Here's your Xbox exclusive bro

Here's your Xbox exclusive bro

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here's my 5 bro

why does america hate nudity and smoking but love fags and drinking

>Third person shooter
Who fucking cares?



Give em vapes

Here's my 6 bro

But why?

nuke us


It's the Jews, in a complicated effort to pacify the youth into complacency.

Everyone knew this game was gonna be massively gay. They made that shitty trailer with the faces, and then they changed the name from Gears of War to Gears. The developers look like giga-cucks too.

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Smokers Rise Up [spoilers]unironically. I think they're legit oppressed.[/spoilers]

But Jews would love to have young people addicted and dependant on smoking.

You want a 7 too?

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Can we get a 7?

Attached: AB29F561-178E-4E41-8999-40EDDF30B501.jpg (700x467, 84K)

>supposedly people that could die at any minute
>friends are dying
>everything fucking dying
>"wow really? you really smoking bro? dont you care about your health?"

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If those militant anti smoke faggots werent such faggots less people would actually smoke


ha nice eight loser


1mpressive, very n1ce


let me get a 9 to wrap this up

nice nine, loser



l o l

yeah because they've been hypnotized into willingly cucking away a chunk of their salary on literal cancer sticks

I don't even smoke but this shit is fucking gay.

>Please look at us

>manly man game getting the testoterone juiced from it
I lived to see Gears die

Sjw controversy is more addictive. Plus vaping is the new thing anyways

If you had any hope whatsoever remaining for Gears of War 5 after E3 then you've only yourself to blame.


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Based and Checked

Here is my nine 9

>game rated 18+ in europe has to appeal to children

They really should just enforce bans and punishment on parents who allow their kids to play these games really but they wont because money.

I literally do not give a shit about smoking or the depiction of it in the game, but I fucking hate when companies try to make themself look better by pointing out what they are doing for social cred. Not that I was interested in this game in the first place.

The competitive multiplayer in gears is fucking awful. Imagine a shooter where a single shotgun is the only good weapon

>Game is rated M

Fucking retarded world we live in
And I don't give a damn if parents buy it for their kids anyway, the fact remains that it's a fucking M rated game

Here's the seven

It's a game made with kids (consoleniggers) in mind, why are you surprised?

Is an 8 too much to ask for?

me 3!

Haha, pretty ice, but check this out

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