Game is about delivering packages

>game is about delivering packages
>character is called Fragile

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>Sam will be UPS and throw her around

he's a visionary

I'd let her handle my package, if you know what I mean


This game is gonna bomb hard.

>I want this game to bomb hard

We'll bang ok?

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This game will sell 10 million copies, despite being crap made by a talentless hack.

Kojima is a hack but it's a meme that he's great and that meme is enough for people to buy his games


It already has more preorders than any other Kojima game. Snoyfaggots will lap this shit up.

shes so fucking ugly

Admit it, the game looks fun in a bizarre way.

>character dies because she isn't handled with care

if you guys were wondering, UPS drivers make almost $100k a year plus you stay in shape and get to wear cute shorts.

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in my city some packages get delivered via bike.
honestly looks like a nice job

Attached: bike.jpg (1745x1107, 864K)

what sort of egomaniac puts their own name on their umbrella

Mama is already my waifu

Attached: mama-ri.jpg (1920x1080, 54K)

>via bike
the chad biker vs the virgin automotive prisoner

Attached: riding my bike.webm (1024x576, 2.95M)

>Couldnt get Gosling and Stone
>Had to settle for Reedus and Seydoux


I want to try being a postie, but I think I'd get sick of it after a week

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it will be like mgs5 in that you go around an underwhelming open world waiting for the next cutscene, and there's no real story at all just a series of mildly edgy things like a man stabbing himself