Yea Forums or /vg/ ?
Yea Forums or /vg/ ?
Love Live is the series where women on an animr dating website were requesting a way to block fans of it right? Anyone know the image I'm talking about?
/vg/ is full of mentally ill avatarfags, discordtrannies and drama. It's absolute garbage.
Yea Forums, but only at strange hours
It's somehow less cancerous than Yea Forums
depends on the general. Most rely on Discord and are barely Yea Forums at that point.
neither honestly. Yea Forums is a fucking mess, but /vg/ is just a bunch of boring anime game generals.
Do you think hot dog guy has a massive schlong?
God i wanna see him tear zack in half
/vg/ doesn't have generals for any games I care about
Yea Forums has a decent thread once in a blue moon
It depends on where you go because the issue is either between far gone Anons using their general as an outdated chat room, or generals that try to talk about the game but their numbers are so low they can’t support their own thread anymore. It’s a sad day when a game on Yea Forums is banished to /vg/ because there are many things that can go wrong and kill discussion / creativity