Do you still main it or was it fotm?

Do you still main it or was it fotm?

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FOTM all the way. Plant is complete garbage, pretty much the weakest newcomer in the game and they had to try REAL hard to achieve that considering K. Rool exists.

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plant is so weird. probably has the 3rd best recovery in the game and its weakest matchup is fucking little mac

when I play the game, he and Ridley are my go-to. Considering I dont hate the shower tho, I dont play the game non-stop so this is just the oppinion who plays for fun

A "joke" that was never funny
Good thing that he is bottom tier

>grinchies STILL assblasted even after daddy bought them their teddy bear

I still secondary it. It’s really fun to play as.

Imagine unironically being a rosterfag

I love him. Not a main but very fun to mess around with

I don't main him, but he is a worthy addition to the roster. Fuck the roster fags who think he is a "wasted slot" or that he doesn't deserve to be in, especially when we got complete bullshit like Chrom added in.

He is a novelty character like duckhunt or ROB, it is great because this is the only time people have ever been able to play as plant outside of Petey in party games. Plant has a unique moveset and some really good tools like poison and the spike ball. I was hyped from the first reveal and people who weren't don't care about getting new unique characters into smash bros.


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Fuck Geno

I think it's very slept on. It has great buttons and very powerful specials. His cloud corrodes shields very quickly and makes it's pressure really risky to shake off. It's side B can function as a soft counter and the spike ball makes approaching it quite difficult, given the fact that it can kill. It has good buttons to boot.

During plants reveal trailer I though it was Steve lol

Plant has 5x more creativity in its design and playstyle than The Hero

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I agree in that I was disappointed to see a link moveset, but I love dragon quest and it looks like the RPG system will effectively give him 16 special moves and shitloads of utility, way more interesting than "I throw boomerang and charge my arrow"

Use it as a troll-y secondary

fotm and proof why meme characters shouldn't be in smash.

>He is a novelty character like duckhunt or ROB,
No he's not

Great character and I'm glad he's in, he's just shitty to play

>Pretending to like a terrible addition just to be contrarian
It takes them fucking MONTHS to produce actual DLC and you're happy the first one was spent on this gimmick shit?

i don't think he's appropriate for smash but considering that we already had garbage like incineroar and fifty marth clones i guess it doesn't really matter.

Sakurai compared him to them in an interview, right after saying he doesn't go for element of surprise too.

Im still suprised people think the DLC will get any unique shit aside from the B-Specials.
Havent you guys seen Joker? Every non-B-Special is recycled from others, atleast from what I saw online. Maybe its not 100%, but certainly above 50%
Considering Joker was recycled garbage, yes. I prefer the Plant.

>low tier character
>still have some trouble beating plant
It’s probably cause I barely see anyone play them, but it’s still a bit embarrassing
I would’ve loved to see the sandbag be the joke character since he seems like a familiar face in smash, but I understand why plant made it in instead.

Plant is unique. The DLC is all shit so far.

i have a way of dealing with contrarian faggots where i come from
i shoot them

This is your average plantfag

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I love plant and I made that post, but how is playing as plant not a novelty? It would be a novelty in a mario game it's a novelty in smash. IIRC there aren't even any in Odyssey for you to mind control they didn't even want piranha in that game. I may be misremembering that, though.

>non b special
I don't know what you mean by this, by definition all specials use B button or whatever you mapped it to. I can only guess you mean his Neutral? yes, his side special is just elfire with DoT, yes he has a counter/reflect like many other characters on the roster

how are his standard moves not unique? his animations don't look anything like anyone else's, no one else fights with a dagger. Burden of proof is on you, show us some webms that show side by side how his standard moves look like someone else's
From what I have seen banjo doesn't look like he plays like any of the other characters. Plant is also dlc even if he is not in fighter pass an dhe was unique as well. DQ having link moves is the only DLC character so far that isn't completely unique.

>this is your average banjoke

It was always FOTM.

Those characters represented more than just a novelty though

Was thinking of maining him at first, but he just doesn't cut it as well as my existing mains do. Still a fun character to pull out often regardless, and it's cute. ignore the B-special ones, all the neutral shit shown is copy and paste

not cringe at all. Just a silly pose of a forced, shocked expression. The only cringe in the picture are all these funko pops and the lack of a clean room

Im gonna play it when they fix the z-axis