Why was this allowed?

Why was this allowed?

Attached: tnt27.gif (1055x768, 23K)

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Because it's good.

This is extremely familiar but I can't recall what the fuck it is.

Reminds me of a doom automap

t. sandy

TNT map 27.

Attached: 1477223493969.jpg (480x333, 56K)

Hey Barrels O' Fun is good.

Best tnt level

That's not Metal

Attached: Archvile_sprite.png (158x200, 8K)

But what is the best Plutonia level?

Attached: 1462758912035.gif (2997x2000, 2.74M)

Fucking none of them.

What's wrong with it? I don't remember being frustrated as much as the one filled with chiangunners and very little cover.

Go 2 it

It was basically Slaughterwads before slaughterwads.


How hard would Hunted be if archviles could rez archviles?

Attached: 1335358824568.gif (200x200, 10K)

>doesn't move

I still haven't finished plutonia

hello i am japan
quite frankly i want to become a doom enemy
which one should I choose?

Attached: 1335358992732.jpg (300x174, 73K)

lol @ that chaingunner