Now that the Switch lite has been announced, how many of you actually play your Switch in public?

Now that the Switch lite has been announced, how many of you actually play your Switch in public?

Attached: playing switch.jpg (1280x960, 813K)

Other urls found in this thread:!hUVjAKQT!vbsJVZ1n6SIWP4895Rtw3IDsDLZ3tNpJEyVVaDvlB3s

I haven't yet but I like to use handheld mode just to play games in my beanbag or on the couch.
It's comfy

Haven't played a videogame in public since Highscool 2008

>that wallpaper

customs themes on CFW

theme link btw pls

Wait does it have a cfw?

Theme link too

In pubic

Does playing it while driving count?

Only in the train
I still have hardly ever played docked though, I just game on my bed.

I only play on my switch at work.!hUVjAKQT!vbsJVZ1n6SIWP4895Rtw3IDsDLZ3tNpJEyVVaDvlB3s

Pasties are hot as fuck. I wish more porn did this


What in tarnation is your damage? Wtf man, post your schlong somewhere else faggot.

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Once while waiting in line

still posting your dangle huh
good stuff

Rinko > Other Taimanin

Rinko is pretty good, personally Rieri is my favorite althought she's not Taimanin.

She is the third best Battleship. Still good taste.

Can't install theme ;__;

I don't even take my Switch out of the dock because it feels so flimsy to hold in my hands because of the joycons.

Netx time you guys have sex, ask for your partner to spread their cheeks exactly in the position like the girl on the left is doing, then masturbate to that, best shit ever. Thank me later.

Are you using NXtheme installer?

if you have a early switch you can easily enable custom firmware, along with user made themes, homebrew, tons of emulators, and "backup games"

I believe yes

doesn't even have to be a particularly early one, if you bought a Switch for Odyssey chances are it's hackable.
Don't know what to tell you, what firmware are you using?
And did you follow the message on the NXthemeinstaller app that tells you to reboot to see the changes?

I don’t take my switch out of my bedroom, I had to work one month in a really shitty job to afford it, I have played someone elses switch with friends at my university tho

Even if I was sat by myself with no other people I would never take it outside as it feels too fragile. The joycons don't feel too flush with the rails, the screen is only bright enough to mitigate glare at full whack, the battery life is pitiful.

I haven't played my switch in months desu. I'm not even a hater, its a great console. Other games have been more interesting than nintendo's lineup to me lately.

>The joycons don't feel too flush with the rails
this is what I hate the most.
I was actually hyped to get a lite what with the dpad and flush joycons embedded but the lack of TV mode ruins it.

I think I might just super glue my joycons to the rails.

Ummm nx theme installer 1.3
And switch system 8.0.1
There's no need to reboot because I get the can't install them message when I attempt to install. It says "check that it hasn't been corrupted and you are using an updated version of this installer"

I'm using the same system version but nx theme installer 1.6.1

They worked for me.

I will play in public, but it just depends on what game I'm playing.

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i'll never understand why nintendo systems require a CFW to create(use) a custom theme.

it's not like other players can see my beast theme w/ the asian getting knotted by a german shepard, so why don't nintendo just let players make their own? please tell me it's not because they want players to buy their shitty marios themes.

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I play it in the breakroom at work and have also played it while waiting in line at an anime convention.

It's literally to sell their own later.
The 3DS had literal thousands of themes, most of them for sale.

>That Marge
Please tell me there's more of her.

Guess I gotta update theme installer

yeah do that, it worked for me when I downloaded it.
The installer and the editor are both updated progressively so newer themes might need the newer installer from time to time.

yeah, a few more

I wish the mom with the big ribbon got more attention

I’m gonna get the yellow one, put a bunch of Pikachu stickers on it and play Kirby Star Allies on max volume so people think i’m playing a panty quest simulator when Kirby screams.

Switch Lite my dude.

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Last time I played a video game in public was when Pokemon gold / silver came out, so i really doubt I will.


If i had one I'd play it on the train like i do with my 3DS

I always thought the switch was way too fragile and I could hear the joycons crackle slighly on the rails so I never really bothered

I was about to buy a 3ds but I think I will get the lite, sell the standard and wait for the inevitable dock only switch