here's your shitty chinese pokemon mobile game bro
Here's your shitty chinese pokemon mobile game bro
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dude lmao look at what they did to hitmonchan, they've put too much effort into it
unironically better than Nintendoshit
cc.cchi.cchinaaa can't make games
wow charizard just doesn't look right standing up
Unironically hire this man.
>"b-but they can't possibly model all Pokémons like this (despite being literally the most profitable franchise ever), they're too many!"
>cuts some of the off the game for this purpose
>animations are still the same shit
Pokemon apologists are really the worst.
Didn't they say it was hard to animate Pokemon or something? What am I seeing here?
lol dragonite looks better when he is static
its the unblinking barney eyes
I'm actually a bit bumblasted by this right now. Please tell me Game Freak is aware of his damaging this looks to them.
I have no fucking idea why Nintendo hasn't stepped in to say or do something about the state of Sword and Shield. So far Game Freak has only improved the graphics and nothing more.
Effort. And probably Chinese spyware.
what gamefreak will take from this is that they should go full mobile
>So far Game Freak has only improved the graphics
But that's not even true, could it be called an improvement when all they did was add a different shader?
Gamefreak gets to slide because nothing can change with Pokemon without all three companies, Nintendo, Monsters and GameFreak agreeing. Wish there was a loop hole where majority decision can kick out GameFreak.
Oh it's another game, I supposed made by another company, Gamefreak doesn't deserve shit, if I were Masuda I'd never show my face ever again, how can he or anyone in GF dare to release a flagship title with so little effort.
A little janky but, I like it.
>All those Pokemon doing their flashy energetic entrances.
>Groudon just idly pops in a power stance.
Oh lawd.
these attack animations are too much, I prefer Gamefreak animation
>chinese knockoff
>only a couple of dozen pokemon
>looks like it's just one attack per pokemon
>"gameplay" is probably just unconnected piss easy fights that are a guaranteed win once you've farmed or bought the necessary pokemon and level
>again, chinese freemium mobile gacha
But because it has fancy graphics and actual animations Yea Forums is gonna act like this chink garbage is a revolution. The state of theis board is pathetic.
All this shows is that the lazy, incompetent bums over at gamefreak, who are only survivng because they struck gold and now have to pump out cheap rehashes to keep their cashcow alive, could put even less work into the games, because what fans apparently want are microtransactions and graphics alone.
I actually like how in S&S Pokemon do their attacks, it's a callback to the original games, besides, who plays with animations on, and who needs all the Pokemon, Masuda is right, why would there be the same Pokemon all over the world? You don't see elephants walking around in america haha
>forced animation
Please undestand, Game Freak is a really, REALLY small company, they can't afford good animators like that huge chinese company.
What game?
coping and seething aren't you
But this looks great.
You're really fucking stupid.
Nobody is arguing the game is a masterpiece. It's the exact opposite, it shows just how incredibly lazy Gamefreak is that even Chinese gacha looks better.
soulless to be honest
>Game Freak has only improved the graphics
>has big animations for special attacks
>the rest is quicker then any pokemon game yet still better animated
i don't like this, it's too violent and over the top
> there are people who will come on to Yea Forums and white knight for game freak
What a sad existence
Amazingly janky, amazingly charming
China can't make games.
This has less mons than Snap and less moves than gen wun. The animations are the sole redeeming feature.
But Yea Forums will shill it because popular thing bad, and ToRtanic was the last time any of you felt any joy.
why is my charizard standing and only flying when attacking? he should be flying all the time
>Cars driving past in the background
The little things man
source your quotes
Yeah, even the dreaded tree.jpg is better than previous gens.
That's not what people are mad about, all pokemon are never native to every region, like you said, elephants don't live naturally in every country. But you can transfer pokemon from old games to every new game until now, which is like how elephants do exist in a lot of countries because of zoos
The fun thing is, we already had all that with PBR.
>we now live in a time where chinese ripoff = soul and actual game = soulless
This is 100% confirmation that we live in clown world.
No tail fire, this Charizard is dead.
Pokefags on literal suicide watch.
>But Yea Forums will shill it because popular thing bad
its chinese and mobile
it won't keep traction here at least. its still going to make more money than any other pokemon game in history tho
This game will be forgotten about by 2020 while Sword and Shield will sell 10m+
This statement is 100% true and you know it is.
how is it even copying if the chinks are doing more work than gamefreak is?
>only 40 Pokemon
>more work
If GameFreak did the same animations but only included 40 Pokemon, there would be actual riots
And that's the tragedy. One would think that paying 20 bucks more for a game would help extract more effort out of these guys, but nope, they actually downgrade everything.
We know. That's exactly the problem, retard.
So instead of making something good and pissing off people, they'd rather not do anything, people get mad anyway, right?
That's capitalism. Get over it. Why put more effort into your product when it isn't worth it? Why do twice the work when you already have millions of people ready to buy it?
Their budget is absurdly bigger and they only make around 70 new models per game
Absolutely 0 excuse
The difference is that TPC is a multi billion dollar company while some literal who chinks have more effert in what little they put together you retard.
>pissing people off
Here we go again acting like Yea Forums and /vp/ are the voice of gamers everywhere.
Yes, people are pissed but they are in a small minority. I'm sure some some your fatties are already planning to "boycott" SwSh too. You need to realize you are a drop in the bucket compared to the industry.
Know your place. Stop acting like you're LE RISING UP against GF. They don't care about you retards, they're already planning their post-launch vacations.
>Too much effort
People want to see Nintendo not win for once SO BADLY that they actually think this is a bad thing
Whoah, that's awesome!
Keep this up and you'll get to make Diablo 4.
What is wrong with you kid? Who's causing a riot retard? Why do you make it so obvious you like gobbling up cock.
Nice argument
It is because he's 100% right.
The anime and movies are better than ever. The sidegames are better than ever. Merch is better than ever, both in quality and quantity. Now even literal chinese knockoffs start to show competence. All while main series is increasingly massive embarassment with each gen since 6.
Okay. So? It'll keep selling 10m+ copies. Until sales drop drastically (they won't), GF won't change their ways.
The anime has always been shit.
More like storm nigger cant think for himself now that trump says china bad his smoothbrain literally cannot aee the evidence in front of him
The anime, movies, and side games are always struggling to do well.
The mainline games ALWAYS sell well.
See the difference? They don't need to put effort into the mainline games because they don't have to.
Nobody gives a fuck about China as a country, we're talking about games.
Politics belong on /pol/.
Aren't they ripping the models off some Pokemon Arcade game that gets updated every gen? Do people think a Chink bootleg is making all these high quality everything?
Kill yourself, insect. China is a garbage country that only shits out garbage.
Even OP's example still looks like shit, even though it is better than what GF is shitting out
Lmao throw out half the electronics in youe house nigger
Every single day, I get more and more mad at GF. She won't even let me suck her pens.
While there's no excuse for GF being lazy fucks that they are. You can't really compare this to a real Pokemon game. In the real Pokemon game a single Pokemon has more possible attacks than all the Pokemons combined in this Chinese ripoff.
Smooth brain detected. Need Papa Dorito to tuck you in and read you Mein Krampf again? Drone.
Wow, are you telling me that a Chinese rip off with 20 total pokemon has better animations than a game with over 300?
Everything I know about China tells me to hate China.
There is literally not a single positive thing about China. I actually can not think of one.
That doesn't detract from the fact that SM is the best season of it by far. That, and the little live action Hollywood flick grossing half a billion.
The models mabey, but the animations are all original.
Everything in your house has chinese components. Also the japs everyone here dick sucks so much literally copy pasted their culture from China.
>50 cent army subhuman calling anyone else a drone
It's history is kind of cool.
But yeah, modern China is a plague on the world
>actually bragging about abusive Chinese manufacturing labor
wew lad, Chinks don't even care anymore.
The other way round. Anime and merch was always the majority of their profits, and Go was a MASSIVE success, eclipsing the entirety of mainline series. Masters seem to be a success as well.
Stop deluding yourself, stadium console games had garbage models and animations
Nothing eclipses the main series you brainlet. It pulls in hundreds of millions a year. Even more now that the games will be $60 instead of $40.
>When the chinese are less lazy than you
Charizard is even firing from his mouth. What a novelty.
This is a little weird though.
Stadium had meh animations, but those can be excused as they are N64 games. Gamecube games and PBR weren't masterpieces, but were actually decent.
There's a man who has artistic vision, He's showing up Gamefreak with each decision, He makes it in a flash, And all the assets clash, Do his artistic skills know no boundaries? Gamefreak, hire this man, Gamefreak, hire this man, He's using Blender in any way he can,
Take Pikachu's model for the first step, And put him in a field filled with high quality animations, Then adjust the lighting gain, And though it runs at 40 frames, This man's still a master of the medium, Gamefreak, hire this man, Gamefreak, hire this man, He's using Blender in any way he can,
Make a model's textures look hd, With regards for artstyle or the aesthetic, Oh, crank the bloom and then, It'll really look next gen, This man truly is a fucking genius, Gamefreak, hire this man, Gamefreak, hire this man, He's using Blender in any way he can,
>this game probably has like 1 billionth of the budget of /ss/
>looks at least 10x as good
>this'll be the one that sells less
We just had these thread yesterday
Fucking kill yourselves you fucking chinks. You will never EVER be Japanese
Pokes wouldn't be the biggest fucking media franchise ever on their above average at best mainline game sales (not helped by them being budget titles before).
of course, we will never be as bad as them
>700 employees
they are notoriously understaffed. it’s almost funny
Kill. Yourself. Now.
No the hell it isn't. Every 2d Pokemon game looks better than SnS
>143 employees
>90 billion dollar media franchise
Holy shit FUG is dead
Why? They make enough money... I don't understand. Their Pokémon games sell no matter what and if they truly want to make good IPs that aren't Pokémon... Why aren't they hiring more staff? Even Level5 has the double amount of employees.
There's probably about 90 of those guys now, please understand they needed to fire those people so they could give themselves raises
>The battle catches your eye
>Ride into a bus stop and kill 10 people
Based and Chinapilled.
>implying anything can really kill the FUG
I mean, at this point the west is heading the exact same way.
once again i’d like to remind the anons of this thread that most of the funds garnered from the Pokémon brand are probably funneled right the fuck back into their biggest cash generator, merchandise. TPCi is leaving an understaffed crew under budget which leads to undercooked and underwhelming games and then forcing Masuda onto a podium to take the heat for it.
Also has one billionth of the mons, moves, locations, music, and customization options.
It's like a really well built and polished tricycle vs a busted poorly maintained car.
And why can't gamefreak, one of the richest fucking companies in the world, can't hire enough/better people to make the car as good as the tricycle?
There's so much attention to detail, even in the background.
Look, I don't care if this is gacha shit, but attention to the little things like this gets mad respect from me. It's what separates a good game from a great game.
Stealing an existing franchise and making a micro transaction filled game with impressive animations for the characters you stole isn't a great game.
The thief devs did prove how shit game freak is with their animation and graphical work though yes, but that's not all a videogame is.
Stadium 3 when?
If you watch the full vid, they have Blastoise actually using his cannons to blast water
Because the car still moves, and does what it's supposed to do. Sure the paint is chipping and the tires are bald, but it is still better and worth more.
Pokemon always sells. They're like late 90s Blizzard. Fucks sake they put out two games that don't even have battles in them in the past five years and they sold like hotcakes.
this is so funny
Remember when the Gamecube games had basic tracking on attack starting points like flamethrower and dragon claw and shit
>/vp/ fags
>Chinese Pokemon game is better than the real thing
>Chinese BoTW game is better than the real thing
Why are the Chinese so superior to the Japs?
/vp/ was made with the intention of quarantining the anime, cards, and other aspects of pokemon. it is not, has not, and never will be against the rules to make a thread on Yea Forums about pokemon video games. You likely were not even here when /vp/ was created, so it is understandable why you do not know its original purpose. that being said, you should LURK MOAR instead of trying to act like you know jack shit.
Newfags don't lurk in 2019.
It's fucking retarded but they just don't, unless they're not on Yea Forums or whatever shithole board is the most popular at the time.
>chinese btfo nintendo
wtf happened
What is the name of the game? Android?
>don't ask questions just get excited and consume more product
>a fucking bootleg gacha shit has more effort put into animations than the fucking multi-billion company that owns the IP
What is this timeline?
>newfags dont lurk
It's absolutely depressing. And it's so easy to spot too.
I lurked this website from age 11 to 18 because as the autistic child I was, I was afraid to break the rules, and eventually came to understand that as a spergy child it wasnt my place to post here. Now that I'm 23 and see these retards flooding in the way they have for the past several years it just shits all over the board culture. Fucked up.
The point people are making is that even a terrible Chinese Gacha ripoff looks from a glance like it had more effort put into it than Gamefreak's latest lazy abomination.
Nintendo doesn't have to step in, the game will still be a success and so will the next Pokemon and the one after that and so on. Doesn't matter how lazy or incompetent Gamefreak is.
Imagine owning one of the most profitable franchises in human history and getting blown the fuck out by some bootleg chinese gacha shit.
>>Chinese Pokemon game is better than the real thing
>only 60 mons
>only three moves each
>moves cannot be changed
Face it, you only like it because memes.
>a fraction of the budget
>more SOUL than anything GF has done since they moved to 3ds
>>more SOUL
The only thing approaching even mediocrity in that game is the animations. Don't pretend it's SOULful because Game Freak dropped the ball harder than thought possible.
Don't lower your standards just because GF lowers theirs.
Gamefreak are dead to me. Worse than konami because at least konami stopped making games when they gave up. Gamefreak will never stop making Pokémon and all the talent has moved on.
it has kyogre in it, sold.
when is this coming to US?
Why did they cut pokemon following you, again?
Yeah, 13 years ago.
How come we can't have anything like that now?
Did they even say why it was ever cut when everyone liked it?
>Please tell me Game Freak is aware of his damaging this looks to them
Most people won't even be aware this thing exists
Unless people are willing to make an ENG patch like the fans of PSO2 did for the mobile game.
there is another chinese bootleg where you can mount somer of bigger pokemon and it came out years before Let's Go
tjis is only making people see how lazy gamefreak has been since BW
I dont want to 'understand'
>that Ho-oh animation
Jesus Christ that's better than anything Gamefreak has ever animated, ever.
Nope. The models and animations for following Pokemon are present in the gen7 games, yet for some reason they weren't used on the 3DS. They did use them for LGP/E tough.
It doesn’t have effort put into it, it’s mobage shit where the Pokémon have flashy animations to make you want to buy them but there’s no actual game.
The jankiness is even justified thanks to Gengar being a ghost, based chinks
This is why copyright is a huge meme
Because they're too fucking lazy to do the animations
>nothing eclipses the main series
You really have no clue how much Go has made, do you?
they did them all for gen 7 dork. the overworld pokemon in the wild area are using the walking animation
>a world full of misty
what a perfect game
eyo this misty is dummy thicc
>using an electric move on electric pokemon
>Chinamen put in effort to rip off other people's intellectual properties
>doesn't put in that same effort to just create their own legitimate intellectual properties
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
It's a gacha game user. It'll sell less because it's f2p. It'll milk the whales dry nonetheless.
They want money and the quickest way to do that is to steal what works and make it look worth playing. Half the battle is getting someone to download your shit, the other half it to make them cough up the cash.
How long until evolutions are cut off cause SMALL TEAM PREASE UNDERSTANDU
she isn't you blind fuck she's thin as hell and has a small butt
do chinks lack a soul and all creativity
Go made 5% of the WHOLE FRANCHISE value in 2 years. 5% profit of 20+ years in 2 years of the biggest franchise humankind has ever seen
look at that ass moving user god dayum
>Chinese BotW
Could you elaborate?
>being attracted to women who's lower half looks like a horse
>tfw asians don't subscribe to your bullshit perverted culture where women aren't feminine
What is this and where do I get it?
I never knew I wanted Gengar in a rock band before. This janky ass animation has more soul than the last 5 PKMN games.
damn son
I hate Gamefreak so fucking much
But literally millions of other people will so it doesn't matter.
I mean if sw/sh had animations like this for the 250 or so Pokemon in the game I would be happy with how it looked and probably understand where Gamefreak is coming from. This game only has like 70 mons in it. The current lack of quality makes the "quality over quantity" statement from Gamefreak sound like bullshit, though.
Forced animation
this is amazing
Corporativism in Japan. The old farts are probably earning 2-3 times what a young programmer would, so they can't hire new blood because that would lower their profits
I love how he just flies off at the end
Yes, he, being an ill tranny doesn't make you a male
I just realized the clipping makes sense since gengar is a ghost what in the hell.
Alright, I used to go to bat for GF, if only to play devil's advocate, but these chinks have really outdone GF's animations at every level. God. What the fuck?
Download or torrent?
>Pokémon has since gone on to become the highest-grossing media franchise of all time,[10][11][12] with $90 billion in total franchise revenue.
>The original video game series is the second best-selling video game franchise (behind Nintendo's Mario franchise)[15] with more than 340 million copies sold[16] and 1 billion mobile downloads,[17] and it spawned a hit anime television series that has become the most successful video game adaptation[18] with over 20 seasons and 1,000 episodes in 169 countries.
>[16] In addition, the Pokémon franchise includes the world's top-selling toy brand,[19] the top-selling trading card game[20] with over 27.2 billion cards sold,[16]
These chinese animators put more work in than Gamefreak. Disgusting. I really hope none of you ever support gamefreak again, this is hilariously pathetic.
>gamefreak absolutely mogged by mobile shovelware
This is fucking gold.
What is this called?
What is the botw clone called?
I need to know.
Do you want a Chinese trojan?
That's how you get a Chinese trojan.
fuckin' incredible
The BotW clone is called Genshin Impact.
At this point it's not even funny, what the fuck is Gamefreak doing even doing? They're the second-largest videogame franchise OF ALL TIME and they can't be assed to make a few animations?
Gamefreak is a joke.
>meanwhile in mainline games by the owners of the franchise, they can't even center attack animations correctly
I hate GameFreak so fucking much.
Should be meowth
what the fuck is this? can i play it
Did anyone else notice that the tongue isn't attached to the mouth ?
seems a little much especially when it clips his arm
better than what gamefreak can do
yes and no. its a bootleg gacha but it comes riddled with trojans
the models are stolen directly from game freak so you can blame them for that
oh shit what the fuck
god damn chinks and their "u play my game u get virus" shit
yeah but think about that for a minute. that means a game that was made solely to exploit and rob you has more effort put into it than the biggest media franchise on the fucking planet
yep looks really forced! *forces gamefreak cock 6 inches further down my throar* mmmm i fucvmmkin lobve sworddmm sheidd mmm
It's more than necessary sure, it strings together four separate sequences.
But that's four sequences, most Pokémon in the main games has pretty finite sequences for
>Idle animation
>Entry animation
>Attack animation 1
>Attack animation 2
>Knockback animation
>Fainting animation
oh that's fucked
Someone pls post the animation of a kicking move.
Is Game freak so zealous they can't just outsource future games? I mean look at how stadium and colosseum turned out.
makes me think about life
Please tell me when you've seen a boxer do a fucking backflip during a fight. Retarded. Game freak has much more realistic animations
After sun and moon getting a full-price """remake""" after only a year, I'd say gamefreak makes games solely to exploit you too.
Please tell me you've seen a boxer's hand light on fire to exploit the other boxer's elemental type weakness, dipshit
they can't, the pokemon company control that. if outsourcing is done, it's their decision.
theres a such thing as overanimation
third versions have existed since 2003
that being said usum are absolute fucking trash
DAMN! I wonder how many pokemon they had to cut due to this HIGH QUALITY ANIMATION!
absolutely retarded take
Yes, but this is not it.
Charizard has a hidden psychic type. Everything's fine.
unironically this
most people turn off the animation when playing, so why do we need this over exaggerated shit?
>that ho oh animation
Jeez gamefreak get your shit together
i wouldn't feel so obligated to turn them off if they were fucking worth looking at
I really fucking hate how people let multi billion/million dollar companies get away with inferior products while treating a fucking company as if they were your father/mother
this fucking hype culture needs to end
So how come normalfags are finally on an outcry against GF's laziness despite pokemon being lazy shit since X/Y?
What changed the hivemind?
>Talk about this with friends after showing them the animations
>Look up gen 7 releases
>USUM released just one day before SM was out a full year
>Same with LGPE
>And will be the same for SS
bad animations are one thing but every game since xy has cut a huge improvement/feature
>oras immediately cuts player customization
>sun/moon immediately cuts the pss, soaring, and mirage islands. also brings back player customization but guts it
>lgpe cuts abilities held items and all non kanto mons. also further guts customization
>swsh now do all of the above and cut out more pokemon this time with the excuse of balance and focus on the animations. current mons that have been shown in the trailer confirm almost all of current ou/stall is still in the game and animations are still shit
its a build up. it got worse and worse with every game and this one just happened to be the straw that broke the camels back. if lgpe didnt exist the games after swsh wouldve been the ones that started the outcry
>looks better than official game
Anybody remember the time when the only defense for LGPE is "WAIT FOR POKEMON 2019!"
literally them axing the national dex and a large portion of the total Pokemon available.
Blastoise wasn't meant to use his cannons
where are you getting those numbers from? your ass?
>Sweatshop animator gets it right
>GF gets it wrong
This angers me to no end.
If you're impressed by this maybe you should be playing yokai watch instead of pokemon. All the monsters in that have shitty looking finishing moves. I have no idea why you niggers are so upset over pokemon not transforming into a different kind of game overnight
You know what's the funniest part?
Nintendo can't do shit since China doesn't give a fuck about copyright laws.
this argument is honestly pathetic. how can you unironically be this disingenuous just to defend a lazy developer like GF.
Almost fell for that b8 for a second
>67 pokemons
What about the other 900+?
Is Ampharos in it?
Have been cut for the improved animations.
The models looks worse, but I like some of these animations.
They keep their neutral face all the time though.
>Game freak has much more realistic animations
I wouldn't say standing completely still is something boxers do either other than if you want to lose.
Ripped models right?
Wow, so this is what it feels like to lose hope. Thought it was all gone after highschool but it looks like I had just a little bit left.
Teach me how to make a webm this fucking long with the size pls
webm for retards. Just read the /wsg/ sticky
>>being attracted to women who's lower half looks like a horse
>see very slim woman
>yo she dummy thicc
It isn't a question of taste, only accuracy of language.
>chinks making a higher quality game than the japanese
>after all these years chinks finally get revenge for nanking by having their sweatshop slaves beat the most powerful game company at their own game
and the rest is history
You must not be watching good fights
>clips through body and hands
>stretches limbs to accommodate
>makes no fucking sense in regards to the mon
Is Yea Forums so desperate to see Game Freak punished for being lazy that you'd pretend that this is great animation? That this is SOUL?
Fuck's sake, what stake do you have in Pokemon's failure that you'd deny reality to this extent just to call it shit one more time?
>you lived to see the day chinks create more soul and quality than japs on their own brands
Because they couldn't sell anything with it. Walking Pokemon was only a thing to sell the Poke walker
You really expect a country of thieves to do shit right?
Saying that the chink shit is shit doesn't say that GF is golden.
If GF came out with that chink shit but for every mon everyone ITT would say it is the worst game in the entire series, but you're all so up your asses over the animation meme that you'll suck china cock just to have one more think to bash GF over.
You don't need to pretend this is good to say S/S is garbage.
>So how come normalfags are finally on an outcry against GF's laziness despite pokemon being lazy shit since X/Y?
Good one. Its just dramashitters looking for something to cry about because their lives suck. Notice that Cyberpunk 2077 threads have pretty much vanished? People will stop bitching about Pokemon once something else they can latch their teeth into comes along. This is nothing new.
>0.02 shiny pokemon have been deposited into your pokebank
>chines mobile games are 1000 times better than nintendo's billion dollar games
what the fuck went wrong with nintendo
You fags seriously gonna support the enemy? Japan is our allies and we're at fucking trade war with the chinks. You should be hanged for treason!!
>higher quality game
Legit question, if s/s came out with only three unchangable moves for each pokemon, but great animations would you say it is better than gen 7?
#bringbacknationaldex trended at 21 million. get fucked masuda
>no one really cared about graphics of animations before
>Masuda says the cut happened because of non-existent animation improvements
>wtf why does everyone care about the animations all of a sudden
I don't play Pokemon, so explain.
Why in the official game he doesn't fucking shoot from cannon?
>if you don't like what I like that means you like what I hate
Double digit iq in action.
>Magnemite falls to pieces when it faints
gengar is hilariously out of character but then you look at every other pokemon in the game and theyve each got fantastic fucking animations so
whats your point
SeeMasuda being a lying fuck has nothing to do with everyone pretend that these animations are good.
Game Freak could have and should have done more, but the idea that this mobile shit is anything but shit is blatantly false.
>manchildren thrice the age of the target audience furious their toddler game don't live up to their heightened senses
stay mad pokedrones
>gatcha game that have nothing but simplified combat gets more shine than a vast gigantic rpg game with real gameplay and is several gigabytes bigger than a mobile game
Because they're too lazy to make a specific animation for him moving in a way that shows the animation shooting from his cannon and just reuse a general blastoise animation for when he does any attack.
Still better then anything GF shat out, but keep on going little drone, I know you can't hold it back.
>not being attracted to women who's lower half looks like a horse
im cringin man
Pokémon on EPIC store WHEN?
Why are people getting uppity over this when they're clearly making changes still to the game
>surely theyll animate all 300-400 pokemon present in the game in the next 3 months
I could continue to sit here and trade non-arguments with you but it seems like a waste of time. Enjoy your day you tremendous faggot
Chinese can't produce SOUL, only imitate it's likeness.
>"Geodude, use Earthquake!"
>Breaking news: dozens killed in a mass car accident!
>fantastic fucking animations
No they're basic N64 tier animations. GF has gotten lazy, either through success or having to keep in line with all the other merchandising so they've all but dropped their animation game. However just because GF has had shit animations doesn't mean that slightly better, but still shitty animations are somehow good.
And even more to the point, trying to say that this game which has absolutely nothing going for it except animations is good is no different than praising 1864 or whatever cinematic masterpiece comes out of the AAA moviegame factory.
They released the pre-order trailer yesterday.
There won't be anymore changes.
>people actually want 30-60 seconds cutscenes between attacks
Zoomers truly is the movie generation
I fucking hate Gamefreak and Nintendo so goddamn much.
Just like in Stadium desu
No, at the end of the day the appeal of Pokemon is finding and collecting weird creatures and customizing their moveset to bust the battle system. This chink shit isn't a real game.
But what it is is living proof of Gamefreaks laziness. There's no reason why they can't put an iota of effort to making their animations decent when this chink shit does it without trying.
>because one is shit doesn't mean that the better one isn't shit
Guess this is the new angle you try after the other three failed.
Stadium, Coliseum, and both Snaps have had better animations.
But sure, keep being contrarian for contrarianism's sake.
Already better than GF this days
pretty much every single pokemon game that isnt mainline has better animations than mainline. fucking pokemon shuffle has better animations
Well thanks for admitting
You too, cockbite.
I pray this is the last time Pokemon fans let themselves be stepped on, there's a decent amount of outrage right now and they'll have no choice but to vastly improve the next generation games if they want to prevent further damage to the brand's identity.
The video games may only be a fraction of the revenue Pokemon earns as an IP, but by damaging their reputation with bad games, the merchandising and licensing revenues will suffer as well.
I'm very happy that the amount of people defending and tolerating Game Freak's laziness is becoming a minority rather than the majority it was during X/Y - USUM.
Manchildren are retards and water is wet.
>twitter trends mean something
You need to see a therapist.
>has better animations
>still quicker then any mainline game
>real gameplay
uh huh
Careful, shill. Don't want to gag
that's kind of no true considering Star Wars merch still sells bonkers despite TLJ being complete shit even by the public
>Stadium, Coliseum, and both Snaps
>are now made by GF
Whenever I think this shit can't get any better, you drones manage to surprise me. I look forward to whatever next piece of shit you try to pull out of your ass.
I can't argue against that. You're absolutely correct.
Frankly I think pokemon is too big and being constrained by this back to school schedule is a massive hindrance to them. But that's a self made and easily fixed problem that is only held back by the money they print squeezing out turd after turd.
It's topping pre-order charts worldwide. It'll easily sell over 10 millions and nothing will change.
i'm pretty sure every free to play mmo has had this female running animation for the past 20 years
Angle is the same.
Sword and Shield are garbage with animations that I've surpassed as school projects, but that doesn't mean bootlegmon is a good game.
Having animations is better than having no animations, but that doesn't mean they're great animations or the game is good.
That's it, no memes, no wojacks, no shitposting.
This is just 5d poke battle. By making this, they can pull off a true redemption arc where they make s Pokemon game that's as free and good as BotW and get millions of new fans for "listening to the fans and redeemed themselves"
All the effort of the chinkshit is in the animations because they want to sell flashy shit, GFs attention is divided between many things and nobody who actually plays Pokémon cares that a move is slightly misaligned.
Well from a non nintenbro perspective, i saw this these animations and thought I had to have the game, and then I saw it was my chinese people with barely any choices and I wasn't happy. Game still looks 10x better than any pokemon game sadly,
>now it's not about good animations anymore but good game
That's a very desperate attempt to move the goalpost. Then again, I didn't expect anything intelligent from a drone in the first place. So keep on.
That is only part of what was said in context good fucking god
I care that they want me to spend 60 dollars on a game with vastly reduced content from it's predecessors, using models they created on the 3ds, without the ability to use all the pokemon I've captured from previous games, with no postgame content.
I didn't refuse to buy Let's Go Pikachu just to pick up Let's Go Sobble.
>the chinese knockoff has more work and is better looking than the original
I don't want to live on this planet anymore
Don't be too harsh on yourself.
What? Do you dumb ESLs even know what that word actually means? "Super Cintendo" would be a bootleg, not an actual official spinoff
>chink knock-off mobile game looks better than the jap mainline console games
This is a strange world we live in.
I have never turned off animations in a pokemon game
>Use earthquake.
>The cars in the background start swerving.
literal clown timeline
>talents of yesterday was good!
>sprites shaking to low quality midi
LMAO this delusion
when chinks have more soul than you, you know you fucked up
>being a beta sub who want bitchy cunts to sit on his face
Ah, a Chinese game would indeed be perfect to you
The animations aren't good.
They're better than GF's because they have fucking none, but that doesn't mean they're good.
Bootlegmon has D tier animations, while GF didn't even try.
>Chinese BoTW game is better than the real thing
They aren't. It's roughly 250,000 people complaining.
I fucking wish it was people realizing that GF is lazy but even Masuda knows that losing maybe 100k sales means nothing for Pokemon and both obssessed fans and moms who see Pokemon and know it's a safe brand will make the game sell ~16 million like every other gen.
>most people
Do you have any source to back that up?
>action "charges"
Is this fucking pokemon masters or an actual chinese ripoff?
How many employees are working on it? How much budget do they have?
Now imagine if they had the resources Gamefreak did.
You fags realize game freak has no creative power, right? It's their mother company (the Pokemon company) and board that decides how to squeeze the franchise for every possible penny by cutting costs everywhere.
GF is basically the fall guy
super raiyan
super super raiyan
The thing is while hardcore SW fans might be shitting on TLJ, the rest of its audience don't care about the drama and will buy any Star Wars product regardless of its quality
>now it's back to the animations
You really should think beforehand how you want top try and tackle this little drone.
Chinks actually believe their ripoffs should look presentable, to the unaware at least.
GF doesn't give a single fuck.
Ok cool, then complain about that but stop pretending Masuda said “we cut the Pokémon because we want to make Pokémon BoTW”, you can have a valid complaint without making shit up.
how does this look more ambitious than sword and shield
Threadly reminder that not only is GF shitty for putting out shitty products, the only reason they continue to do so is that people will still buy them
Why waste more money making things better if it won't generate more profit?
I guarantee the people that think it's "overanimated" would be gushing about how great it is if it was Gamefreak that did it
How would they use those resources? Would they dedicate thousand man teams to animate all 800+ pokemon with all ability combinations that they could have?
It would be cash, but I doubt it would happen. Mostly due to time. Gotta keep up with the anime and toys.
Pretty damn sure they're being ironic
>the misty jump pose animation is exactly the same as her original red/blue promo art pose
Chinese century coming for you, Japan!
>Chinks actually believe their ripoffs should look presentable, to the unaware at least.
This is true
>t. who works with chinks
Man, chinks and gooks have so much potential, they can manufacture soul, too bad they're being limited to their gaming culture and thus stigma. I hope the non multiplayer/gacha projects gets attention and change this in the future
The only thing I don't like about this is Mewtwo's floppy ears.
You can't just stop them.
This entire year has been confusing as fuck.
>and nobody who actually plays Pokémon cares that a move is slightly misaligned.
except for all the people who evidently do you stupid piece of shit
Isn't that just the new mobile game,Pokemon masters
Yeah sure user I’m sure the sales will reflect that ;)
It’s not about the graphics it’s about the experience!
That’s something Gamefreak has always delivered; experience.
none of those are made by GF
Because making a fucking condition check for every move because of one pokemon is stupid
looool it's perish song
Nooooo user what do you talk about. Pokemon is about transferring my old pokemon, tree textures and battle animations! What do you mean people want to have a new adventure with new pokemon??? Just need a game for battleing with my old mons.
This shit is fantastic. Gamefreak should be ashamed
that explains the party wide exp share
yeah. cant wait.
they made a movie about fucking han solo and it flopped. thats something nobody couldve imagined some years ago.
Be honest, if the National Pokedex issue Sword and Shield were seriously a temporary thing that would only affect these games, or this generation, and it meant that resources could be better used to get Pokemon up to a higher standard on a technical level, would you be okay it? This isn't to say that this is actually the case, but what would you need to be okay with such a decision?
I don't know, honestly. Don't really use mobile for games.
At least it's not made in China
Whatever GF puts out is automatically better than any chinkshit game
>This whole thread
Oh yeah, you can totally have amazing animations when there's only 67 pokemon
You idiots are only proving Gamefreak right
normally i would agree but after seeing game freaks shit since sm i have to take the lesser of two evils. i'd rather pokemon were owned and managed by the fucking insects than game freak at this point
No, because it would set a shitty precedent.
From then on, whenever they upgrade their pokemon models they would go back to that excuse and every 2nd or 3rd game would be lacking several hundreds of mons because Hurrdurr WeRe UpGraDiNg xD
Why yes, 99 pounds of crap is better than 100 pounds of crap
i think he's referring to genshin impact
pokemon is one of those games where less is more. kind of looks like they tried TOO hard with this game, its unsustainable. ill just stick to sword and shield
>Magnemite blown to pieces
>Yea Forums
>all the people who evidently do
>the counter ironic bait addicted contrarian shithole
>benchmark for anything
Ah yes, that's why all the hashtags is about animations and not the dex
>0.01 animations have been deposited into your account
Dex is gone? Then how do you record the Pokemons you've captured? For me, it's always been "catch em all" that gave the games purpose
>What do you mean people want to have a new adventure with new pokemon
literally every pokemon game is the exact same formula and set of patterns over and over again. they're games made for toddlers
It's literally animations from another Pokemon product
Please tell me we'll get an English release before Nintendo gets shitty and removes it
>post sponsored by GameFreak
Is this official? I wonder what it would cost to get the license, but I also wonder if it is possible to still steal stuff like this that is so popular in 2019.
>People have been complaining the games are in decline since BW2
>”We need to scale back the number of Pokémon so we can focus on the actual game again”
>Autistic screeching
My sides.
>adhering to copyright laws
how new?
also its just a gacha with a trojan but that doesn't make the animations look less good
yeah its just Yea Forums lmao.
open your fucking eyes every place online is shitting on this crap.
>still topping every bestseller chart worldwide
>actually thinking it won't be a massive success
Textbook case of dishonest animation. Animation for the sake of animation is never a good sign of good directing and good intention. This is just wasting your budget on something nobody cares about. Check on Yea Forums to get more info on what current stuff try to do this dumb shit. Example straight out of my head would be OPM season 1. Is just disgusting flaunting.
> XY is at least a jump to 3D
> ORAS at least throws a million pokemon at you
> SM at least shakes up the formula slightly
> SS cuts every advancement they all made except 3D
Why does this keep getting spammed, but no ones posts a playable apk for it?
Makes you think
Opm season 1 is animated like that for comedic effect, you have overly stylish animations that do nothing and simple punches that one hit kill.
> ”We need to scale back the number of Pokémon so we can focus on the actual game again”
> proceeds to make an absolute shit game even with less pokemon, while also cutting random shit, including things people liked
>condition check
jesus christ dude
>animation for the sake of animation is never a good sign
not when this is the fucking alternative
sure it will be.
lets ignore that lets go pee already sold less than your average pokemon game and that one didnt even upset as many people.
> everyone who wasn't an Yea Forums contrarian loved OPM S1 for its ridiculous over the top scenarios paired perfectly with ridiculous over the top animation
> everyone who wasn't an Yea Forums contrarian hated OPM S2 because it tried to keep the ridiculous premise with zero effort in the animation
You know literally nothing about the gameplay besides that there’s less Pokémon and the graphics are only a bit better than usual.
>Animation for the sake of animation is never a good sign of good directing and good intention
You guys really starting to reach now.
GF don't need to do shit, as long as they design cute waifus for the fat otakus
>except that megas and z moves were cut in favor of something even fucking dumber
also you know cutting half the pokemon directly affects the gameplay right? it is by default half of what the previous games were on that alone
Not to be a shill. But when you play the game, after two hours, everyone just turn off animation for faster grind and progress. Why waste manpower on something no one sees?
>Old game versus new game
Yeah, work on your arguments man.
>SwSi uses the same models and animations as USUM
It's almost as if you don't even know what you're shilling for.
>game that isnt even 2 years old versus a shitty chinese bootleg
Does anybody have a list of the pokemon in this?
Megas were conceptually trash, I’m glad they’re gone.
Someone said 60 once, but no one here has actually played it. They just keep reposting the same webms and gifs taken from youtube videos.
You can watch the youtube video.
Towards the end they show off the list. It's about 70 Pokemon by now.
Ironic posting aside, you really think that? I thought it was a neat idea that they stole from Digimon.
it's all fake, it's not a real game
it's just shitposter trying to make a big deal out of nothing
Did chink steal this or did they buy it? Cause no way nips would approve.
steal models from japanese pokemon arcades and some fanarts too. They don't give a fuck about copyright
Yeah, they were way too powerful you basically had to run one to not have a train run on your team by a totallynotlegendary
That doesnt work, gets stuck on the title screen. You're just reposting the link that was in the youtube vid description, did you bother trying it?
Western animation looks like THAT?
this is the stupidest fucking shit i have ever read
Mega's were still more interesting then Z-moves or Dynamax.
>ooh lookey me I know what animation and rigging is ooh look at my weight painting!
Super Super Rare?
Super Saiyan Rare
Textbook case of cope
Ditto's my favorite electric type
t. Masuda
Mad your series is finally worse then a Chinese knock off?
Specially Super Rare
Because it's gone full Apple route, it has cut every feature possible from previous games is a downgrade in terms of both graphics and content but Nintendo is trying to pass it off as innovation despite it being the furthest thing from.
I get it already, your guidebook told you that Yea Forums hates chinks so this the the approach you're going for.
No because I don't want the shitty precedent of them cutting content as an excuse to do something else. Pokemon doesn't need to be a yearly to bi-yearly thing they can take 3-4 years to actually make a really good one rather then slapping then out at the cost of cutting a bunch of shit every time for the sake of it.
Each time i see Gamefreak shitting on his fans i say "finally, people will realize that they are an apathetic, lazy, piece of shit company" but time and time again people still buy the games, they are pretty much the equivalent of Disney.
I'm definitely saving this shit
IT was drawn in korea, like most cartoons at the time.
Okay what's the rest?
I still laugh at that.
>most people
Speak for yourself? This is a Pokemon game, not a Fire Emblem replay
Wanted to add new features like Dynamax, focus on balance. And no not autistic smogonfag balance, in game balance.
Why is ditto stell/electric?
at this point SnS looks like a chink pokemon ripoff
>the most discussed game on v/ right now is a fucking Pokemon game
>and it's chink shit
>for a fucking phone
>and Yea Forums likes it more
I wonder how many chinks are in this thread right now thinking they're hot shit?
Gamefreak completely deserves it
I'm just a third party that's enjoying the fact this is the first year Fire Emblem is actually doing better than Pokemon when it comes to company-fan relations.
>mobile game
So, it'll be shit. Still funny that there is actual animation compared to a main series entry.
You're missing out of some good games user and no i'm not talking about gacha
Darn... and I was excited
>pokemon games now more soulless than their chinkshit counterparts
what has the world come to
it loops pretty well
this one looks like shit, but most of them are top tier
It's funny because I have never seen devs getting shit on like that since ME:Andromeda.
Every time a new trailer for the new Pokémon game comes up more shit quality is found because Game Freak literally doesn't care and puts it into their trailers anyway.
I'm enjoying the shitstorm.
such as?
What's funny is that GameFreak don't even have to create the models for Pokémon. Creatures Inc provides them.
I hope that this Chinese knock off gets real attention and hopefully gets those lazy, incompetent fucks at GameFreak off their asses.
Someone post the Ho-Oh one. That's my favourite.
In practice all Chink shit is poor quality compared to the original.
This is a good exception to the rule and demonstrates that even a rag tag group of Chinese knock off developers can do better.
It's almost criminal what GameFreak get away with.
Somewhat Super Rare
>>clips through body and hands
maybe because it's a ghost?
yes, it applies on shit like Attack on Titan where they overanimate stuff to make a false sense of drama and intensity when it's not. Pokemon just showcasing their unique traits and personality is not.
sounds about right to me
that was 20 years ago
they're just going to release access to all other regions as overpriced DLC expansions
Hahahaha Yea Forums thinks chinks animating something flashy but shit with zero gameplay means Gamefreak has failed just kill yourselves or admit you’re just mad about muh dexxit.
>when soulless chink bugmen have more SOUL than you
Time for seppuku
Better than living in a literal dying country.
>gbc's pokemon game has better animations than the switch one
Fuck gamefreak
What did you use to make this shitpost?
Better throw it away because it sure as hell is made in china bruv.