Anyone notice that legitimate 'fans' of Nintendo tend to be more 'normal' & better looking than say, fans of Playstation?
Why is this bros?
Anyone notice that legitimate 'fans' of Nintendo tend to be more 'normal' & better looking than say, fans of Playstation?
Why is this bros?
Yes the smash community is a prime testament of your statement.
God I hate niggers.
she fucks white guys
No, I have not noticed that.
What kind of person is a fan of a console
This is a gamer? Damn.
>more 'normal'
All top tier black women do
Anyone notice Vita owners generally have massive shlongs? Just huge fuckin dongs. All their penis is super long.
Why are Sony fans so grumpy & angry bros?
most attractive black girls fuck white guys
the switch fan i know is a fat neck bearded furry who swears loyalty to trump despite living in canada
If normal is slackjawed beardy bois, I never wanna be normal.
ugly, no homo
Uhhhh no sweaty? Cringe to the max!
why the long face
i agree
being a fanboy of playstation or xbox is autistic
being a fanboy of a Nintendo console is called having a personality
pro tip - girls like it when you wear vintage Nintendo shirts
You are a fag lol
Ape Escape 4 wasn't made
Brown just is better deal with it.
That joke is stolen from Blazing Saddles.
Happiness is having a non-white girlfriend
Brown belongs in the toilet user
Imagine hating chocolate.
White men have woken up, Stacy; it's over
I have a West African girlfriend.
Can confirm top tier .
Imagine loving sewage
Who said I love sewage?
You said you hated chocolate, which I think is bizarre, but to each their own.
Whatever you say poop lover.
>all that makeup
how do i get a black GF that tolerates my porn and anime addictions
>average Nintendo fan
what goes wrong in someone's brain that they think fucking feet are sexual in any way
I don't get it
legit go outside and talk to people
It's a joke ripped from Blazing Saddles.
It's a wordplay on the double meaning of "hung".
As in, having a big penis, or being killed by hanging (which would actually be "hanged").
but i'm socially retarded and hairy irl
Oh I get it now
Sorry but there is a reason Pcfags are called Pcbros, that Xfags are called Xbros or Xchads and that Sonyfags are called Sonybros but not a single person uses the term Nintenbro or Nbro or something similar. Nincel or toddler, that are the most common words used for Nintendofags.
>having to justify for being a console fanboy
have sex, virgin
you need to start somewhere go wash, shave and get out there
i farted and now this thread is smellovision for me. based as fuck.
Extreme thirst makes you desire every inch of a female.
My high test is forcing me to ask for sauce
why is her womb gyrating
The PS4 fan I know is a tranny that's voting for Bernie and believes profit is theft
As a Canadian I can't fucking stand when people get that involved with burger politics. It's always the most pathetic goons.
I want a black gf so bad
because she's in need of white boi meat
Pretty sure trannies are more inclined to play games like Animal Crossing and Bing Bing: Bing Maker than Death Stranding or Bloodborne.
That's a bamco game
>stretch marks on her chest
Hope you put on a condom. Otherwise you're a race traitor.
Have sex
Who cares white women are shit
what's wrong with race betrayal
Mods do your fucking job.
>caring about race betrayal
is that really your top concern my man?
OP will never recover
Mods don't do your fucking job.
Since were all here I’d like to take a moment to say that I’m awesome.
Imagine giving a shit about race or console wars. Lmaoooooo
Ok projared
> Fucking with a condom
big ghey
Well, I didn't know we could only list "top" concerns.
Wtf why would you do this
Fertility goddess. Who is she?
>Super Smash Bros. Ultimate[b]is a 2018crossoverfighting gamedeveloped byBandai Namco Studios
Not him but having a baby with a black women will result in ugly babies (white + black = ugly baby). Unless you aren't having kids then it's okay.
>”legitimate” fans
No true scotsman
why is it even a concern?
>not throwing your entire race under the bus
>legitimate 'fans' of Nintendo tend to be more 'normal' & better looking
Why is he taking a picture of his foot?
Why yes, Melee players are quite attractive. Glad you took notice.
lmao yes OP you are totally right! Nintenchads rule! Gaystation drools. Ugly betas definitely buy those OTHER consoles way more!
post more ebony goddesses please
I'm snapchatting with a 9/10 who is mixed. And I'm mixed myself, but not half black. Mixed people are beautiful when they turn out right.
Nice zipper abs nerd.
mix black? i doubt it. usually only hapas are good looking
Playstation fans: Sex havers.
Keep coping nincels.
are ugly people all that is wrong with this world? niggers, poos, bugmen, spics, kikes, jews, manlets, lanklets, fat, and tards are all ugly as fuck and unanimously hated on this site.
Hapas are ugly and mentally ill you dumb yellow fever cuck
You're retarded, literally like 80% of pornstars and school shooters are hapas.
hmmm i really wonder about that
what kind of turbonigger is making these posts?