Dark Souls 1 Safe Space

Can we have a Dark Souls 1 Best Souls Game safe space thread?
Any other Souls games fans can fuck off, I don't really have a bone to pick with people who like other games more but sorry you're just not welcome here.

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Bloodborne is so, so much better

This game has such a great aesthetic compared to the other souls games IMO. Its like a fairytale, I love all of the traditional fantasy elements with princesses and knights and a magical woods with hydras and shit. It was kino.
Dark Souls 2 was pretty dope with its viking nordic influences and stuff and Bloodborne of course has a killer eldritch thing going on but I just think Dark Souls 1 is the best. So whimsical.

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but my favorite is dark souls 3

But Bloodborne is better

Invading in this game was so comfy. I never super got into the PVP in the other games even though I hear the meta is supposedly better? But back when it was just DS1 I had never seen anything like the multiplayer in this game. It was a blast pvping and getting hate mail on that shitty Games For Windows Live service.
I remember the night before DS2 came out me and my buddy stayed up all night pvping on a nonstop streak ganking in oolacile and the forest.

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>stamina management that matters
>quality animations
>varied weapons that actually feel different
>enemies that telegraph their attacks, don't turn on a dime, and don't flail around the whole arena
>interconnected map with no warping until halfway through
>not a sequel that butchers the world of the original, stand on its own

Truly, the kinoest Souls game.

this exactly. god tier aesthetic

>safe space for a Dark Souls discussion

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stop fucking using that word it doesn't even mean anything
i hate it so much

it's because dark souls 1 gets a lot from berserk, you can't go wrong with that

>2011 game

go to nostalgia forums or some shit

Demon's and Dark Souls are the best, pure undistilled Souls.

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>safe space
kill yourself for even using this words

yeah, it was really fun back when only a handfull of people knew the tryhard tricks, and you'd actually mostly fight others the same way you fight an npc, minus the backstab dances.
I remember trying to connect with a friend of mine for literally hours, we were so excited when you'd get a connection every now and then.

Terrible boss fights so no.

While Dark Souls 1 is amazing, bloodborne is just better on basically every level.

You need to KYS op

>blood vials
>le fast combat meme

> he doesn't know the feeling portrayed by the word comfy
poor, poor user

This thread would be more successful if you just said "Dark Souls 1 thread" instead of wording it like a huge faggot

Dark Souls fucking sucks my balls. Shitty circlejerk series.

Disagree with me? Suck my fucking balls then Reddit faggot.

DS 2 it a better game and you can't make think otherwise.

Ds3 is better

Demon's souls is better, prove me wrong.

I bet you wouldn't even really let me suck your balls, pussy

I miss the glory days before this game was on PC and before the Souls formula got milked into oblivion. Everything went south once DAS2 came along.

Attunment and Resistance was pretty broken though. Attunemant more so that most of the stat increases don't even give you shit at all because of the horrible implementation of it and for resistance it didn't do nearly as much as it could have. Resistance could have been a good stat for immunity boosting but instead was basically just a shitty nothing. Luck in Demon's Souls at least gave you the option to play using that awesome blue blood sword and it did increase drops by a whole lot once you upgraded it.

i think you should stop using buzzwords and use actual words that mean something

>ywn play DS1 for the first time ever
feels bad man

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>actual words that mean something
do you know that comfy is an actual word that means something user

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Nice replay vaue fag

It was such a magical experience i was so obsessed with it at the time

i've seen this word posted here so many times it doesn't even have a meaning anymore
anything can be "comfortable"
what is this even supposed to mean in the context of video games?
how is invading someone else's dark souls world confortable?

Bloodborne is thematically horror inspired, but it takes all the scary mechanics from dark souls 1 away.
On ds1 the combat was way more responsive, which means you had to pay attention to the enemies and attack carefully, that made every enemy much scarier to fight, even if they were not scary visually while on bloodborne you're rewarded by being fast and beating it before it can even move.
Ds1 didn't let you teleport for a long time, which forced you to pay attention to the level, memorize all the paths connecting everything, it also meant that entering a cave was way more dangerous because you might not be able to go back, on bloodborne (and all other souls games) you can just teleport so fuck all that, the levels might as well be a straight line. I do like bloodborne more thematically, and it might even be more fun to play, but you won't get the same experience of exploring a dangerous world as you'd get in ds1, you'll just feel like you're playing gothic devil may cry

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I was hanging out late at night with my friends, playing a game I love and having a lot of fun. Pretty sure I got a pizza and didn't have any school the next day. I was incredibly relaxed, comfortable even, as if I were in a log cabin on a snowy day with hot chocolate. I felt safe, warm, happy. I was comfy.

My man. I love DS1 and Berserk. Bloodborne was good as well, but 1 just takes the cake for me. Also good Berserk game when?

DS3 PVP is ass, the backstab mechanic is clunkier than DS1 and dex builds are the meta. Strength weapons are slow and predictable. Rolling costs next to no stamina and it allows casuls to just panic roll through most attacks.

Yes I would, and I'd slap my shaft on your forehead while you went to town on them.