>you can marry anyone in Three Houses, regardless of their gender
Thoughts? I’m personally hype, means I can get with Linhart without playing the god awful female mc
You can marry anyone in Three Houses, regardless of their gender
more options are never bad but i'm surprised i haven't seen people sperg out over it or any oag articles posted
I'm gonna become a blue lion and marry the womanizer then, nothing better than straight dick
Give it a bit, the thread complaining about how Nintendo is appealing to trannies and gays will come soon enough
I don't give a fuck. What I hate about this is that idiots will try to turn characters into trannies again.
>omg, female character xxx is actually in transition
>medieval setting
>character is transitioning
That’s. Not how it works
Wait, what? Where was this confirmed?
It's not he's making shit up only thing we know is there's more lesbian options than faggotry options to like 5 to 3
I don't even know why anyone cared nobody cared about the canon the two bi characters in fates(excluding kamui) the localization also cut the unique S rank of the bi characters and copy pasted the straight S rank lmao
>surgeries to try get MTF trannies pregnant
you think these Slaaneesh worshipping cockmonglers give a shit?
more yuri is always good
>it seems female main characters have more same-sex options than male ones
So not all of them are bi, just some of them.
Magic nigga
You could always do that they just removed the options for western versions if I remember right.
>A few characters are bisexual
That’s not what the OP said, faggot.
If there's more lesbian options I'm happy
eh, that's fine.
yuri, yaoi.... As long as it's done well. I just watched the new aladdin and boy was it a crock of awful awful awful. I just want something done well.
>I just watched the new aladdin
Why would you do that?
That's false tho
An italian journalist already confirmed it's 3v5.
I planned to play female and marry Dimitri anyway
i doubt they care whether that works or not
So I could "form my own opinion." Geez that was stupid. Also it was my mom's birthday and I wanted to treat her... Never again. Should have went for toy story 4
Personally, I don't care either way. I'm thinking this might end up being reviewed as an 11/10 game. School setting reminding them of Harry Potter, being able to ship as many gay relationships as you want, this is pushing all the right buttons for blue-haired SJWs. The journos are going to drool all over it.
Meanwhile, I just want to know if it plays well.
That’s not even remotely true. The fuck are you talking about?
>Journalist confirmed that Dimitri is the only straight lord
Another win for Lionchads.
Is this confirmed? If so then fuck yeah, lesbian FemC time.
And there are people out there that literally eat their own feces. Stop giving it attention and stop getting upset it exists unless it directly effects you. You'll feel better.
Tell your mom I said happy birthday!
Fake. Only 5 bisexual females and 3 bisexual males in total.
>It’s not real
Why would anyone romance Edelgard stupid cunt with her anime "religion is bad let's rebel"
I will!
Stop being that much of a faggot. It's 3 /y/ options and 5 /u/ ones, and they're bi either way.
How is the localization? is it good this time or should I expect the worst?
>twitter screenshot
Fuck off with these twitter who’s
>more romance nonsense
Yikes. And people dare to say that this stacks up to 4. Enjoy your head patting faggots
The game isn’t out yet, how do you expect any of us to know?
You be the judge.
>you now remember fates had two gay supports that nobody cared for after launch
>"religion is bad let's rebel"
she is right though
Time for you to commit suicide, trannyera
Niles is my husband!
Whatever, sexual degeneracy has been a staple of FE since nearly the beginning. I don't approve of gay marriage irl but that doesn't have to affect my opinion of fantasy games.
Remember when Fates localization made non-gay character into a lesbian and cucked her S support with male characters into "eternal friends" to make up for that? Good times.
I don't know, I'm interested in the game and I kinda don't want to get spoiled so I just asked before the release knowing I probably wont get an answer but it seems I have to wait for the relase and take my chances
>faggiest looking character is speaking like an absolute faggot
Truly surprising.
I hate to admit it, but I think the lack of the child eugenics mechanic is what encouraged this now. Since you can’t have kids, now everyone is free to have their characters be faggots. It’s almost like real life. Take away the family unit and discourage children and people fall into sexual deviancy.
She still gives birth to Male Corrin’s daughter.
ITT: Retards that still think its real
Classic Yea Forums braindead
Aren't you tired to be yourself? Why do you care so much about people being faggots and liking dicks? If you are a closeted gay you should just come out, dude.
Laughs in Linhart
>Blue Lions don't allow gays
Conceptually I don't understand this. I get that the player character can be orientation-fluid to reflect whoever is playing. However, shouldn't these non-player characters have fixed preferences? Like, only one or two of them might be willing to swing to the other side, but most would be like "hey, I'm flattered, but no."
Or would that be considered offensive?
Good. I can play as my 1st husbando mByleth and marry my 2nd husbando, too.
Logically yes, but from a player perspective it's nice to have options.
I'm generally ok with the generic "everyone is bi" so everyone has the same amount of options.
You have options for the big gay but not the entire cast
hello fujo
I wish Islam would take over the west
Kill yourself
calm down mohammed
Nah, but you'll do that at some point, tranny.
Stop projecting; tranny
Fire emblem is trash and needs to die.
You’re trash and need to die
Don't you have a monthly beating on your wife to do? Or Pyramids to desecrate? Or children and goats to rape?
Awakening and Birthright are the best FE games.
Where is the proof?
is this a good fire emblem to start with? I've never played any of them before
probably easier to start with fe7 , fe8 or awakening
Trannies are maximum triggered rn, someone get them the number for the suicide hotline
Based upstanding British citizen
Is wanting to see a chick get together with another chick something we consider "tranny" now? What isn't "tranny" then?
Good for the fujos and yurifags I suppose. I'm not touching that with a ten-foot pole for more power to those you do.
>Syrene McNulty is v gay (Hire Me!)
>v gay
>(Hire Me!)
never fails to bring a smile to my face to see those dykes STILL without a job
Male gay options
Female Gay options
News flash: even during the vaulted era of your precious "nuclear family" this sort of thing happened. Before that era, as well. Also nobody is "discouraging" having kids, the simple facts are people have no time or money to afford having families.
Based IS
Then they changed her personal skill from very quite literally being named "Likes Girls" to "Sisterhood".
Not saying you're wrong, just what the fuck. At least stay consistent with your faggotry, Treehouse.
[spoiler[Soleil is a precious cinnamon roll she didn't deserve any of this[/spoiler]
ACTUALLY Edward of Woodstock was a trans femme poc bigot
go to sleep user
Exceedingly cursed image.
into the trash
This looks so much better, I hate her normal color scheme
Garbage game, thankfully only degenerates play it and kids have no interest in it.
Hey there's a lot of info coming out right now can we have a thread that's not super faggy?
No able to marry best man as a boy, no buy
>muh degeneracy
Leave your room for once neckbeard
enjoy dying of aids faggots
>Yea Forumsirgin thinks he has the moral high ground over a video game
You people are so precious.
It's not the gays, it's capitalism. Plus Indians and Chinese and Africans are having children like crazy. Why don't you look at the problem from a realistic perspective?
>point out facts
>only response is "AIDS DIE FAGS AUGH!!"
You seem to have a deeply personal stake in the sex and family lives of others. It's really creepy.
Go back to neogaf you literal tranny faggot.
Why do people keep calling it a high school when it’s obvious more of a college?
>If you are a closeted gay you should just come out, dude.
Ah, so that means all the people that hate nazis are actually closet nazis then.
holy fuck why are lesbians always getting spoiled when it comes to video games?
She grows up, fuck off.
>>you can marry anyone in Three Houses, regardless of their gender
That's a straight-up lie, though they do have more options than Fates
Not defending any faggots but it's a world of magic and dragons. Change genders is probably entry level magic.
Got anymore meaningless buzzwords to fling like a monkey with its poo?
Some of these have not been confirmed yet.
>>point out facts
I didn't read your post you shit eating faggot. Kill yourself, it's so painfully obvious you're raiding by your prose.
>It's really creepy.
stupid fucking reddit tranny. You aren't even aware of how you type. Nobody buys into your boomer "lol behind closed doors why you care what others do??" retardation. We don't live in a vacuum.
>Got anymore meaningless buzzwords
They are 100% accurate you disgusting tranny faggot neogaffer. Buzzword is a buzzword. Go back to your containment board
>kill yourself
I thought you were a man of God?
Reminder this garbage will be patched out of the western release
If you didn't read it then why did you even respond?
silly user
dragon cunny is eternal
Sothis is already a grown up she's 1000 year old dragon that talks like a old person.
Christians stopped following their god a long time ago.
>I thought you were a man of God?
You thought wrong you retarded faggot. I'm not a fucking christcuck, I want you dead and for your hell to be on this earth.
She physically grows up during the game.
Because you're an obvious fucking faggot
>western release
>having obvious differences
The major differences will be the dumb changes to script and characterizations, they're not removing "problematic" content because it's already been removed pre-release for all versions due to treehouse going to japan.
There's a reason why it's released same time in JP and the west.
> Nintendo of America’s Treehouse localizers travel to Japan about “every two months” to work with Japanese developers whose work is being brought to America
>This allows the devs to talk about potential localization issues as they make the game rather than having to deal with them post-release
>When we have costumes or clothes that we have a little concern with, we share it with NoE and NoA and they’ll say, ‘No, no, that’s fine’ or ‘You’re right, that’s an issue.’ If it is an issue, we’ll go back and say we’ll say, ‘We adjusted it this way, what do you think?’
nevermind the tumblr faggotry, this game looks more shallow than fucking Awakening.
time to bully dimitri
is this a fire emblem thread
Poor child, throwing a temper tantrum over pointless nonsense.
Why do people call her a dragon when we know little of her? All we know she can be like Yune, a goddess.
Lmao dropped. Not even worth pirating
>game looks like total shit
>desperately panders to fags
Ebin falseflag, user.
K then
> over pointless nonsense.
tranny reprobate
Glad this shit game is gonna bomb hard.
No she doesn't, she's clearly a dragon with those ears
dilate, drink soi and die tranny
8 years of trump
I want to see some proof of this. The guy has a wife and kid before the time skip.
you will buy the Marry Whomever dlc at $45 wont you?
It's hilarious how "tranny" has become the favorite catch-all insult now. Almost makes one miss soi, cuck, casual, and all the other words that did the same thing.
Not anymore, it's a shame. Last thread was real nice and hype with a lot of info being passed around
kys tranny
I thought that was just Gilbert and also Thani already confirmed this was a joke
keep raging, crybaby
Hahaaha! Is there a 1000 year time skip or something?
Your failure to become a woman is almost funny.
>It's hilarious how "tranny" has become the favorite catch-all insult now
it's not meant as an insult, we sincerely believe you are a tranny faggot, you take it as an insult because you know being a tranny is pathetic. It's even worse if you aren't actually a tranny because your brain is obviously wired like one. You're a stupid fucking newfag that thinks because newfags like yourself use words nonsensically they make no sense. You must be called soi chugging casual tranny cuck a lot to have to rationalize this hard.
I wonder what new word will replace tranny when a mod inevitably gets buttblasted over being called one and puts up a word filter for it.
I’m pretty sure you trannies rape kids more you disgusting pedo.
Yea Forums is fucking dead and all the staff are redditors that don't understand how filters work. It's why we still have ancient filters active like baka desu senpai. Ever since gook moot took over the site has been extremely hands off and just focused on ads.
I'm gonna fuck Mercedes as a girl AND boy!
Assume makes an ass of you and me. Also you throw that word at everyone who doesn't hivemind to your personal opinions or likes/hates something you hate/like, same as every other word you autistically obsess over as a pathetic insult.
Kind of sucks that Edelgard will never have children because 100% of her marriages will be to fembleth.
The same people that confirmed everything else said so. There’s no cunny here, anons.
You're honestly delusional if you think chugging onions is makes sense in the context which it is used outside of the hilarious attempts at comparing estrogen in bean with estrogen in the human system. Maybe we should switch back to cuck. At least that made sense, and denotes the same kind of person.
Patrician choices are Sothis and Lysithea
Chugging onions. Based phone posting
>Assume makes an ass of you and me
Nice boomer platitude. It doesn't make an ass out of me at all, even if you aren't a tranny faggot for some reason you act just like one.
>"muh relativism "stop liking stuff I don't like!"
Could you tranny redditors be anymore obvious? You all hide behind this retarded cope. People have other words they call people who act retarded in different ways than you. You get called a tranny because that's what people see you as.
Again it's not meaningless insult like you wish it is WE ARE CALLING YOU A TRANNY BECAUSE YOU ARE ACTING LIKE A TRANNY YOU FAGGOT TRANNY
It really seems like this happens to you alot. I never get called a onions,cuck tranny etc and when I do it's always a pathetic response from some tranny like yourself after you get called one trying to show the words are meaningless.
the ""leaks"" said nothing about sothis except for the fact you can romance her
nice meme though
Really? What about the Greeks and Romans who were massive faggots but still valued family above almost all other things? You know, those guys who had absolutely massive ass empires?
Faggotry and a stable society aren't mutually exclusive, step outside of your echochamber sometime user.
lmao literal soiboy detected
>What about the Greeks and Romans who were massive faggots
Total meme. Greeks and Romans despised faggots and when faggotry became tolerated the empires collapsed.
I honestly believe you're just trolling now. I have done nothing but read your replies and see that you're not even trying. What is there to gain from this?
>haha i'm not salty at all m-mad you reply u mad?
Nobody gets angry on the internet you autistic retard, we are making fun of you. You think people actually laugh when they say lol? Imagine being such a loser you get bullied on an anonymous image board.
>turning a blind eye to spousal abuse, rape of children, animal cruelty and destruction of ancient heritage
you people are ruining the West, not trannies
>no u
fuck off tranny
It's out of laziness, not because they're woke.
If they desperately pander to fags, then why can't the teacher marry whoever he wants?
because they are too lazy to make that many supports obviously.
You probably didn’t check the last thread. There’s a lot of new information, including that.
Kek. Why be in denial about something so obvious?
Game is confirmed baby casual trash for toddlers.
Fucking ISIS are so braindead.
It's not dykes, it's straight dudes
You seem upset by facts.
I'm not surprised, Nintendo is always hesitant with degenerate shit but the fire emblem fanbase has always been filled with sissyfags. Serenes is sissyfag central. The series was originally fujoshit because it had charming guys and required no mechanical skill (japs correctly believed woman lacked the motor skills to play platformers and such) I'm just glad they went full gay after the series became shovelware.
That's fucking disturbing
Yeah no this is more of a waifu/husbando/politics shitflinging thread.
That said, I do implore you to visit an actual Three Houses thread if there is one later. A great gathering of fans and newcomers, plenty of gameplay and story discussion, information and clarification all around, fanart and memes galore, house bantz, and of course, plenty of hype. Be sure to swing by the Golden Deer. We would be delighted to serve you a piping hot cup or two of a rare, fine tea, courtesy of the Leicester Alliance's excellent traders and merchants, of course.
>nobody gets angry on the internet
Says the one who's been throwing a massive tantrum for the last half hour.
Imagine being such a faggot you white knight for fucking soi. Facts mean jack shit when every soichugger is a pre-cum baby faggot like yourself. it's a supra-natural reality.
Good taste
He's so sexy.
Based Golden Chad being the voice of reason in a shitty thread.
Maturity is calm acceptance to contemporary conditions right user?
I'm sorry people don't sperg out irl like you do when they make fun of disgusting people on the internet.
Literally go back. You'll have a much more pleasant internet experience away from 4channel. I don't know why you trannies keep coming here just to get shit on all day every day.
do you have anything better to do?
>facts mean jack shit
Lol ok you win
Can't wait to end divine imperial bloodlines with lesbian sex and dick jousting.
>inb4 mpreg or Edelgard manifesting a futadick through dragon energy or something
Disappointing. Maybe I'll Iron-Man it my first time through to get that difficulty, or maybe there'll be a house filled with shitters to compensate.
>Can't bear children
Marriage is meaningless without kids, no thanks
>haha soi doesn't actually increase estrogen!!
>why yes I love onions and have transitioned. My hobbies include going to the gloryhole and drinking bleach, how could you tell?
>Facts mean jack shit
but isn't /pol/ supposed to be built on FACTS and LOGIC?
Nintendo devs makes games shit on purpose because nintenbabies have shit taste. Pokemon isn't bad because gamefreak is lazy and incompetent but because they know the players want a bad game. Same goes for why mario odyssey's moon "puzzles" solve themselves.
Begone faggot, and you faggot lovers too. Fire Emblem isn’t a gay dating simulator like persona, get your degenerate relationships out.
>think I get to /u/ it up with Camilla
>it's only Tharbage
Good shit.
I can have my Teacher age/gap yuri with Dorethea at least. I'll play Male MC later for Bernadetta.
So the game is so bad they just gotta make it more gay and it will sell
>Wanting kids in a marriage translates to autism
The literal purpose of it is to seal the deal in a celebratory manner, otherwise is dumb to bound yourself to someone that you might get tired of several years later and lose half your stuff to
>isn't /pol/ built on the catchphrase of a literal jew and faggots like milo?
Probably. /pol/ has been dead for years and is the new Yea Forums yet it's constantly raided by libtards and discord trannys who can't tell the difference. It's a great containment board for them
The 5 year timeskip ruins everything
lol so new "leaks" and "Infomation" choose one wow I can make up new leaks suddenly you going to claim they're true too? Why do I care about leaks today? It's impossible to be proven true this fast like the other leaks correctly predicted some of the new info we got confirming the rest of the leaks
nice b8 though fag
>implying seeing the teenager you groomed grow up isn't the best part.
They are too dumb to realize that having every male/female (or not every) support end in sex greatly limits what you can actually do with the story and character interactions. Not that ISIS actually gives a shit about the plot and writing anymore anyway.
This game has Echoes' director, it has nothing to do with Fates. I don't know why he's failing upwards, or why IS is promoting art directions after that completely fucked over Paper Mario though.
Still, it's not surprising. Considering the high degree of customization, the developers likely can't know how much power the player's characters are when designing the stages, and they won't design something that could completely break their progress and force a reset of the campaign.
No seeing the cunny you groomed is, now she's too old
>increase estrogen
Do you think onions increases human estrogen in the body?
So this game is basically persona right?
My hype is all gone now that it confirmed the game is very easy. They literally just want this to be a VN for incels.
for starters that's not how marriage in real life works or why people get married
secondly, women cant pop out a battle-ready kid in a 3-5 year timespan and no one wants future kids
I swear the degenerates on this site makes me wonder why they obsess over romance in video games when they don't know the basics of having a girlfriend/wife in real life
>nu emblem
kill yourself
so do these twitteral whos have any proof backing up their claims ?
I wish I could kill every single deviant out there. Ruined this game for no reason.
>secondly, women cant pop out a battle-ready kid in a 3-5 year timespan and no one wants future kids
I mean, they easily could have made the timeskip longer to support a second generation if we are getting one in the first place.
Sylvain is for being your big brother and that is it, you will not wed him, regardless of whether you're a boy or a girl. That said thanks for the fanart, it's so difficult to find anything...
>can't S-Rank any of the shotas as M!Byleth
I'm upset, but it's quite alright. I'll have Miss Byleth take very good care of them. c:
Huh, I was under the impression Byleth wasn't much older than most of the students at the monastery, or really at all even. Outside of that Lysithea and Cyril, I thought Byleth and most of the students were in their late teens or early twenties.
There isn't anything better than the forbidden romance between an older girl and a younger girl under her wing, then have the dynamics slowly shift as the younger girl manifests into a more mature, self-actualized adult
Why the fuck would you want to make more autistic kids that spend all day shitposting here?
They can't be desperate to pander if they are also lazy. When you're desperate, you'll do anything you can. They would be willing to write whatever they needed too.
Ok, sure. I don’t know why you get all defensive about it anyway.
Can i marry cunnydragon?
You can lesbian marry her.
Because the literal point to having a girlfriend is to find affection for them and share enough experiences with them UNTIL you're ready to marry them and having kids later on
Yes some people can make it work without children, but most people arent John Cena no matter how much them and their partner believe they can do it
This, I don't get why no one sees this as an option when FE4/5 did it before
>Dimitri is the only lord that isn't gay
Based. Blue Lionchads is truly the best house.
I don't mind her age gap yuri my MC.
>that pic
He deserves better than the ugly female version of the main character, though. There are plenty of other nice looking girls to pair him with.
If noodle boy wants the titty sensei I will give him what he wants.
No one bas even gotten to the timeskip yet, we have no clue if it’ll be ramped up there or not
Can I marry cunny
It's only easy on normal, with a classic difficulty setting that seems to get rid of stuff like the turn rewind
You can, but after the timeskip like everybody else, and she gets a grown up form.
>tells me to go back
>uses their typing style
There's someone claiming that Hard is 'easier than normal for the series', here:
Although I'm curious what games they're basing this off of since FE games have extremely varying levels of difficulty for their Hard modes.
>i'm a fucking retard who can't tell the difference between reddit spacing and a paragraph
Protip: look for people who do a space after the >>
It's not real desire. It's just IS forcing the prominent characters to want to be with the main character no matter how horrible it is just like how everyone wanted to be with Corrin in Fates. He should have someone better.
>Gay options were few and far between before
>Remove child mechanics, and main reason to have everybody be straight for better stat units
>Now gay options everywhere
I am suddenly reminded of the Monkey paw threads where anons asked to get rid of the child mechanic now.
>change genders is probably entry level magic
Yes and no. You can, but not in her cunny form.
Still just 3 + 2 based on the supposed twitter reports.
Awakening and Fates had body swapping as low level spells used in supports, but then never made an actual plot point with that in spite of how terrifying it could be.
I immediately killed off all the fags in fates and echoes. Gonna be fun to do the same in three houses.
>>>>>>bara tiddies
Can't wait for punished Dimitri
To be fair though, Awakening is probably the first title where they really explored what magic could do outside of being a glorified elemental gun/bomb or some bizarrely contrived plot point like that blood contract shit from RD.
Besides the bodyswapping, they'd play around with using it for cooking or other inane applications like giving someone a runny nose.
Besides, bodyswapping is neat and all but this is a series that regularly whips out "oh yeah some evil mage dude was behind everything" like it's a standard part of the set list.
Miriel starts fucking around with gunpowder in her supports. I think that honestly has way bigger implications for the Fire Emblem universe.
>but this is a series that regularly whips out "oh yeah some evil mage dude was behind everything"
More like main villain was an evil dragon all along or was under mind control of said evil dragon.
Nah the evil mage dude was working on behalf of evil dragon.
Yeah I doubt it'll be anything much lol. Having everyone be able to romance anyone, or at least be into Byleth regardless of their gender, wouldn't be very tasteful imo, and this is coming from someone that's hoping for same-sex pairings with Byleth. I could probably see something like Edelgard, Sothis, and another girl for Lady Byleth, and Claude or Dimitri along with another boy for Male Byleth.
On an irrelevant side note, I'm curious as to what that artist would think if they happened across an actual bara-built character. Chrom and Niles/Zero are toned for sure, but definitely not anywhere near bara levels.
>still crying
Don't you have more important things to do with your life than playing holy crusader on Yea Forums?
Yeah, a whole six/seven is really "everywhere", with most of them being lesbian because people who scream and fart about how much they hate the gay are perfectly fine with two women scissoring.
I find it hilarious how people portray Corrin as hating Camilla, projecting themselves into him.
>s-top disliking things I like! get a life and stop posting on Yea Forums like me!
Do you not know what multitasking is? It takes me all of 10 seconds to make a 4channel post.
>lol it's easy by series standards, it only took me 20 resets to beat the first level instead of 100
>girl gamer
yeah nah
of course the game will naturally be easier than previous installments since they have a feature that lets you literally go back as many turns as you want. Even if the maps were Conquest chapter 20 tier, the whole thing would be seen as much easier if you can just go back a few turns if you don't like the results
Who knows? I've watched the Japanese and English trailers and the localization seems pretty good, but they're just tiny bits of a long game, so yeah who knows.
pathetic shill attempt
how is that shilling, I'm just saying that difficulty in an FE game is random, what can be considered easy is different across each game. Like I can say i beat Conquest chapter 10 first go while chapter 20 took me 15 tries which suggests that 10 was easier, but I don't know if I would say it was.
1000 year old adult dragon lady mistress x young female teacher.
Thank you based nintendo.
You're still wasting it screaming about something that affects you not in the slightest.
>furry in the comments saying Radiant Dawn was easy
What do you get for lying? What did you win?
Realistically RD's difficulty is just a bit of a mess. It jumps from Hard to Easy quite frequently once you get past the Dawn Brigade.
I wonder whos behind this post
What does that meme have to do with anything?
>hey a series you like is fag pandering dogshit now
>it doesn't affect you!!!!
Nect yourself tranny. Again I'm just glad only tranny spergs still play fire emblem and the garbage isn't been normalized for children.
You can do that easily if you copy/paste the dialogues ignoring mc gender
Where did you hear this from user
Nobody's forcing you to gay-marry your character, bitchbaby.
>says literal tranny faggot
The supports are part of the story retard. It's either objectively bad game design where they don't give a fuck about characterization or the game is filled with literal faggots who will fag the game up. If i actually bothered to play the game i would just kill all the fags off when i recruit them because they only drag the game down.
>nobody's forcing an agenda on you, fucking bigots!
Uh huh.
>no gay characters, just bi ones
>more options for more people
>other people having options is pushing an agenda on you
>the mere existence of thing ruins my entire sense of being, i literally cannot stop obsessing over it day and night, my entire self is dedicated to nonstop screaming about thing
Christ, imagine living a life like this. I'm glad I'm not this autistic.
>having optional options = "forcing agendas"
Hard to say.
I would hope that if enough people complained about ease, then IS might patch in a higher difficulty option.
Alternately, it might have to do with the gameplay changes and IS doesn't know what high-end difficulty looks like yet
It's something he hates, of course he thinks he's being forced to do it because people like him only think with their anger.
>I'm glad I'm not this autistic.
>haha they aren't enlightened rational centrists like us tranny faggots!
>everyone who disagrees with me is my favorite buzzword! if I throw it around everywhere then i'll win everything! praise me mommy i do good!
Both of you need to leave.
Why should I leave? I've discussed the game. That sperg has spent the entire thread shitting himself for attention.
You're both spergs, and both of you have been shitting up the thread for attention.
radical centrist detected
>everyone who disagrees with me is my favorite buzzword!
You give off the impression of being a tranny and a homosexual, it's embarrassing if you aren't because you act the same. Because you are a tranny fag-enabler, you don't understand that being a tranny faggot affects your world view in more ways than larping as a woman or engaging in gay sex.
You are so desperate to believe it's a meaningless buzzword and not a sincere label because you can't cope with the fact you give people the impression you are a transvestite or a homosexual.
All is jaundiced to the yellow eye
>how dare you shit up a thread about fag pandering in fire emblem by discussing fag pandering in fire emblem
Go back to your safe space smash circle jerk
So, because I'm not shitting myself into a faggot frenzy over the mere existence of gay people and don't give a rat's ass that you can bi-marry in a video game, I "give off the impression I'm a homosexual transsexual"? Why would I want to act like you just to "fit in"?
It's a game late. I wanted Keaton to be my husband but had to settle for Niles instead.
I wouldn’t say hating. More like how IJ his C and B Support, he’s trying to avoid Camilla’s amorous advances that are borderline incest.
Only worthwhile post in this thread.
don't you have an FFXIV thread to RP in?
Take all pro/anti fag/tranny talk their, and keep it there, please.
I hope we still get einherjar cards of all our favorite characters from past games to play with even if they might have to be DLC.
>just because I defend faggots and every libtard ideology they stand for you think i'm a tranny faggot wtf????
> I will defend trannies and fags(aka myself) even if everyone on the internet makes fun of me for it!! Being gay is more important than fitting in!!
You fit in just fine on nu/v/. this place is infested with tranny fag-enablers like yourself. It's always so pathetic when you faggots try to hide being some butchered lolbertardian ideology to defend fag pandering.
>this safespace centrist again
Go post in a fire emblem thread not about fag pandering retard. You're the one who doesn't belong.
Why is Hufflepuff house guy upside down like he’s supposed to be a joke character?
he has spent more time with her than hoshido so he really see her as family it makes sense
They're not related by blood, it's not incest
>you don't champion the destruction and death of all that makes us rage, you are the very enemy we fight!
Sure thing, Anakin, you're late to your younglings-killing.
Why do you fags have to frame everything though a pop-culture lens to understand it. "omg just like harry potter!"
I cannot possibly give a shit about extra options being added to a single player game. They'd have to try to force you to do it like in Dragon Age 2 for it to be worth getting upset about.
>If you're not with me, then you're my enemy!
Seems fitting. Why does everything under the sun make you shit yourself in a blind frothing rage?
>why do you dislike things I base my identity around wtf?!?
Of course your enemies are your enemies you retarded tranny faggot.
>"wow you don't like me because I support things you don't want in video games you would otherwise enjoy????"
You're also a retard literally making an " only a sith deals in absolutes!" argument, and because I think very little of your intelligence, i'll explain that "only a sith..." is an absolute.
Why are you ASSuming I "base my identity around" whatever it is you're shitting yourself over? Is that the only way you can argue, see anyone who disagrees with you as your worst enemy?
If it’s not made into some big political statement then I’m in. I’m all for gay romance options in games as long as they’re treated respectfully and normally.
This doesn’t stop Three Houses from being obvious weeb/otaku baiting garbage that won’t scratch my fantasy/medieval strategy itch like GBA Emblem did.
I don't want many things in video games, but unlike you I don't go on Yea Forums crusades screeching nonstop about something that affects me not in the slightest way. I'm happy that you have nothing more important in your life to worry about, like a job and taxes and groceries and car payments etc that you have plenty of time to complain nonstop on Yea Forums, but it's a really sad waste of that extra time.
“Bro you spent your whole entire life with me believing we were family but our mom and dad aren’t the same let’s fuck”
I don’t think anyone in their right mind would want this. If you do, your mind isn’t right.
To be fair if it was Camilla I'd fucking take that without a second doubt.
>I support tranny and fag pandering in games but it's not important to me! honest!
You are a tranny faggot or as i've said time and time again, even worse a tranny faggot enabler who worships them as the natural aristocracy.
>haha ass out of you and me, why assume I defend tranny shit in fire emblem just because I defend tranny shit in fire emblem!
I want you fucking dead, based purely on your posts in this thread alone. Idk why you're being such a pathetic beta and trying to convince me I don't actually think you're a total faggot, instead of just not being such a total faggot.
Because straights find it hotter
Is there a more whiny fanbase on Yea Forums than Fire Emblem fags?
>it doesn't affect me!
fuck off retard. Literally too dumb to think game design doesn't affect individual enjoyment of a game.
>haha get a life you post on Yea Forums!
T. user who posts on Yea Forums
also what kind of fucking poorfag worries about groceries or car payments? It sounds like you're a kid trying to guess at what grown ups worry about.
How is my mind "not right" if I want to fuck a person who isn't my blood relative?
>you don't hate what I hate, you are my enemy!
Christ, you're as bad as ACfag with your self-parroting garbage.
So there are 4 fucking levels of classes?
I guess the idea is that since she was raised as your sister, it's kind of like you're straight up fucking your sister since that's how you've always known them. It'd be like if you were adopted and tried to fuck one of your adoptive family members, not technically incest, but still kind of strange.
>hurr adults never worry about anything, life is utopia!
Funny how you project your own naivety and stupidity on me.
>it doesn't affect me!
That's right, who fictional non-existent characters made of computer code fuck has no affect on you or the real world.
5 if you count the unique section.
Sometime worrying is just remembering to do it or remembering all the shit that it includes
Creates an interesting style of progression
If you have a fantasy/medieval strategy itch then play Genealogy and Thracia.
>I didn't remember to buy fucking food to feed myself
>I didn't remember to do my automated car payment
he obviously intended to give off the impression that the average person is so destitute they worry about making ends meat all the time, because he thinks like a sentimental commie libtard. Even stuff like worrying about work was based on an impression you could be cut at any moment and taxes costing you too much. His whole comment of being a "successful adult with a life" was ironically though the lens of a fucking failure who is struggling to get by.
Amen, bro. What are fucking faggots doing in Yea Forums?
>Emulation of nintendo game in 2019
Alright, gimme a link to a good translation that isn’t a virus.
I’ll wait.
/feg/ has a compilation with translation patches that work
Can I be a slut in this game?
Nobody cares you fucking moron. If you are so fucking efficient with your time the fuck are you doing here then? F a g g o t. I'm pretty sure you've nothing going on with your life.
I can corroborate that you act as a fucking faggot. Now get the fuck out of here, you fucking faggot. Go and suck off dick, you may like it.
Why should I care about that if nobody's worth marrying?
Gays don't need an S rank to have gay sex. They are disgusting faggots who can't form meaningful relationships. You probably have an option to ask to fuck their ass at C rank.
Yes, that trait is definitely exclusive to gays. Straight people would never fuck and then fuck off. They're too pure.
no offense but can I get a non biased website?
"straights" that act like whores and whoremongers have the spirit of a homosexual, you disgusting homosexual. All those people who are "scared" of having kids have the same phenomenology as a homosexual as a result of constant libertine propaganda as fags are very good consumers who are easily controlled by their passions. You know why idealized worlds like video games never have this shit happen? it's because it's an obvious anathema to everyone and doesn't make for a compelling world and only mentally inept, spiritually dead and morally retarded reprobates like yourself think it's an acceptable norm.
I'm surprised even libtards still defend gays when that faggot Foucault made his famous "deal with the devil" which was essentially that the left won't criticize modernistic economic system so long as you give us unlimited sexual libertinism.
>game is about Dmitri conquering the other decadent houses run by a gay nigger and slutty woman
Maybe it won't be so bad
>have the spirit of a homosexual
Stopped reading there. Maybe take your head out of your ass and stop acting as if your sexuality is any better than everyone else just because it's natural. They've all got shit heads.
> just because it's natural
My sexuality is superior to yours because your sexuality is literally emblematic of death. I produce life and make the world go round, you preform unnatural acts and disappear forever. Humanity can exist without homosexuals, it literally can't go on with faggots. How is my sexuality not objectively superior?
So is he actually gay or is it just wishful thinking?
>needing more people
fucking based
>being retarded
Lets all just be gay and stop reproducing and die off in 100 years. Overpopulation (which is a meme) has nothing to do with the principle of life not being able to continue without heterosexuals for a century while being just fine without any faggots forever.
Why are you tranny faggots so stupid?
Wow. Good thing I was never excited for this dumpster fire of a game.
can I marry the womanizer guy?
awesome if true
Wishful thinking. Some literally who reviewer had the hot for him and acted like he was gay but later confirmed he just playing around. And other people think he's gay because he acts like a gay stereotype.
Which one?
As a girl.
We are truly blessed that every game that pushes a gay agenda looks like total dogshit in the first place. It's probably because any dev team that implements this is full of hacks in the first place.
be ready for dialogues that feel completely impersonal and neutral since they're going to be cookie-cuttered to fit both genders now
the worst part about that fucking article is how they're making it sound like fire emblem is only now captivating because of homo shit. I've always enjoyed the games and fucking awakening and fates brought in a bunch of mainstream band wagoners to fuck up my favorite series.
It was inevitable. You can't gatekeep a community when the most active fanbase (serene) was always filled with sissyfags. The core fans who just played the games and didn't post on forums weren't an actual community with a voice besides sales. The old games will always exist, the goal now is to just get the series get cancelled so it stops desecrating the memory.
Does it have bara characters tho?
You mean more "masculine"? Alois, Dedue, Seteth, and Raphael fit that criteria, I think.
>Fates' writers make sure the bisexual characters have different dialogues with the male and female protagonists to be more realistic and believable, Niles is expecting the male MC to be straight and to reject him, Rahjat is worried she and the female protagonist will be negatively judged by society and says she's in love with her
>woke Amercian localisation removes this and make these characters more one dimensional by removing all explicit mentions that they're not straight, they're just married and in love but not as relatable as they should have been
>but the "gurls are kawaii uwu" character who is a straight girl suddenly becomes a lesbian in her American supports
>fans who loved Rahjat before the localisation because she was a nice, shy and socially awkward girl were all disappointed that she became an annoying stupid stalker again because muh Tharja memes
nice, can I date them?
Some of them, as the female player.
As a girl.
Most living things especially humans have this inborn ability that when raised together with siblings even if they are not blood related are geared towards not being sexually attracted to them. It’s a instinctual fail safe to prevent inbreeding. If you don’t have the mental capacity to comprehend such a taboo, that means you are fully capable of doing it with your own blood related siblings too. It is a mental illness.
Camilla’s yandere-incest undertones come from her mother complex to take care of Kamui due to the emotional abuse from her mother. The only reason why most in the fandom give her a free pass for her insanity is because she’s a hot tart that is devoted to you and ticks of their fetishes and fantasies. In real life most people will find such behavior disturbing at best.
>Literal censorship bypassed
Dropped. We'll never move pass this shit after the Wii U days at this point.
Probably. We don't really know yet.
That was 90% of supports in fateswakening desu.
That's retarded, but the shitty school simulator, anyone can be anything bullshit prior to the actual game starting at a time skip is what's stopping me from buying this.
That IS the only reason it's captivating to the faggots now. These people don't play or buy video games. They just see them as a vector for spreading their sociopolitical views. Once that's accomplished and the fans hate what the fags turn the series into, the fags happily leave without playing the game and move on to the next thing to ruin.
>he actually thinks that fujoshit do not play FE
not everybody is a SJW user. I want gay romances because they make my pussy wet.
Fooling no one sjw tranny
Please don’t kill you self. Your parents love you despite what you have done to your body.
yeah ok
Even some artists in FEH are fujoshi who got famous by drawing BL or working on BL visual novels. Like Kumiko Suekane or Yura. Fujos are an interesting market in Japan because they're working women with a disposable income and they love buying games and merchs like there's no tomorrow.
Yeah, isn't the main artist for 3H the woman who designed Utapri's characters?
The tranny is right though. The game was made for japanese fujos.
Because two girls are hot and two guys are anything but.
I have a fetish with bisexuality, so I love it.
Not just utapri, and while she designed the characters and did all the promotional art she never did the art in the games themselves. She's the artist for Togainu no Chi and Lamento and they're both classic BL visual novels. She likes BL in general too, so working on these visual novels isn't something she accepted for money and that she's trying to swipe under the rug. She did the art for the Japanese translation of the Captive Prince trilogy recently which is basically gay Game of Throne and she was posting about it on twitter, and about how much she missed drawing guys buttfucking each other (not worded like that but you get the idea).
they better make them available for men
girls prefer delicate anime boys anyway