Why was this allowed?
Why was this allowed?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because it's good.
This is extremely familiar but I can't recall what the fuck it is.
Reminds me of a doom automap
t. sandy
TNT map 27.
Hey Barrels O' Fun is good.
Best tnt level
That's not Metal
But what is the best Plutonia level?
Fucking none of them.
What's wrong with it? I don't remember being frustrated as much as the one filled with chiangunners and very little cover.
Go 2 it
It was basically Slaughterwads before slaughterwads.
How hard would Hunted be if archviles could rez archviles?
>doesn't move
I still haven't finished plutonia
hello i am japan
quite frankly i want to become a doom enemy
which one should I choose?
lol @ that chaingunner