Why are recent Nintendo titles so whitewashed? They didn’t look like that in the past

Why are recent Nintendo titles so whitewashed? They didn’t look like that in the past...

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wtf why does day time look like day? it should be dark and gritty all the time like bloodborne!

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Nintendo formula exposed
Seething Nintendo baby

I wish Nintendo games looked more like this

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Look at all that soul!

The Nintendo template.

Why does Nintendo keep using the pony game formula? Are they behind the tranny epidemic?

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>tfw we're back in the GBA days of all games being super bright and washed out to compensate for people playing outdoors


They are trying to copy the Ueda style, too bad they are talentless hacks stuck making kiddy trash rehashes so they failed from the get go.

Hyrule, home

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me too

Just set gamma to 2.4 or more on your TV.

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Autismbear is in progress work.
Pokemon actually looks bad.
BotW's use of desaturated colour is excellent at creating depth and adding to the atmosphere of the map.
Animal Crossing looks good; but, I have not played the series. iirc the Gamecube game was much more saturated but the Switch game's saturation level is inline with New Leaf.
I wish more games had actual night time like Arma2. Luigi's Mansion 3 looks great but it would benefit from being darker.

Top left is Microsoft though

Be thankful it's not as bad as the Wii U's coloration. Regardless, it doesn't look this bad when you're playing it on a TV.

I am saving that image for obvious reasons thank you for making it.

How can it compare to the Nintendo pony aesthetic

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This is the Nintendo equivalent of chromatic aberration. That, and its easier on the hardware to wash out colors as it means less color depth calculation. Notice how the most colorful Nintendo games as of late are piss basic CPU-wise?

bloodborne is almost never day though
the few times it is it's pretty bright

It's funny, 10 years ago you would see threads going "why are all games so brown, where's the color", now you see threads like this


>Western audiences will eat up fucking anything "cinematic" as it appeals to normies
>Eastern audiences will eat up fucking anything third person because of some weird fascination with seeing their character
As mundane as it makes their games, it's brilliant at its core.

Gotta catch them all

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Why do strict one-console fanboys make these images

Comparing Pokemon to pony games isn't fair, pony games actually have open worlds

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Let me just explore Hyrule a bit more

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well, this is a similar problem, we’re still lacking color


>game's lacking color

Umm no sweetie, that's the lighting doing its thing with the materials.

Smash Ultimate is definitely washed up and the new lighting accents it.
Pokémon looks outright terrible, even if you edit the colors, that game is a different problem altogether. BotW is manageable as it's mostly fog used to hide a bit of the LOD geometry and give depth to the map, easy to unfuck on CEMU.
Animal Crossing however is completely fine. You should have Mario Kart 8 there instead.

2.4 is proper gamma. Any more than that makes the screen whiter, what the fuck are you saying

I was thinking the same thing about arma 2 recently. the night aesthetic was half of what made dayz feel so thicc

the correct term is 'normal"