Why did they do this?

Why did they do this?

Attached: Intro.gif (266x177, 137K)

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to visually demonstrate his immense power

This, but it looks retarded.

and gay.

Why is Urien so based, bros.



galo sengen


Gill was made the way he was to demonstrate some tricks that the CPS3 engine could do, so they made him wearing little clothes to show off his side switching skin.

Urien was made in the 2nd game to be a playable, wearer version of Gill. They weren't going to redraw the entire character to have a suit. So they just had an intro like that.

who knows

Attached: the black bomber.jpg (998x1600, 504K)

by "this" do you mean him shredding his nice suit or him turning into a nigger?

Why does he go bronze?


He has a suit in SFV.

Attached: urn.png (659x543, 115K)


Attached: 1539562947449.gif (320x220, 151K)

The bottom row of that comic had deleted text where he used to say "Can I say the N word?". Because they removed that, the dialog seems a lot more awkward now.

True story.

why can he turn into a negro though?

looks like low tier god

He's a parody of an idea that DC comics had that almost went through. They wanted their first black superhero called the Black Bomber to be a racist white man who turned black and helped black people, then when he turned back to being white he wouldn't know that he helped out black people.

It never happened, but the Brown Bomber was made decades later to make fun of it.

but why did they allow the brown bomber then? different time?

gotdamn, you weren't bullshitting. that is the most insane idea

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