Sly is STILL stuck in Ancient Egypt

>Sly is STILL stuck in Ancient Egypt

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>inb4 another remake with a worse art style

spiritual successor is a better idea imo

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Should Sly get an N-Sane Trilogy/Reignited trilogy style remake at this point of the first three games?

I feel like the worlds the games take place in might be too small in scope of what a new sly game could actually be, maybe a remake/reboot, in fashion of the new Ratchet and Clank game.

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what the fuck

As much as I did enjoy the new Ratchet&Clank game, wasn't it missing multiple planets from the original first game

Yes, and it also included Dr. Nefarious, which is nowhere to be found in Ratchet and Clank 1, or the sequel, in fact.
My point was to make a game that's similar in roots(story, characters, locations), but modernise it, like Ratchet and Clank.

it was made long long time ago

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by who?

Carmelita's own game when?

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No he isn't silly, it ended on a grandfather paradox

by me

sly died after sly 3

you mean lived happily ever after with his beloved vixen

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Man Sly 4 had some real fucking bad frame drops.

it's not Sly TiT , not Sly 4.

not not

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*it's Sly TiT , not Sly 4.

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redpill me on sly cooper
dont write a fucking essay though

Fucking based. You make your dream game, user.

raccoon thief wants a family book back, meanwhile a hot lupine latina is hot on his tail

You know, what would a PS5 Sly Cooper videogame look like? Like imagine it has a solid budget. Now what would it look like? Cartoony with fur details like say Monsters Inc or Ice Age or Zootopia? Or would it look more like a literal cartoon with cellshading? I mean the PS5 should be able to damn near imitate quality hand drawn animation character designs.

Carmelita needs a better personality. She makes Amy Rose NOT look as obsessed. Like seriously tone that repetitive Sly Cooper obsession down because that just makes her grating.

>Monsters Inc or Ice Age or Zootopia?

the fiirst two aged like milk

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The only one that aged badly is Monsters Inc, but look at Sully's fur in Monsters University to give you a better idea of a visual look. And Ice Age has gotten a lot of sequels over the years so obviously I mean the latest film in terms of visual quality, the Scratazons look damn good.

Racoon thief and friends gets back book and save family legacy
tsun female cop creates generation of furries

gameplay is what I had in mind

Spoilers you fucking idiot.

both, they both made furries

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Fun platformer with enjoyable missions and characters. Sly 2 and beyond differs from Sly 1 in a positive way.

Sly 4 is 6 years old dude

>tsun female cop creates generation of furries

Well this is wrong. Honestly Carmelita Fox is NOWHERE near popular compared to other furry females. I think even Maid Marian is much more beloved than Carmelita Fox. The Sly series never truly made t hat kind of splash making generation of furries. It made a few, but other furry females succeeded without much screen time either like Lola Bunny or Krystal. Carmelita Fox seriously has nothing in terms of popularity.

On a side note anyone else feel the romance between Carmelita and Sly just doesn't work? We got a thief and a cop. They're opposed and any leeway Carmelita gives Sly equals she betrays her bosses and all cops. And it annoys me how none of the games have anyone tell Carmelita "Yo bitch you thirsty for criminal cock! You suck that thief cock you're fired."

>Carmelita Fox seriously has nothing in terms of popularity.

And it's a good thing!

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>Sly 4 is 6 years old dude
So, some people haven't played it yet.