

Please add me. I'm very lonely and would like to make friends from here to play together with and talk to

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Nice tastes in bandories

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what a shit id

Please be nice to me..

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Can put penes?

f i n l a n d

BASED MOCAPOSTER (is that your steam name?)

It is! Do u want to be my friend?

What games do you play? I'll send you a friend request when I get home

>vac ban

How old are you OP?

I just started playing ff14 and have a lot of console games I play. On PC I mostly just mess around in dota but have a bunch of games I could install and play...

>VAC Ban

No, I'm too shy...

I am an old hag :(

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dont post wa you fag

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No, really, how old?
I don't mind trying to befriend new people, but I tend to make a point not to try and befriend people who don't have fully developed brains. So I usually limit myself to ~23+

Though of course, you don't have to answer. I'm sure you could find a bunch of other people instead anyway.

>vac ban
Wanna explain yourself?

>all those hours put into NBA and MLB

I dont think I'm gay though..

>Vac Ban
I may add you if you try to explain yourself,you finn.

Lopeta postaaminen.

I exceed your age standard by 3
I was bullied and pressured by friends to cheat at csgo after we got bored of it

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No thanks.
I don't want to be friends with mentally ill degenerates.

gay weebfag


Please be nice...

Christ, I just threw up in my mouth a little.

For your sake I hope you're, like, 14 and can still grow out of this.

Can't be nice to spineless fucks who also cheat in multiplayer games

I may add you but know that I'm not playing any MOBA,ever. I don't like them.
If you're ok with that I'll send.


I like her new voice

is worse than matsubara kanon

No I won't add you. Just end it

>1 VAC ban

>I was bullied and pressured by friends to cheat at csgo after we got bored of it
imagine being this weak

>I was bullied and pressured by friends to cheat at csgo
bet ya love sucking cock, you little slut