What's the most overrated game of all time?

What's the most overrated game of all time?

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Breath of the Wild

Skyrim and Bethesda Fallout AKA Skyrim is guns

probably bioshock infinite or skyrim.



BotW and RDR2, both atrocious games that are praised as some of the best of the generation which just defies all comprehension. probably the most repulsive gaming experiences of the past decade

Half Life 2. No contest.

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all Bethesda games

Imagine sitting at home all day making threads about how much you hate GTA V

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The Legend of Zelda

Anything Zelda related

Imagine me fucking your mom's big tits

unorinicly this game i got more enjoyment out of the multiplayer mods for san andreas on the pc. Crazy bobs cops and robbers players report in!

Dark Souls by far
> Number of Top 2 Rankings on Best Game Lists
> 1. Ocarina of Time (77 Lists)
> 2. Final Fantasy VII (19 Lists)
> 3. Super Mario 64 (18 Lists)
> 4. A Link To The Past (18 Lists)
> 5. Super Mario Bros (18 Lists)
> 6. Chrono Trigger (17 Lists)
> 7. Shadow of the Colossus (15 Lists)
> 8. Breath of the Wild (13 Lists)
> 9. Super Mario Bros 3 (13 Lists)
> 10. Final Fantasy VI (12 Lists)
> 11. Dark Souls (12 Lists)
> 12. Tetris (12 Lists)
> 13. The Last of Us (11 Lists)
> 14. Super Metroid (10 Lists)
> 15. Super Mario Galaxy (10 Lists)
> 16. Super Mario World (10 Lists)
> 17. Half-Life 2 (10 Lists)
> 18. NieR: Automata (9 Lists)
> 19. SoulCalibur (9 Lists)
> 20. The Legend of Zelda (8 Lists)

Metal gear solid 4

IVfags cant stop seething

Absolutely no contest here

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Can I get some proof? Sounds pretty based honestly

I agree with this. The game is so fucking boring.

dark souls is worth every bit of its praise though. You are just bad or a mlg no scope gamer to the point none of the challenges in dark souls was actually challenging.

FF7 being that high is a joke, It's not even a top 5 RPG on the PS1

Twilight Princess
Skyward Sword
Mario Galaxy
The Last of Us
Shadow of the Colossus

Doesn't mean they're bad but they're much worse than the numbers would suggest.

Deus Ex

> Shadow of the Colossus
> NieR Automata
> Super Mario Galaxy
> The Last of Us
Imagine being so contrarian that you would unironically think these aren't masterpieces

Zoomy trying to defend gtav rape, cucking, boring missions, shit characters, lmao


Name a more competently-designed game this decade that isn't botw.

GTA5 single player is fun at least. RDR2 hands down takes it. Even as the population continues to drop the fanboys still argue that input delay is fine.

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Zoomer taking rockstars shaft. How original.

I can elaborate.
I used to love that game but I just replayed the remake and I have to say it's actually bad. We remember it being good but it's not actually good. It was just so innovative and so mindblowing that we kind of pretended it's better than it is. It's not a good game, I'm sorry. Replay it and you will be dissapointed.
>NieR Automata
Objectively bad game, don't really need to prove anything here.
>Super Mario Galaxy
The controls are very loose in Galaxy. Because of all the gravity shit and because of the shitty Wii controller this is by far the least satisfying 3D mario game to play. It's not bad, but it's way overrated.
>The Last of Us
This one is obvious, you spend 1/3 of the game carrying ladders around. It's just not very good.

So you din't actually play any of those games & are just being a contrarian piece of shit? Typical, look at all of those vague buzzwords that doesn't actually explain anything about the game aside from "Popular = Bad"

>calling someone out for being on the spectrum equates to defending gtav
Whatever you say fucko
>durr I saw some other dude just now call him a zoomer I'll do it too haha do I fit in yet?
Don't talk to me about original retard

Do you need me to elaborate even further? Okay
You remember this as an action adventure full of thrilling climbs. What it actually is is a mediocre puzzle game. Replay it and you will see. There is no challenge in the gameplay, as soon as you solve the "puzzle" of the boss you kill him right away. I wasn't killed once on my PS4 replay. That's not good
>Super Mario Galaxy
I don't know what to elaborate. Have you held a wii controller? It's not very good. Those ridges around the stick? They're horrible for a fully 3D mario game. It just doesn't feel good to control. And the varying gravity takes away from the tightness of the controls. You're not always in control, it's wonky. That's not good.

As for NeiR and TLoU I can only repeat that they are shit games.

"Contrarian" is also a buzzword that is used by fanboys. So you're a hypocrite.

Red Dead Redemption imo. Great everything else but the gameplay and mission structure is awful.

i like wandering around a pretty wilderness looking for specific birds and toads and shit. amazing hunting game. animations take forever but it looks good and im just playing a relaxing game

Pretty much every Snoy exclusive.

This. Such a shit game.

>Valve dreaming about paid mods

Half-Life 2
and it's not even close

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You just had to be there man *sips*

Cope more