Thoughts on Joey?

Thoughts on Joey?

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He's still alive??

He´s talened

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He looks like he's about to die


How's his gaming channel going? What games does he play?

Reviewbrah>>>>>>>>>>>>any other food faggot

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He cute



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Amerim*tt subhuman

my thought exactly. This disgusting, weak butterball needs to hurry up and die of a coronary already.


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only technically

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I hate to say it, but you're right. We don't deserve reviewbrah, we deserve joey. Yea Forums is literally joey. Yea Forums is disgusting, fat, flimsy, weak, stupid, unskilled, untalented, and amoral.

How is he not dead

He's no Badlandschugs

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Will be a net gain when he dies.

He's old and he outlived guys that are fit like Etika. Based

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And this has what to do with VIDEO GAMES?

Also how much of a failure do you have to be to watch some fat dumb fuck eating disgusting trash in his car to feel better about yourself?

He's right tho.

We literally built Reviewbrah from the ground up and got him his first following. However he does not want anything to do with /fit/ and 4channel in general. Backstabbing cunt.

thoughts on barry?

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listen, com'ere

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Do americans really do this?

Yes they do, and it's beautiful.

He is to pure for this place. It wouldn't be the same if he frequented this place.

>eating all that bread
dude if you're going to indulge yourself cook and eat 2-4 lbs of various meats

reviewbrah was built from a borderline gay body building forum before Yea Forums

Based white American.

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I'm listening

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It's because he thinks some user was stalking him.

Holy based

This guy is the king of chugging

For me? It's Matte Stonie

You fucking pig dog americans think you're superior than the whole world and yet you act like this. Even your president is a fat bald pig. What an embarrassment.

I've never actually seen a video of his, is his gimmick that he stuffs as much as he can into his face and holds it until his body instinctively gags to unfortunately save him from suffocating?

Off-topic threads are way more interesting and engaging than boring waifufagging and videogame shill threads.


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video games

jelly third worlder spotted LOL


He's just a grotesque fat fuck that hates his own life.

>all these people upset over a random fat guy who does outrageous shit for views on jewtube

why is he always in a different vehicle

Here’s your double quarter pounder with large fries and a Diet Coke. Eat that shit up lardass.

Oh and here’s your fourth of july fireworks too. Your degenerate and primitive American brains seem to be into shiny pretty lights. Like a dumb retard baby that gets amazed easily.

Love him.

>practically fuming
Holy shit he mad

>all americans eat nothing but fast food
>americans are the only ones who celebrate their country's independence

come on m8

This spooked me. Was that the intent?

jfc dude relax, you're way too mad to be posting.

just chill and do some sneedposting, shit.

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lmao imagine being mad about someone you dont even know

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lol butthurt

The fucking noises he makes while eating are god damn disgusting. And the little autism squeaks noises too. How can people watch this fat fuck.


>when your country is the most obese, uneducated, and filled with niggers


why do e-celebfags hate videogames so much?

When he has a coronary attack, do you think he'll make the same sounds as the ambulance haul him away?

I watch his hands free nutella video to remind myself why I'm on a diet.
Thanks Joey, you disgusting sack of shit.

He's like the opposite of ASMR

I think this was the only video where he's actually disabled comments, I can't imagine what was said.

>alpha Joey thread
>Sneedposting galore
>fuming 3rd worlders jealous of USA
is this thread, dare I say it, based?

ASMR is for retards. Whispering girls are better, I can sleep with that.

Which video?

>being so fat you have stretch marks on your tongue

Hey muchachos and muchachas

Who in their right mind would?


Attached: Joey eating pizza like it's pusy.webm (640x360, 2.9M)

imagine being this lonely
here hold this

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yuropoors absolutely livid

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i mean yeah our country is shit but its better than all the other shitholes above, below, and across from us
i'd rather be a burger than a bong, leaf, mudslime, or basically anything else

australians are okay though

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absolutely disgusting. He is your average mutt.

He literally looks like a human rat. When people call someone ratface, this is what they mean. The mouse ears only add to the effect, but even without them this fife looks at least 70% rat. This is one of the rare cases where the vast majority of Yea Forums(nel) almost surely looks better, and people watch him as a circus act. Yeah, you can say a lot of people watch him and he's popular and the reason doesn't matter, but I'm fairly certain the way the people here live their lives out is likely more fulfilling than his. It's like being famous because people saw a video of you shitting in a diaper and eating it, rather be a nobody wageslave than a human laughingstock.

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