What games are better than sex ?
What games are better than sex ?
Other urls found in this thread:
Any game is better.
Sex is overrated.
how would you know?
Space Station 13
harvest moon back to nature
>have sex with slutty roastie
>fantasize about waifu while taking her along your quest
wow, that is literally me
Sex is only for procreation with your spouse.
every single one of them
have sex
no thanks i rather play video games
DoA Xtreme Venus Vacation
>What games are better than sex ?
Take your pick, OP:
>Super Mario Sunshine
>Shadow of the Colossus
>Xenoblade Chronicles X
>Super Mario World
>Pikmin 1
>The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
>NieR: Automata
>Super Smash Bros Melee
>Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
>The Dark Spire
Just off the top of my head, mind you.
no one here knows what sex feels
and no, gay sex doesn't count
>t. virgin
At this point I'm convinced sex is made up concept
Only for virgins like you
is this loss?
Fpbp. You can pay for sex at anytime, but you can never playthrough a game for the first time ever again
A butthole feels better than a vagina. That's why straight men enjoy anal so much.
Playing STALKER > Sex
Prove me wrong
t. virgin
neither can u experience sex every again
Not Clear Sky though, fuck this game
Yes. Either Shadow of Cherno, Call of Pripyat or Call of Cherno.
Okay so partially proven wrong. Both SoC and CoP are top tier though, especially with mods.
But I compulsively play hentai games
star fox 64
Resident Evil 1 and 2
SMOKE (Formerly Fire)
Woah there. That girl looks like she's drunk. Didn't you know that drunk girls can't consent and therefore it would've been rape if he had chosen to sex her.
it's such a retarded comparison, what are you even doing
t. had bad sex a few times and thinks he's experienced
What's the difference? I play your Mom every night
This, what is better Yea Forums? Breathing air or shitting?
You dress up as his mom every night?
depends on the sex.
I mean every game (except fallout 4) is better than involuntary prison sex with Tyrone & co.
No game is better than a threesome with Rihanna and Mila Kunis zapping you with car batteries.
>choosing between two fundamentally critical life processes you absolutely NEED to do or you die
>the same as choosing between two activities for recreation
user... Surely you don't think this is an accurate equivalence... You don't.... do you...?
know what the best sex is? having a significant other riding you, sweating, while locking eyes and hands as you cum balls deep
Path of Exile
this, sex is exhausting. it's fucking work, period
B-but those two things are critical for my Soul
spotted the incel
>eye contact.
Fuck that. Kills my autistic ass boner right there. Just blindfold me and zap me with the fucking car battery.
Someone never had anal.
how the fuck would an incel know about that
Nothing but a tepid vice that's overly glorified
Only a virgin would say some shit like this.
Have sex!
Sex was the biggest disappointment of my life. I put pussy on a pedestal for most of my life. Fianlly get some pussy and it was hollow and jerking off feels better.
>Fianlly get some pussy and it was hollow
As oppossed to...
sex can be everything from gross and boring to fucking mind-blowing, you guys act like you've experienced what it's got to offer because of a few disappointing experiences
Something about ramming a girl and leaving her breathless is probably the most satisfying, enjoyable, and fun thing I've ever experienced with my dick. Like you haven't lived until you bot just lay there not saying shit because you're in such a euphoric state after a good fucking.
Yet it doesn't even come close or compare to the fun moments I've had with my countless playthroughs of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series and fun I've had discussing about the games and moments with the community. I always go back to it every year because it really never gets old for me.
So yeah, I'd rather take slav games over sex personally.
Based, roasties will trigger with this post.
Hollow as in emotionally unfulfilling
How do fags tickle their prostate? I've tried a few times and while a bit of pressure feels nice, the pain is stronger and there's no magical spot that makes you cum.
sex videogames are better than casual sex with a woman you are not married to
Nah 3D is PD
What's wrong with CS? I think it's pretty good.
fapping can also be mind blowing
Whats your point?
Just slam and dip to play videogames. Sex doesn't take so long you can't do both in the same day.
my point is that a good fap cannot compare to a good fuck
>tfw the best sexual experience i've had by far was just beating off on dude weed
the human body is garbage. It dosen't aspire to higher ideals of love and romance like people constantly claim. We've been misprogrammed at the most basic level
7/10 and higher
I like both
This but replace Riana with Kristen Stewart and the car batteries with nakadashi and impregnation. Also add my 3dpd waifu whom I would not name.
Seriously. Paid for it a few times and they were trying hard to please me but fapping to your favorite material is still just better. I imagine that with a 10/10 girl who's 10/10 at sex and who's also your soulmate it will obviously gonna be amazing, but what are the chances of getting that for an average person
>tfw would rather sleep, shitpost, or play video games than have sex with my gf and she’s starting to catch on
What are some games for this feel
A sex session with someone you really love/desire for 1 hour is better than any game you can think of for 1 hour.
How games can beat out sex is that you can play a game for 12 hours straight, while you can't have sex for 12 hours straight.
So in the sense of time + efficiency of time for how much fun you have for how long in a sustain manner is the key.
t. someone who used to have multiple live-in gfs, one exceeding 5 years, now hikikomori with 100 anime waifu and 2 sex dolls and a badass gaming pc setup (also have ps3, ps4pro).
yeah then you awkwardly gotta untangle yourself and hand her a towl to put between her legs as she hobbles to the toilet some some naked cripple
russian roulette with yourself
My gf sucks my dick while I play games
It's the best of both worlds but the only downside is that I gotta get up to piss shortly afterwards
Us gamers, right?
>nakadashi and impregnation
Ah, i see you are a man of culture aswell.
i need sex
yeah, but the sex is over at this point so that doesn't really matter
Have sex
>put up with hours/days/weeks/months of a woman's shit while she drains your resources for a 10 minute hump
Sex is shit.
have sex
It honestly is, it's fun the first 5 minutes then you wish you were doing something else
this desu baka senpai
sex is nice, but if you don't know a reliable prostitute (last one got nicked by blues) getting bagina is such a goddamn hassle and Tinder is hit-and-miss most of the time
the effort/reward ratio is lopsided, playing vidya is therefore more efficient use of time
>My gf sucks my dick while I play games
So did mine, but she can't do it for the whole 12 hour gaming session. And even if she did, it wouldn't feel as good that whole time in the same way the 12 hour gaming session can be fun the whole time.
Meth is preferable to sex.
you're just a casual
I am just loving the collective agreement that being prison raped by black guys is still better than fallout 4.
whatever dude, keep putting things up your ass while you watch snail porn
Ask me how I know you're a fat autistic permavirgin. Have sex.
It depends.
It's like, would you rather have
>15 minutes of really really intense pleasure
>a few hours of moderate pleasure
You've never had sex before. The first time is always awkward as fuck.
Depends on the sex, if it is with a roastie even bad rats can be better, if it is with a cute girl that gets lost in your eyes while laying nude besides you then hardly any.
Shame it's extremely hard to get a qt
I am fucking begging you. GET. LAID. fucking pathetic as all fuck.
Don't need to enter your ass.
1. Get hard as rock.
2. Use your other hand and follow your erectile tissue into your body past your balls to the area between balls and asshole. There will still be hardened erectile tissue here.
3. Explore all around that with your fingers. I prefer to dig into the sides.
4. Do this while using your dominant hand to jerk off. It won't make you cum instantly, but it'll enhance the O and you will cum in greater amounts than ever before in your life. I'm serious, grab a towel or something.
Not Video Games
Please stop posting and actually do something with you life, like having sex you fucking beta male virigin fuck.
>everyone who is agreeing to this post is mentioning prostitution
well no fucking wonder you troglodytes. go outside, fall in love, then have sex with that one.
i am disappointed by real sex. i prefer virtual things like pron games. Sex is only good to reproduce. other than that a girlfriend is good for company and children. thinking sex being interesting is kinda childish. pron is always better. that goes for some good pron games and 3d renders
The zen state acquired by playing the void surpasses all carnal desires
was he big?
not that user but is there a chart for this?
>not having sex then having comfy post sex vidya with a beer.
have sex
What does sex even feel like
Sounds like you suck at sex. Git gud
It feels like rusty coins and tastes like sandbags
Unironically this. The intimacy is nice, but mechanically you're better off doing it yourself.
did you quote the wrong post? fucking schizo
DO NOT do this! This is bait! What this user described will block off the flow of semen from your testicles and can lead to serious health complications if done frequently.
Pretty much like nothing if you have a condom on, and like a very plaing fleshlight if you don't
Real baginas don't offer mucch stimulation and a woman has no way of knowing how to please you better than you yourself
>Sex is overrated.
This. Only virgins imagine otherwise.
>some some naked cripple
Are you having a stroke?
warm and wet, the good ones are tight and feel beyond amazing if the girl knows how to contract the muscles
Just having sex with a person you genuinely love and genuinely loves you is amazing but the chances of ever finding love like that is low.
Well it is, why is that a meme?
All of them
it's like right inside your butt, only a couple inches in.
It's pretty good if you can massage it right but I think you have to be mentally into it for it to make you cum like I can.
This triggers the Chad
Now that the average sex session lasts approximately 5 minutes while videogames last hours
Someone too dumb to build one themselves made this meme.
Does this make mustard gas?
>disregard females, acquire meth
wasn't the point of the meme that he's telling the truth, but he's annoying about it?
Like imagine you got a switch you fucking soiboi and this guy would say that instead of saying "wow, that's so rad dude".
So your dopamine receptors burn out more?
No not really. I've been playing vidya for almost 30 years and have the same enjoyment
Most video games become better than sex if you're in a stable long term relationship. The longing for sex comes from it's absence, once you get it then you'll desire other hits.
holy shit this cope
what about playing vidya while eating on crack?
Will I ascend to a new being?
what vidya
Well eating while drunk definitely causes stacking dopamine. The problem with gaming is that you're already using your hands so it'll be frustrating which is a different hormone that counters dopamine.
>dopamine receptors are on/off and don't change based on activity
based retard
It depends on your current life circumstances. I've both had multiple year long dry spells, and also been in a position where I'm regularly able to have unprotected sex with beautiful, skinny, legal teenage girls. When you're doing it regularly sex is kind of worthless, literally as cheap as just rubbing one out. When you haven't had sex in years it utterly consumes you.
Funny how psychology works.
So instead of saying have sex, I'll say smoke some meth
>Accepting and embracing the warmth of the lord Jesus Christ
Does amphetamine and methamphetamine stack?
>Fallout buffs with side effects
>When you haven't had sex in years it utterly consumes you.
Only if you're the desperate type.
Can you just inject dopamine?
hey hey people
Giving or receiving?
Physically it feels pretty good.
The inside of the vagina has a texture very similar to the inside of your cheek, for reference, except with more muscles throughout and little nubs and ribs that you both feel when they're stimulated. Now the big difference between, say, jerking off and sex is that your hand is going to be colder than your dick always. Always. That's just how it works. That said, a vagina is always gonna be as warm, if not hotter, than your dick. So when you're really cold and you come home and have a nice sip of hot cocoa and it warms your body, that's what it feels like on your dick.
The actual sex part is fine too. It's a lot of work so if you're out of shape you'll get tired easily. If you don't know how to pace yourself it's like sprinting during a marathon. Bad idea.
And if you're with someone that you're closer with, like a regular partner, then usually you know each other's rhythms and you don't have to constantly be showing off.
So it feels good and it's a fun activity. But definitely we hype it up so much because when we're young and our hormones are out of control it's always just blaring in our head that we need to have sex ALL THE TIME! It's like the Witcher 3, overrated but still really good.
Female confirmed. Literally no man is happy not having sex for years at a time, unless they have some weird problem that causes them to be an outlier.
Can't believe how many incels are in this thread. No shit sex is a million times better than any shit pixels drawn on a screen. Never tried a prostitute but had a one night stand with a tinder girl and that sex was horrible compared to the girl friends I've had. Maybe that's the reason these nerds can't get a girl is they lack any form of passion.
Poking your dick into a slime hole until it cums
imo it’s only worth if you’re doing it with someone you genuinely care about. Otherwise it’s an exhausting chore
>Take your pick, OP:
>>Super Mario Sunshine
>>Shadow of the Colossus
>>Xenoblade Chronicles X
big nope
>>Super Mario World
big ol' nope
>>Pikmin 1
>>The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Aesthetically, yes. Literally, no.
>>NieR: Automata
>>Super Smash Bros Melee
10 years ago, yes.
>>Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
20 years ago, yes
>>The Dark Spire
This. Except if the sex in question is just getting a blowjob from a twink.
>fall in love
I don't think I'm capable of doing that bit.
>Any Nintendo game
>Better than sex
You keep telling yourself that.
>he thinks sex is a skill
Have sex
I am saying this to you as a friend, but go see a therapist, my guy.
Having a real human being to talk through your issues with helps.
But a good fap can coerce you to stop looking for fucks.
Sex has never come close to my best faps
What do you think Yea Forums is for?
Yea Forums isn't trained for this. Yea Forums also isn't real.
Go talk to a real person. You wouldn't be posting if you didn't want help, so go get actual help and not half-assed help.
This. Nobody else will never know your body as well as you do.
absolutely true, it's been a while since I've had good sex because it's so hard to come by. doubt I'll ever experience it again
that's because you haven't had the right type of sex
sex is only good when you truly love each other
Anons, do not get cucked by latex. When I lost my virginity I thought sex was pretty meh, then I found a girl who was certified clean and put her on birth control. 10x better
porn games