Please add me. I'm very lonely and would like to make friends from here to play together with and talk to
Please add me. I'm very lonely and would like to make friends from here to play together with and talk to
Nice tastes in bandories
what a shit id
Please be nice to me..
Can put penes?
f i n l a n d
BASED MOCAPOSTER (is that your steam name?)
It is! Do u want to be my friend?
What games do you play? I'll send you a friend request when I get home
>vac ban
How old are you OP?
I just started playing ff14 and have a lot of console games I play. On PC I mostly just mess around in dota but have a bunch of games I could install and play...
>VAC Ban
No, I'm too shy...
I am an old hag :(
dont post wa you fag
No, really, how old?
I don't mind trying to befriend new people, but I tend to make a point not to try and befriend people who don't have fully developed brains. So I usually limit myself to ~23+
Though of course, you don't have to answer. I'm sure you could find a bunch of other people instead anyway.
>vac ban
Wanna explain yourself?
>all those hours put into NBA and MLB
I dont think I'm gay though..
>Vac Ban
I may add you if you try to explain yourself,you finn.
Lopeta postaaminen.
I exceed your age standard by 3
I was bullied and pressured by friends to cheat at csgo after we got bored of it
No thanks.
I don't want to be friends with mentally ill degenerates.
gay weebfag
Please be nice...
Christ, I just threw up in my mouth a little.
For your sake I hope you're, like, 14 and can still grow out of this.
Can't be nice to spineless fucks who also cheat in multiplayer games
I may add you but know that I'm not playing any MOBA,ever. I don't like them.
If you're ok with that I'll send.
I like her new voice
is worse than matsubara kanon
No I won't add you. Just end it
>1 VAC ban
>I was bullied and pressured by friends to cheat at csgo after we got bored of it
imagine being this weak
>I was bullied and pressured by friends to cheat at csgo
bet ya love sucking cock, you little slut