Man what a great game with a great ending, too bad they never made another one

Man what a great game with a great ending, too bad they never made another one.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>great ending when it's ruined by LOLITWASFAKE
Ruined the whole story

The bomb being a fake in 2 sums up perfectly why the writing in these games is terrible. Nothing ever actually matters or has consequence. Things happen just to have a melodramatic scene which ten minutes later doesn't even matter anymore. Kaz can be stabbed and left to die and then be back on his feet and fine 2 minutes later. These games are full of this shit. It's not even "twists" because that would mean things would have to be foreshadowed or at least still have consequence. But literally everything that you think is happening can be undone at any moment. RUBBER BULLETS is the most extreme example but the games are full of this garbage. It only annoys me because when people point out how shit the gameplay is they defend the games by saying "you idiot, you play for the story" but that makes no sense when they're written so badly.

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>he starts cuckoldry threads on Yea Forums

So this is the average Yakuza fan, huh? Makes sense that they'd worship a game where you play as a doublecucked virgin.


God these tiresome faggots are unbearable. And I bet a million fucking dollars me pointing out how sad this low-effort unfunny shitposting is makes me an SJW. Well whatever helps you cope I guess.

Is this the Harry Potter copypaste equivalent of Yea Forums

Remake is better just because of this and the Majima saga feels.

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Fuck off Zoomer

Is the harry potter copypaste also a hard truth that makes people mad but doesn't get refuted?

Yeah, apparently there's one guy apparently stalking Yea Forums wide looking for a exact type of post so he can dump his harry potter txt on it.
I admire the dedication of trying to educate someone on an anonymous chinese shitposting forum.

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>it's not the same image
>the image implies the opposite of your interpretation

>Osaka Castle splits in half
This MUST be the most retarded thing to ever happen in Yakuza. How is this even supposed to make sense? It's not a little joke you can brush off like all the other wacky stuff in the series, that's like Eiffel tower flying away and nobody finding that weird. How the fuck can this even be canon. Makes zero sense

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Yakuza 3-6 was pure character assassination for Kiryu

Yakuza 5-6 was character assassination for Haruka as well

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>Yakuza 5-6 was character assassination for Haruka
That implies she had a character instead of being a plot device.

See even in this parody people are shocked. In Yakuza the biggest landmark in Osaka splits in half and apparently nobody notices. What the fuck

the hair in dragon engine looks so fucking bad

Kiryu's arc is 0-3, the rest is ultimately not about him even when he is the protag. Yes 0 is part of his core arc, you'll just have to deal with it.
Haruka being a hoe IS her arc. I'm sorry but she's a hoe

>muh dragon engine
Ummm sweatie it's looks fine on PC with decent setting, this is your underpowered console's problem

yeah sometimes i seen some hair styles out of focus, dunno why.

This is the same series where there was a underground cage match arena under a river and the secret passage is a boat, 9mm is enough to take out an helicopter and a chicken is an expert real estate manager.
At some point why even bother questioning the logic of LEWACKYNIPPON world

PS4 does not have A button prompts, sweaty.

people can't even shitpost right anymore

Who the fuck is Yakuza 6 about then?

>underground cage match arena under a river and the secret passage is a boat
That is weird but not impossible. This theoretically could happen. A historic monument splitting in half to reveal a golden castle can not happen without news talking about it 24/7 for the next decade. How could they built this in secret if it's a major tourist attraction? Osaka Castle isn't a remote thing in the mountains, it's in the middle of the city with tourists walking all over. Why would Yakuza operate out of a major tourist attraction? As for chicken and ghosts and other wacky shit, that's side content, it's not supposed to make sense.

Part of the Haruka being a hoe arc.

But she is unconscious for 90% of the game.

>Mfw she was suddenly an idol in 5 when 2 went out of its way to tell us she didn't want to be one

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Sengoku has it
Sengoku can make it happen
Can't you see it in his golden glasses? It's not exactly hard to buy politicians and people in the yakuza world since everyone and their mother is a corrupt piece of shit.

Wait, KW2 has a substory about Haruka not wanting to be an idol, yet she ends being one? fucking Yakuza games I swear to god.
I know about her being a whore and having a mix-raced baby with a chinese punk tho.

She did it to sustain the orphanage along with Kiryu and they both distanced themselves from the kids because they are tragedy magnets.
Also can she even be considered an hoe if she fucked a grand total of one person?

Yakuza 3 would have been a better ending for Kiryu's story than Yakuza 2. Kiryu getting to retire at the orphanage is the perfect ending for him.
Also, Yakuza 3 had the best version of Daigo as well. He didn't take any shit, and ended up in a coma to protect what was important to him.

Yakuza 4 was shit all around. Yasuko ruined the game from word "go", and Daigo's character pulled a complete 180. Kiryu didn't even matter to the story in the slightest.
Yakuza 5 and 6 were far moreso character assassination for Haruka than Kiryu. Kiryu was just caught in the crossfire, and did the best he could given the pile of shit Haruka and Park landed him in.

I always read it as Park blackmailing Haruka into becoming an idol. The orphanage would get shut down if Haruka didn't go along with her plan.
The ending where Haruka stops the YUME concert in the middle was just the most well-timed revenge possible.

So this is why Lost Paradise story felt so shitty and disjointed.

thats nice then, yet I wont forgive her fucking a chink. Looks like Rie Kugimiya voice characters are atracted to chinese stuff some way or another everytime.

This is spot on

>Also can she even be considered an hoe if she fucked a grand total of one person?
You are posting on an otaku neet forum where a loving glance is enough for a girl to be crucified for.

as it should be, inshallah

So did we get that Shin RGG info on July 10th?

Yep. Good news: exact same location. Exact same combat. Same game you've been playing for over ten years with no significant changes. Get excited for all the celebrity faces you don't know.