
yep, F.E.A.R. 2 now THAT was a good game!

Attached: boomer's coffee.png (1920x1080, 3.55M)


It actually was a good game, though. Not great, but good.

i JUST started it btw so no spoilers plz. Also....
so far so BAD, i liked fear 1 better
>no leaning
>no slo mo (so far maybe i get it later)
>can't bind anything to my side mouse buttons
what gives?!

Yeah, 1 is much better

ehhh, it was okay
though it did have the ghost rape

>>no leaning
>no slo mo
You get it tard
>>can't bind anything to my side mouse buttons
Personal problem


Leaning pointless? You sound like a major goon. Leaning rules!

FEAR was made to be fast paced like a john wo movie, not peaking corners like a bitch

when does the first game get fun? is it just walking around samey office buildings and fighting easy guys with guns with slow mo the whole time?


For me perseus mandate, it actually has a few hard missions

it ruined everything good about the first game

>Not leaning in your strafe direction for maximum action.

I am afraid you are the one who can't into fast paced gameplay.

FEAR 2 wishes it had boomer approval. It doesn't. *siiiips*

>>no leaning
If I remember correctly, F.E.A.R. 2 was made for consoles. Consoles don't have enough buttons to accommodate nice things like leaning. Thanks, consoles.

Also no quick saves? No saving at kinda weird...

mouse buttons should be bindable. that is a flaw. leaning is shit though and slo mo is present in the sequel.
the real flaws of FEAR 2 are shit level design and shit AI which go hand in hand.

There were two versions of FEAR2 in development, one for consoles and one for PC. The PC version got canned and the console version got a port instead. That's why the game is shit compared to the first.

FEAR 1 and Extraction Point are all you really need.

True, even though perseus is basically not canon or an alt timeline or something? I found it the coolest and toughest of the fear 1 dlcs

Alma was a total cutie.

Was the PC version ever leaked?

No, it really wasn't. You should have posted FEAR 1.

Well yeah, it was the visual gag, fear 1 doesnt have boomers cafe

No, it was cancelled during production, never even close to playable. And to be fair, it might have turned out poorly too, but I think it's no coincidence that FEAR was a great game for PC that was ported to consoles and was still great, while FEAR 2 was an okay game on consoles that was ported to PC was mediocre at best.

>yep, F.E.A.R. 2 now THAT was a good game!
A consolized version of FEAR? God no.

Fuck off.