
Why does Peace Walker and Ground Zeroes call him that when those games take place after he received the title of Big Boss? Shouldn't he be called Big Boss in those games, given the logic? Shouldn't the body double also be called "Big Boss" and, for Mission 46, "Big Boss' phantom" in The Phantom Pain as well?

The fanbase always calls him Big Boss, too; they never call him Snake at all.

Attached: why.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

Because Kojima is autistic and every MGS protagonist has to be called "Snake". Even Raiden was called Snake at the start.

Why are you posting this thread for the second time, retard? You already got your answer the first time you posted it.

Ground Zeroes is the last time Big Boss ever uses the codename Snake, for a long time he didn't like the title of Big Boss and preferred Snake.

Snake is the codename on the field

>for a long time he didn't like the title of Big Boss
>and preferred Snake.

In Peace Walker, before he accepts the title of Big Boss, he says "I have no name".
You, including this faggot -----> should know at this point that Snake is not a literal character name for Big Boss and his body double.

>for a long time he didn't like the title of Big Boss
>and preferred Snake.
Wrong, retard.
>"Call me Snake."
>Says "I don't have a name." many cutscenes later
Nigger, what's your IQ?

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Why are you samefagging OP? Not even that guy.

Snake means "the main character" brainlet
>for a long time he didn't like the title of Big Boss and preferred Snake
How retarded would you need to be to say something like that
>Call me Snake
>I have no name
Maybe if you had a brain and actually played Peace Walker you would know that Snake is not an actual name, stop taking everything at face value

Why are you bothering so much about samefaggotry

Attached: Look at this asshole.png (677x210, 18K)

>I can inspect element too!
Nice going, faggot. Have you considered the IP count and how stupid you look with it not rising?

why are you still bothering you sperg

I never understood why he's using the FOX insignia in GZ, please explain

who gives a fuck stop making these threads

game's a beaut!

Attached: METAL GEAR SOLID V_ THE PHANTOM PAIN 7_9_2019 1_09_07 AM.jpg (3840x2160, 2.4M)

He used to be in FOX before he went off to Cuba to found Militaire Sans Frontieres, Simple.

I'm not doing any samefagging here, partner.

I only posted this thread one other time, fuck off. Just because I used the same image as the "he's still Snake" autist doesn't mean anything.

Attached: OP here not samefagging.png (1042x586, 89K)

> says "his body double"
> says "the body double"
Samefag, alright.

Woah! It's as if people in general use the phrase "body double" for Venom because he's a body double of Naked! Shocker.
What's next, people call water "water"?

No shit his real name isn't Snake but he went by that for a decade after receiving the Big Boss title

>Have a brain
>Played Peacewalker
mutually exclusive unfortunately

You're still not getting the point, though. How many times do I have to tell you that Snake is never used as an actual name in Peace Walker and Ground Zeroes, once again?

It's more of a joke name, related to the meta. Metal Gear's meta context, when it comes to the protagonists is all about "Snake".
>BiBo: "Call me Snake."
>Huey: "Snake... that name sounds familiar somehow."
>BiBo: "Probably just deja vu."

Also, you don't have any explanation for why Big Boss would stop using Snake after Ground Zeroes after he became Big Boss for any actual reason.

If he really wanted to stop going by "Snake" after he accepted the title of Big Boss and said "Call me Big Boss", he would have said "Don't call me Snake". But he never did.

Because Ground Zeroes is a false memory embedded through hypnosis.

Everything is disjointed in GZ and TPP because you're playing as a mindraped body double.

Because the name Snake has more recognition than Big Boss. To the average retard "Snake" is the protagonist of the series as a whole. They get confused and angry if you change that.

Why are you still taking everything at face value? I bet you think that Venom literally smashed a mirror with fog coming out of nowhere after he put a tape in an MSX.
>stop taking everything at face value

It's strange how in a movie that scene would be interpreted entirely metaphorically but for some reason in video games people take it as the ground truth.

It's like how people think the tapes you get in TPP are meant to make sense diagetically when they're in fact just a pseudo-fourth wall breaking nod from kojima.

No, of course Venom didn't have secret tape recordings of Zero and Paz or Ocelot or whatever. It's just jerkoff material for the fans. Don't take it too literally.

The vast majority of people who play video games are extreme brainlets and/or children.

Snake is more recognizable than Big Boss. This is why he's called "Snake" when he's the main character, so that Kojima can cater to normies

Had there been no need to establish recognizability, he would be called Naked Chameleon/Chameleon in MGS3 (or probably just John Doe), "The Mercenary With No Name" in PW pre-ending (the ending where he accepts the Big Boss title), and finally "Big Boss" in PW post-ending and V.

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Oh and his phantom or whatever would also be called "Big Boss" (plus "Big Boss' phantom" in the Truth mission to repeat what you said) in V as well

Most people who play cinematic video games don't see them as movies right away. Sad, but true.
This is why video games will never be art.

Video games are video games and art is art. Deal with it, faggot.