Pathologic 2 Thread?

Pathologic 2 is a Russian made story driven game created by Ice Pick Lodge and TinyBuild

> 12 days in a plague ridden town, you play as 1 of 3 healers attempting to uncover the mysteries of the town, its people andthe plague
> Time is very limited, you won't complete all your goals
> Brutal challenge
> Unique characters, each with their own goals and path

If you aren't aware what it is and like mystery/grim stories check it out. It's a masterpiece of a game.

> Let's start a thread for discussion/memes/general Pathologic 2 stuff

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Other urls found in this thread:


Chadelor WHEN???

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Actually, anything new when?Did we get anything other than radio silence after update 6?

Haruspex is the Chad
> Makes his own medicine from herbs and organs
> Can actually perform surgery
> Speaks without using latin

Honestly, P2 made me love Haruspex whereas I thought he was a boring bumpkin in P1, so props for that. I thoroughly enjoyed his route in P2 but I couldn’t even finish it in P1.

Still don’t give a fuck about Cringeling.

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Bought Pathologic HD like a year ago, but I'm a bit hesitant of playing it because I heard that it's entirely to fuck up big time early in the game and having to restart. How true is this? Any advice to make my first playthrough more enjoyable?

100% true. The game is literally designed and explicitly marketed as a misery simulator. It’s very easy to fuck yourself by “playing wrong” but it’s not insurmountable at all. Just read some guides, discuss in Yea Forums threads, and learn from your mistakes. I restarted P2 three times before I felt I had a good start and powered through to the end and absolutely loved it. Playing P2 was one of the best gaming experiences of the last few years for me.

Keep in mind this is not Skyrim. This is not a power fantasy. You WILL fail multiple quests, you WILL be on the brink of starvation or exhaustion frequently, you WILL fall short of your goals and people WILL die. Period. If you try to min/max and 100% this game, you will go insane and give up. Just keep playing, no matter how shitty you think you’re doing. The game expects you to do shitty and is even designed to acknowledge this in many ways, both thematically and gameplay-wise.

You know how some people like to say, “this game is SO unique, there’s nothing else like it”? I feel like Pathologic might be the only game in existence where this is true. It’s a miserable, soul-crushing slog and I couldn’t possibly recommend it more highly.

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Ok, I'll give it another chance, I played for like 1 hour and had to do something else, and I never picked it up again, even though I really loved the dreamlike atmosphere and the few characters I spoke with had some interesting and bizarre dialogue. I also thought the idea of time never stopping, not even when looking at your map, to give this sense of urgency is very bold, and I respect that. How long is a campaign? Because if I'm like 30 hours in and I have to restart I'll pretty pissed.

How do you think Bachelor playthrough will work without tinctures? I couldn't imagine getting far without them for infection

Why is he always looking at me like this anons?

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It's shorter than the original. I think it works out to be about an hour a day at first, but then it gets shorter as you have gradually less time each day. Note that it may take longer due to conversations and other things pausing time, cutscenes, times in the game when the timer isnt on, etc.

HD isn't that hard to fuck up. You have plenty of time to do all the quests and they really aren't that hard to follow. The only thing that could fuck you over is if you get infected early and don't buy food on the first day or two. 2 on the other hand is very unforgiving all the time

We assume he’ll have similar medical analogues to Haru’s country bumpkin herbal remedies. Maybe instead of collecting herbs to make potions, he can requisition actual medicine from the capital, or something. Antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, etc. There’s a throwaway line that (in the alternate Pathologic world) the polio vaccine was recently discovered, so there’s a fair amount of early to mid-1900’s medicine to play with.

I'm on day 3 and having issues with food.
What do I do?

A mix of reluctant camaraderie and smug condescension. That’s the Chadelor in a nutshell.

Spend more time getting food. Buy out all the nuts in stores, trade with kids for useful shit, trade that shit to older guys for toast/jerky.

His smug condescension breaks really early on, though, get replaced with a thousand-yard stare by like day 5-6.

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>Buy stuff to trade it for other stuff to trade it for food
The art of the deal.
I'll try that. I could also go to infected houses and loot stuff, right?

If you're having trouble this early, you're pretty fucked. All you can do is spend all your money on food, try to trade everything for food, and make sure you do your job at the hospital when it opens.

This. He was a dick in the first game and he starts out quite smug and dismissive in the second, but you start to feel sorry for him and he's a lot more approachable in this one.

Yes, though in my experience it's not worth it with all the looters, infections and wasted time for mere scraps.

Honestly you need to hoard as much food as humanly possible on days 1 and 2. After that, trade with kids of use sudden influxes of cash to buy high quality food (bread, fresh meat).

Another tip that helped me — don’t worry about using food to stay full all the time. Instead, only eat sparingly when you’re absolutely starving. Also, a few days in you get work to do at the hospital/theater which (if performed well) will reward you with food, and sometimes thousands of coins to buy more food with.

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I don't understand how you're not managing to do this, but basically scrounge, always scrounge from every container you see then trade; children often have a good amount of food.

Absolutely agree that looting (actively) infected districts is not worth it.

Wait until the plague goes away, then loot a post-plague district.

Saburov is an incompetent, power-hungry egocentrist, and a sorry excuse of a man. He feels entitled to a position of power within the town's elite, but he doesn't have the Kain's charisma, or Olgimsky's influence. He resents them for that, and instead of working to improve himself, he compensates for his weakness by abusing his authority as governor, and generally making life harder for everyone around him.
When Nina died, he had his wife usurp the position of the Mistress in an attempt to assert his authority, and it backfired horribly. Katerina is now a psychotic morphine addict who has to be kept locked in the basement, and even their adoptive daughter is a manipulative hypocrite and a pathological liar.

That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for your attention.

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I eat as soon as I get the hunger bar on my left corner.

>Missing the green trunk that has guns in it.

That's a huge waste of food.

Don’t eat nuts. They provide almost no nutrition but are worth a fuckload when trading with kids. I made that mistake early on and hated myself for it.

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Shit, I guess I'll have to deal with my current situation as I can.
No point in reloading an early save.

>day 10, in the middle of the infection gauntlet
>extremely low on food, hunger at slivers, shops only accept coupons
>no kids around to trade anymore, but I got all these nuts
>eat them one at a time every minute

God it was painful to do that but looking back on it, it was a pretty fun experience

Basically you should be conserving your resources. You want to keep your hunger around the middle of the gauge.

>Not buying candy wrappers.

Weird shit comes up worth money not the usual scraps, I buy 'em all.

It's like his expression is permanently stuck in between being a bloodthirsty predator and a qt, tsundere waifu.

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The important part is you kept going against all odds. Was it ideal? Not at all. But you survived and have a cool story for it.

God, I fucking love this game.

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If by some chance IPL goes under, I'm abandoning video games once and for all.

I don’t throw this around lightly, but if anyone ever tries to say “videogames cannot be art”, I point to Pathologic. The vast majority of games are not art, I agree.

But Pathologic is art in every sense of the word.

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A good way to stay above the hunger meter is the Dead Shop. Every night at midnight, a new show will be at the theater, watch it and the Dead Shop will open. Take all your shit items (bloody bandages, broken ampoules, rotten food etc) go there and trade for food. Sometimes there will even be schmowders. Doing this every night I would collect enough food to survive half the day at least

This is a good tip. I ignored the Dead Shop for far too long. Visit it as often as possible for high chances of food and other good shit. The only shitty thing is you can only trade broken/useless items that take up precious inventory space, so I usually stash them somewhere until I see the Dead Shop open, then I grab them all from storage and go trade them in.

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As an aside, I've been enjoying The Void - just watching an LP of it, because frankly I have a strong distaste for and type of survival management type of game, which would probably include Pathologic 1/2. That being said, absolutely love the art direction they have in The Void, and seeing bits of Pathologic 1/2, it blows me away with some of the things they come up with. Very talented group of people. A shame I just loathe survival management so much.

> Play Bachelor, then Haruspex, then Changeling
> collect a metric fuckload of needles and fish hooks
> hoard food early
> Kill plenty of criminals for infinite rep
> Keep an eye on time but it will virtually never be a problem
> Take notes!!
Honestly just play Patho2. Classic HD is fantastic and all, easily my favourite game ever but it's super easy to exploit and cheese. I never once struggled to survive in both of the 2/3 story's I played in classic because of how easy it is to exploit. Awesome story though.

The dead item shop is actually open even before going to the theater, watching the performance just marks the location on your map. So if you know where it's going to be that day, you don't even need to go to the theater.

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>all these good tips
>but no one has shared the most important tip in the entire game

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Usually I'd say that watching somebody else play the game isn't even close to experiencing it yourself, but if you got enjoyment out of it that way, who am I to judge.

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This but also The Void. Imagine that. They did it fucking twice. Maybe three times if you count P1 and P2 as separate entities.


I recently beat the game.
The ending I got was blew up the polyhedron, all of my list lived, 9 other people died, Mark says the play wasn't good and I leave to see kids playing outside.
What are the other endings? I am kind of worried the only other ones are don't blow it up and take the deal


I bought the bull. Finished the game and nothing that I noticed happened. What does the bull do?


Did you not talk to him?
He talks back, one day.

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He provides a sense of companionship and comfiness. But for the love of god, don't let him get anywhere near Lara.

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The other way around, you have to protect your companion bull from Lara.

I did. But I guess not on the right day. I did sing to him. Damn.

Don't forget to
> protect Lara
> buy the bull
> be nice to Murky
> don't be too mean to Grace
> Inspect the death house
> Help Patches on Day 1
Most important goals in the game

Now remember how all those reviewers who scream that games are art thought this game was too weird and hard.

What can we do to make P2 more popular apart from writing reviews? I really want IPL to succeed.

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It's impossible. The reviews have made it impossible to recommend the game.

other than fixing humanity's shortcomings in general?
beats the hell out of me. give it 10-15 years when video games grow the balls required to stop pulling their punches as a medium, and another 10 for critics/reviewers to adjust to this.

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You aren't a bachelor of medicine and some backwards steppe faggot using shitty old local remedies to cure the plague and not science.

>this post was made by Olgimsky gang

>dlc might not come to gog version because of tinybuild being faggot retards

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9 out of 10 times I would agree with you. When I was younger, I watched a lot of them, but these days it just seems so lengthy and time consuming to just watch someone else play versus just playing the game and discovering everything myself.

However, after finding out about the game, I began watching this guy youtu (dot) be/k_wZZ8SaLVU and his everything about it makes it a delight. Usually just end up watching a part or two before sleeping. Maybe someday I might take it upon myself to try the games if I grow to like the management aspect more, but until then I'm going to settle for this.


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Where the fuck is my bull hang out when I buy it? On day 5 and haven't seen it since the guy dropped it off.

Usually it's just chilling around by your hideout but some days it's not there. Off fucking Lara, probably.

What did they do?

Delet this, Lara is pure. Can I talk to it every day?

Yup, it's actually pretty heartwarming how much you can bond with him

>dead item shop
>trading with kids, most have eggs and smoked fish
>trade lockpicks for toast instead of using them, you can buy them at grief's or notkin's place
>notkin's place always has a girl who trades good food and restocks daily
>trade useless shit for candles, steppe folk love them
>sell organs for money

>Help Patches on Day 1
Wait what?
Also fuck Grace, Sticky is the real nigga

Wait so we are getting Bachelor after all? Is it confirmed?

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>sell organs for money
Underrated and often overlooked. If you can afford the reputation hit from carving up some random shits (protip: you probably can, somewhere), you can make a LOT of money from a single trip to Var's.

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they supposedly might be withholding dlc and patches from games because they don't want it piracy
the party hard games they published on gog have none of the dlc or the level editor

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The kid that's sick. The one that the girl tells you about on the first day. She also tells you about the trial at the Souls and a Half. His name is Patches.

Why is the performance of this game SO BAD

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i sincerely doubt this, i don't think IPL has ever worried about piracy
it's their popularity in general that's the problem

pirates would honestly be nothing more than free exposure at this point.

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Doesn't patches just show up for the first time during day 3 just to kill Notkin off?

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Fuck, that sucks. I havent talked to him since.

stuck on day 5
getting fucked over and over
thinking of starting over

I mean it's all up to the player but the writing being as good as it is there's hardly anyone I didn't get attached to in this game, even the people like Saburov who were supposed to be assholes.

but hey, the game's all about spending your limited time wisely. surely a master surgeon like yourself has better ways to spend his time than serenading cows, yeah?

Maybe you're right. Perhaps I'm getting a name mixed up with another. Haven't played since I completed my first run a couple weeks ago.
> ofc I'm starting a 2nd too
> Only to suffer more

There's nothing more important, fuck doing my shift at the hospital.

how bad are you stuck, friendo? if you're dying of the plague that's one thing, but maybe there's a way to turn it around.

So I only played Bachelor in the original, how different is Haruspex from classic and 2, other than obvious shit like it being actually finished?

What's fucking you?

>be Bachelor
>be at hospital trying to help infected
>only three doctors in town and one, Kurakh or something decided not to show
>go looking for him after
>hes singing to a bull in his gobbledigook dumb steppe language
The powers that be don't pay me enough for this shit.

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Haruspex in classic is pretty cool, you have some neat interactions with Bachelor, you get to trawl the steppes for dank herbs, fill your bag with human organs, and mix mad potions. But the last couple days are pretty ass, culminating in a "boss fight" that's kinda shit all around.

2 has some really fucking cool mechanics all around, it takes the potion-making herb-gathering bits and runs with it. The combat is less terrible but still a pain. The music is less good overall but has higher high points. The atmosphere is fantastic. The characters all get massive upgrades, though you'll get to speak with them less. 2 isn't a straight upgrade but it's at least a diagonal one, if that makes any sense.

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She didn't become the Night Mistress after Nina died, Simon did. After Viktoria died as well, their roles were swapped, with Simon being light representative and Katerina donning the dark crown. Except she was much weaker than Nina so instead of governing the darkness she was overcome by it and was never able to go back.
t. extra materials that IPL posted in Russian somewhere around 2015

Posting rare fanart. Prepare your folders.

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reward codes are

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fug, wrong picture

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Honestly, why in the world anyone still listens to the journos after all the bullshit Gamergate exposed 5 years ago?

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Anyone here wish they lived in the town? Without the plague, of course.

Even IPL themselves said they'd rely on youtubers more when they were asked their opinion on GG.

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pretentious faggotry ahoy: what is the Town without the plague?

m8 i think you just want to live in a comfy small town. there are plenty of those without having to retreat to the plague-infested asshole of upper mongolia.

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I still can't believe that most of the pathologic fanbase is composed of females
How the fuck does this end up happening?

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This, I can't picture chicks liking a game that's stressful like pathologic anx that's why they love shit like sims.

Dybowsky himself said his games are abot social interaction and not about PEW-PEW power fantasies, that's why.

Why the fuck tinyBuild didn't advertise it as such?

And what's wrong with that user?

Hot, interesting, tortured dudes who go through shit together and have more than one line of dialogue with each other.

t. dated a fujoshi

honestly it's pretty easy to see with bachelor/haruspex, the doujins practically write themselves.

>Why the fuck tinyBuild didn't advertise it*

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Proof, other than cosplays?

>you have some neat interactions with Bachelor
What kind of interactions exactly? In bachelors route they're civil to one another but Bachleor outright says shortly after meeting him that it's obvious they aren't going to be friends or anything.

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You murder a couple dudes to spring him from jail because you know he needs to be alive for the town to have any hope of making it out alive; there's that one magical moment that I won't spoil that involves a certain Herb Bride dancer; the two of you collab in the later days on the creation of the panacea, etc. etc.

Shit would not have worked out the way it did were it not for both of you working on this, and both characters are aware of this fact.

White and lumpy
Delicious Tan fills your belly
Straight from the bull

Quenches both hunger AND thirst!
it's bull semen.

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Oh, I'm aware of those, I thought you were saying Haruspex had some neat interactions in his own route with Bachelor that were different to the ones in Bachelors route.

Last one for today. Bayatay anons.

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It worked for Darkwood

Happens with every IPL game. Gotta do it a couple times until you get the feel down.

Nothing comfort in the first game than wandering the steppe at sunset as the Haruspex looking for herbs

Nothing but you can't deny it's very strange how a really fucking hard game to get into has a 75% female playerbase
I can't think of any other similar cases out there where a thing like this has happened, and in Pathologic's case it's even more strange since it's such an unconventional and unique game different from everything out there

genderbend everyone and I don't think yurifags would be able to play pathologic just for cute girls talking with cute girls
There is a limit to how far someone in it just for the hot boys/girls would be able to endure a game that is the equivalent of getting punched in the gut

check out most pathologic videos in youtube and twitch
check who uploads them and posts comments in them, a staggering amount of them is girls

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Oh yeah, there's that too.

Forgive me, I'm kinda confused here. What exactly are you asking, and about which game?

Why did Grace get cucked so hard compared to the other kids?

I haven't seen any signs that the game is majority female or anyone.

If anyone got cucked it was Notkin

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I was wondering what the differences were between Haruspex's routes in classic and 2 since I had only played Bachelor. I thought you meant that Haruspex had different interactions with Bachelor in his route in classic.

That's where you're wrong fucko. I'm a yurifag and I'm writing some Aglaya/Yulia fanfic as we speak.

Is mandalore fucking dead? Thats what he gets for not checking his immunity

Gib link

She gets very little screentime in comparison to the other kids. Notkin as well but that's after he gets infected on day 3 no matter what, so it seems they assumed most players would end up having him die, so they have you spend a lot of time with him prior.

>I don't think yurifags would be able to play pathologic just for cute girls talking with cute girls
I don't think you know enough real yurifags.
When you don't get much in the way of bones thrown your way hue you'll take whatever you can get that you think caters to your interests. See also the staggering amounts of money furries put out for commissions.

Honestly I think it's a point in their favor that they'll play a game like this because it ticks the right boxes. I mean we can't even seem to get any decent game journos to play this for more than an hour despite being paid actual money to do so.

Check his Twitter. He fucked up his back, not sure how and needs to stay in bed. It's why he hasn't released his video.


Excuse me incel but Pathologic 2 is the dark souls of survival games, only without any of the interesting writing and lore or good combat.


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Someone give this man a shmowder, stat

Oh okay yeah. Both are correct, actually. Classic Haruspex has different interactions with Bachelor than you might think, mostly cause they're filtered through his viewpoint but also because things don't happen as a 1-1 correlation between routes.

2's Haruspex and Bachelor are a lot better fleshed out in my opinion, there's a clearly established antagonism that's left up to you to decide where it goes. And you can get a lot of mileage out of it either way.

I wanna FUCK Ava

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Then give me gold, or violet.

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>this is what RPS genuinely believes


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how the fuck do you go from quitin's piece to the shit they put out these days

have you fucking seen their most recent piece?
>he let fucking sticky die
>he took the deal and then complained about the ending
ahhhhhhhhhhhh FUCKJ

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>all females are fujos
Not sure if you're memeing or not but most of females who I know appreciate IPL games are mildly weirded out by fujo shit. And there are some chicks who did a lot to make Pathologic more popular (there's a polish girl who great writes articles about IPL and has a website dedicated to P1/P2).

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Is it in English?

What's more important, why hast Quintin abandoned IPL in ye time of peril?

c'mon don't be like that, i wasn't implying that. i'm aware there's a big fujo fanbase, which there is, and one look at fanarts will tell you as much.

as for why regular nonfujo girls love it, couldn't tell you. probably the same reasons guys like IPL games, because they're good. girls aren't mystical monolithic figures.

I thought you could only play as one character in the new game, and that its plot is basically a close-up of one specific part of the previous game's plot.

Unfortunately not (you can google translate it I guess) marmurowegniazdo wordpress com
She has a comfy site about PS:Torment too.

First game offered you a choice of 1 of 3 characters. All three were required to essentially understand the full picture; each route was its own thing that explained the plot in terms that particular character would be familiar with, but playing another character's route would reveal all the things that they missed out on or were mislead on, because this is a game with the balls to have characters lie to the player.

The second game simply only has one of the three planned characters finished. You get the "full" plot from their perspective. You're just missing all the parts that, if you played the original, you know you were being tricked about, or simply weren't important to your character.

Is he married?

And with two sons!


there is no way Nikolay could be single. I mean look at those huge ass grabbing hands. He is a chad.

she said, thirstily

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>ywn have a pathologic loving gf who roleplays as Lara and keeps you well fed

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so what's the deal with the deal? I keep seeing it mentioned

hunger, plague, fatigue, you name it

>roleplays as Lara

>constantly feeds you nothing but dry toast crusts and the occasional glass of milk
>incessantly stares you in the eye
>always, always telling you how she's not good enough and always ruins everything even when she's trying to help
>casually mention offhand that your boss has been kind of a dick lately
>the next day you catch her in the doorway about to head out, a large revolver conspicuously sticking out of her cleavage

she's cute but you don't have to fug everything that's cute, you know

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> NEVER take the deal. It's not at all worth it

if you die enough times, the guy from the intro/dead items shop offers you a dealio, says he can get rid of all your death debuffs in exchange for some unspecified bad thing that will happen later.

spoiler alert: the bad thing is, you don't get a day 12. honestly, even though they don't explicitly state it, you'd have to be a fucking loony to take the deal, it stinks to high heaven.

just another case of people forgetting that consequences exist. i guess you can't exactly blame them seeing how current video games are all about making it so that consequences literally do not exist and it's impossible to not get to experience all a game's content in one go, but fuck.

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Thanks. I'm on day 6 or 7 and have only died once, so I should be in the clear anyway.

Just walking down to the theater minding my own business at night on day 3ish, see a random adult walking down the street. Figure I should get some toast or something, so I go over to trade with him. Fucker pulls a knife, so I go for my loaded revolver that I figured would one-shot him. Hit him in the head, barely winces. Gun then jams for like 10 seconds, while I'm standing there fumbling with it, the crackhead slices me up.

that's Pathologic, baybee.

try not to die any more, you'll lose some irreparable. they really want you to do whatever you can to survive instead of savescumming your way through shit. i'd bet my left testicle they batted around the idea of permadeath for ages before deciding against it.

Glad they didn't go for it, the current system is just right in terms of punishing the player while also being tolerable. Permadeath or even returning to the start of the day would be far too tedious