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How can Valve even compete?
Charles Perez
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Henry Young
hehe EBIN games :DDDD
Easton Sanchez
Japanese games that aren't Shenmue.
David Moore
By offering basic online store features that everyone besides epic seems to use. Oh and not having to pull games off the store during a sale might help.
Bentley Lee
User reviews. That's literally all they need.
Ethan Stewart
They can't.
Jeremiah Mitchell
They don't have to
Christopher Sanchez
By doing literally nothing and watching Epic kill itself though wonton waste of money and garnering vitriolic hatred from the community for Epic's actions.
Benjamin Scott
Fortnite revenue is already declining from its peak last year. All Valve has to do is wait.
Josiah James
Henry Parker
It's still making $10million a month
Carson Sanchez
Factorio has sold over 2m on steam alone and didn't require Steam to buy copies to inflate the numbers like Epic does, cope.
Robert Rogers
yfw Epic can only compete buy throwing millions of dollars at devs for exclusivity.
Meanwhile other companies put their games on Steam without being bribed.
Cooper Long
Epic didn't inflate shit, that's a myth. Don't ever post here again.
Gavin Harris
By doing absolute nothing
Evan Rivera
lmao valve don't need to do anything
they're just in their little bubble doing stupid shit and they still find a way to BTFO epic
Blake Clark
Colton Gonzalez
Stay salty little Epicuck.
Eli Clark
It's a meme but that slider legitimately has amazing potential.
Joseph Barnes
I have to log in to use it? Valve must be desperate to gate a simple feature like that. How deplorable
Jack Martinez
Shopping carts
Jackson Johnson
That's because it specifically caters recs based on your account you dumb.
Eli Cox
Liam Williams
They can't and know it. Which is why you don't hear anything from them.
Dominic Rivera
That will NEVER happen on the Epic store. Steam already gets so much shit from publishers and stuff due to user reviews.
Aiden Bailey
>Fortnite has been dropping rapidly since Minecraft retook it and recent updates have only been worse and worse
>The store still doesn't have a cart
>That Fortnite money isn't gonna be there forever
>They don't even realize it
where will you be with epic is kill
Joshua Edwards
>"flagship" indie game one new store
>sells 500k in 3 months
>niche indie game sequel on steam
>sells 1mill in a month
Id avoid egs like the plague if I made a game and knew it was decent
Logan Diaz
Are you fucking stupid
Jaxson Morgan
>SNK CEO said epic exclusivity comes in the form if Epic buying loads of copies
>Epic doesn't inflate numbers.
Leo Young
Don't forget that's even after that massive sale Epic had where they literally paid for people's ten buck discounts.
Samuel Hill
>Steam Sales events
Eli Reyes
by having about 100,000x more games to choose from
Brayden Martin
Atleast Steam doesnt need to pay insect posters to shill their service.
Lucas Jones
There is a reason Games Journalists are attacking steam.
Levi Parker
Which is exactly why i'll keep using Seam
If developers think they can get away with retarded shit they can suck a dick.
No other profession allows users to buy so much broken shit on a daily basis.
Game developers pretty much get away with stuff that would not be allowed anywhere else.
When i buy a new car i don't need to worry the brakes will fail an hour after i bought it. if i buy a toaster i don't need to worry it's going to short circuit and kill me.
But if you buy a game today you can be lucky you don't run in to a bug that will crash your game or maybe even your computer.
The reviews are the only thing keeping these incompetent crybabies in check.
Ryder Morgan
Yeah they just have indoctrinated cultists obsessed with virtual features that don't matter in a store.
Imagine if your grocery store needed a friends list or every product on every shelf had a bunch of fucking user reviews stuck on them.
Chase Martinez
>comparing a grocery store to an online game store/launcher
Jose Brown
It's planned but they're leaving it to the developers to enable or not, you know they wont. That's the whole appeal of Epic for them, taking power from the consumer and giving it to the developer.
Nathan James
By doing nothing.
Noah Martin
>people actually give a shit what botnet launcher 2000 they buy from
This is jews winning anons
Julian Bell
They won years ago, physical is dead. Now we're at the point of choosing the lesser evil. Piracy is great, but lacking. Streaming games is the next step.
Owen Harris
Carter Garcia
How is steam curating their steamfront a bad thing?
Matthew Reed
Because it means less options for you? Are you too braindead to know how to use filters? Do you need E3 to spoonfeed you major releases because you're a moron that doesn't know what he wants? Epic is perfect for you.
Josiah Watson
There are already a very small handful of devs that are giving Valve shit for introducing the new slider.
Saying that they should stop with the machine learning and actually curate more ignoring the fact that people have already been finding niche indie games far better because of this than when they were still relying on curators or real people.