>men can get pregnant
>women impregnate other women and men
>no one complains about sjw
Does no one care
>men can get pregnant
>women impregnate other women and men
>no one complains about sjw
Does no one care
We only play it for the porn
Its only sjw when its a new game
The sims 4 is 5 years old now
and only SJWs play it now
>men can get pregnant
>women impregnate other women and men
cum again?
are these not new features?
Because it's the gameplay that matters
>What used to be niche fetish shit is now becoming mainstream
Society actually is collapsing.
>women impregnate other women and men
This is my fetish
It's not like it's a real game to be honest.
The SJWs can have it.
>She doesn't know the crushing majority of the sims players are AFABs
You poor soul doesn't know the horrors of female to male pregnancy
Is it so wrong that I just want one ageless female sim, living alone in her perfect house with her perfect job?
Its fine when its in an already surreal life simulator. Its not fine when its crammed into a real game for literally no reason.
When a society discards religion it becomes self-centered and decadent, turned inward to preen in it's own internal mirror. This is what is happening to the West which has turned away from it's traditional religious roots, while other, more 'primitive' cultures are flourishing and expanding.
I thought only girls played Sims
Sounds like /d/'s heaven.
It literally doesn't matter. You realize they aren't real people? You realize there are video games where you go around murdering people? Is that more acceptable to you than some fantasy that disregards biology? There are games where you kill the Christian God. There are games about worshipping the devil. But you draw the line at whatever issue is currently in the media that you can pretend makes you morally superior. Fuck off and go play a video game.
Literally only women play this
But there was a representation of a black person in a game that I was never going to buy, we cant let the sjws win!
So what if they arent real? They're trying to replace us! Starting with the media and then they'll give every white baby to a black family to make sure they grow up loving blacks
Its a conspiracy I tell you
based retards
Sims 3 had aliens impregnating men
No, it just gets incredibly boring very quick
Sims has been doing that kind of silly stuff for a long time now.
So did Sims 2
men have been getting gregnant since sims 2