Will video game communities ever be this good again?

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Sadly never

At least you've got Yea Forums

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Honestly i just miss the creative hate mail after ctf matches from teammates and enemies alike. Grifball was great too

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>halo community
>anything but a festering pile of shit

Xbox hatemail is the best one

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Halo 3 came out during the peak of the Silver Age of the internet, a perfect storm coinciding with the popularity of XBL and the rise of Youtube. These conditions will never exist again, as the modern net is both too cynical and too centralized to form a close-knit community of that caliber.

what was the bronze age?
early 2010s, and youtube commentary channels?

remember when we mocked gaylofags? can we go back to that instead of this gen z nolstalgia garbage?

People sent hatemail over grifball?

There's plenty of off-topic threads if you hate video game discussion and you're free to fuck off to any of them right now

no. now suck my big, virile zoomer cock, you limp-dicked old fart

The Halo games had famously terrible communities, zoomer retard

>play a game of BTB
>message every after for customs
>most join
>everyone chill
>have fun
nah, it was great

halo 3 is 12 years old grandpa

>call someone a nigger
>get banned
No. We're fucked.

Killzone is better than this cuck franchise, Gaylofag

this, haloretards trying to rewrite history again

killzone? more like killbone. that shit was so boring

imagine defending paid online
imagine growing up in the dark ages of gaming
imagine not even having hairs on your balls
you faggots don't even have to imagine

imagine not being able to get a boner because your t levels are non-existent. oh wait you dont have to, old-timer

>good community
halo may have been the first major multiplayer game to have a terrible community

The Halo community was repulsive and got wrapped up with the equally repulsive Call of Duty community because the games kept trying to become each other and is the reason "gamers" are a meme today, what the fuck are you talking about OP?

This, just like Halo 2 was hated for its campaign and people were calling for Arbiter's head in Halo 3, multiplayer in Halo 2 got shit on because it wasn't as good as CE, ODST and Reach were hated by the community, Halo 4 was hated for everything but the campaign, and 5 was hated for everything but the multiplayer and it took way too damn long for Halo 5 to get where it's at. Also, MCC is also still a broken pile of shit and HCEA was a half-assed remake. Yea Forums will rewrite all of this as if it wasn't true though since they live in their own bubble. Watch the Chieffag comments also rain for stating the truth.

I can't wait till this wave of 360kiddie nostalgiafags to end in a few years

hurling insults is a good community. what do you want, everyone shaking hands and sucking each other off after every match?

Are you all literal fat autistic weeb fucks who constantly beg for cunny? There's your answer as to why no one would fucking talk to you. There's a huge difference from being a shut in nerd who plays vidya and indulges with japanese culture, and losers like the lot of you
I still have friendships to this day from that game, from young to old and from all over the world. It's legit bonkers how crazy that game was with connecting people from around the world

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I didn't defend paid online in my post
Nothing's stopping me from playing older games
My balls are hairy as fuck and you can suck on them, cuntnigger

hurling insults isn't a good community when it's mostly done by 12 year olds who don't do anything constructive

Probably not.

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yes it is, kids have the best insults

>not liking halo means you're a turbo weeb
nice defense

Who plays Halo for the multiplayer anyway, that shit has always been secondary?

I just got some good hatemail on gears 4 yesterday but i cant post images here

>he lets 12 year olds get under his skin

fucking lol have sex fag

>playing vidya

you've got that the other way around, most of the halo fanbase could not care less about the campaign, or at least the fanbase of the original 3


no wonder the xbox is only remembered by retards

I agree shit talk created a unique atmosphere but it was only because mics were a completely brand new concept to consoles and being able to say literally whatever you wanted to anybody got to everyone's heads and they became a parody of themselves

If you ever played Halo 3/Reach custom games or checked out the fan made videos you'd know that these 12 year olds did lots of extremely constructive stuff

not getting under my skin doesn't mean the community is good, and halo's was notoriously bad. Not just for the 12 year olds who infested it btw

You know what, you're right. I remember i had like 3 people i would talk to that were exactly like that. If people like that can still have fun, what the fuck was wrong with you?

we have to go back

>Babby's first FPS: The Cash Grab Sequel
>The apex of online community
Zoomers are honestly pathetic. Remember that you had to pay for your own internet twice just to access this festering shitpile of console babies.

Halo was popular for people of all ages. Please dont tell me uou believe the contrarian bullshit thats thrown around here

Dumb faggot. I didn't say it was the best ever, I explained how it was a product of its time just before everything went to shit.

You mean middle schoolers who yell “faggot” and “nigger” after teabagging you?
Isnt that all pol,v and tv?

Good in what way, cause like, I had a shit ton of fun playing Halo 3 online with friends but it was fun because we shit talked everyone and were jolly assholes, which really just means I had good friends rather than the community was good

why did you fall for the retarded pay to use your own internet scam
i bet you use discord
go back to chatting with your ""friends"" and playing pokemon go on your ""smart"" ""phone""

No, those were normal well adjusted people before it became a criminal offense to insult people over the internet.

I believe the point he's making is that everything *had* gone to shit

12 year olds were the loud minority, literally

ITT: ultra-boomers trying to claim Halo (an FPS they constantly begrudge for being slow) is a zoomer game

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Imagine thinking smartphones aren't phones

>just before everything went to shit
Everything had already gone to shit. The internet was only good on the very early 2000s and late 90s

>Some guy gets pissed off and starts shit talking another guy in the lobby
>the another guy is always on my team
>we keep winning the pissed of guy gets even angrier
>this goes on for about 5 games
>pissed off guy tries to challenge other guy to 1v1 sniper dual on guardian
>pissed of guy is in such a blind rage he invites me instead of the other guy
>I wind up wiping the floor with him
>we load back into back the lobby i plug in my mic and laughing at him and tell him he invited the wrong person
>pissed off guy is so mad he doesn't even even say anything just backs out the lobby while i'm laughing
>i accidentally defended some random guy's honor
I miss the old days of online video games, shit like this just doesn't happen anymore

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Kill yourself poornigger. Im glad absolite poor faggots dont use xbox live

Older FPS players all shat on Halo when CE first came out, it's always been regarded as the kids game

You're full of shit because most of the fanbase outside of this little bubble here on Yea Forums considers Halo 2's campaign the worst of the trilogy even close to the worst in the series and that brings the game down quite bit, there's a reason it gets talked about less unless we're talking about furries and lore nuts since it's their wet dreams.

where's the dial pad mr. zoom zoom? how the fuck do you make calls?
why would a device made for calling also play music and display video?

No the hatemail was over ctf. I was just commenting how much I loved grifball, especially with a team full of irl friends.

Halo 3 came out 12 years ago. Why are you still on Yea Forums you actual literal boomer? Get it together.

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>t. failure at life who feels better because he played cs1.6 until 3am every night and now works in a warehouse for 13 an hour

>how the fuck do you make calls?
imagine being too stupid to use one of the most common and retard-proof devices in the fucking world
>why would a device made for calling also play music and display video?
why not

They still are. See Yea Forums, /pol/ and all the pepe memes being worn in middle school

>imagine being too stupid to use one of the most common and retard-proof devices in the fucking world
So now instead of inputting a number and pressing call, I have to open a phone ""app""? That's so fucking retarded. Why would you gimp a phone's single function?
>why not
Because I've already got a radio and a TV, which do their jobs better than a ""smart"" ""phone"".
Jack of all trades, master of none.

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Zoomer game. I played Doom, and later Quake.


still gives me incredible feels and nostalgia. There are many fantastic soundtracks out there but marty & salvi are in a league of their own.

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>complains about not being constructive
Jesus fucking christ '''''ma'am'''''', have a snickers bar

>still gives me incredible feels and nostalgia
This site is 18+

Halo was casualized garbage when it came out and it's casualized garbage now. The only difference is that Halo is somewhat old now, and the idiot kids who grew up on it now view it with an almost holy reverence born entirely out of nostalgia. Nostalgia that Microsoft milks for money, just like they milked Mom's credit card for Xbox Live subscriptions with the original Halo.

>what is 2007

Congrats Grandpa, that generation is already full of adults. Drink your prune juice and go to bed.

>So now instead of inputting a number and pressing call, I have to open a phone ""app""? That's so fucking retarded. Why would you gimp a phone's single function?
You just click the phone icon and then input the number. Or click the contact book icon and select a phone mumber you've saved. It's extremely simple, I'm pretty sure a fucking monkey could do it
>Because I've already got a radio and a TV, which do their jobs better than a ""smart"" ""phone"".
Good luck fitting any of these into your pocket
People before you (the ACTUAL boomers, you pretentious millenial faggot) had the exact same attitude towards computers, yet here you are, shitposting on a taiwanese rock sculpting forum. You're trying to mimick people who despise, mock and belittle you. You're fucking pathetic

Might as well kill yourself if you can't appreciate a good OST. You'll be doing the world a favour.

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This is what happens whe redditors take for real old ironic memes if you hate halo that much go to reddit the vibe its alive there

Pretty much, Infinite will use nostalgia to its advantage even though it will have Spartan Abilities and Sprint.

This, same with Metroid, I hate the place but they do have Metroid and Halo communities that talk about the games.

user, dont he blinded by nostalgia. Halo 3 had a mostly fun community but you shouldn't deny the frequent encounters with loud children that kept screaming nigger, griefers, overly sensitive normalfags , and autists obsessed with rank.

>You just click the phone icon and then input the number. Or click the contact book icon and select a phone mumber you've saved. It's extremely simple, I'm pretty sure a fucking monkey could do it
Unnecessary bloat. Also ""smart"" ""phones"" are mass surveillance devices.
>Good luck fitting any of these into your pocket
Ever heard of portable TVs or radios? Holy zoomer
Here's a relatively modern model.
>had the exact same attitude towards computers
And they were right. I only use a computer for things ONLY a computer can do.

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lmao what the fuck are you talking about. you're just as likely to meet "zoomers" who hate halo as those who like it. quit talking out of your ass

>That one guy that claims to be the KKK and threatens to lynch you
Good times

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Personally I look forward to playing MCC with you all later this year.

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ywn go to another Halo midnight release, during its peak, with your bros ever again

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>Unnecessary bloat
1 (O N E) goddamn click
>mass surveillance devices
Can't really deny that, but everything is spying on you anyways unless you're some ascetic fuck
>Ever heard of portable TVs or radios
The "it does it better" argument no longer works here. You have 2 devices (3 if you also have an old mobile phone) instead of 1. Didn't you complain about "bloat"?
>I only use a computer for things ONLY a computer can do.
That's wrong if you've ever used microsoft word (a piece of paper), youtube (tv), skype (phone), played a video game (consoles), etc. And there's honestly zero reason to restrict yourself this way

You mean the community full of dudebros and yelling children? OP did you live in a fucking cabin or did you never touch xbox live?

I actually like Yea Forums

>1 (O N E) goddamn click
one too many. also touch screens are garbage.
>but everything is spying on you anyways unless you're some ascetic fuck
my only internet connected device is my computer. i do not use any social networks outside of 4chinz. i only use my computer for work related garbage which requires it. i self-host everything.
i also do not use phones. my country doesn't have cameras everywhere.
>The "it does it better" argument no longer works here
it does
>You have 2 devices (3 if you also have an old mobile phone) instead of 1
>Didn't you complain about "bloat"?
those 2 devices are cheaper, easier to repair, more privacy friendly, sturdier, and overall better.
it's less bloated.
>microsoft word
mass surveillance garbage. use a typewriter, which is not a computer.
mass surveillance garbage. zoomer garbage. watch tv or go outside.
mass surveillance garbage. write a letter.
>played a video game
computers are for work not games. consoles are therefore better.

Most of my irl friends who used to play Xbox barely game at all, and when i play on PSN now its mostly ppl who dont talk at all.
Honestly i just want to have online bros, maybe watch livestreams on rabb.it or and laugh at ecelebs.
Its never going to be 2007 again.

>scamming endless retards on the psu demo with the meseta glitch, drop money and run around the block crystal 3 times

lmao. 360 was just a good system all around. will be remembered for a long time

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ew, this is a black ops release though

Halo releases were peak

Halo 2 - Battle For Middle Earth II - Halo 3

best years of my life

Is this you?

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I didn't even mention zoomers. Just younger people. Is halo-baby mad that even younger kids than him are playing even more casualized versions of his precious game? Well now the shoe is on the other foot. Fortnite and the like are to Halo as Halo was to actual good 90s FPS games. It's like a human centipede, and Halo was at the center. It was hard to think about what could possibly dumb down the Halo formula, but I guess whoever runs modern shooter studios has a bigger imagination than me.

no. consoles are for playing inside.
i would instead use a game boy micro with a flashcart. less bloated.

Understandable, have a nice day

he is inside

I had a whole Halo 2 clan around that

I wish.
