New EDF thread since the other hit the limit
What class are you playing?
Did you even buy the game or did you pirate it like me you niggers ?
New EDF thread since the other hit the limit
Other urls found in this thread:
Post fencer webms
Audio swap progress with menu music:
>swapping out the audio file in TIKYUUX_MUSIC.awb only = song doesn't play
>swapping out file in TIKYUUX_MUSIC_STREAMFILES.awb = no effect
Conclusion: TIKYUUX_MUSIC.ACB has to be modified.
>tried using AcbInjector from Sonic Audio Tools but it crashed
>ACB Editor gives the same results as STREAMFILES
In short, I am currently stuck.
Pirated it, fuck paying for digital.
Based pirate.
Reminder you can even play online with the pirated version with Yea Forums or friends if you have friends. Haha.
I will now try Eternity Audio Tool.
Can you swap the songs with the songs from 4.1?
Is the limpet gun ever worth taking?
no. Maybe the flechette ones for underground missions
>mission 62
>can easily farm the pillbugs by hiding in the parking garage
Is there more missions like that?
No Yea Forums pirate lobby?
The new song sucks
Is there a good mission early on 1-30 that is good for farming a bit of armor?
The frog enemies are way more interesting to fight than hectors. Great change.
The third (second) mission probably
not that guy but from what i saw most of the songs from 4.1 are in 5's awb file already, just not listed in the acb
>nearly two year old game
>Full Price
I know it's on sale for the first week but what the fuck. I would have bought this if it was $40 or less
how do I get the pirated copy working online
I fucking love these frogs. After you shoot out their legs they still crawl around trying to shoot you.
>be fencer
>fencing giant bipedal frogs
>fuckers hide behind buildings
>double jump on top of a sky scraper
>deploy mini JDAMs
>whole squad of frogs are now quadruple amputees
>redneck npc gets on comms
>whos your daddyyyy??!!
11/10 goty
Someone posted this clip in the last thread, so I had to do this.
They completely ruined Wing Diver with that hold button before firing shit. So i changed to Fencer this game. How do i go fast?
Frogs are fun as fuck to fight, seeing the head just fly off after a sniper shot never gets old
Google "EDF 5 Steamworks V2" and put those 3 files in your game directory, overwriting files if needed. Be sure to have Steam already up and running. Works fine here, even though you can only play with fellow pirates.
Have you had my luck swapping out audio or modifying the ACB?
>group of frogs bunched up trying to hide behind the same building
>blacker a5 shells pierce and one shots limbs
>shoot off their arms and legs then get out and let the whale's autocannon poke them to death
uh gamer...
im too much of a brainlet to do any modifications to the files
its just i noticed that stuff while trying to figure out how to extract the online lobby music cause i think that tracks bangin
REMINDER to turn odd camera effects to stop the forced snapping in some missions
>Yea Forums gets mad when people pirate CDPR games but encourages it now
What happened?
ahh monster attack, good game, they don't make games like these anymore. maybe except EDF5
>Yea Forums is one person
in my defense my friends and i are going to buy it next month when we have money
imagine playing a PS2 looking shit game in the current gen
Anyone know if it's possible to turn off mouse acceleration?
That got me killed on the first UFO/done mission
>doing it for the first time as fencer don't know what to expect
>bad loadout for fighting drones, struggling but fighting through
>get low health but I've left plenty of pickups, start dashing towards a big one
>neck gets snapped in the opposite direction and I get gunned down as I start walking the wrong way
imagine getting mad at people having fun :^)
How to dash good with fencer?
>finally get a Dexter
This just isn't the game for you, sweaty.
saw some people ask, keep reposting it for these threads
see and
When you extract TIKYUUX_MUSIC.ACB with VGM Toolbox, you get an awb folder with 25 BGMs. When you try extracting TIKYUUX_MUSIC.ACB with Sonic Audio Tools (AcbEditor), it instead extracts TIKYUUX_MUSIC.AWB which is 79 audio files. I have no idea where VGM gets the 25 ACB BGMs from. Might be in the AWB folder that gets renamed, but I haven't listened. Maybe it creates the song on the fly by merging different audio files?
What's even the point of this if it doesn't specify what missions drop each one
where can i torrent? ill buy when its cheaper for legit multiplayer
If you want that then use this too.
imagine playing on pc
thanks homie
You get the equipment to do so. First ones are lvl 1 and 2. You can't dash cancel anymore.
>own it on PS4
>will probably buy it later down the line on PC
>said the same thing about 4.1
>never bought it
In any case I'm going to leave it at that for now. What I've come to is that any changes to the AWB aren't being registered in the ACB (I swapped out the audio using Eternity Audio Tool and confirmed that the audio is in there by extracting the AWB). Maybe it's the cue ID? EAT seems to save the same filename though.
I can't read moon and goggle translate is obviously very poor which part of this says what weapons drop on each mission. I can find a list of all weapons and a list of missions along with recommended weapons to use but not what I'm looking for.
How are the mouse controls? I've read stuff from broken acceleration, different X/Y speeds, crazy jittering and similar stuff but I need to know if people are overreacting or not.
It's fine for me.
i had jitters ealier but i dont know if its my actual mouse or the game
otherwise the game works as expected for me
the different x/y speeds depend on the weapons you have for some of the classes
Does it work without using Steam? I refuse to install that spyware
>giant ants
>are these dinosaurs?
unless im rarted it goes around steam so no you shouldn't need steam
Does it actually shoot that fast?
Is it possible to shoot down the frog dropships?
I've yet to find a weapon I enjoy with the Wing Diver that isn't the default Rapier.
>this isn't just a world war, it's a space war!
Fencerbros, so I have equips that let me do two boosts, and two dashes. It seems fastest to dash and then boost, since that adds a lot of forward momentum. My question is, how do I reset the chain?
I dash>boost dash->boost, then it seems sometimes I can dash again before restarting the chain and sometimes I can't and have to walk a few steps.
there is a hidden weapon on the 2nd mission for the wing diver that has a chance to drop on the easiest difficulty from the few enemies you see there
>playing Wing Diver with my buddies
>I don't want to play Wing Diver anymore and they're both dead set on playing Air Raider
>refuse to help me grind armor/weapons on lower levels
There's a hidden cooldown on jumps and dashes, especially the jumps. Use your melee weapon to carry momentum a bit, or make sure you're doing them in the right order.
user you mean immigrant
From what little I understand the acb is just a reference file for the awb that calls for what it needs, and it's possible that some songs share the same id to allow for a random track to be played when that id is called. Vgmtoolbox isn't really designed to see that so it just finds the first song with the id and assumes the rest are invalid and just ignores them
Ravagers > Primers
I will make lobby in 20 minute if nobody make one
immigr ants
is the zero free bike a meme
Yea ForumsDF
starting from mission 7, will maybe play for about two hours or so
depends on your cool level
Figured. It is dash into a jump boost and not the other way around, right?
Yeah I came to that conclusion myself, the ACB file is only 18kb and I got an error message with VGM Toolbox but ignored it. Anyway I made a thread for it, maybe someone more competent will help.
Starting from mission 16 Mastermind Revealed.
Hard Modo, Need 4, room name Klendathu Drop, PW:rage
still 2 spots open
>you can literally shoot the ayy lmao's head off
are vehicles still impossible to drive in 5?
the only one that was extreme shit in 4.1 was the bike
Man, the new songs are such a disappointment compared to 4.1. Thank god the other cheesy generic soldier chatter is much better.
And heli
I take it back the dragoon lance melts frogs quite satisfyingly
never really tried the heli so i dont remember that one
Ay lajk renjir
Klendathu Drop
thats the name
can you play with english voices and japanese text?
Who /EDF2017/ here?
maybe it's case sensitive?
this didn't work either
is it cuz I stole the game
At 3, need one more.
It is
i dont know
Any pirates wanna play for a bit?
how to fencer ??
read the thread there's some shit you need to download first for multiplayer to work
use a rapier and remember its all in the wrist
Side Thrust + Jump Boost weapon on one set of weapons, double Gatling or double Gallic Big Dick Tank Cannon on the other set. Make sure you only reload one gatling at a time.
>playing on a pirated copy with the steamworks fix
>multiplayer lobby screen is empty and I have no idea if it's because I fucked up dragging/dropping 3 files or there are just no pirate lobbies up
Shit. I wish I had friends.
>pirates in charge of coping
fucking LEL
even if you download the fix i think steam/pirates have different lobbies
Works on my machine :^)
>Can't stack dash increases from different dash equipment on Fencer
Lame, I wanted 5 dashes but it only takes what the highest one gives you.
They do.
That's strange, usually the issue is that the game won't start at all. Are you sure Steam is open? Maybe try to restart Steam.
still 2/4 here, come on people, join
who /killingantsingameandinreallife/ here?
So what's this game like? Looks like MH in the sense that you pick a mission and then go out with your friends or alone if you are boring to kill shit and get better gear. Except it just drops randomly from what i hear?
What's with all the DLC? Does it add anything meaningful?
My biggest wish for EDF 6 is ally NPCs being able to enter and use support weapons on vehicles. I'm sad I'll never get to properly see this bad boy in action.
no. The mission packs are worth it, but it's not our to the 27th. The current DLC are just basically shitty weapons you will replace immediately.
I'm interested. Is this game fun with only 2 people or is a large party/server/whatever required?
It isn't really like Monster Hunter. Go look at some gameplay videos or something.
All of the DLC sans the mission packs are low level weapons you'll never really use, except for early on.
It's pure arcade shooting fun with absolutely outnumbering over-the-top ennemies. Having a great time playing with friends.
You don't have to grind like in MH.
MH is slow methodical boss fights with crafting.
This is taking a rocket launcher to hordes of ants in fully destructible enviroment
It's fun enough, and you can't play with more than 4 players anyway, which is already a fucking holocaust.
As an AR why would you use any limpet other than sniper
>Long range
>High damage
Only gripe is one shot per reload at low levels.
>Iota One is now activated. Powered exoskeleton team, engage.
Is aliasing part of the experience?
OHOHOHOHO, Air Raider, you have good taste! Whoever made that must be an genius!
any class can be any sex, when?
imagine if the game looked good, though. We'd fight against 3 ants instead of 300. People are already bitching about the game not running on their TI-81.
I play either fencer or air raider mostly, fencer right now. Just fought the red drones. Fuck those niggers.
I agree with you but at the same time i doubt power lines are supposed to look like stairs
Wing divers are all female so no reason for the femoids to join the other classes since they can abuse their privilige because of affirmative action.
nice pun user, id play with you if i could get this lemon running
That's the bullet velocity. At that speed it's pretty much hitscan.
It's supposed to be a laser, it should be hitscan
>want to buy this
>already played around 200h on ps4
Apart from Yea Forums lobbies is there anything new on the pc port like more enemies/allies?
Is there still a room up?
What are some good wing diver weapons?
>it's actually just a rapier with that charge up mechanic and ridiculous amounts of range
got my first shotty, its got me hotty!
I want to farm armor while my friends aren't on. Is Air Raider still just meh at soloing? Seems like the vehicles have been really made much larger in token cost this time thanks to his super beefed air strikes.
For the pylons, the monster sniper is great (if you have people to cover you)
But in general, the plasma launchers and double/dragoon lances are the best for me
just started looking to play multi for like an hour
room name is THANOS THANOS
more manageable, no longer need to have shit equipped like turrets for them to reload, whatever gun you got out they'll reload in the background
join slowboys
this is even pirate friendly
Can't find it m8.
will it even show up for non-pirates?
how do I know 2/4
How do I play nufencer? I just got owned by the frogs
>fly behind them
>get up in their shit
>unload your lance into their face
>head flies off
Simple. When there's a group just use a plasma launcher to bomb the fuck out of them.
I'm convinced regular bugs don't exist in the world of EDF.
I've found that even the starting blasthole spear can be remarkably effective. dash up close and pop off their head.
Stay back and use blood storm
Stay back and use Gallic
Get close and use a piercer on their head
Any of those
Anybody have this run worse the second time they launch it? I'm running a legit steam copy on this dang ol' laptop, and was getting 60FPS last night. Today I fire up mission 11 before anything spawns and am getting 11FPS. There were no other open programs beyond steam either. Is there some fan I should be dusting or something?
room still up piratedaddies only 2/4
happened to me, too. I made sure I have a spear and I used a hand mortar because I didn't have a shotgun yet.
I used Blood missiles at range to kill a few until they got closer, then circle them and mortar/spear in the head. On hard with crap weapons, this still dropped them in seconds.
Let me see if I can make a Webm of a capture I made yesterday for fun.
>See giant ufo the size of a city releasing hundreds of tiny UFOs that float around and shoot lasers
the people of the EDF world aren't the brightest
type the room name in the search options for it to show up
>Uhh these monsters or IMMIGRANTS as I like to call them.
Is the game lagging for anyone else when fire textures get made from explosions or on the Moving base missions? My friend says he's getting no frame drops but on some missions I can barely run around even though i have a better rig than him.
>The aliens look just like us!
They're just doing it on purpose
Try running it in windowed mode
that's on hard with a level 0 3 star spear. If it was online solo, you'd have to hit a few more times but they get stunlocked so it's fine as long as you get them 1 at a time.
Er, sorry. Jackhammer. Don't know why I kept saying spear. It's great against the big things but it's not so great at hordes, but I figure that's what the shotgun will be for.
Anybody got a mega for the game?
I really want to try it after seeing daily threads but no money to spare ;(
If we talk to the aliens. Surely we can come to an understanding!
How many missions are there in total?
111 + dlc missions (not out yet)
>heli's being bad in 4.1
He's just a shitter
Jesus, alright I'm on mission 15 so I guess I don't have to worry about the game ending anytime soon.
Room up
>You can't dash cancel anymore.
guess im not buying this shitheap then
and 5 difficulties although only three of them really count.
The highest gives you the most fun toys. You're in for a ride
you literally go faster without having to spaz out with a shield
Is this for purchasers or pirates?
Money users
>the first queen mission
hope you have movement speed support gear
I'm coming. Keep it open for a couple more minutes
>Room is full
Oh well.
at least bump it up to hard user
>was too late
room back up
no idea wtf happened
Ah, the armor is melting.
Is this for pirated copies only?
It's not showing up for me
I make lobby now
party Yea Forumsan
pass: rage
on mission 37 but you just spam chat command for easier level if you want to go farther back
Not showing up. Are you playing with a pirated copy?
No, purchase. Let me remake it
ok now it works
party Yea Forumsan
pass: rage
I once had an alien running around with no arms in the middle of a group.
Spritefall operator is cute, CUTE
Here I am, running through some underground caves, fighting big ass bugs, and EDF seriously needs to provide some better equipment.
party Yea Forumsan
pass: rage
join or you are one of the faggots who tried having peace talks with frogs
You'll use a keyboard and mouse.
Join! We've got two spots left.
tfw want to complete story mode before joining multiplayer. tfw it will probs be dead by then.
cabbage get ur ass back in here
This is the lobby.
>Beijing is SO fucking polluted that it singlehandedly ensured EDF victory with minimal casualties
4.1 still has people playing it so I doubt it
O-ok, if you insist.
>join public lobby
>fencer has somehow bound "nice" to m1
damn mission 37 gives a lot of items
Does 5 have anything on the level of Charge Phase 1-3? I love the missions where you're fighting in a close-range clusterfuck.
What weapon is that?
Yes. The 2nd part is descending through a massive cave.
Said caves arn't pitch black like in 4.1 though.
Oh yeah, one of the early missions already, 17 I think, has a huge underground clusterfuck near the end.
There's several other underground missions, some of them worse than others.
can you unlock harder and inferno?
Complete the main story first
doesnt exist
i lied hoping he would waste his time walking down a corridor waiting for npcs to shoot 6 ants
>Laser cannon ayys
Sick, thanks anons.
is it worth farming Ant Normandy 2.0 for a bit for some armor? I get like 20 a go
There's Brute Force 2.0 if you want armor. Play it on easy so you can roflstomp the ayys too.
>Play it on easy so you can roflstomp the ayys too.
do you know how weapon drops work user
party Yea Forumsan
help us kill nigger frogs
is still up 2/4
to be honest without anything higher unlocked, hard is just as fast and then you get the weapons too.
>have mortar
>it sucks dick
>after some upgrades it reloads fast and got more shots per reload
neat, I like this system
>tfw actually own EDF Iron Rain
>even beat it
I want Spiderman class in EDF 6.
What levels nerds
nevermind everybody quit party Yea Forumsan because we failed 3 times on one level. Sad!
whats the deal with the spin off games?
I said if that user wants armor not weapons.
ant farming atm
>looking for servers
>no message
>no message
>note box is empty
fuck these soulless servers
How the fuck am I supposed to kill bugs and frogs like this? Diver bros give me some advice.
>playing a woman
Any good early missions to farm weapons?
>did I pirate the best game released on PC this calendar year
You tell me, hot shot.
how do i lower graphical settings on this game?
let's be fair, that would involve turning the game off
Over 9000 hours in paint.
Why do Fencers look so ugly in 5?
Does the HQ support cast of 5 get better? The VA work of 4 was so much better. I get that there's some points its intentionally meant to be bad for 1960's sci-fi aesthetic but the other times it's still just as bad.
Are non-reloadable weapons worth using? The Powerdyne looks cool but it only has ten shots.
>Yea Forums room raged quit
Well shit...
Level 45 looking for a host
No, it gets worse and worse, especially with the whiny bitch for half the campaign
Its like FE all over again.
So, how does the pirate/fitgirl version works for multiplayer?
Everyone makes fun of the ranger until he shows up in the Godzilla killer.
>stutters every few times I bring up the voice wheel as well as here and there in general
get steamworks fix
slam it in game folder
play bideogame
1 spot open
Reminds me of Jinroh armor.
what does wing diver pusy smell like
Splatoon 3 is looking fire.
Shit crashes on mission nine in Proton and I know it's a Proton issue since my buddy is having the same issue and he's running GNU/Linux too.
It's a design you learn to love. Only thing I don't like is I can't tell if the neck is exposed skin or some sort of fabric. That bothers me.
no end rhyme of verses/10, I'd tell you to go back to the drawing board, but since you posted a fucking wojack you obviously have never touched a drawing board in your life you unoriginal fucking twat.
Doesn't rhyme worth a damn.
>We bought the same old shitty game it really chaffs our ass
>At least we're kinda having fun we try to let it pass
>Reviewer said the game is shit, he wants to be a lass
>The EDF deploys
>the pylons came from the sky, that means the insects also came from the sky
They're not wrong.
>The aliens are directing the monsters!
I cant do it! They look just like us!
>mfw the negotiation team were all killed
>took 5 months for the EDF and the newbie to bother trying to lob a few bullets into the underside of teleportation ships
Is it really safe to use that steam thing to trick the pirated version so you can play with other pirates?
I'm a paranoid faggot and the last time I played pirated multiplayer was in the 90's and early 00's
Fuck playing with randoms holy shit
>Yea Forums always begs for rooms and then after 30 minutes maybe one person joins
>he quits because we didn't get 2 more people in 1 minute
>decide to just play with randoms
>guy spamming WOAHHHHHHHHHH and singing the entire song with himself constantly
>get to mission 37, plains of whateverthefuck
>he spams woah as he sprints straight into the group of enemies
>now he is behind 7000 frogs
>I am just calling in strikes from the rear, each strike gets enough kills to instantly reload it
>there is another air raider limpeting shit at the front
>I call nix to fight drones
>start running low on ammo
>I call another so I can switch quickly when I do run out
>run out of ammo surrounded by drones
>get out of my nix
>start rolling for my backup nix
>other air raider hops in it and flails around while shooting wildly into the sky
to be fair it would be pretty suicidal to slap a bunch of ground troops under the thing that farts out giant bugs all the time
>and the newbie to bother trying
To be fair, it was 100% Sarge's idea.
In one of the missions the radio lady says something like "it squashed him like a bug!" after the walking fortress steps on a NPC exoskeleton
Probably just a translation quirk though.
room where?
Halfway through the game, and they keep saying shit like "this is history in the making!" "if they deploy this in other parts of the world it'll be a disaster for all humankind!" as if the previous five fucking months were a common weekend getaway.
>the people of the EDF world aren't the brightest
Well it DID take 5 months until someone gad the idea to shoot the open hatch of the transport ships.
>we can definitely open a dialog with these giant frogs who kill anyone who tries to approach them
Were all of the "We will now call this new thing X!" dialogues made asinine on purpose or is this some sort of wacky translation from a phrase that makes more sense in japanese?
>fight new drones
>effortlessly kill all of them
>"These drones are killing machines! The enemy have shown their true strength... We'll need a whole squad just to fight one of them! This is a disaster!!!"
It's cool guys I'ma chill
Your motherfucking life ends 15 seconds from now.
How do you do this?
>playing early game AR
When can I start getting actual good vehicles and airstrikes?
Endgame boost support items.
the jap language plays the game 100% straight and we have what we have
I like ours better by FAR
>t. weeb
I'm at level 6.
Any new lobby starting up?
Didn't realize SP and MP progress was separate.
mission 20
is this some reboot or did everyone forget about the last invasion
>air raider called in a mech
It's set in an alt universe, this is the first invasion of that universe.
Not like this.
>kill Erginus with a shitty level 6 AR and level 5 Goliath
>the fucking Gamera rip-off shows up afterwards
>all the guys I had in my command die horribly
>censoring your name
End game allows you to dash boosting 6 times (6 dashes, 6 boosts)
DLC gives you 20 dashes, 8 boosts.
At your level you can start out with 2 dash and 2 boost when you get the support items 'Dash Cell 1' and 'Add Booster 1'
Remember to have one hand carrying a weapon that allows dashing (Melee weapons and Arm hounds) and the other hand carrying a weapon that allows boosting
>20 dashes
oops i meant 10
what's edf and should I play it
So why is Iron rain considered bad? is it because it isn't Japanese developed? I've been having a good time with both it and 5.
loot shooter that is made for you and 3 friends
still good alone
ungodly fun with your bros
shoot allium and ayyys and spoders and get box of guns that falls, the end
You kill ants and get killed by teammates.
Its fun with a group of 4 friends.
someone explain to me how to do the cuhrayzee Fencer stuff. I tried dash canceling like 4.1 but it didnt work
Can there be too many Air Raiders in a lobby?
EDF's a third-person shooter where you kill hundreds of giant bugs with shitty weapons, pick up better weapons before the end of missions, then use those weapons to kill even bigger bugs and aliens and fucking enormous mobile fortresses and fucking dragons and Godzilla
Occasionally you get to pilot skyscraper-sized mechs
co-op mode is hilarious
Pirate 5 as a demo, and if you like it, buy it
Considering the limit is 4 I have to say no there can't be too many
I made a quick capture to show a friend I want to buy it
>for you and 3 friends
oh ok ill play something else
Or just join a room from the late night threads.
Use matchmaking
>drone jacks my turret and drags it somewhere irrelevant
On that note, why do turrets fire their entire ammo supply even when there's no enemies within range? Or alive for that matter.
I really like these redesigns in EDF5 compared to 4.1.
I miss skirts.
I look at all the gold plating the ayy lmaos use and can only think of that old comic about DLC
>nice gold fgt!
You can drive some, but not all.
Today i did a mission in europe and i found that there's trucks available for cruising around
Helicopters are still shit.
the low level helis handle fucking incredibly compared to in 4.1, and its not like theyre especially hard to control
>Lets reverse the tide!
Whoever was in charge of localizing this either didn't know what they were doing or knew exactly what they were doing.
Come play with my 2 autistic friends and I
They're pain in the ass to operate and maneuver, thats a fact now in 5 they got fuel wich adds a layer of shit, dont get me wrong i can use them but if i had to choose between an heli and a vegalta i would choose the latter
>try a hammer
>it's bad
>try when it's upgraded to 9 stars
>still bad but with big AOE
too bad. My level 0 spear does more damage than this thing at max charge.
I dont
Where can I farm Blasthole Spear upgrades? It feels like nothing is ever going to beat it, so I may as well upgrade it
I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be a shit localization because it's supposed to be an old Japanese sci-fi B-movie in tone, complete with crappy and cheesy dub
you get more than enough, I think it was to prevent things like the old Raider Inferno soloing shit with a flame copter
>mission iron wall #29 or something
>its raining against a huge number of frogs
>'maybe the aliens hate the water?'
And of course the sniper mission with a guy who says he feels like Napoleon
I'll blast my spear inside your hole if you talk shit about the hammer again you ant-lover.
>Tfw used up all my cash on summer sale
>mfw seeing all anons having playing the game in this thread
H-have fun guys
>I feel Napoleon Bonaparte in the battle of Austerlitz!
why are edf grunts so based
Just use the cracked version with multiplayer like everyone else.
>princess not shouting EDF! along
fuck if I know. I found this
so if I want to upgrade Blood Storm Missiles Death Kill, which is level 10 or whatever, I just have to aim for the limit. For a level 10 weapon, it would be
mission 30 on easy, 20 on normal, and 1 on hard
I would redraw her in ranger gear T-posing as she is sent flying away.
Did you add an enemy kill count at the end of missions? That’s my most wanted feature
What is the point of artillery strikes? They take ten years to come in
>I-I can't do it; they look just like Pepe!
What did they mean by this
Is there a trainer yet? Really don't feel like grinding again after I did it so much on PS4.
How do you clear Iron Wall as fencer? The frogs shred me when I try to sneak on them.
Kill your teammates.
Some of the DLC missions are good for inferno farming and getting 100+ weapons.
The FPS in the corner really completes it.
Green is the canon Air Raider.
Which are useless.
then we make fun of him even harder
This really makes my penis the big penis.
they've always done that. That's why you learn to start reloading ahead of time.
>being a nigger
It's a wider area attack that can do great damage if done well. Learn the speed of your strike run and compensate for it.
Are there different weapon looks for each mission cause I keep getting upgrades for existing weapons and hardly get any new ones.
Here's the list of weapons
I want to protect the smile of the Wing Diver squadron girl who says "Awesome!" really unconvincingly
She's super dead user.
tfw no mods to change the frogs to pepe and the grays to wojak so you can slaughter cancer
Probably caught in a spiders web and had eggs lain in her.
Thanks much.
Just started playing, when will the sergeant finally take me to a safe place?
What do all the stars mean anyways
God that was so badass.
Nix Exoskeleton > Vegalta
Fortress Balam > Gay orange robot
More stars is gooder.
>had eggs lain in her
Where inside of her?
Mission 109
I can just see a BL novel coming out of this.
Really gooder. I forgot how good some of those get when you upgrade them.
Stars denote how buffed your weapons are from its base stats. More stars = Better performance.
While we're on the subject, I'm really glad weapons are automatically sorted so we don't have to waste time on it. Able to jump right into the next mission straight away, and that's QOL fantastic for this kind of game.
>tfw no spritefall gf
>be civilian
>monsters attack
>have a EDF sgt promise to take me to a safe place
>there is no safe place left on Earth
>proceed to make Earth a safe place by killing all the giant bugs and ayys while becoming a hero within the EDF drowning Wing Diver pussies
The safe place was in his arms all along.
Oh look, the Impulse mines do have their uses!
Is there a way to unlock inferno early? It's been a tradition to play these games on hardest/inferno raw from the start and see how far we get. We got to the second to the last mission on 4.1 using all manner of cheese strats and Evangelion prep time tier bs. Hardest part was any fight with the super dragons and having to duel them with the balams while avoiding trash.
Yeah this time it seems they release a ludicrous amounts of piercing pellets, and they better cause theyre taking a slot up on the ranger
>using mines underground as Ranger
Bound Guns and Flamethrowers bruh.
These songss rhythm was much catchier than the new ones are, I miss them a lot.
The Battle Hymn of the Republic is such a fitting song for glory
I don't even know what 5's song is parodying.
godspeed user
we believe in you
I can't believe they replaced the Hectors with something as silly as this.
>have a EDF sgt promise to take me to a safe place
>In journeying with him you eventually create the safe place you were looking for all along
Sarge gets to fuck you if you play wingdiver
I started by using heavy cannons from range to whittle down their numbers, then when there were far fewer clustered I dashed in with my blasthole spear to pop off the heads of those that remained. Using the buildings as cover until you can get close is pretty vital
Go away Diogenes
>cant use the same weapon twice
>cant run the double lysander strat anymore
How will I style on drones now?
IJA song, I think.
I don't think it's this one, but for all my WW2 sperging I can't find it.
I wish battotai was one of the songs
I'm pretty certain it's an IJA march, but nothing matches up.
Use unguided rockets and style on them by predicting where they'll go
Stop playing this game.
No, it's fun.
Why is the rapier so good?
Ask me again tomorrow.
ok thank you sir i will now go play fortnite
because its an automatic laser shotgun
Gib lobby
This is why Ranger is shit tier in EDF5
>tfw rapid fire laser shotgun
>tfw rapid fire lightning shotgun
>tfw rapid fire orb shotgun
>tfw 5 gave me rapid fire plasma cannon shotgun
Game is great.
>motherships the size of entire cities start showing up along with UFOs and giant fucking bugs
>We'll call their teleportation device in their ships TELEPORTATION from now on
>Takes them centuries to realize maybe the ships are vulnerable when they fucking open up and start dropping bugs
EDF doesn't have many smart people do they?
I like how everything in this game has a shotgun variant.
>rocket launcher shotgun
>grenade shotgun
>grenade launcher shotgun
>sniper rifle shotgun
>shotgun shotgun
The weapons they develop should give you an answer to your question.
Everything to Nips is a filthy gaijin
It's an alternate future where lead paint was never banned.
Their suits are covered in it.
Avoid playing with merapsco and those other scp discord faggots
>EDF is retarded but still managed to make Fencers and Wing Divers before reverse engineering all the Ravager tech
EDF is a private millitary corporation now. 5 retconned everything
somewhere deep within EDF's R&D department is a single extremely competent man
>forming an organization to defend the organization from extra terrestrial threats
>be surprised when those threats show up
Are shields good?
>two arms, two legs, eyes and ears... they look just like us!!!
I've seen you post this in some other threads. Why are you obsessed about them?
Ah yes, cave levels.
>get the blasthole twin spear for fencer
Holy shit it's like having another dash. My Fencer is now even more mobile and fast as fuck nobody can touch me
In the EDF world the concept of personal safety and self-preservation don't actually exist, so it does strange things to the gene pool.
fuck, how do you decide what to use as a fencer then when they have so many good options?
Dash shield cancelling is still a viable option if you like your fencer to be more grounded. Dash, shield reflect, repeat
Plasma exhaust and RAID
Frog guts
I'm getting it tomorrow, are air raiders still the multi-player only class or are they actually viable in single this time around?
they're probably still the one with the most trouble to solo only because the vehicle credits have been upped immensely, but their air raids are retarded now so they can inferno just fine.
I don't care if it's blasphemy or whatever, I can't wait for a mod that automatically collects all loot at the end of a mission.It's really annoying doing a mission full of the frogs that drop weapon containers about ten miles from each other.
>Look mum I posted it again
Why cant I call my vehicles at the start
I want to go fast too
that's that faggot who runs that shitty party van with the actual literal discord right?
what a faggot
what are the missions to farm weapon drops
this upgrade system is ass
AR are now OP late game because of the air support options. The problem is you lack decent options when you start out so some grinding is necessary until you get decent early air support drops
That floating tree on the right
please dont make fun of my shitty resolution
It begins
user upgrade your toaster, you cant be that poor.
Seriously, stop trying to samefag and tell me what your problem with him is
Is the beach level as farmable as the 4.1 one was? I used that thing to get myself a ton of weapons way beyond what I had any actual ability to get honestly
Fucking Migger Ants
How do you usually set up fencer loadout? One to go FAST and the other to kill shit?
Hardest and Inferno are locked so all the items you'd get would be low level hard items
Until you finish the campaign it would be at bets armor grinding
You can't do Hardest and Inferno right off the bat and it's early in the game so it's not nearly as good for easy farming.
Yep, that's what I run. Doesn't hurt if your killing shit setup can also go fast, but I usually run twin Gatling, twin Gallic Cannons or twin Blood Hound based on the mission.
first set that has both jump and dash for fast (though still decent at close/midrange). My go to is the starting blasthole spear and the gatling. Second set is usually reserved for longer range or AoE heavy ordnance like mortars and missiles.
So basically, yeah, one for fast, one for blowing shit up. Don't sit on the blasthole spear though just because its a starting weapon. It's damage is considerable.
One set with a jump+dash, the other can be whatever the mission requires.
When do I replace the Blasthole Spear? Im about to unlock Inferno but I still haven't found anything that's similar in function. I'd honestly be happy with a 300 damage spike with more range if I could find one, but 500 damage at 80m is still really good, which is cool but disappointing.
What is the best mission for high level equipment grinding?
>OK civilian we'll get you to a safe place
>fast forward 5 months now conscripted into the EDF and still not safe
Gonna farm the beach level some tomorrow. I get that it's just armor and low level weapons, but getting an extra 300 armor and souped up current stuff will help the rest of the game go down smoother.
Also it's fun as fuck. It's the fucking beach level.
The safest place is the EDF. HE CONNED US ALL!
What's the deal with all the missile launchers that require an air raider to equip and use laser guidance? That seems like it would difficult to synchronize.
>Everyone treats you like a newbie despite fighting in the battle of first contact, so it's not possible for anyone to have more experience
>tfw never listened to any of the music stations and exclusively listened to VCPR
Rangers Shotguns are fucking GOD tier in this game
Never using an assault rifle again
Its not even bump limit yet retard
w-what? what is the bump limit on Yea Forums nowdays?
This game is so fun but I hate this shit waiting 15 minutes every lobby I join cause they're already in-game. The cherry on the icing is when they kick you after you waited all that time, I want those people to have an airplane crash on them.
Even if that was the case, its faggotry to make a thread right after one reaches bump limit
no it's not you stupid cunt i will fight you
Man I was having a real hard time with the ayys as Fencer until I realized the trick to them is the flashing spear. The flashing spear fucking destroys them holy shit. Jackhammer probably does the trick too.
>use semi-auto shotgun with 200m range
>proceed to shred everything
jackhammer is better cause you can still move while use it. pair it with the dexter and you fly right up to the face and unleash
>high speed missile group
laser designating a target
>just before it finally pops an ally runs right infront of me so it comes down ontop of us
It really doesn't help that these things have massive as fuck collision boxes
You can still move while jackhammering but the flashing spear does its damage faster, which I've found to be fucking essential since running away after each kill feels necessary against the ayys.
These frogs are a massive killjoy playing WD in multiplayer.
>Want to use close range weapons
>Can't because there's a 60% chance frog squads will show up during the mission and I'll just turn into a dead weight because you can't go anywhere near grouped frogs without being blown the fuck out by their laser tracking and inflated mp damage
>it's a red drone mission
>it's a cave mission
>red drone
oh no, they're back
You can tell if a mission's started in a lobby, if it says >xx minutes etc. Just join those that haven't started or host ya own.
At least red drones are slightly less cunts this time around
>gets treated like a rookie
>all EDF forces are amazed that a rookie is kicking ass
>rookie drowns in wing diver pussies after every mission. Or chads wanting the rookie as their waifu if choosing the wing diver
Is there a release date for xbone yet?
Yeah: never ever
that random brooklyn guy always gets me
Is he going to be okay?
>It's an Ayyy with a flamethrower mission
>It'a an Ayyy with a laser mission.
>EDF retirement pension is great
>But you'll be disappointed by the death gratuity
What do they mean by that
It's an incentive to not die
Dash canceling is cancelled
you're set for life if you survive, your family is fucked if you don't
peanuts get paid when someone dies since it happens all the time
get a fortune when you retire to entice people to enlist or stay in, but nobody lives long enough to retire
Should I be using a throw away steam account for this?
I'm scared
on /tg/ we don't make new threads until its on page ten.
Dash Javelin cancelling is nonexistent becauze the dev remove the Javelin.
Now it's Dash Boosting
/tg/ is full of nerds
>its a "stealth" mission
Guess I'll be set for life then
so im gonna ask AGAIN
is this game any different from 4.1? like at all?
is this just a 60 dollar map pack?
new enemies, a lot of QoL changes, battle damage on enemies, different story (first contact with invaders here)
its better than 4.1 in every way
You can't retcon other universe, retard
Read the wikia page
the dlc nix is great for ufo missions cause the twin mgs absolutely shred ufos even on hard