What are some good games about Hell that aren't Doom? No space marine power fantasy...

What are some good games about Hell that aren't Doom? No space marine power fantasy, just pure evil condensed into a game.

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Max Payne 3
Far Cry 2
You’re basically in Hell on Earth

But that's not what I asked for. I'm talking about actual Hell.

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How can there be a place worse than a Brazilian Favela
I think even Africans wouldn’t want to go there

It's a really shitty game but Agony is literally set entirely in hell

Actual Hell where you're tortured until the end of time. At least in the Favela you can die.
Isn't it basically just a walking simulator? If I find it for cheap maybe I'll try it just for the atmosphere.

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devil daggers

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Diablo 1 and 2.

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Dante's Inferno

>good games

>acknowledging the most horrifying concept as horrifying is edgy
Can you imagine feeling nothing but endlessly increasing pain for the rest of eternity? No, you can't.

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No because I’m not a Papist I’m a Christian
Your soul dies when it enters Hell only a Papist would think God is so evil he would torment you this way

>only a Papist would think God is so evil he would torment you this way

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Papism is an evolution of the Greek and Roman cults
They just replaced all the Gods with Saints. No praying to your saint won’t grant you good fortune, if you do this you’re commiting a sin

SMT mainline


1. I'm not a Catholic, I actually think you're pretty based and more "Christians" should be like you
2. Until you realize the truth you will keep being reborn here for eternity or end up somewhere even worse

Reincarnation is not real Tom from microsoft stop calling me I can hear the Bombay traffic in the background dumb cunt

>seething protestard

Brutal Doom Sacrificial grounds is pretty event horizon fucked up.

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The very first church in existence was the Church of England
Jesus Christ himself used his own two hands to help build this church after preaching the Gospel in Glastonbury

>this is what bongs actually believe

Dante's Inferno was pretty good. Just another hack and slash God of War-type game, but the visuals and details of Hell were pretty based.

It is, thank you.

martin luther was the first redditor

Silent Hill 2 and 3.

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I’m not British I’m Austria-Hungarian but I’m a first generation Canadian
It’s just common sense that the Anglo is special to God in some way
Why are they superior to all other races? They tamed the wild races in all four corners of the globe and created an empire yet to be surpassed, today the entire modern world exist thanks to the ingenuity of a single centuries worth of Anglos

Nothing in England is sacred. The royal family are demonic cannibals.

>but the visuals and details of Hell were pretty based
You might already know but for anyone who doesn't, Wayne Barlowe did all the environment design for Dante's Inferno. Pretty sure he designed most of the enemies as well.

Does Yea Forums prefer Silent Hill games with storylines surrounding The Order, or more personal stories like Silent Hill 2?

>cause two world wars
>destroy africa
>destroy middle east
>destroy europe over and over again
definitely ordained by god

I think anyone who’d speak like this about the monarchy personally chosen by God to rule should be charged with treason and blasphemy
You think God is wrong to appoint the Queen to her position?

>You think God is wrong to appoint the Queen to her position?
Yes. If the Queen has a connection to any otherworldly being, that being is Satan. Keep worshipping your Demonic vampire queen, peon.

>You think the great-great--great-grandfather of the Queen is wrong for slitting some guy's throat and appointing himself King hundreds of years ago

>cause two world wars
That wasn’t us Russia started the First World War because they were butt hurt that the Germans didn’t support them in their failed attempt to colonize Japan
World War 2 was started by the Teutons because they were mad they lost the first war
>destroyed Africa
The British colonies in Africa are better off than the Belgian, Spanish, French and Portuguese colonies and the independent states of Abyssinia and Liberia
>destroy the Middle East
The Palestine mandate which is now Israel has the highest quality of life of all the middle eastern countries and is comparable to Western Europe. That’s because the Anglos were smart enough to keep the Pagan Idolatrous Mohammedans away from that land
>destroy Europe
We saved Europe from Socialism but then after the War you all became socialists anyway
I think Europe should pay Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Great Britain a billion dollars for every single Anglo soul that died protecting your freedom which you threw away afterwards anyway

Keep talking like this and your soul will die in hell
That never happened the savages in europe might behave this way but not the Anglo

>Keep talking like this and your soul will die in hell
Maybe I don't even want to go to the "heaven" of whatever God would appoint this evil cunt as queen of anything.

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God I hate Europeans
You’re given a good kind with Anglo blood out of the kindness of our hearts and then you overthrow him and implement socialism and mohammedanism in your failed republic

I hate Europeans too, Anglos included. I hate all Statists. You are so weak minded you start to panic when you don't have some evil monarch/dictator ruling over you and telling you what to do.

HM was appointed by God
God is not wrong

>this evil witch was appointed by God because this church she leads says so
Ooookay. You bongs were never very good at thinking critically.

the game of life

all that glorious past and yet, here you are, reduced to a beggar asking for gibs from rest of the europe, while your children are being raped in your cities

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I’ve already told you. I’m a first generation Canadian but my family is Austro-Hungarian.
Canada is actually trading less and less with Europe because you keep threatening to sanction us

the sims

>I’m a first generation Canadian but my family is Austro-Hungarian.
>but I worship the queen of England
Do you really expect anyone to believe that?


The only thing you're close to is the bin


Dante's Inferno takes place in hell, including Satan's huge floppy flaccid penis.

I'm glad other people really consider what a thing hell is. I'd like to see some games have it as a concept as well

Devil Daggers

It would need a drone doom soundtrack.

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Are there any sim games where you can basically build your own hell?

Silent Hill. 2 is the most effective, but 3 is the most Hell like.

>worshiping anyone but God and Christ
>having the audacity to call yourself a Christian