Filename thread

Filename thread

Attached: Leaving Goodsprings.gif (350x309, 1000K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't get it

Attached: binding of isaac fans.gif (335x237, 1.81M)

Attached: Dale Earnhart Sr..jpg (960x720, 259K)

Attached: returning to that great server you were always playing on with your old pals who are long gone from (384x216, 1.72M)

I've played nv half a dozen times
I don't get it

Literal brainlet hour.


that's cute

Which games is it for you?
For me its Sven Coop

Attached: op.jpg (591x960, 46K)

Attached: try before you buy.webm (480x854, 1.24M)

Attached: I hope people don’t get their expectations up too high, stated Masuda.jpg (640x480, 55K)

Based old guy.

Attached: pyromancy low int build.webm (192x240, 687K)

Attached: comdey horror.webm (852x480, 1.2M)

Attached: Ardyn Reviews FFXV.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

Attached: Fracture.webm (960x1182, 1.77M)

holy shit, tell me his house burned down and he died from inhaling the fumes

>Get an itch to play WoW again
>Haven’t played since WotLK
>Everything is chaotic as fuck
>Server is totally dead
>My friends all resubbed last expansion but quit during this one since they thought it was shit

What a horrible disappointment. I think we’ll all be playing classic when it comes out though.

I dont really get it also but im guessing its referencing that one dude that sneakily follows you out of Goodsprings

Attached: Forest Hunters.gif (230x130, 496K)

Attached: Pokemon Emerald OST.jpg (947x624, 79K)

You can respec your character (including the appearance) when you are leaving Goodsprings for the first time.

Attached: territorial rotbart.jpg (2048x1536, 563K)

You're given the option to recustomize your character when you leave goodsprings for the first time

Attached: Old World Blues.jpg (430x307, 65K)

would have shoved him because he's showing that he's willing to jeopardize my health so i'll jeopardize his with a potential ass whooping

Attached: MMO goes F2P.jpg (918x1224, 296K)

What the fuck is going on here

Attached: WASSDADASSEWAS.gif (230x137, 500K)

Attached: Rollercoaster 1 looks too intense for me....png (1280x960, 1.7M)


nice filename


Insane wind uplifting roots. The trees are tangled together by the roots so they wont fall.

You Just know feeding him is the key to defeating him

Attached: Rage quit.gif (398x192, 1.96M)

Or you could just tell someone that works there you subhuman redneck

Attached: Lucina S support.png (603x299, 240K)


Attached: America Simulator.webm (1280x686, 2.92M)

Attached: pikmin prepare breakfast for manly tears.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

Attached: heat_signature.png (640x720, 622K)

>manly tears
Its not funny anymore.

he'll learn nothing that way

>not European Extreme

Attached: American dev makes a sequel to japanese game.webm (960x540, 1.94M)

t. manly tears

Attached: Manly Tears playing with his tec dec.jpg (454x342, 14K)

Attached: Manly Tears army has celebratory shots.jpg (692x471, 132K)

damn, colin mochrie being badass with a gun

Attached: critic review vs user review.jpg (960x924, 189K)

Attached: doing sidequest in rpgs.gif (320x180, 461K)

t. manly tears

Attached: manly tears fixes his monitor.webm (1280x720, 967K)

Attached: Undertale War.jpg (460x397, 30K)

why boner

Attached: can we all agree x is overrated.webm (960x404, 2.99M)

Attached: Ace Attorney.jpg (960x960, 207K)

>Trigger spawns the ace in mission 17

Attached: Soul vs Soulless.png (555x532, 266K)

where did he get the tiny bread?

Attached: Locked Character.jpg (425x318, 23K)

Attached: side quests.jpg (800x1199, 213K)

You name it.

Attached: 1550951301843.webm (320x180, 476K)

>he doesn't bake his own tiny bread loafs

Attached: discord channels.jpg (500x500, 70K)

At the tiny bakery

Attached: Picking a bad spot to save state in your emulator.webm (480x270, 2.17M)

thought i was the only person that remembered that game. i think i remember it being pretty fun

>All out attack

Attached: Dokapon minigames.webm (704x360, 1.57M)

gee I wonder who could be behind this post...

Attached: manly tears shows his gamecube collection .jpg (600x450, 46K)

Attached: boss rooster.webm (240x360, 463K)

Fuck, Christ help that guy on the bottom damn.

that's a giant cock

t. jagi

Attached: kyaa im late for school.webm (720x404, 2.45M)

Wiki says this is bullshit tho

it's onion

It's actually the onion, but it still isn't too far off from reality.

Max Payne 3

>dobson gets in a fight.webm

Was this supposed to be a suicide attempt?

Attached: imminent boss fight.gif (440x300, 3.93M)



Fucking good, got me down for a bit there. Still worried by how close to reality it probably is for some.

You can take him into your home, nothing's stopping you.

Attached: gamergate 2.jpg (960x720, 115K)

Darwin award.
>hurr what could possibly go wrong??

i really hope they died

White people

Attached: setting up an emulator.webm (624x352, 2.95M)

Attached: ethics_department.png (480x357, 267K)

who let he nigger in?

Attached: ohu2.jpg (576x440, 41K)

Attached: yaa gomen gomen.jpg (436x467, 27K)

What? That doesn't really help.

>Car Mechanic Simulator.webm


>Yea Forums in a nutshell

>he nigger
Sounds like black He-Man.

Source: Cyberpunk 2020 sourcebook, released 1994

Attached: chapter 1 forshadowing.jpg (960x561, 91K)

more like
>low iq build

I know right. We really are the best, most fun motherfuckers out there. Imagine standing on the shoulders of your giant forebears just to set yourself on fire for a laugh. All while insecure welfare monkeys like this seethe

I can only hear the Goofy scream when I look at this

I hate it when the local druids forget to cast their sleeping spells on the giants.

When looped the running white guy looks like he turns into the black guy, like if you changed your character at the end of the tutorial like in most Bethesda games. It's kind of clever but you shouldn't feel bad for not getting it off the bat.

I also watch PJW videos user


The person in the background turns black. You're not too dumb for thinking the kid was the focus. But kind of


Do you also visit Because it was memed here before he used it. Both him and AJ constantly borrow from Yea Forums, hell AJ is selling clown world t-shirts

No, no he meant somebody else do it. In his name.

Attached: Aggroing a high level boss.webm (1920x1080, 2.95M)

Attached: maxed out luck.webm (520x292, 606K)

>installing mods for a Bethesda game

>smash egg on someones head on tv
>get hit
>become angry and hit him back as if he's in the wrong

>running so fast you become a nigger

It's okay when we do it


this one is really reaching

I don't care what the context is. That little shit deserved to have his face bashed. I'll bet it's some stupid shit like people defending the kid and calling him a hero.

You're exactly right


this show was good to me

Tell me this is an edit

Attached: parry rate up.gif (240x186, 1.08M)

Fucking moron


is there more of the little shit getting beat up?

>getting offended for white hating vermin who have been hostile towards Europeans for 1,400 years


Attached: jamal payne.webm (1024x768, 2.31M)

Needs a name.

Attached: 1536367425988.webm (460x574, 1.47M)

>e-celeb thread.

Attached: 1520395591955.jpg (350x202, 14K)

its a good thing the joke doesn't hinge on the words being true

>Face bashed
>Over a raw egg
Based kid even stared him in the eye, no courage from that manchild adult who cant handle a little eggman's action.

he lived right?

Fuck please tell me what episode/season this is.

I love shit like this

>playing a dot spec

Attached: TFR Season 2 finale.webm (526x360, 1.76M)


What you do, is follow him to the parking lot obtain his liscense number, then call or text the local tipline saying he just peft the supermarket and is driving erratically. Say you think he was drunk since he was drinking out of soup ladles at the grocery store.

Attached: truth is, the game was rigged from the start.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Attached: shadowofthecolossus.webm (320x180, 1.06M)

me in the tuxedo, hiding in the bathroom

Attached: Game goes F2P.webm (720x404, 1.59M)

back to kid

Attached: Jabu-Jabu.png (460x315, 178K)

fracture is way too underrated

I have 200 hours in BoI and over 1000 in rebirth and I don't get it, but I am on 2mg of xanax

Attached: 1545189467342.jpg (500x497, 61K)

>modding a bethesda game

pretty sure the joke is
>you have to be a zealous atheist to be a BOI fan
>zealous atheists are fedoralords

Attached: crushing blow.webm (404x720, 2.08M)

>ed edd and eddy shirt

I’m Christian and I love the game to death.

Is this from Detective Pikachu

Homestar Bunmaker


Attached: The_Elder_Scrolls.jpg (1007x571, 69K)

thats cute but why is the cat wearing a sweater

nah, its from the Glimmerman

nice filename

the weak should fear the strong

>wh*te """people"""

Attached: BEN DROWNED.gif (360x270, 806K)

Jet stream Sam versus Raiden

Angry Joe?

why didnt he let go?

Attached: Your pokemon is paralyzed.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

Attached: get woke go broke.jpg (376x836, 98K)

Is that General Mattis? What is this from?

sup manly tears, go doing any time for that bagel shop fiasco?

Attached: youre not god.jpg (584x585, 93K)

>Doesn't move, doesn't even try to
>Just fucking dies

Attached: the_most_important_meal_of_the_day_serving_it_up_garys_way.png (1206x868, 1.15M)

Attached: Bethesda_death_animations.webm (400x270, 557K)

can't tell what's going on

Attached: Doom guy getting punched by a demon.png (760x357, 337K)

Any ideas for this one?

Attached: barney-hall.png (849x635, 456K)

He did a fucking John woo dive, what's the context?

ok dominic, killed yourself over losing your youtube channel yet?
still a 35 year old virgin incel?

Thief the Dark Project.

Foreshadowing** dumbass


Attached: Taming_a_wolf_in_minecraft.webm (480x480, 986K)

I can't remember the story but that guy just walked in and started shooting everyone.

Attached: Lonesome Road.jpg (568x346, 114K)

Attached: Denuvo DRM.png (1024x1219, 2.81M)

I can't stop fucking laughing

Attached: 1521000277.jpg (600x600, 42K)

There's a video on YouTube with Stephen Tobolowsky, an actor in The Glimmer Man, telling a crazy ass story about things Steven Seagal did on that movie. I recommend it.

>can't rename files
>terrible filename joke, no punchline, literally a reaction image
kill yourself you absolute failure


Attached: eggboom.jpg (944x674, 167K)

I don't get it and that's one of my favorite dlcs


>atmospheric storytelling

Muslims shouldn't feel safe and we should all be fash.

>3 armed security guards and him shoot each other at almost point blank and miss

Play stupid games, and all that. Don't do the crime if you can't do the thing where you're prepared to be knocked out.



Letting go would've produced worse injuries after it pulled him off the ground

fuck off tickis

I'm not him, but I have some adderall stashed away in my room. I think those work pretty well.

She needs a glass of milk.

>Average morning in Belka

Bro is that a Torterra

Do you have a link?

Fraser is a scumbag so he deserved more

madd about EGGG

Attached: angryreacjoinsthebattle.png (876x960, 810K)

Attached: level 60 warlock mount.webm (960x1200, 2.99M)


Attached: mummy noo.webm (634x348, 1.78M)

are these niggas levelling up now, wtf was that dive that's terrifying


Attached: hardblush.webm (720x404, 1.12M)


Attached: SockerBoppers.jpg (500x260, 23K)