ITT: Games you forgotten about

ITT: Games you forgotten about

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i don't remember

How can I post a game I have forgotten about

and definitely

What an absolutely worthless thread.

banjo kazooie

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they say love is a game.......................

Are you me?

I can't remember what it was.


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There was that one game that I played as a kid that one time
I think it was a side scroller, it was on a PS1 demodisc, it had a lot of slime in it

Good times.


Some top down (?) game people used to play in computer lab all the time (mid-late 90s), graphics kind of reminded me of Starcraft or Fallout but I’m pretty sure it was a big clusterfuck PvP shootan game.

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Vampyr. I can't believe I finished that game.

I played a game recently that I forgot about, but then I remembered that I forgot it and forgot to remember it.


Nice, thanks user.

Black & White

Some PC game can't remember if it was DOS or not, but you play as an elf dude I think and the game over screen is the protag getting his head chopped off by a guillotine. Spooked me as a kid.

I forgot the name of it but as a kid I played this Japanese toy kart racer. The story was about two brothers and some other kids on an island or something taking part in a tournament and there was this hot chick with big boobs and hot panta with a red toy kart thingy and I always played her.
I remember all characters having stupid long and huge ears.
If anyone knows the name, I'd appreciate it because I do wanna play it again.

Rumble Blast was legitimately a great game