because there's too much shit to add in order to compete

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yeah that's why it's such a meme; if you announce to anyone you're antifa you're basically telling them you're sub 90 IQ

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after following left 4 dead 2 workshop for years this never happens and the most you'll see is mlp skinned weapons and model swapping the robots/hotdogs with neptunia characters

Intellectual property rights should have never evolved the way they did and they are holding back the natural evolution of humanity's creativity.

Countless games play better with mods. It's not my fault devs make their game and someone else could get in and make it better. Games aren't holy grails of bullshit, they're games. They can get better with patches, and even more so with mods.
Every game should be modded. Fantastic games arose from modding others alone. I could name at least 5.

You know how I know you own a ps4?

This. Mods add little to no value to games.

go on then, name them

>the south would have lost every time
how do people think it's a good thing that an entire major region of our nation should just be a bitch with no input whatsoever on the laws that govern it? this is why we fought the bloodiest war in our country's history, to prevent shit like this. government oversight should be as localized as possible, some blacked onions latte sipping hipster in fucking Seattle, WA has no idea what we need to make a living or what it's like to be here so they should have no say in what we do

developers aren't obligated to provide official mod support but if they decide against it for reasons like that they are just fuckheads

>Crying about angry racist and hateful shit
The only thing Angry Racist and Hateful about mods is the OGL.

>commiefornia literally has the most seats and the most swing
Dems would lose literally every single time without CA.

this is just an excuse to not put in the effort to provide mod support, masked behind flimsy virtue signalling

I could download the new Spider-Man movie right now and edit all the women out of it. Just cut the footage around them entirely. And any time a woman says something, I can just replace the audio with an Arnold Schwarzenegger soundboard. It's even easier than video game modding.

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Lazy faggot

No fucking wonder he took forever to add WW2 weapons. What a fag

Yeah and they could also jam their game full of nickel & dime microtransactions and lootboxes, monthly subscription, tie it to a central server or make it a streaming exclusive, force in-game advertisement and a bunch of other cancerous practices. By your argument that only what the developer wants is what matters, all of those things are perfectly acceptable, making your view completely undesirable from a customer perspective.

Not to mention that moddability extends the game's lifespan significantly and is an objectively good PR move, making it desirable for the developer as well since the gain almost always outweighs the generally low cost of making the game moddable.

The only perspectives that are seriously anti-modding are the perspective of the producers whose financial strategy depends on controlling the game and getting their playerbase to transition to the next yearly release (e.g. Battlefield and CoD), since modding makes said transition less desirable to the players, and the perspective of the incompetent developer whose output subsequent to his game's release does not measure at all to his game's modders' output (and even then one could argue that modding increases the value of his game far more than his own output). Even then, none of those perspectives should be embraced, for obvious reasons.

So yeah, they really should, from a multitude of perspectives. It's just that they can opt not to.

Not that guy but
Team Fortress 2
Counter Strike
Day of Defeat
Killing Floor
I can go on.

The Skyrim and Fallout 4 unofficial patches fix hundreds, even thousands of bugs in the original game, and thanks to MS's policies you can install them on Xbox. They're an unequivocal improvement over the original game.

Tale of Two Wastelands is a New Vegas mod that imports the entirety of Fallout 3 into New Vegas. It's literally Fallout 3, but more polished, more stable, and frankly more fun. It's the definitive version of Fallout 3. Hail modding.

go on

>children and Yea Forumsfags make retarded meme mods, therefore all mods are bad
I know this is a shitpost but if you genuinely believe this, neck yourself

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Hello consolefaggot


This guy made a TF2 collab on this game right? well that's dandy and all, but with this statement in the OP, I just realized a big fucking irony from this. TF2 was made by modders who fucked around on HL deathmatch and valve hired them to make TF, and then TF2. In other words, he made a collab based on one of the biggest modders' achievement of all time. This is on top of the fact that one of his favorite games is F:NV, one of the most modded games out there

This guy is not just retarded, he's not even aware of the humongous irony he just pulled with this statement. The problem is that redditors won't allow this form of independent thinking so nobody will point that shit out

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Okay there comrade. I don't feel like going to the gulag because I modded in some stuff in Terraria.

>publicly announces that he would murder alt-right people
i wish antifa tr*nnies had enough spine to try, i would love to be legally justified in shooting an antifaggot to death

Isn't she the brick wall in this scenario?


The Stanley Parable
Red Orchestra
Natural Selection
Fistful of Frags

Really just take your pick.


for fucks sake Anton the F2000 is not racist

the only good mods I ever installed are widescreen fixes

I dunno, one time I read a crossover of Harry Potter and D&D, and it sure was better than the original.

>Not wanting meme garbage
Sounds pretty based to me.

He's right since the dev is a pussy

wow is it so hard to just say that modding isn't officially supported and that players use them at their own risk? not just because of that dumbass reason but because they might be shitty mods that crash the game or whatever
it's not your fault if some guy makes a dumb moonman mod, just like it's not Valve's fault if a mapmaker makes every texture on their map goatse

>BIG KEK Thomas the Train and Shrek are in my fantasy RPG :D
This but 100% without any hint of irony.

I remember this lady was booed out of the industry because she hated gameplay and wanted games to be more story oriented. Now there are dozens of people like her in the industry and are actually implementing their design philosophies into their games and they are embraced and celebrated. She really was before her time, huh?

>Tale of Two Wastelands is a New Vegas mod that imports the entirety of Fallout 3 into New Vegas. It's literally Fallout 3, but more polished, more stable, and frankly more fun. It's the definitive version of Fallout 3. Hail modding.
how complete is it? can i just play the fallout 3 story exactly as in fallout 3?

There’s almost zero distinction. If you had a ven diagram that would pretty much be one complete circle.

Libertarian fags need to get out

I think they should do it if they want to, but if they haven't promised it as a feature then I don't think they have any social obligation to do it.

With that said this guy would've been better off just saying something like how he just wants to spend the time on other projects. Making a whiny post about how he believes racism will go away if he doesn't release mod tools is kind of embarrassing.

Allowing mods is like allowing porn.
You don't get a fucking say in the matter.

user how dare you say that about this master of fiction who before joining the elite team of Bioware wrote post apocalyptic fiction books about gay CIA agents in the future and sold it on amazon.

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>Buy Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 on sale.
>It's completely fucking broken.
>Brah, you should install the unofficial patch.
>No, I respect the creator's completely broken vision to much to sully it. Modding should be illegal.

fucking lol

>how complete is it? can i just play the fallout 3 story exactly as in fallout 3?
It's extremely complete. And yes, you can play Fallout 3 exactly as it was in Fallout 3. Being born in the vault, everything. There's a train that takes you to New Vegas, but you don't have to get on it.

it's a retarded reason and he's retarded for making that the deciding factor but i can just not play his retarded games so who cares retard