been passivily watching tmnt (2003) all day
really got me hyped to play a turtle game. Any suggestions? i've only played that cool arcade game as a kid
been passivily watching tmnt (2003) all day
really got me hyped to play a turtle game. Any suggestions? i've only played that cool arcade game as a kid
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I had the gameboy advance one. Really fucking fun
Are you me? I've been doing the same shit as of late. Also the first game based on the 2003 series is worth a shot.
Shit, should specify that I meant the console versions
The snes version of tmnt tournament fighters is a legit amazing fighting game that was ahead of its time
Get a Sega Genesis emulator and play TMNT The Hyper Stone Heist
thanks user, will try it out tonight
haha maybe, i work from home and have something on 2nd screen at all times. I always wanted to watch this series and i missed most of it when trying to catch it on tv as a kid
Turtles in Time is my favorite, but there are some solid titles available in general.
Top Tier:
Hyperstone Heist
Turtles in Time
Great tier:
Manhattan Project
TMNT (The GBA game based off of the 2007 movie)
Good tier
TMNT 2 The arcade game
The OG GB games
TMNT 3 Mutant Nightmare
The rest of the GBA games
Don't really know much about the rest as I haven't played them. That said, you could probably stand to safely ignore some of them or check them out for novelty/nostalgia value like the first NES game.
Have fun user
appreciate the list, i think i can't handle anything less than snes/gensis level graphics, so will check out hyperstone heist for sure.
has anyone tried the platinum games turtle game? i assumed it would be okay but lacking in story
There was one for gc and ps2 I think based off that show that was pretty good
I actually like the NES turtles game.
Never played this one. How is it compared to turtles in time
I used to play Manhattan project coop with my sister. Good times
Its neat. Its basically the Turtles in time engine on the genesis but with a new set of levels and bosses - And some remade Manhattan project stages for some reason. If you liked Turtles in Time you'll like Hyperstone heist.
The first two games based on it aren't bad. And can easily be played on any PC or laptop in the last 4-5 years or emulated on PS2/Gamecube if you prefer.
I tried the third one on PS2 but it wasn't as good as the first two. But it did let you control all the turtles at once. In the second one, you can unlock Karai as a playable character if you want your waifu fap
The older games are complete shit are are more or less "attack, run and attack, jump and attack, throw and special move", with no actual good mechanics from beat 'em ups.
Not bad. Pretty much what you'd expect: spam attack, crazy movement, bosses are... okay. Not great, just more spam attacks.
This is God tier
This may be considered shit but I like it.
How far did it go in the series, user?
IIRC, the second game ended at Draco and when I played this it was during the Dinosaur invasion. I never played it past the first few levels.
The 2003 show was underrated af
Fucking Leo sliced shredder's head off and then his fucking body picks it up and goes back into the flames
Kino as hell
im loving hyperstone already, thanks bros. gonna get drunk play this the rest of the evening
yeah tell me about it, some of the fight scenes are legit fun. Shredders 'elite foot' with the cool hats are cool af
Any game with Bishop in it? video related
Yes, TMNT 3: Mutant Nightmare
Reminder that TMNT 2K3 Baxter Stockman is the embodiment of the unstoppable human spirit
This motherfucker has been through literally EVERYTHING
>Mutilated until nothing but a head in a Brain in a Jar
>Made a new genetically engineered body that quickly turned into a horrific rotting abomination, hallucinating about his dead mother, essentially his only moment of weakness
>Trapped underground for decades, modified his brain with alien DNA to survive with little to no resources, plotted his revenge the entire time
>Eventually got a good end working with the president using his technology and biological expertise in the agriculture industry
im only at season 2 so he still has a head. im interested to see how bad it can get
Pretty sure Hun is the emobidment of unstoppable.
>gets thrown off roof
Oh crud
>gets a fucking steel door dropped on him
oh crud
>gets knocked out of a 30 foot building
oh crud
Baxter, Shredder, Bishop?
>I-I need technology to be a real toughie
Stockman and Hun are the Definition of Brain and Brawn respectively
They're both tenacious as hell in their own ways, Hun definitely gets way more shit thrown at him but Stockman actually gets permanent damage to the extreme
Pic related
My point was that ultimately, everyone who is "tough" seems to rely on technology.
Hun just seems to tank it and keep going.
I'd say the only person who's even capable of being as tough is Casey.
Everyone else is either super powered or else tech driven like in your pic related
try one of the TMNT games by akabur
Don't mind me
Just post best TMNT game ever made
artstyle is interesting, they look very serious. is it based off one of the recent (ish) films?
May as well ask given the thread, but did you guys hear? IDW TMNT is getting a new Female Turtle Now I know what you're thinking. Why does it look like a Male Turtle? Because the one helming this idea is a literal piece of shit tranny. It's IDW fellows the same SJWs that ruined GI Joe's Comic and Transformers comic with agenda trash.
the post seems dead. there has been female/turquoise turtles before no?
All I want is a TMNT and Devil May Cry crossover and hell use Romero (a TMNT villain who is a time travel demon) as the reason Dante ends up in the turtle's universe or the other way around since Romero likes to find minions and DMC's demons could serve him.
Guess I'll link to the thread like this.
Genuinely don't care. IDW ruined the turtles.
The only good things after the Mirage comics were the 2004 show.
How exactly? Legit curious. I had fun with IDW during the first 50 issues, but after that it lost its way. You seem to hate it entirely. Why?
All I want is a PS5 TMNT game that impresses technologically and made by Capcom's Itsuno Devil May Cry team.
That art style is the work of Santolouco who works for IDW TMNT. And currently he's writing a decent mini-special called Shredder in Hell. Good stuff.
thank i haven't read any tmnt comics. a shredder mini series sounds based though.
im a normie but ps5 turtles seems likely. The new cartoon show looks like into the spiderverse which is popular. seems like an easy sell to a publisher
>im a normie but ps5 turtles seems likely. The new cartoon show looks like into the spiderverse which is popular. seems like an easy sell to a publisher
Just hoping that if we get a PS5 TMNT game that it is NOT cross gen. That ruined Mutants in Manhattan because it needed to be a weak PS3 game essentially.